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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I can say only that I'm also using µTorrent as it's very light, fast and has everything a torrent client needs, with no useless stuff. Usually I use it to download torrents, but sometimes I just use Opera as a torrent client if I just need to download a small file which is in a torrent form.
  2. In the first post I see that Lithuanian language was translated, but a bit wrong, usually you need to say "I love You" - "Aš tave myliu" or "Love you" would be "Myliu tave", but not as translated in the first post "Tave myliu" It's correct, but a meaning and structure is a bit different, it does not have the word "I" :angel:Nice to see so much meanings, most of them sounds different for the same thing
  3. I click them once in a while, but usually the sites are not so promising, I only click them because I used to use google adsense and still am using, but not as active as I used to to get someone couple of cents for my click, but lets say statistically I click 8 google ads a year
  4. Well, if it's available use Wired Lan as most of here suggested :(At home I have Wireless and Wired Lan in my room, so whenever I am in my room I turn off wireless on the laptop and put the wire into my laptop and work, it's much faster to copy something from our Lan Home server, and to connect to my brothers computer than doing the same through wireless connection and I avoid using more waves in my room :DBut whenever I am in the kitchen, I use wireless, even on the bed I used wireless, because I don't want to move the utp cable from the table.. The only problem is that I need to turn off wireless connection every time on my laptop with the famous Fn F9 key combination, because usually even though the wire is inserted into laptop, you still can be using Wireless ;]So mainly a wired Lan is better for speed and reliability, playing games on wireless might get slower sometimes, it depends on the connection.. When using wireless in the university, they don't let to use Skype to often or any other P2P network like torrents, so thats way sometimes in the University I also just unplug some unused computer Internet cable and plug it into the laptop, it's also faster, because sometimes the wireless connection in the university might get slower or disappear for a minute, it's very inconvenient when you're connected to Oracle repository and etc.
  5. To capture screenshots I just use Irfanview, where you can set a keyboard combination and take s screenshot, because it's a only powerful image viewer, you can't edit the images to much like on Gimp, but taking pictures with Gimp is not comfortable.. The way I use it is I take a screenshot with Irfanview by pressing Ctrl F11 I believe, then I push Ctrl C to copy the image and I just Copy P paste it to Gimp, fast and suits me You can find Irfanview here: http://www.irfanview.com/
  6. Quatrux

    Safari 4

    I use Opera and never had any issues with playing Flash, if we are talking about Windows version? nor browsing flash content is faster on any other browser for me unless it's milliseconds.. In fact, when playing flash on Firefox to long, I see that Firefox starts using more CPU than always, so maybe it all depends on the system and different installations? As I know there are several flash plugins, or are they the same? Adobe Flash Player and Shockwave and Flash Player? I can't even remember which one I'm using, besides everyone should install a browser/all browsers and only later install plugins? For example, just found on other forums, even though I don't know what to believe, but he also feels that Firefox seems to take more CPU than usually, just like me, so I think it depends on the system configuration, OS and what he has installed and etc. Other people seem to not get it, I never had any problems with flash on Opera and it was always the same and as fast as on Firefox, as I use a laptop and a month ago after I guess firefox updated itself when watching Youtube with Firefox I feel my fan spinning faster than usually, I looked at task manager and it seems that really Firefox there using more CPU than usually, so it also might be a temporally problem until the next version. So when saying fastest, I doubt it really is a big problem that some browser opens something 0.003 seconds faster? Opera, Safari and Firefox are good browsers, the one you use is the one which better suits you and to which you are used to? I just don't like IE6 or IE7, IE8 even is much better for an ordinary user who does not know what HTML is.
  7. If you're using Windows and lets say Vista, then as I know Multiple_IE does not work, the way I do it is just on Vista I have IE8 and I have a Virtual machine, I'm using Sun VM Virtual Box, it's free and works very well and from Vista I can load XP, on XP I installed IE7 and am using Multiple_IE to view websites using IE6.. And it works very well, those services which offer to view your page by screenshots.. Well, it's not the same, you can't view hover effects, test javascript and so on, and usually thats the main thing and screenshots are good only if you want to test simple CSS content.. :angel:Every other browser works on Vista, I doubt you'll have any other problems with other browsers except for IE of course if you code well.
