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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. If you are using a folder in your public html, that folder can be a subdomain or a domain when using an addon domain from cpanel, as I remember, in wordpress you can set root path and an url which to use for wordpress blog..so example.com/blog1 or example.com/blog2 can be blog1.example.com or blog2.example.com as long as they are accessible and if you have the ability to use addon domains, you can create one like myblog.com which use a path from .example.com/blog2I've done it a lot of times, also to make it not possible to be accessed through /directory/ but only with domain, you can play with htaccess file to redirect or by using PHP in the top code to check how the site was accessed.I think years ago I used to use my blog with /blog/ but later just changed some settings in wordpress, created a subdomain for blog.domain.net and everything worked.
  2. As I know Winrar is better than Winzip and Winrar can create RAR archives..But personally I use 7-zip and am happy with it, it works well, it can extract RAR files, but it can't compress RAR files, but why use RAR when you can use something else.. ;]
  3. Anyone knows, if it's possible to use Wordpress for two different subdomains? By changing the config and using the same files?For example, to use files in wordpress directory and use a different subdomain for it in the config and using a different DB, because in different DB you can set a lot of custom stuff, liek different content and different skin and etc.On my CMS, I tried to create a structure like that, all the root files are in a private folder and the config, template and custom plugin files are in the subdomain folder which are used by defining different paths, saves some space..Because for example when using Zend framework, usually a lot of whom just for every site has a copy of the Zend framework in the library folder, so everytime you need to update like 30 folders and have multiple files which just use space.. Of course, a lot of whom just doesn't update it, as the site works well..For doing this with wordpress, I guess the only problem would be if you're using custom/modified files for ywo different blogs, but still most of those files are copies..
  4. As I am not a gamer, I need the CPU to be stable, fast and mainly using less energy and not getting to hot. :)I used to use AMD for some years on my old computer, as it was cheaper, now I use Intel.
  5. To the list I also could add Primo PDF, it's really a great tool to save some paper.. You can get it free here: http://www.primopdf.com/ I use it as a printer, I mean I can print on any application and choose it as my printer and it will create a PDF for me
  6. I usually sleep 5 hours, but I always want to sleep 7 hours, but at weekdays I usually sleep over 10 hours and I guess weekly I sleep in average of 7 hours.On work days I need to wakeup at 6 AM and it's really hard to go to bed earlier than midnight or 1 AM, unless I'm really tired ;] I just find something to do and my eyes just don't close, I always try to go to bed whenever I feel that I will get asleep after 5 minutes :DI hate to go sleeping and lay in bed for 30 minutes or even 2 hours wanting to get asleep.. And I hate those mornings when it's very very hard to wake up
  7. For the past 30 years, people communicate more and more between each other, for example: when phones appeared at almost every house, people were talking and I guess some people also were thinking "people might of talk with phones more than in real life". To continue, mobile phones are now popular all over the world, people are talking even if they're in a car, in a bus, anywhere, what you could not do by having a home phone, all the youth every minute is communicating with others by sending sms messages.Today a lot of people chat by sitting on a computer and can communicate with anyone across the globe, because usually we use cell phones to talk in some regions, as calling further is quite expensive.So if young people forget regular, nice chats near a cup of coffee, I wouldn't be surprised, but as I know most of those chats are useless, most of SMS'es I write to my friends, I forget them quite fast, it doesn't make you more intelligent, apart that I can talk online to some people from Arabia and get some knowledge how they live there and tell it to my local friends by sharing this knowledge.Today I even can't imagine how people used to live in the 1950-1980.. I guess I would be very bored?
  8. The Haiti earthquake is really all over the Internet, but I also found some news, that the earthquake wasn't natural ;] Well, I also think that you can create a lot of different stories on all the news, but still if somebody is interested, here are some links to "conspiracy" ideas http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you can find much more on google, even though there are lots of videos on HAARP technology, that it's quite possible and some ideas lets say makes you wonder where is the truth From books we can learn, that disasters happened quite frequently before all those HAARP technologies and different projects, so it's not something new and something magical.
  9. Smoking is really bad for your health and not to mention the mouth which stinks, but to add to the post:The only benefit I can see from smoking, is that while working you can go and smoke for lets say ~5-10 minutes and "relax" and even "unwind", but I don't think it's worth it, due to health and also it got so expensive to smoke in the past 15 years :DWhile not smoking in job, if your work is near a computer, you just sit there by reading something and usually you site for hours.. Smokers get up and walk a little at least every hour :)Of course it depends on your work, I used to smoke 3 years ago, but I just quit and before those 3 years, I only smoked at work and while being with friends, never I smoked cigarettes at home or when being alone, as I never found a purpose for that.
