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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. For years I'm using the method to fix PNG transparency on IE6 without any problems and it works well, it's called IEPNGFIX! All you need to do is to use this code.. It doesn't work on CSS images though when you use background-image property, but works on all <img /> html tags.. Just write in your CSS file or between <style></style> img { behavior: url(files/iepngfix.htc); } As behavior: is not a valid property, I used to use PHP to output it only when it's IE6, but for now I use a different method in html using in comment statement if it's IE6, I think it's called conditional comments. For example: <!--[if IE 6]><style>img { behavior: url(files/iepngfix.htc); }</style><![endif]--> you can use anything associated with HTML between the comment tags, but I use: <!--[if IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" href="ie6.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]--> Because it's much better.. By the way, the link to the PNG FIX hack is here: http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/ And I think they've updated the version, I think I'm using an older one, but the main thing it works
  2. I just tried to use the Demo with Opera, it doesn't work or it's just me? I can't see any preview of the image by changing an option in the select list or by pushing Register button, even though the source seems to be ok on the first view? The same is with IE8, I don't have Firefox on my computer at work to test if it's not my problem..Any ideas?
  3. Use a browser with a spell checker in the text area.. Also there is a Preview button, to preview your post before posting.. I think we are just used to push the submit button and later have the ability to edit it, with time that habit will change..But for example, then writing a longer reply, you see that somebody already answered the question before you or added a similar reply answering or asking a question That's also sometimes annoying though :DSo taking time to previewing, to spell checking might make your post also needless but it's a forum, so who cares, it's better quality posts than full of grammar mistakes and etc.
  4. To answer the question, I wouldn't bother to delete it, it doesn't take any space and besides, I think it will be created again after some time automatically if you'll be playing with CPanel for example by doing something..
  5. To add to the off topic, were are different GPS sound packs to install which really says such things, there are some popular packs which even swear bad words, even though it's funny, as usually it's sounds from poplar people a lot of whom knows. My friend had one of those, but with time it gets more annoying than the usual polite one.
  6. Strange, for years Opera had a spell checker and I always used it, Firefox and Safari seems ti have it too, or a lot of whom are using IE here?The only thing I hate about spell checking on a browser, that it's strict English or other language, sometimes I would like to have a feature like I could choose several languages and it would automatically understand in what language I'm writing, as I can write in three languages, it's usually doesn't look good for me when I write in other language than English, all the words are underlined So when writing something more serious in other language, I too use Open Office
  7. Well, the page loads because of the filesize of your flash webpage which is 12 MB ;]You also could add some caching I guess to the page and the flash, if it's possible, I really didn't use flash to much to know that, but I guess it's capable of caching that at least on reload it wouldn't load again? Depends on the settings and the browser.But it would be best to minimaze the size of your flash web page by removing something, or making it as said above to be loaded in parts if possible.. Best solution would be to not use flash but use regular html, css and javascript ;]
  8. I don't know why, but I prefer Samsung, as it's a good brand and I've seen a lot of laptops by Samsung, they usually cost more, but it's not like you're going to throw it away after some time or that it will break in some way, Samsung is a brand from South Korea, which is not China and usually they don't manufacture a device and send to some country which ordered it, a phase of different quality testing is in a stage. I know this, because one company I know works with Samsung devices, it's not like with ordering something from China company, where you get it fast, say that thats bad, that doesn't work that doesn't need to be like that and you ship it back, wait till they fix it, also fast and again test it yourslef for your needs. With Samsung it takes about half year, which in my opinion is good, that they test their products before offering them.I mean everyone tests their products, but Samsung is quite strict about it, that's usually the reason they need to sell it a bit with more cost. My friend works in a computer selling business and in the guarantee group they fix a lot of Hp's, Acers and Dells and know most of them, what's inside and what is the problem with different models.Maybe it's because Samsung or maybe even Toshiba market here is not as big as Asus, Dell or Acer they need to fix less of those laptops, but sometimes paying more can make you a little happier.. :PI'm not say that Dell or Acer is bad, it's just depends on the model I guess, when offering, I always try to read reviews and ask some of my friends advices to pick or to which offer to another friend, when somebody asks me which one is better.I've also heard from a lot of whom that Lenovo laptops are really good
  9. I personally always preferred Turned based strategies, maybe that I started from and played much more of TBS games, as I started playing with Amiga 500, and Amiga 1200 there were lots of TBS games, they are in fact easier to make and takes less resources, I spend a lot of time playing them, you know games like UFO Enemy Unknown? and that kind of style games, like Blade, Hilt-2, Laser squad, Sabre team and etc. It's a game type where you have action points, energy and move and shot at enemy, end your move and enemy moves and until you win.. can't forget Civilization, I spend a lot of time playing freeciv and colonization :DBut I can say that I played a lot of RTS games too, like Settlers and Warcraft, Dune 2 if talking about old games, as I always even know prefer old games or I really like to try out remakes of old games. :PEven though, I guess I spend more time on point and lick adventure/quest games rather than strategies (Monkey Island, Simon the Sorcerer, Benaeth the steel sky anyone?).
