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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. For sci-fi I would recommend The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It's a book about his view of the post-apocolyptic Earth. He usually writes about things that could be possible(in the past) but this one went into the future instead.It's kind of disturbing, to say the least. It kind of makes you question what the world really will be like in 100-150 years.
  2. This month I started reading the novel "As I Lay Dying" by William Faulkner...It's required for a class in school. I hate it.But I'm also planning to start Emotions Revealed, by Paul(?) Ekman. I love psychology/psychiatry.
  3. The things that annoy me the most are...1)People who think they know stuff but don't. It's not bad when they admit they don't know, but when someone keeps feeding you false information and you start to believe it, issues start coming up.2)People who act like they're better than everyone else, yet are inferior. I see this most often in MMORPG's...Nothing beats the morons who call someone out on a spelling error yet even while calling the person out they can't spell. Or those who can't use grammar but make fun of others for making mistakes. For example:Person 1 : I dont know where to goPerson 2 : learn proper english stupid....This happens so often it's not even funny.And 3) I hate when people are unable to think for themselves. For some reason people(as a generalization) take everything they see on the news, things heard from their celebrity idols, etc. as being completely true. There are many people who will argue a point with you but can't even back it up because their only proof is "Britney Spears said it," or something along those lines.
  4. I don't really read much...I have read a few books because I was forced to but so far my favorite would be No Country for Old Men. In fact, I liked it enough to write a review for it, located here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you read the review you'll see why I liked it so much, . Also, the review is in the Movies section but it's for the book as well.
  5. The most dangerous animal I've been around I guess would have to be coyotes....I haven't really traveled enough to be in a lot of danger from other things but coyotes are pretty vicious.
  6. Ouch, sorry to hear about your misfortune...That's pretty messed up.Keep in mind that the BBB doesn't always solve issues, and if the company isn't "licensed" by the BBB then there is nothing the BBB can hold them accountable for. More or less the BBB gets things by saying "If you don't comply, we will remove our icon from your site."Also, as far as I know the BBB charges for the reports, so I would do research before actually filing it.And can't you do a money order payment or something?
  7. To clarify, I think he means rotating as in automatically changing. The first movie ends and the next starts(or using media controls to go forward and backwards between movies/songs/etc.) And about using VLC, I'm pretty sure he means a more permanent solution. To where when you start your PC it resumes movies from where it left on and things like that. As for the uses...I'm not sure. Probably just for fun. Because if it was to actually watch, it'd be better to do overlay videos with high transparency. I've done that a few times with VLC while I was surfing the internet. It's confusing but...Different.
  8. I've heard many bad things about Orbitz....And I think Maddox(maddox.xmission.com) has an article about them and their ways of screwing over companies.As for the other two I've never heard of them or seen advertisements from them before.Orbitz is really the only hugely advertised flight agency, and I think even if some people have issues it should be expected. Imagine seeing 10k people mad at them, but them having millions of customers a year. That turns the large(10k) number of people into a very small one.
  9. Cloning should stay illegal because it is playing God....That's my religious side that says that, mostly due to society.But in all honesty....I wonder if God isn't the one who taught people how to clone in the first place.My issue with it really...Is that cloned beings can not really have a "soul." I mean there is only one of each person, right? Imagine an exact copy of you running around. It would be thinking like you, acting like you, etc. To me that's not a "clone," it's a robot without feelings.I guess for me it's a very touchy subject because I can see both sides of it: for and against cloning. Personally I'm against it but it's very hard to justify the feeling, it just doesn't feel right to me.(For the record, cloning of other organisms has been going on for tens of years, from plants to animals. I consider the genetically mutated cows - that bring more meat or more milk - and genetically mutated fruits to be clones as well. Because technically that's what they are.)
  10. First of all, what is this "X window system?" And second of all, I think it would have a pretty strong effect on the PC, unless it's a small file. If it was like movies or something it would have to be rendered, stored in the ram, etc. which I know for sure kills processing(on low CPU/RAM) PC's. If people have more high-end systems they will not have any issues. And Jimmy said HD...So even small files may have issues. I personally have 2 GB ram, Vista, 3.0 ghz dual core, so if there was any way I could test it for you let me know and I'll let you know how it runs for me.
  11. Hmm...I'm going to look into it. I know Maya is used for doing nice animations(My understanding is most CGI scenes in video games are made by Maya too) so is Blender also able to do that?I'm still a newbie to all of this and usually when I research capabilities of various programs I just run into either the same questions I have(unanswered) or things unrelated.
