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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I just use Wordpress for a blogging software, it's very well made and has a lot of plugins and is always under update with new versions coming out, easy to upgrade..I know a lot of whom, who made wordpress their own custom cms and are using it as a core to run different sites and services. :PI don't like joomla because how huge it is and I browsed it's code for some time, nothing special, the core is old, it does a lot of unesecery things and usually might be slow on sites having lots and lots of traffic, but yes, it's big, it has million of modules which is bad for me, because until I find one which suits me, there are over 20 shopping cart modules for it..There are much simpler php cms software out there
  2. I like PHP, but even much more I like my CMS, when you know how it works and most of things are done and when you add something, you create a class or use existing classes and get a result quite easy..It's not the same as with Zend framework, unless you work with it a lot and know a lot about it, but I sometimes don't like using other software written in PHP because of the lack of knowledge, but of course if someone pays for it, you need to do it.The really annoying thing for me with PHP is to fix or add something to some kind of PHP application written by somebody, sometimes the code is good, usually it's a mess of horrible code you get a headache from
  3. I also recommend to try out http://www.w3schools.com/ - because it seems to be quite understandable for newbies to php and other things related to it,those tutorials are simple and educational, everything in one place for a newbie.
  4. Well, maybe it's due to the medicine they are taking? or something like that..I just read on news I read, that she might of died for the same reason Micheal Jackson maybe died, even though I never into all those celebrities to much, but it seems that she was using the same medicine as MJ and died from a heart attack?It's strange for me that people use medicine to make them relaxed and etc.
  5. to add my two cents to the topic, even though javascript saves bandwidth by validating forms in html and leaves less work for php on the server, but remember that you also loose bandwidth and performance by outputting that javascript too but in overall I guess it's still a better practice, to use both at these times, there are plenty sites which has only javascript validation which is really stupid. :PYou output lots of javascript code to the browser to every user, which doesn't do anything if lets say 88% of users always fill the form in the right way without any errors..
  6. My first system was an Atari 2600, here is the link to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_2600 But at the same time my brother had a ZX Spectrum 48kb later 128kb, it had a keyboard and etc. I remember a lot of games we played on it Later we got an Amiga 500+ and a year later an Amiga 1200 with a hard disk drive and etc. it was something very good at my country at those years, when everyone played with NES
  7. I personally don't want google chrome browser to be with more plugins and features, I prefer it to be as simple as possible and fast and of course secure, because of the way I'm using my browsers.I use Google chrome as my default browser, whenever I open link on IRC, Skype or anywhere in a program or some installers open a page, it's viewed in google chrome, all those *BLEEP* links go to chrome, they open fast and I can view them, usually youtube links and etc. I later just clear cookies and everything, as the links I like I bookmark them on Opera.Opera is my main browser, It has saved passwords, cookies and opened tabs for sites I visit occasionally, in this way it doesn't get full of those chat links and everything is clean.So if google chrome will get more features it will definitely become slower, as I doubt it's GUI can be optimized so much as Opera, just that webkit needs to work well.Anyone knows any difference between Safari for Windows and Google chrome? When Safari changed their GUI more suitable for Windows it has become much better.
  8. I also switched to Windows 7 from Vista this month, was using Vista for over a year and I can say that I like Windows 7, some things were needed to be hacked with the registry and etc. like things in navigation pan, I really don't need the Homegroup or Libraries, which I removed by editing the registry and they were gone, I thought I wouldn't like the new taskbar, but got used to it and it's much easier and better for me to use.It's in fact is a better version of Vista, and it's good that Vista was in the market, personally I wouldn't like to use an OS which was made in year 2001 when it was 2008..
  9. I used to smoke a lot, but for 2 and a half years now I don't smoke at all, it really stinks for me now, I can't understand how I used to smoke.. Now when someone smokes I can't be in the same place for a long time, maybe the cigarettes has changed and are much worse? Also cigarettes price in my country have risen about 3 times.. maybe even 4 times, depending on the cigarettes, even though I heard from my friends that they can get illegal cigarettes quite cheap :PBefore those two years, I usually just smoke when I was drinking beer or something similar, now even when I'm drunk I don't smoke and don't even want to smoke, so I'm happy with myself, I can breath some air into my lungs much better and in the morning I feel really good, not like in the past when it felt that something is not right inside :PMaybe I just got bored of smoking? I started at really young age..
  10. Well, to add my two cents about the torrent sites, it's the people who are putting stuff on a tracker and are seeding them is the most important, when a tracker dies or something like that, those people don't die, they just move somewhere else, so I doubt it's something serious, even though I use to use mininova to download tv series they don't show in my country, they don't sell on DVD and they call my a pirate?Besides I don't watch TV, as I learn in university, I work and only when I have some spear time, I can turn on and watch the movie or an episode without any commercials and with the capability to do a pause whenever I want, I don't like the fact that tv series and movies are so important to make them illegal, even though I know that it costs money to create them.. But if I go to cinema twice a year, it doesn't mean I will go three times a year if I won't be able to watch it on my computer, I just will find something else to do. :PIt's a pity mininova bites the dust, it was a good tracker.
  11. I agree that norton or kaspersky would be slow on such machine, usually ESET advertise that their antivirus is lightweight, but I think for an old computer you need to use an older version to work normally, same as using a browser, new browsers work faster on new computers, so if you have an old computer you need to use older browser version as it doesn't take so much new resources and doesn't use new hardware technologies, but I guess it needs to be tested..I personally use Security Essentials and it's free and lightweight, doesn't annoy me and seems to work well, even though it's from Microsoft, but it's good.