  8. I have 4 GB of real RAM, and I usually turn off the virtual memory as I don't need it, depending on your harddrive sometimes it can even make your computer slower, it's only good if you need more RAM, if you don't then there is no point.. Some games or software requires lots of virtual memory..Using USB keys like RAM isn't something new, I remember I done similar things on Amiga computers in 1996.. Just it wasn't USB keys, but HDD partitions, which worked in the same way.. Besides, a cheap USB key usually is very slow, so you need to get a good USB key, and also with time USB keys break due to that you frequently write and remove/delete data into it. Real RAM is much better.
  9. I stopped using Firefox several days ago as my default browser, because something is wrong with it, as I usually never reboot my computer, sometimes it starts using to much CPU, sometimes to much ram. I only use Opera as my main browser, which has lots of tabs, but used to use Firefox as my default browser to open stupid links on chatting programs and similar.. Now I moved to Google Chrome as a default browser, seems much better to just view a youtube movie or read some funny article and etc.Maybe I'll get used to Chrome and won't need Firefox.. I don't use IE8, just out of principle, even though it got much better, much better than IE6 or IE7..
  10. On Windows I also am using uTorrent as it's very good, very light and does everything a torrent client needs. For small torrents, I usually just use Opera, as it also can act as a bit torrent client and I never had problems with it.
  11. To add some information about the cannot modify header, I suggest to start using ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); just read about it on a PHP manual, it's really very useful and the script doesn't execute slower or something, sometimes even faster, because of that a browser supports gzip encoding, also you can use 3 or more output buffers to do something with your code/script and you can always use header(); or send Cookies, even though you already printed something and you won't get any errors. Here is one example how you can use it: <phpif (EXEC_GZIP && !headers_sent() && ( ob_get_length() == 0 ) && extension_loaded('zlib') && ( ini_get('zlib.output_compression') != 1 || ini_get('output_handler') != 'ob_gzhandler') ){ ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); define('GZIP_IS_ON', 1);}?> Lets say EXEC_GZIP is a setting true or false to use output buffering and if it's true and etc. GZIP_IS_ON define is used for to end a script, if you're using more than 1 output buffers.. I use three or two, it depends, but usually it is needed to send the right content length of a file to the browser that is why I call ob_end(); function, which looks like this: <phpfunction ob_end() { // Turn off Templater ob_end_flush(); // Turn off GZip output buffering if (defined('GZIP_IS_ON') ) ob_end_flush(); // Send the right header for length of the output buffer header("Content-Length: " . ob_get_length() ); // Send the output buffer and turn off output buffering ob_end_flush();}?>
  12. Just to add my 2 cents..If you get a parse error using PHP on a .html file, when it seems that PHP works, usually you need to use .php files for php to execute, but changing some values with .htaccess or in httpd.conf does the job to work for php on .html files on a server by using:AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .php .whateverand lets say .whatever will execute PHP script.
  13. Yes, I know that and I usually use it to find what is where, but sometimes my code is very very long for a bracket to find, I just highlight the bracket and scroll down to search for another one, so doing it 3 times a day just sucks, especially with code I wrote on year ago.. On a current project usually I remember everything that I don't need any features, just a text editor and the ability to write variables or constants where an IDE suggests what to write, I think I could code anymore without this feature.
  14. Well, as I didn't have N64, but a lot of people were talking about it, but I really spent a lot of time playing with playstation 1 and I can say that it was really good time and those games are quite "old" now, I would like to play them on some emulator on a PC, so I guess graphics isn't the main thing, gameplay and etc. really matters, the time I spent playing PS1.. All night.. Same as with playing on Amiga 1200 Even though I guess I played on Amiga even more.
