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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. To add my two cents, google is paying attention to meta tags, if you noticed in the google results google shows links with what is written in <meta name="description" content="" /> I think if it's not present it looks into <title></title> content. Also html meta tags is great for simple html pages, most of dynamic pages use somekind of headers and send them, but sometimes a simple html page can't use headers and apache might send wrong headers by default, so meta tags is the way to show the browser what kind of page it is, what style it is using and etc. Google is not the only search engine, it's good that it is not using the meta tag keywords, but some pages which indexes different domains and sites are using keywords, so I think it's better to use them, just to keep them simple as possible. I always use generator, author meta tags and others which are required, also sometimes to control your pages you can control robots with robots.txt and with meta tags, which is sometimes really needed. For some pages, I always use the meta redirection, it's good for sending files or wanting the site to redirect afetr some time, it's way better than doing it with javascript. Therefore, those sites which only use: <html><head> <title></title></head><body></body></html> Without the meta tags, they save bandwidth, they usually don't miss anything to much, but I prefer to use meta tags.
  2. I don't believe in these statistics, a lot of people using other browsers like Opera and Safari usually block useless content with local proxy servers or some other software and doesn't include their browsing in StatCounter and most of the things, such people usually don't browse those popular sites.I would want to see the statistics of browsers which are visiting Google (I mean google dot com domain), in my opinion that would be something more reliable. Personally I even block google analytics for my privacy as most of the sites has that code and I hate that.
  3. I personally never had this issue, I always had my own room with my own TV as I remember since 9 years with ~40-60 channels to watch with time to time and most of the time I was in kitchen with my parents no sex scenes were showed in the TV in the kitchen. If I try to imagine it, it would be something weird and I would just look somewhere else I guess :)Also, I never went to cinema with my parents, usually it was with my brothers or with friends. ;]
  4. I agree, personally 13th or 7 is my lucky number, that is in what I believe, but don't know about Friday though, Friday is a day when you drink beer or go out somewhere :(People just usually notice something bad at that time and says 13th day is unlucky, they don't notice anything special if it lets say Thursday the 8th
  5. It's funny for me that people who aren't interested in space exploration say that it needs to be stopped, I think that science should go forward and the projects should be going forward and in a world wide way.By giving more money to ordinary people, they will just buy more stuff in a supermarket and buy a better house and spend that money on luxury, what's the point of that?Also what's the point to not give any money to NASA and feed all of the Africa? Even though someone can tell that I'm talking bad, but it's the same with NASA, people work there, they get their salary for that work, their budget for some years now aren't as good as earlier, some projects just succeed with minimal budget.I find much bigger problem of the budget in the world for military.Or for me even a much bigger problem is all the jobs of security guards, all the world pays them so much for what? In my opinion security guards and all that security for buildings, people are useless, security guards doesn't do anything for the world, nor with their brain nor with their hands They are the most useless labor power in the world. They protect us from whom? If people would be normal no such a waste of money would be needed around the world :(Little understands that space exploration is a good thing, with time we will need extra resources from other planets too if we or our future people will want to survive. Most of people live thinking that after their death earth could blow up, they don't care about anything, just about money and spending it in a supermarket to make them happy.
  6. But I guess you can create a script with an username and a password when you want to download the file, without the right password you won't be able to download it.
  7. I saw that movie, and all I can say that it's full of crap, 99% of things are just crap, I even laughed when watching, I just will say no comment on this, it's all just crap, I think that movies like that should be banned or changed to a status of a fairytale.Even batman for me was more real.
  8. I have a dog and I truly understand this, even though nobody will ever give away my dog, because I would protest and etc. But still, I have my dog for 8 years now and I know someday I will loose him.I guess when you get a dog in a family, you need to understand that you will be responsible for it for years and giving it away is nothing what I could say is right, it's the same as mother would give away her son, even though it more cruel, a dog is not just a dog, it's a family member, the best friend of a man (of course if it's not some stupid and annoying dog)
  9. Personally I feel the same in the University, a lot of things needed are done on the last days and the most learning is on the last days to exams or some other homeworks. I guess it's natural. I do this, because usually if I learn all the semester or on the last days, I'll get the same mark, of course it depends on what you're studying, for doctors I guess it's different.I'm not saying that I don't learn at all all the semester, I do learn, but I don't focus as much as on the last days. When you know that you have to do something after 2 or 3 days, you usually are very focused and the homework or studying gets extremely well and when you know that you'll need that knowledge after a month, it's really hard to concentrate, you just loose precious time when you could be doing something else, programming something for yourself or if you have a job or are a freelancer or you could go and drink some beer with friends. :)Even though I heard a lot of stories, that people who learned well at school sometimes doesn't learn so well in college or university, maybe because they missed a lot in school? As for my self I was average at learning at school, but I managed to focus at the end of school and passed all my exams and entered university and now I can say that I'm on the top of the list after exams, I started to learn more. I guess it depends on the personality Moreover, I think it's much more interesting in university or college rather than in school, school is like a prison where you need to go everyday and learn things that does not interest you for general education, in university it's sometimes like a lottery :(Of course it depends on the college/university you're in and the thing you study.