  10. I didn't play Age of Empires, can you believe it? I know a lot of people and my friends played it, but I never did, I usually played different RTS games, so for me it's not the best, because I just didn't play it to much.I spend more time on Red alert series and Starcraft
  11. Personally, on some registration forms, I use passwords like 1234 and etc. just because I don't care about that account, but for the accounts I care I usually use quite good passwords, which are hard to hack..But it's strange for me that those passwords aren't encrypted in the database and can be seen like that, by just getting some data from the database or sometimes it's encrypted with functions which can be decrypted quite easy, for example base64 ;]
  12. I think if artificial intelligence of cars will expand and will get more "clever" in the near future, flysing cars are possible, but I guess it would consume more energy than a wheeled car, but for example, we wouldn't need bridges and roads, which would save a lot of money for all the world, so I guess a flying car is a good idea to save resources, but it needs to fully work depending on AI to control the traffic..It's much more easier to control air traffic for AI models than making a car with wheels drive on it's own, due to different road signs..But flying cars as seen on different sci-fi movies flying between houses are quite stupid, or are those houses very tall? because you could just fly above, but whenever you want to land or something like that you would need to land without creating any accident.Also flying cars are much better because there won't be much traffic like Today, for example, you can fly in 5 different air levels and if everything would be done by a computer, you just would need to sit and enjoy the view? Or maybe those cars would be flying very fast you couldn't really see to much
  13. As I remember, you need to mount the shared Windows7 directory on the network on Linux in order to see it, or maybe it's done automatically? Haven't used Linux for a quite while now..When you mount it, you can access it..
  14. When I was in school, I had much more online friends which I've never seen, only in pictures and etc. But with time I just started to be not as active online as I used to be, due to things in real life, like girlfriend, job, studies and it just lacks time to get in contact, sometimes I just chat with several of online friends, like whats up, how are things and stuff, nothing more.I guess online friends are good as you can get more knowledge about different regions from different countries.
  15. Well, isn't the best protection for such things in a software or a login application to just make a time limit on every error with a bad password on that username? then the bruteforce attack will be working for a very long time and will be complicated..Or lets say when 6 times the password was entered with an error for that username, the login application just stalls and needs an confirmation code to continue (lets say it sends an email where you need to push a special url for your account to be enabled or something like that) and even if the brute force guesses the password, it won't work? and lets say with 40 attempts to guess a password with an error, the server will just ban the ip and problem solved? of course if the brute force or whatever attack is coming from one IP..Of course, using a better strong password is also much better than just lets say bobby21 ;] something longer and with uppercase and lowercase letters + numbers could be used and maybe even somekind of symbols in some random way.
  16. To add my two cents, sometimes when watching youtube, on some videos it seems to load fast without any problems on my connection, which is quite good, but for some videos, it seems to load very slowly, as if it's mirrored on some slow server ;]But I guess usually 512 kb/s is enough to watch youtube the better connection you have, the better it is for you.
  17. Quatrux


    Well, "Bojan" seems to have a meaning of Battle, just found it in one website, don't know if it's true though. http://www.behindthename.com/name/bojan Welcome to the forums
  18. Oh my GOD? Haiti in Western Europe? You must be kidding me? Did you learn any Geography? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti - Look at the map, it's far from Europe.
  19. If you want speed on Linux Ubuntu, try Opera web browser on your machine and you'll see how fast it works, somehow it seems that gecko doesn't like Linux? :(Hmm, I just googled, and it seems that there are a lot of content about how Firefox is slow on Linux? So I really recommend to try Opera and see the difference, even though you'll need to get used to it if moving from Firefox. :DMore about it on http://www.opera.com/
  20. Opera has the feature for showing your recently closed tabs for quite a long time? And also as I remember, Firefox had or maybe has a an addon which can show recently closed tabs, it's really useful as sometimes I close the tab quite by accident. I personally don't use Firefox for quite a long time now and feel good by the combination of Opera + Google Chrome.
  21. Same for me, I just looked at the site and it seems to be suspended.. ;(
  22. Well, it got interesting for me too, I just browsed loser. dot com through https://archive.org/ :)It seems it was always a simple site? Just browse on different years and you'll see ;]
  23. You can share on Ubuntu and on Windows, while being in the same Workgroup, you can just share a folder and see it in the network if your computers are connected with a router. And yes, it works because it's using Samba. Years ago, I needed to use NFS or something like that? It was a bit more complicated to share between Linux and a Windows computer, but with time Samba got quite as fast as on Windows and it's easy to share files. :)The main thing is as you were told in the above post, you need to use the same Workgroup, also you could lets say connect a home server into the router and see it in the network.
  24. I usually buy Sony Ericsson mobile phones and recommend it to my friends, because I usually like the design and like the navigation of it, it's also stable for me, never had trouble.A lot of my friends also use Nokia, can't say anything bad about it too, I just prefer Sony Ericsson
  25. I think it's always better to use the resolution which is recommended for the monitor or for the laptop, but in any case the font is to small, I think you can enlarge the DPI for fonts by some % and see if it suits you better, but sometimes you can get some things overflowing, but usually not, unless you make it to big? :)The DPI settings for fonts on Windows OS can be changed though Control Panel.
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