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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I also don't like the thing that I can't edit my post, but I guess I need to get used to it, also it seems that in those 10 minutes I'm able to edit only once..But at least it's good that from 2 minutes, the time limit was moved to 10 minutes. This feature as we all know was removed due to spammers/cheaters wanting to get more myCents..
  2. Also, I can add that Xisto has other services running, they also offer high quality paid hosting, from which they get profit.
  3. Quatrux

    IPB vs. phpBB

    Well, IPB only costs 149$ and a new license of VBulletin is 195$-285$ and later as I understand you also might need to pay for upgrades? PHPBB is free..So PHPBB is good for smaller forums or which doesn't get to much profit for a site and IPB is better for more active forums and I guess VBulletin is the best for professional business ;)To add, I think there are some better alternatives for free forum software than phpbb, like SMF, punBB
  4. I have a 15.4 (1680 x 1050 resolution) laptop with 4 GB DDR3 RAM, Dual core CPU Intel 2.53 GHz each. GeForce 9800, but with only 360 GB HDD which is enough for me, because I use a homeserver with 500 GB for multimedia and have an external HDD of 500 GB as a backup for my main stuff :)I also have a Desktop, but don't use it anymore, it's 1 GB RAM, 1.8 GHz CPU, GeForce 7600 and a 120 GB HDDI also have some old computers, never was a gamer to play new games, so I have in basement a PS1, NES, Sega, Amiga500+ and an Amiga1200, also ZX S[ectrum with 48kb and 128kb but don't know if they work anymore, don't have the time to play with those.
  5. You can ban everything while driving, but does that really help? I mean it seems that everything is getting banned, a lot of things are getting forbidden, but I guess it doesn't help as much as politics imagine..It's would be great, that people would understand when to text message and when to not, everyday I just hear that something is forbidden :)If everyone would be strictly obeying the law, they couldn't do anything at all. One example in my country, you can't drink beer in a public place nor you can show yourself drunk in a public place, but usually I and most of people go home after getting drunk in bar through a public place and use public transport like a bus or trolleybus :DAnother example is that I need to walk the dog with a lead and a muzzle, but sometimes I just use a muzzle or just the lead, sometimes I don't use anything, so everyday I guess everyone isn't obeying all the those laws.. I agree those really scary and mad dogs are scary without a lead and a muzzle, but the host should know how to walk his dog safely to everyone.I watched a show about driving and text messaging or mobile talking, that you aren't so attentive on the road, but you usually don't see commercials/ads in the road or see much less of them, which in fact is bad for people who make money out of those stupid ads, so for such laws they have a rather big interest too..I think it all depends on the driver and his experience.
  6. There are plenty IT projects / software in every country which cost millions and open source will never make those projects disappear, you can't use open source in a bank, unless minor software which doesn't cost over 4000$ and etc. There are plenty places like Hospitals which are using special software for which you'll never find a crack and etc. and which cost a lot of money.Open source is good for us, as paid software needs to be better than open source and developers/companies work on that to be better than free software, I mainly use only free software and it suits my needs, as I'm just a home user at home and need to use paid a software in a place I work as it's being under support, it's being updated and etc.For example: MySQL is free, but in fact it sucks, but it's free and it suits most of the needs as a simple database user needs, but for really big projects Microsoft SQL Server and etc. software needed for the Databases are much better and it costs money, there are cheaper alternatives as Oracle which is also better than MySQL for different reasons, but it's made with Java which makes it cheaper than Microsoft products.. This is just an example..When I can choose Open Source I choose it if it suits my needs, I can't imagine I would need to buy every software to view images, to connect to FTP, to browse the Internet as everybody needs it and lets say I am a company and I compete with another company by one product, but I know that that other company makes some income from an ftp server software, I may invest several millions to open source developers to create an open source ftp server which is better for me and may one day pay off.Another example is that always Paid Games on Windows will be much better than Free Games.. They are made by developers/programmers and etc. who everyday spend their time working on it as it's their job and they get money, where most of open source games are done on free time and I doubt that they ever could compete as it's not so organized. Some times older games become open source like quake for example, which has been ported to many different platforms.And besides Open source has profit and benefit, they are sponsored by rich companies, they get donations, there are a lot of bounties to finish a project and of course there are awards and prizes.And if one guy wishes to always get benefit from programming these days by creating some kind of a software, it's not 1990, it's 2010 and the only really good benefit can be by working in an organized group or company. Most of those one guy programs aren't as good and can't compete, but of course there are such programs which are good and made by one programmer, but it's usually for home users and some companies might be interested in them as it's cheap, but as I said for a person at home 300-3000$ (Photoshop?) might be a lot for a software, but for a simple company it's just cents when you think about it, especially as the company knows that it will bring profit.?
  7. I used to watch TV a lot in the pat, but now I only watch it in the early morning while getting ready to go to university or work, it shows that show for the morning, news and etc. something like good morning :)All the other things shown on TV usually sucks, don't watch it, TV is for as someone described by current program is for old people, lazy people and kids, something like that.Of course, I watch sports sometimes, I guess it's another thing which is good on TV.To conclude, TV is for news and sports for me and if I need to relive my early life with my current knowledge, I wouldn't spend so much time watching it..