  10. I guess with the speed getting slower it depends on how you're using it, maybe your hard drive is full and pissed with fragmentation, it's a good idea to partitioned it in the right way, it depends on the software you installed and what it does, but anyway, Windows 7 is definitely better than Windows Vista, but I guess people who are used to XP and are using older computers could stick to XP.
  11. Well, I would be disappointed and it would depend if I would loose myEarnings for that or not, if not then an alternative would be to try and post in the same topics about the same thing to get the post count back, but if it happened again, I would be pissed off and wouldn't continue to post I guess :)Would just pay real $ for hosting.. It's sometimes just fun to see your replies in an one or two years old topic. ;]
  12. I have Microsoft Developer Network or MSDN account and everything is free there for me, I got it in University, but for me it doesn't offer the normal Microsoft Office Suite with Excel and Word, doesn't offer any version at all, so I guess it depends on the account type, but it's really a great thing though. ;]Saves a lot of money.
  13. Well, the name is normal for me, Xisto seems to be spelled easily, it can be remembered easily too, so what do you need more? It's short too..But I agree that I don't know what it means and what it should have meant in the beginning
  14. As I know, all the laptops which does not have a CD/DVD drive has the compatibility to boot from and external source in usb, it can be me a flash key or external hard drive or even if it exists an SD key slot.Trough bios you can set the boot device, but it's not so easy as with a CD, you need to make some changes too, as I was told, Today some software exists, which creates a bootable usb key from and image with all the things needed, all you need is to change the boot device in bios.
  15. Well, maybe because Blender as a software is hard for newbies? Most of people wants the software to do all the job without any knowledge :DI'm not into graphics myself, so personally I was confused a t the start with it too, just played with it using some tutorials some years ago, but I quit, due to I'm more into programming.
  16. What's good about those Service Pack, especially about Windows XP Service Pack 3, that always when you have a fresh install, you were getting lots of updates, due to there weren't any SP for several years since SP2 for XP..So installing XP win Service Pack 3 is much more comfortable, I guess it's just more stable and I can't remember if something really changed in appearance or options.
  17. I think it's great that Microsoft released it for free, Microsoft Security Essentials is a good tool. Some friends of mine are using it on their work laptops for some time now and said that it works well, I think I'll move to after installing Windows 7. As I know they can't bundle it by default to Windows OS because of some issues? But anyway, it's free, it's good, it works. Also it's not so annoying and is light as ESET Smart Security, even though I still believe that ESET is much better, but it's not free. You can get it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14210/security-essentials-download
  18. Nice article about creating PDF's with FPDF using PHP, I remeber I had some issues with it and found a much better class for creating PDF using PHP, it's called TCPDFI did a lot of projects using it and it's really comfortable and has full utf-8 support and an easy tool to create fonts for usage with it and al ot of examples and tutorials how to use it.Get it at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ usage is similar to FPDF, because it's also a class At first it may be hard to understand it and use it, but with time it gets fun to create dynamic PDF's
  19. I'm using Vista for quite a while now and got used to it, it's now a bit hard to use XP somewhere else and I'm looking forward to installing Windows 7, I got Windows 7 Professional as a student from the MSDN something program in microsoft dot comBut as I said in other topics, I'll only install it after December 12, when all my exams will be finished, due to I'm to lazy to reinstall a lot of programs for university.To add about Windows 7, I've read here that somebody wants to use the classic Windows theme rather than Aero. In fact, as I know Aero works faster than the usually classic theme or classic theme with some style, due to Aero is using something from your graphics card which most of new computers has, so I just can say that use the Aero style and don't turn off "Show windows contents while dragging".Even though I saw a lot of sites which says: "Turn off Windows Aero" I just think that somebody wrote that because he thought so and most of other people just copied this by writing it to his blog.