  12. It's best to use standards, to make your site look alright on different browsers, the only problem for me for the past years was IE6 and IE7, other minor things between incompatibilities from other browsers are usually fixed that by using a bit different "right" method to do it.Also reseting the margins and etc. fin a css file usually helps a lot to make a page much more cross browser, it's not necessary to reset all the elements, only the ones you're using, so some people use * {..} but I don't think it's a good idea, even though it works, it's just better to write at top: div,table,.. {..}
  13. It's really sad then a young person like she dies, I don't think anyone ever thought about that, 32 years is an age you should live, but not die..
  14. I think that real depression can make people learn much worse, also it effects a lot of other different works, like housework, job and even more minor things, because you can't consternate to the subject you're doing.Of course, there are a lot of people, who use the word depression there it isn't necessary, as if it comes and goes in a day, but usually the side effects of such "depression" are similar, just not long lasting.
  15. I can say that the best is ESET Smart Security, but it's not free, but it's good for public computers.For a home user, I used to use Avast, AVG, Avira - it's really crap, even though does something, one which I found better for spyware is super antispyware.But if you really want free antivirus for Windows, try Microsoft Security Essentials. Even though it has microsoft in it, but it really is good, I'm using it for 3 months now, and it simple, works well and is light, just what most users need, it's free for some time now.Beware, that if you want to use it, you need to have legal copy of Windows.
  16. I'm using Gmail for a long time, I thought it really is great, but even though in my opinion it could be better on some things like spam filter control and I wanted to send a file with some PDFs and it seems that an email in gmail has a limit of 7 MB or something like that, in all those years I got knowledge about that limit only a month ago, how do you like that? I think it really sucks, that such a limit exists, I needed to send separate emails..Of course I know why such a limit is necessary, but for some accounts like mine, who use gmail everyday and doesn't do anything bad, could be let a bigger limit, and people like in this topic who are trying for no reason to send 600 MB 100 emails..
  17. For some years now, I have a logitech 5.1 sound system for my computer, and it's really good, 5.1 is enough for me, I think 7.1 or something would be just to much and I don't think I would feel any difference in my home room..But when I bought my laptop, it seems that it only has stereo output, so I used that 5.1 with only subwoofer and 2 speakers, but I bought an external usb card which you can put into an usb slot, install drivers and use 5.1 on a laptop, it has a remote control, with the drivers you can also control windows applications and etc. The sound is much better from my laptop with external sound car than it was with my desktop.I'm using Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 from Creative, even though at start it wasn't really great, some driver problems on Vista, but after the fix there were no problems.For some time now, I see that laptops are having 5.1 internally, but I wonder what is the power and other capabilities of it?
  18. I personally code using PHP Designer, but it's not free.I used to use Notepad++, but somehow I like Notepad2 much more, as it is more simple, of course with less features, but most of it is enough, using a paid alternative like PHP Designer, the live PHP syntax and etc. is really convenient
  19. Frames were great in the days servers weren't so popular and a lot of people did not have server side languages, cgi and etc. they couldn't use shtml to include something, so everything was done with html, using frames you could have a header, a menu and the content, otherwise you needed to have the same menu and header in all yout html files, so when changing something in menu, you needed to go all over the pages to fix it, later to check every page if you fixed it, so frames were something wonderful for an average guy having a site with no access to shtml and c, now when everyone can get a host with php, mysql, asp and ruby and etc. for free, they can avoid using those ugly frames, which usually were annoying, when opening links in different window or tab, you always were loosing the menu and header. Also, on search engines, you couldn't index everything normally..So frames Today are pointless, same as in html font tag, center tag and etc. are pointless, there is no need for them anymore, things are getting much more perfect and better, even though still with lots of problems.
  20. I used to use Linux a lot in the past, but for several years now, I don't even have it installed as dual boot, nor in a virtual machine. For some weeks now I'm using Windows7 with which I'm quite satisfied, as I usually just need free/open source software, which windows has a lot, everything seems to be ok and I just don't bother to use Linux anymore as I used to, everything in my work is with windows, so dual booting is also is annoying, especially when I got my laptop and usually just put windows to sleep.Even though my brother continues to use Linux, he never needed to move to windows, I started to use Windows just because of my studies, which required it and I just used it less and less. Another thing, that in university you get windows for free, also when I bought my laptop, I needed to pay for windows, they didn't want to sell it for me with linux, even if I already had it, oh well.
  21. Well, I think rapidshare won't be as popular as it used to be after this, for non premium users it really got a headache with all those waiting for download and later when you wait, it says that your IP is downloading something, when I know that my IP is not downloading anything and I'm the only person using it..Well, I don't really download to much stuff, but still I prefer a better service, than a bad service.
  22. As I started with HTML in those times, when everyone were using font tags and center tags, b and were putting background images in tables and css wasn't so much popular at those days, so not much tutorials, but eventually everything changed very quickly, I myself started using css, even though not all browsers supported it, especially on browsers from operating systems like Amiga.The same way, I learned css by reading a book and viewing other sites sources, later started to read tutorials and references, this is the way I moved to styling pages with css and not html, when most browsers started to show it quite normally and I got a better computer :DThe major thing which helped me to remember css better is real time css editing in a browser, you change a value and see the difference instantly :PWhat I never liked about CSS, is that I always needed to do something differently for IE6 but of course it's not CSS trouble. ;D
  23. Yes, seems to work now for some time, everything is back to normal for me
  24. On my account I can confirm, that none of the site works which is using mysql, and it's for over 3 hours now :Dhas anyone sent a support ticket yet?
  25. I also hate kontera, they just take all of your money if you don't reach 100$, this is a bit stupid and I think it's almost like a SCAM, they get all the money that you put their ads on your site if you don't get 100$ in 6 months. All thje money you earned before those 6 months starts to disappear.
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