  12. Eh, it depends on how you exercise as to how much weight you lose. If you take Biology classes in college you will learn that even eating nothing but apples, bananas, etc. can make you just as fat as nothing but hamburgers. The fat is not caused by "fat foods," but instead by not burning as many calories as you are taking in.If you are burning 5000000 calories a day you can eat that many and gain no weight.In fact, there are some professional swimmers that are very skinny and eat 12k+ calories a day(A mcd's hamburger has ~500 calories, so that's around 24+ hamburgers a day worth of calories).The fact is the food doesn't make people fat, people make themselves fat.
  13. Is blender the name of the program, and if so is it open source/free?I've never even heard of it before...Also, would it be comparable to Photoshop?
  14. Exactly. What you bring up is kind of like the movies Butterfly Effect and Butterfly Effect 3(I don't remember the second one very well). In case you haven't seen it, it's about a guy who can go back into the past to see things that happened and can change his actions to have effects on the future. He could go back and say something different for example, and wake up in a completely different life than he was in before. Things like this are entertaining to watch but to think there's even a remote possibility it could happen is too far off in fantasy land. I think a lot of people wish it was true so they could fix things they did wrong but if you think about it, what you did wrong put you where you are today. Every mistake you make teaches you something new. In the movie, for example, every time the main character(there's two...different ones in each movie) changes an action he did from bad to good it causes negative effects to not only himself but those around him. The movie teaches the view that you should "leave the past behind." Or "keep moving on and don't look back." Those who keep wanting to re-do things they've done already have no idea what kind of consequences would occur due to having made said choices.
  15. I completely agree with this.... Obviously someone resurrected this thread from back in 2005 but I'm assuming if one person has an issue others have the same one so I'll give my input. I feel chasing people who are already in relationships is bad as well. Especially if you really care about the person(and this goes for both males and females). Whether she/he likes you or not is irrelevant... If they are in a relationship they obviously care about the other person as well. Chasing after the person can cause confusion and/or other negative effects, such as cheating. And although the cheating may benefit you, it can cause your "good friend" to have negative feelings later, regret, etc. about doing it. So really what you need to do in a situation like this is not ask the question "What do I want and how can I get it?"(and this doesn't necessarily mean sexual, it can just mean dating or whatever), but instead ask "What is best for them?" Because afterall, if the person you like is your friend then you should put the friendship first. Relationships may not last but friendships usually will. And then if they break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend later, then you can get together if you both feel it would be the right thing to do. Otherwise, it just wasn't meant to be.
  16. That's a long school day.... And the 4-7 PM thing would kill me. I couldn't even handle a night class in college (in the USA) once a week, much less deal with it daily. But do you go every day or just certain days?(In the week I mean, like with such a long school day do you just go MWF or all 5 days?) And as for me, I'm in college so I set my own schedule. Right now I'm in full-time and I go only on Tuesday and Thursday from 8 AM until 1:50 PM. Short days, .
  17. I really don't know who I would rate as being the "hottest."And I'm not sure if I've been living in the dark or what but most of these people in the replies(Probably 90%+) I have never even heard of before...Hopefully I'm not the only one, .
  18. Eh, I'm against the whole raping thing and all but I think 100 years is a little(way) too long for something of that nature.The death penalty should never be exercised in my opinion. I'm religious so I follow along the lines of what God says: let him take care of those who do wrong.There are some things that you can do to slow people(jail and stuff) but I think even that is overkill in many situations.This is a little off topic but think of it like this: you take a rapist and put him in jail with 50 other rapists for 10 years. During that time he either rapes or is raped for those 10 years. And then you let him back out on the street in the hopes he's changed. I guarantee he HASN'T.Put murderers in jail together. They fight, kill each other, etc. In 20 years, you let them get out and rejoin normal society. What do you think is going to happen? Obviously they are going to KILL and be violent again.You can *not* put people who are doing wrong with others who are also doing wrong and expect them to get better. It just doesn't happen.Now, there are rare cases in which people do change, but again that's rare. Usually those are the people who didn't want to do what they did in the first place(like the girl who's mom was being raped by her husband. The girl ended up killing her father to protect her mother from him. He had been to jail many times in the past for it and obviously wasn't learning, and she ended up going to jail for the murder).That's a pretty "out there" example, but things like that really do happen. And those are the people who will end up getting back out and will change their ways, but not because they really changed, but because they only did what they did because they had no choice to begin with.I know I rambled on about this a little but hopefully it helps to explain my stance on the issue of death penalties, jail sentences, etc.