  10. Well, I as I'm from Lithuania (It's in Europe) I was in most of neighboring countries like Germany, Sweden, Poland, Czechia (Best experience, was there several times, really great and cheap beer!), Latvia..Still, would like to travel to other countries too, but with time I think I will really visit more.. Being in another country doesn't really mean that you saw a lot of it, but still. :PI would like to travel to places, where there are big mountains
  11. I don't know now what will be so good about Firefox mobile version? If it will be as resources hungry as on a PC.. I'm using Opera mini for a long time on my mobile phone and don't have any problems with it, the features it offers are really good and saves bandwidth, like converting all the images to small size, because when I was browsing with internal phone browser, oh my gosh it always took some time to load big images, where's Opera mini is great to do everything for you on every site..Mobile browsing sucks for a lot of reasons, but it's really really very comfortable to check something if you need to. For example, I don't have my laptop with me, but need to check my mail for something who asked me, or to check for a code I need now, I just take my mobile phone and if there is a free wireless in university I use it, if there isn't gprs is always there, especially when it's so cheap at my country, you can do it even in a bus while going home, or you talk with somebody and want to know what is the population of London, you just check at your mobile phone..Another reason I like mobile browsing is because when I travel to other countries, I can just enter a free Wireless zone like some restaurant which has it or a public library, you go there, use skype or use opera mini to contact somebody in another country by asking something or say something or checking for something or just anything you need, it's not like you're going to take your laptop with yourself just to read something quick every time, besides when traveling with a train, mobile browsing makes you do something better than watching through a window or listening to music when you don't want to read a book..I agree that it sucks to always browse with a mobile phone as it's not as comfortable as a laptop with a big screen and big keyboard, I doubt anyone could live these days without a mobile phone? I remember the old days, I needed to use a wired phone to call a friend, if he wasn't at home what could you do? wait? but somehow we lived like that now you can just call him or write an sms, as in my country it's usually free, depends on the plan and provider.
  12. After checking with a validator, the page has lots of errors, try to fix the errors: http://validator.w3.org/ by using valid markup.. Invalid markup usually is a problem of different support for cross browsers.. Where you're defining data with & tag and < or > you need to change to & and < > as it may ruin the layout and different browsers fix the problems automatically different. All browsers try to show the source by fixing the problems a web master might have forgot to fix by some methods, it seems that Firefox doesn't handle this? or handles it a bit differently? It's just what I think may be the problem..
  13. To add my two cents, you can google for open soruce flv players and use them to embed into your site, even though an alternative to use youtube usually saves a lot of bandwidth and resources, as converting to flv on your server is a headache, I've done that with ffmpeg and different different addons, sometimes it was without sound, sometimes it didn't do anything at all, but with time we fixed everything and just didn't allow some extensions which didn't always work as needed.. You can use such players like: http://flv-player.net/ http://www.osflv.com/Demonstration.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And etc.
  14. Yes, welcome is like a standard word, but developing sites in my country language is a bit a pain with the word welcome, in English it's alright, you just say welcome and say a username, you don't need to worry about if it's a female or a male word or what kind of ending it has, in my language it matters as you need to add different endings on different situations. :PSo usually translated software is funny, it can sound funny, I think an example with English language would be: 0 dollars, 1 dollar, 2 dollars and etc. where you need to check the number if you don't want to just do 1 dollars.
  15. I can say that HTML with this kind of speeds will be here maybe in 2022? We usually now use divs with a class name or an id and use it with a css or use some other hacks which isn't as perfect as it could be, so html5 is here to standardize everything in a better way, but it's also taking a lot of time for some questions to be answered and methods to be used.. Remember xhtml 1.x is not the same as html4 and was meant for different reasons, to use with xml language, even though a lot of whom use xhtml just that it's more strict and more new. HTML5 adds new tags and etc. Here are some good examples: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://boblet.tumblr.com/post/141239118/html5-structure4 It's more readable, it saves bandwidth, it's more logical for current web technologies rather than html4 which is a recommendation since 1997, even though you'll be able to do the same stuff, but a bit differently? It's a fact that it will be easier to use CSS on HTML5 than on HTML4.. I read about how much easier it will be to control your music and video, flash and javascript in a browser with HTML5. But still it's strange for me that they almost didn't do anything about the input tags and textarea just added some more attributes which of course are great, like required and etc. But still it's a pain to use them, they could have made <checkbox /> <radio /> or something like that and not only <input ..> for everything.. so why do we have input and textarea, select separate then? It would be much easier to control input forms with javascript and css if they would be separate tags !!! It's always a pain and just seems extra usage of resources doing all that cycles, even though things like JQuery minimized the pain Here is a list of elements and tags, attributes: https://simon.html5.org/html-elements
  16. I also noticed this problem, usually 2 minutes weren't enough for me to edit my post, because when you read it, or you remember something, you push the edit button, you write it and when I wanted to push edit, it didn't let me, so I believe that it could be at least 10 minutes..Even though, of course it's much better to make a quality post at once and later do not edit anything. Once I wanted to edit a post and add some content I googled on that subject, it didn't let me, but didn't want to double post, so I didn't add anything
  17. Nice read, I just wanted to add my two cents, that there are quite good tools which dies these things automatically, for example I just found this and used it several times, after I been bored by doing it with hands: http://www.it.uc3m.es/jaf/html2xhtml/ Of course it saves time, but you still need to go and fix some things with hands to make it look the same, as sometimes the tags aren't closed there you would want them to be closed, but usually it works well. ;]
  18. I also think that they won't be remembered as easy as they are remembered now, but usually you don't need to remember them, as it has a domain and ipv4 is really enough on local stuff like in an university to use by controlling a large network of computers, I guess it's good for servers, which usually you don't need to remember so much, unless you work with servers or in some large department.