  8. I don't know how can you create a webpage with C, I just know it's possible to execute it on a server, just never really cared how it works, maybe through cgi-bin or something like that, but you could use PHP and execute a C code quite easily, for example: PHP [if the function is enabled] <?phpecho exec('path/to/my_c_website.exe');?> exec() or system() could be used, but of course your c program is very limited, so why not just use PHP for a website or ASPX ;]
  9. He made a mistake he admitted that he downloaded the music and that he knew that it was illegal.. But seriously, he's like one "jackass" for all the people who download music..I just find it stupid.
  10. Did that new law in France defined what is piracy or the Judge will decide when turning off the internet and how will it work? Or all the job is going to be by some kind of anti piracy organization? What will ISP do?
  11. Strange, I don't get anything at all,lets try?I just farted, did I win the game? ;]
  12. Just to make myself clear, by schooling in your countries you mean something like pre-school? like kindergarten? To first grade in our country pupils needs to go from 6 years, some more "stupid" kids go from 7 years :DAnd kindergarten can be entered by children who are 3 years old, but I don't know if all of people do that
  13. I dream those kind of dreams when I understand that I am sleeping and that it's a dream because of some facts I find in a dream which in real live can't be, after that I start to try and control myself, do something I've never could do in a real live and it works :)But the bad thing is that usually I wake up on such a dream very soon, the best effect is when it continues a bit longer it's really fun, something like a virtual reality, where I can feel if I touch something or kick somebody or taste something but I usually get disappointed, when I try to comeback to some place in that dream and everything changes and I am in some kind of a different place and etc. It doesn't last long..As I know we usually remember only those dreams which we dream before waking up? This could be the reason we "understand" that we are dreaming, because we are waking up? And remember only those dreams when having some conscious? And after waking up and going to the bathroom I usually forget everything :PI wanted to start writing after waking up what I was dreaming, but never could continue to do so every morning..
  14. I personally used to disable pagefiles, because I've got a lot of RAM, but sometimes some software just says that you need some virtual memory and gives an error message, for this reason I only use 256-512 MB of SWAP and never had any problems even when converting video and etc. Same was with XP, same is with Windows 7..I suggest to not use the auto clear pagefile feature as there is practically nothing proper from it, it only makes your computer slower while shutting down, it's the same as making an IDE of some-kind while saving a file (a PHP or Java etc.) to always trim the file before the save and convert tabs to spaces, which just on every saving of the file takes some time, especially if it's a big file, why don't just do it manually when needed..
  15. if by speed to nearby country you mean my post speed differences to my country and to foreign country, it's always like that and this trick didn't change anything at all as I didn't do anything, because I don't even have the options mentioned in the trick.. The speed is always much greater in my country than into foreign countries, don't know about other countries.
  16. No, it seems it doesn't, it seems that when using CSS overflow: scroll, it also lets to press right mouse button on the scrollbar which makes an option of opening the frame in a new tab, but it doesn't open it as an iframe or a regular frame, because it isn't in another url, but is in the same page.And I can't open the shoutbox in another window, because it's in the same content, it's a html+css/javascript and I guess AJAX shoutbox.. or am I still wrong?(Sorry to double post, can't Edit for the second time)And yes, GMail is using frames, I guess it's a good choice to use frames on a service like webmail to reduce server load and etc.
  17. @ nolan I just again viewed the html+css/javascript source of this forum, I found the HTML for the shoutbox, I just can't see any <iframe> tag? Where did you find it? HTML <div id='shoutbox-global-wrapper'> ... </div> And the rows for the user text who shout in that box is a a div with a table with td and tr with some span HTML elements styled with CSS.. The code you gave for shoutbox javascript proves that it's done with javascript and I've found some ..._iframe strings and as I understand it's a class name, or an id name or an varibale/object name, for example: shoutbox.prototype.keydown_handler_iframe = function(e)...or...shoutbox.get_obj(shoutbox.editor_id+'_iframe').style.display = ''; So can you show me exactly where it's used in the shoutbox? why does this shoutbox need an iframe for if the source of the shoutbox is in the current page html and I can't see javascript generating an iframe from that file.. Strange, somehow the scrollbar is an iframe, but I can't find anywhere where it's made..
  18. I also think that if it possible, it's better to teach your child at that age yourself, alphabet, to read, colors and to talk, etc.I just think, that those kind of articles like send your child from year 2 and a half is like an advertisement to get more money from government if it's free or if it's private school for children, to get money from parents, who does not have a lot of time..