  19. I would never trust someone if they cheated on me....To me it's one of the strongest acts of betrayal.There is no "I love you and I'm sorry I did it." If they loved you, they wouldn't do it in the first place.There are only a few things I am 100% against and will never change my stance on, and cheating is one of them(relationship wise....Cheating on tests and stuff is obviously different).
  20. Really it's easy to hit that much...On my forums with ~1000 hits a month I was logging half a gb a month in bandwidth already. That's because when people are reading 30+ pages per time they get on it adds up fast. So really it depends on if they are doing flat files, CMS with alot of information, etc. And to answer their question, I would suggest boosting the package up to the $6 one if you get a lot of visitors.... Might as well do an overall upgrade.
  21. Eh...If data was stored in the air it would allow people to hack the signals even easier than they already can. Even WEP encryption on Wifi can be cracked due to it being transmitted 24/7. Putting your data in the air would just be saying "Yo, here's my sensitive data. It'll be here all the time so feel free to jack it when you wish! And thank me after you wipe my bank accounts!"Just...It wouldn't be smart, due to security vulnerabilities. In theory it's a great idea though.
  22. Wow rayzor...I love you. Finally someone who understands that the media is full of crap. The media is no different than wal-mart. The sole purpose is to earn money. As for my view on Global Warming, I think it's completely bogus. Here's my article on it, going against Al Gore. Every point he made in his video "An Inconvenient Truth" can be proven false. I went ahead and nailed a few of his inconsistencies in my post. Check it out here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And by all means, let me know what you think of it. And none of this "LOL UR WRONG CUZ CNN SAID IT IS REAL!" If you're going to try and prove me wrong, do it by doing proper research. News media doesn't count. My source for "Global Warming" comes straight from scientific journals and doctoral theses. Edit : Rayzor, I am 100% against Obama. He is putting into effect many things that are against privacy and stuff. He is moving the USA towards a communist state. There's no way to deny it. He can be *directly* compared to Hitler.
  23. On routers you can see who is given a specific LAN IP by the mac address of the specific PC. For example, you can set your router to where everytime 7C-7A-7C-7A-7C-7A-7C-7A logs on to the network, they are given the IP Doing so would keep that IP for JUST that PC. Running DCHP isn't efficient in large networks, so the chances are they have them set up as static(like stated above). Along with this, PC's have "Names" for LAN as well. So in big businesses they name them to keep track. Something like "DataRoom 1," "DataRoom2," etc. to make them easier to track. So if you were to send something, the external sources would not be able to tell which PC it was sent from(well...They could by sniffing headers) but they could file a report and it would be easy to tell which PC it came from. To better illustrate it, here is a list from my router showing who is logged on it: Host Name IP Address MAC Address Client Lease Time Blocked out.. xx:xx:xx:xx:0C:7D 1 day 00:00:00 Vista-Ultimate xx:xx:xx:xx:1E:15 1 day 00:00:00 Blocked out... xx:xx:xx:xx:CC:2A 1 day 00:00:00 Using this, it is very clear which PC is on which IP. The PC I'm on now(Vista-Ultimate) is the one ending with Mac Address 1E:15. So a list of all the mac addresses would make this a very easy trace. Now, I'm not sure if you were wanting to know this just for knowledge, because you wish to trace someone, or because you want to do a prank, and I won't go into details on how it is done but yes, you can falsify your PC's information. For example, someone could use your home email address to send mail to someone using your IP, your router mac, and your PC mac address(even without having access to your email account). But I wouldn't worry about that happening because the number of people who actually know how to do it is slim, .
  24. As weird as it is, it's the same on all 3 PC's I installed Vista on...Two came with it originally...The other I put on myself. As for the difference, I've had them all on XP before(Since Vista sucked in the beginning) and now 2 have Vista again...After re-downgrading one of them it sped up again(with XP). Could it have to do with CPU/RAM then? Maybe Vista is just jacking it all for the OS itself.... The stats of the 3 PC's are: 2 of them are the same, 1 GB ram, 1.8 GHZ dual core, onboard video The other is : 2 GB ram, 3. 0 GHZ dual core, 8800GT Even on the faster one the transfers are pretty slow...But that could be due to low ram?
  25. I prefer Gmail for my emailing. I personally use Windows Live Mail for reading the messages, but even on the website it's very organized and easy to use - not to mention fast.For the free @yourdomain emails, there are Google, Yahoo(Yes, TDO, they do it as well) and also MSN domains has their own system.I'm not sure how the MX records work but I'm going to assume you are only able to use one of the free @yourdomain email services. Google supplies like 5 free accounts.
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