  15. I just tried Komodo Edit from ActiveState and it's quite a good editor, especially because it's free. I liked the feature like on most C++ or C# editors, where dotted lines show when an if starts and ends, very comfortable, also you can minimize that part by clicking on +, it's not only for if, but for all the operators like while, do, else and etc. I wish PHP Designer would have this feature, working very well with such languages as PHP, maybe even on Javascript, but mainly I would need it for PHP.
  16. I also recommend PHP Designer, I am using it since version 2005 as I remember and don't use any other IDE anymore, it used to be free, but for some time now it isn't so I thought to change, but did not find any IDE which would suit me like PHP Designer, so I asked to buy it at my job, because I couldn't use anything else at the office.. Sometimes I write some suggestions to the developer and in a month he adds the features, but not all of them. So just get PHP Designer at http://www.mpsoftware.dk/phpdesigner.php If it's to "big" for you, you could use Notepad2 or a little more powerful text editor called Notepad++ which is also good, but it's not as powerful and useful as PHP Designer.
  17. If I need to choose, I will go only with NOD32 as it's one of the best antivirus I saw, it's light and very very powerful, you just need to know how to use it, even though on default it works great too. Some other antivirus software I used slowed down my computer or was quite annoying.
  18. I agree with most of opinions in this topic, that relationship doesn't make you fat, but the way you live does. When you don't have a girlfriend, you usually try to stay in shape, you eat, but maybe not so often, you go to gym and etc. because you have time for that and you want to stay in a good shape. But it also depends on the personality, when you find a girlfriend, you spend more time with her, you spend less time on your body, because it's not needed anymore, you eat more and exercise less..Also it depends what is your work, if all day long you need to sit in an office near a computer, you get tired at evening, you stop jogging or going to gym, you come home and eat. There are lots of factors, some people just have a normal shape naturally, even though they eat a lot and etc. It depends But the topic is really interesting and sounds funny :angel:
  19. Yes I also noticed that Buffalo Help don't post anymore to much, but I was away for half year too, maybe a bit less, for the same reasons, so I guess we don't have to worry about anything
  20. As I understand, the new client area did not show the balance for me to for several days, but I guess it was fixed and for some time now I can see the balance in the panel using the link given above
  21. Sometimes I think that to much distributions for Linux could make a lot of people, especially beginners to be confused :DEveryone is talking about browsers, as it's getting to be one of the most important tools, because in some way it is.. Some office software is being replaced with applications working on browsers, because you can do a lot using HTML and CSS + Javascript and all those AJAX and JQuery etc. It's easy to use for everyone, and programs written with C++ or C# needs to be installed on every computer, where a web application only needs to have a server. Of course, you never can replace with the same functionality Autocad, Photoshop and etc. ;)I hate web applications which only work with IE
  22. I just read your review and watched the Screenshots on their official site, looks very promising, will need to try it sometime, but it's a pity I don't have to much time for playing games.
  23. IE used to be a tool to download Firefox or Opera or any other browser and when using XP it's the only tool with which you could download and install Windows updates if you don't like the automatic updating, so it used to be very "useful" for this purpose.. On Vista and I guess on Windows 7 IE is good only for downloading other browser, but since IE8, lets face it, it's not so bad for a user which does not know how a computer works, IE8 is much better than IE7 and much much better than IE6, IE8 validates on Acid2 so with it most of websites will work as with older Firefox and Opera versions, it has tabs and it's quite fast, so I don't see any problems using it if it's not IE6 or IE7..For people who does not like IE, can use it to download other browser, so as I know when using Linux with KDE, I think Konqueror is by default on most distributions.. Because it's convenient.
  24. English is my third language, what's the difference of washing and brushing your teeth? :/
  25. I used to be using Gentoo for a long time, then Arch Linux, but now when booting into OpenSUSE I really think that for me it's the best distribution of Linux, it suits my needs just fine, but for most of people I just offer Ubuntu or also SUSE, because it's very easy to use them.
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