  19. First of all, remember it works only on img tags images and not for images in stylesheets.. Well it works for me.. Download the file iepngfix.htc and put it to your folder, create an index.html file or use your index.php file or whatever and use this: <!--[if lte IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="ie6hacks.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]--> It needs to be in between <head></head> elements, it will use the ie6hacks.css file if it will be IE6 or IE5.5 and lighter versions, but for them it won't work anyways.. put the ie6hacks.css file in the same folder with this content in it: img { behavior: url(iepngfix.htc);} Where iepngfix.htc needs to the in the same folder too, even though you can use different folders, like I do though, but you need to use the right paths. I also use the iehoverfix.htc hack for IE6 to solve the problems with :hover on IE6 ;]
  20. Well, I also doubt anything has changed, due to usually I just check my ISP website and the plan I'm using and what speeds they're offering and do a test to see if it's true and if it's like that when it seems to work ok.. To my country: To foreign country: In the device manager I don't even have a section called Ports, I'm not using a modem, but I'm using Ethernet.. and can't find that setting on Network Connections. Anyway, I doubt I'll get more speed, because I get the speed I'm paying for..
  21. To add my two cents, I just hope that law will fail statistically by getting the result not as expected, because the article seems that everything is good, but the method isn't good in my opinion, I just hope that with time it will fail :)Also, I think that new software will have new features which will use more secure channels and lets say new hashing methods to be more anonymous on the Internet than we are now Today as in my opinion IP is not a proper evidence as long as you don't confess :DI don't get why an ISP would want to loose a client who is paying money for the connection? The turning off Internet access seems a stupid idea and all that time wasted.. In my opinion it's against privacy rights, for example:Lets say it's the same as a government guy is spying on me and is always walking behind me, I'm lets say 17 years old, I go to the yard, get together with my friends, we go get some beer "illegally" as we aren't 18 yet, that guy is always walking behind us, ok we bought it, but we didn't drink it, maybe it's for our fathers? It's the same as if you download something, how can you be guilty if you didn't watch it or didn't install it yet? Not like for this kind of crime you wouldn't be able to go and meet your friends for a year? So you go to your home with your friends and drink the beer there, but because of that law, the government guy has access to your home to watch what you're doing, he sees that you're drinking beer and lets say for this reason you can't go to the yard for a year? What kind of control is this? Where is human rights and freedom? I know piracy is bad, but sometimes those anti piracy laws, those anti piracy methods and lets say statistics are so stupid, that it seems they don't have a brain.Lets say, my computer is my money income, because I work at home and my computer has everything I need together with Internet access, so the judge won't give access to Internet and will leave me without any money income and I won't have anything to eat? :(What about people downloading from public libraries, public universities, public places like a petrol station or a supermarket where they offer free Internet access usually wireless?As I said, IP address for me isn't a proper evidence.. How does a spy get such a quite private information like an IP address? He needs to go and spy into a private torrent tracker? But that torrent tracker also has terms of conditions like any software? That lets say no users can spy on other users by saving the ip address of a user and publishing it somewhere, so those anti piracy organizations needs to illegally spy on the torrent tracker users? illegally get those IPs by illegally downloading something to see the IPs? And how does an IP make you guilty? Maybe you thought it's something free and didn't even open it.If somebody downloaded something, because they had an ability to do it, it doesn't mean that he would have bought it, he just wouldn't see it or use it and he wouldn't be able to rate it, to write a review about it to suggest someone that it's really good to someone.
  22. Yes, I'm talking about my written CMS from a blank php file, but sometimes I think that it's my CMS written on my own framework as CMS can really be just echo $output; and with a lot of modules/plugins to make it a CMS and that echo $output; can run on a "framework" by using it's classes and functions I don't really like Joomla, as it's code is crap and it's so large nowadays that I've seen better and more simpler CMS. I used to use Drupal, but it's code is also a different taste, usually If I can I do everything with modified Wordpress.
  23. I guess those automatic translators don't need to be very accurate as currently it's almost impossible, but for being free it's quite good, you can translate some kind of a content and at least understand what the hell that article is talking about, it's not like you translate your article and want it to be well spelled..Sometimes humans who translate for money can make mistakes and you want a free service to work better? :)Google translate is quite powerful as many times as I used to, it's not only translating a word into another word, it is trying to do different combinations to be more correct, but usually you need to fix a lot, but I guess it's just needed for you to understand the content you're translating and do the rest job yourself.
  24. What are you talking here about iframes?This shoutbox on IPB Xisto forums are using pure html+css and no iframes, same is with gmail, you can make the scrollbar using CSS very easily using overflow: scroll; on an element..Besides, if it's possible, iframes is considered a bad practice. Iframes is not indexed by a search engine as it's an inline frame in a browser and is showing another url, the only thing it's good is for ads which we all usually block, also using iframes doesn't work in a text browser.Iframes can be good sometimes to make something quick, but if it's possible, I think other methods could be done to get the same result, by css or at least by javascript and maybe even server side by php if needed.The biggest mistake with iframes, is that it doesn't need to be used as part of the content, but just as a piece of the whole content, so it's best to use it to embed something into your content, sometimes some content, usually advertisements.
  25. I'm using Opera 10.10 on Windows 7When I go directly to google jsapi, it opens me the code, so it doesn't seem to be blocked?I just tried to open it with Google Chrome, the same, I even turned off ad blockers, strange though if it works for you..
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