  19. Well, having a mobile phone with the capability of using wireless Internet, which is really great, sometimes when I walk the dog, I see a lot of wireless connections coming from different sides I guess, lets say usually 1 out of 10 is without any password, because people just buys something, doesn't understand anything and use the default..Also, I know some defaults for the most popular providers of putting this wireless routers at home, codes like 12345678 or 11111111 and 88888888 usually work as it's the default on some ISP, and the people who are said to change their password usually doesn't change them. What is more funny, that usually wireless Internet comes together with high definition digital TV, and the women only is watching TV and doesn't even use the offered wireless Internet, even though the price is the same with it or without it, so people just take everything what is offered by the provider, sometimes it's cool ;)I have a wireless connection and if someday some guys will come from those stupid anti piracy something which just waste money and doesn't do any real job, I can tell that I don't know anything, my wireless Internet was hacked, the IP doesn't proof anything? Even though, why could they come..
  20. And I switched to office 2007 just several months ago, it's really hard to use it at first after 2003, but with time I got used to it and saw that it's really more comfortable to write documents just by using the new style menu..Even though I use virtual box with XP and have 2003 there for any case I need it.I tried the beta some time ago of office 2010, but it was really slow, of course it's just beta..Saint Micheal what do you mean by the court and the selling of Office, Word? Any info on that subject? :?
  21. Baniboy, for example you could read this article to get the knowledge how c02 traps more heat http://nov55.com/gbwm.html it's a short and interesting read.
  22. I knew that for a long time, but be careful of using this, because when apache sends a simple html file, it sends the headers too by default if they are configured, but when you make it a php parsed file, the headers might change, so you need to control them with php, besides when you will want to run just simple html files, it will be slower rather than php.I personally prefer to use mod rewrite and use url links like /category/section/mypage.html there you just control .html with PHP or something like that..
  23. It was about -10/-17 Celsius in my country and was quite fun, with snow, I can't remember such a cold winter in the past 5 years, but for Christmas it's going to be much warmer about -1/+2 Celsius which will ruin Christmas for a lot of people, the snow will melt, it will rain and there will be some snow too and a fog.. not a good time to travel and celebrate something and because of economic "crisis" they don't clean the small region roads as they used to last year, so it's really hard to drive in such conditions.
  24. About the ice melting, I just want to point out my two cents, you can read more by googling water rising myth or find in some place about global warming myth and water rise there some kind of computer programs shows what will happen if ice will melt in arctic and mountains etc. I think most of you saw those pictures..To make it short, it's not like water will just go to the coast and everyone will drown there and who live upper will live, water will just spread around the world, the world will be just a bit more wet which is good, it will rain in dry places like deserts, it's natural, just read what the experts write and not what an "expert" who was paid or who is stupid wrote something watching a computer world model as the main fact and proof, which most of believe.Of course, in some places, which is beneath the sea level might "vanish", but who in the first place started to live there.. Also I am talking about places between mountains which might of become lakes, but it's not like to happen soon, as it was warmer, this winter seems to be much colder than the previous one.The ozone is not shrinking only due to pollution, if you stop polluting, I doubt everything will change to a better place, I rather think we need to think about polluting our rivers and lakes there we can't swim anymore and not about the C02 myth..To add more, usually ice on mountains melt not due to CO2, it's because people remove trees ad etc. from the bottom of the mountain and etc. but all the Al gore campaign says it's because C02 and we need to tax it.. A volcano which gets active pollutes our world much more than we do, natural forest fires too.. but currently no one says that we need to tax countries which have active volcanoes or which forest burn.. :PEven though trees and etc. create oxygen, at night time they use a lot of oxygen and creates C02, for example if you would want to go to the past when dinosaurs were living, you would die because of the lack of oxygen in the air, there were so many forests, active volcanoes and etc. using the oxygen more than creating it, but for those time it was alright, even though I'm not into it, I just read some facts/articles and as English is not my primary language, it's a bit hard to express myself the right way.
  25. I don't really understand what you're trying to do, but if it's done with PHP and you want to do that, check this function: http://de2.php.net/readfile with it you can read a file from a location you know and output that file to a user by showing your location from a php file, for example index.php?file=myfile and this is going to be the path of that file.. I used to use readfile for dynamic images, also used to use it for showing ordinary images, but later thought that just linking to an image is better.
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