  20. I think that posting would decrease if Xisto wouldn't offer mycents and hosting would be absolutely free? This is the way to upkeep your hosting account, by posting something and earning mycents, so I guess this is the main thing that makes most of the members post, at the beginning of course it's very interesting, but later after 1000 posts and more and especially when you see that you only have 12$ MyCents and hosting is costing 6.66$ you need to post again, so this is a good way for a lot of people just continue the hosting by paying, because with time people finish school, finish university, gets a job and it seems that you can't post as much as earlier. So I think that MyCents is really a very good thing.And I like that Xisto is not as active as other forums like mpc and etc. Because I lets say visit once 24 hours and see 3-4 pages of new topics, I at least can spend some time going through them, due to if every 12 hours I would see 12 new pages, I would skip most of them, because when you post more than 1-2 hours in a time, I personally have a little headache.
  21. I agree, personally I think that this law is stupid, in my country it was discussed too, but I doubt anyone will want to loose customers and that ISPs will send someone something. I feel that my privacy will be violated if someone will be looking what I'm downloading, I really would not like that. It's enough to check companies if they're using legal software, home users should be left alone, unless they're doing a real crime, most of people who download illegal things like music doesn't make money out of it.People will just start encrypting as you said, maybe one or another guy will get disconnected and no results will be achieved, it's even better that people in Britain will start encrypting things and using false IP addresses for safety and privacy. Those billionaires won't get more money that people will download less music, cinemas won't get more viewers and I guess software developers won't too, as most people will just use free alternatives or still will find a way to do something illegal and won't get caught.
  22. When you use drupal like a user there are not difference, but inside the programming is different, it depends on how people are used to do things, wordpress for me is much mroe in my style written software, there drupal isn't and joomla runs on the same core which was written years ago, download old joomla version and current and try to find major differences in the code, of course it works. ;] With PHP you don't create Filezilla or Word, it's done with programming languages like C++ and C# etc. and PHP is a scripting language.
  23. I think I wrote the languages I know in some different topic on Xisto forums, but I can say I know these languages:Lithuanian as my mother tongueEnglish as my secondary languageAlso I can understand and speak Russian quite well, but don't know anymore how to read normally or write.I had 4 years of German language class, but as for some years and didn't speak to much, I'm quite pathetic on it, but in Germany I could communicate a little, was there several times.I can understand and talk basic Polish, but am not interested in learning it.Not interested in learning more languages, as I don't really travel to much, once a year maybe sometimes once a two year, even though for several years now I visit different Europe union country at least once.
  24. I personally like PHP, I am using it since version PHP3 and PHP4 which really was a pain, am looking forward for PHP6 though.PHP is a language which has a lot of flaws and bad things, but it works if you have the knowledge to write your applications the way you need, especially since PHP5 when we got OOP it's even more better. The main thing with PHP is you need to know a lot to do something that your application would work normally and couldn't be easily hacked. For example, when you write a really good CMS or use one like wordpress, you can continue only creating everything based on it by writing plugins or modules and editing stuff for your needs, it's always difficult to start everything from a blank page and takes some time.Today, I personally think that PHP applications may continue to developed on frameworks like Zend framework and Cake or on CMS like wordpress, I personally don't like Drupal anymore because of it's structure, same with Joomla which personally for me is to big for a simple site with some dynamic content, there are plenty better and simple and easier to use Content management systems written in PHP.
  25. I can add that for a lot of people 32 bit processors Today is quite fine, because if you want to take real advantage using 64 bit processors you have to have at least or more than 4 GB of RAM, a 64bit cpu can do much more calculations rather than 32 bit, but most of the software today is created and compiled for 32 bit, so also you won't have a lot of advantage, 32 bit software will work of course on a 64 bit cpu, but compiled software for a 64 bit cpu won't work on a 32 bit computers, so this is the main reason. I really think that in the future we will be using only 64 bit processors and won't even talk about 32 bit cpus and I think that 64 bit processors will be there for a long time :)Another reason is that 32 bit computers has a limit of RAM ~3 GB on Vista you can use somehow 4 GB of RAM but not more, there are just not enough bits to continue on more ram, where 64 bit processor is able to handle much more, but it's efficiency starts over 4 GB.(2^32) bytes = 4 gigabytes <--- 32 bit CPU(2^64) bytes = 17 179 869 184 gigabytes <--- 64 bit CPUFeel the difference? :(As I know a lot of servers and super computers are using 64 bit CPU's to be able to use 8 GB and even 12 GB of RAM maybe even more, as most of servers are in a grid.Moreover, I read that the 64-bit version of Windows Vista operating system is for about 11% percent faster than 32-bit Vista. Someone did benchmarks for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms with prove.But what I want to know is the difference between lets say 32 bit quad core or dual core with a single 64 bit CPU and etc. about performance, even though a lot of software these days does not support multithreading and only use one CPU, which also isn't as good as using both at the same time.
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