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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. My homepage right now is the Google page that lists your domain and all the stats of it...Helps to keep up with my Google rankings and stuff like that.
  2. If you're asking which type I use the most...It's phpBB because it's free.If the question is as to what type I think is best, and/or which one I would *rather* use if I were a user, VBulletin. It has so many features, it's faster, it's better for admins, etc. than phpBB. But it does cost money.
  3. To answer this the best I can...Most eastern religions do view women as being objects. All did in the past but some of them changed. I don't know enough about Islam to classify it as being male dominated or not but it most likely is. As for the virgins question, I think it is a very big misconception. Much like many other claims in religions, they are based on your own personal inference of what was said. Someone could say "I'm going shopping..." and it could be inferred by people as "I'm going to buy a car," "I'm going to go buy groceries," "I'm going to go look for a new house..." or one of many other things. Everything is based on how you infer them.
  4. There are actually people who are incapable of working due to mental reasons. And not like "lol, you're crazy" or anything...Working can cause a lot of stress in some people. They can't handle the pressure of knowing everything they do is being watched by their boss and they can be fired if they screw up.I can't think of any other direct relations right now but there really are people like that...And as you should all already know, stress can cause health issues. Stress causes higher blood pressure which causes blood vessels to expand, possibly bursting.
  5. Bush destroyed a lot of our privacy and started the thing, yes, but Obama is pushing it far. Obama is pushing for these things right now(and some have been passed): The ability to completely shut down the government's internet infrastructure during mass virus threats - this keeps us from being able to visit ANY websites(in the USA) The ability for the government to search any electronic device you own just to see if you have pirated songs, games, etc. on it. They are attempting to push it as far as to where if you are driving down the road the police can pull you over just to check for illegal electronic material. The ability to create a PERSONAL army as powerful as the US Army....There are *reasons* the US Army can't get involved in domestic issues. Read history books to learn WHY. And he's attempting to destroy that. And there's many more things he is doing that are going to completely destroy our privacy. What you do in your home, online, etc. will be known by them. You will not be able to do anything without being watched. How that doesn't relate to communism I have no idea. Hilter's army could kill and do anything they wanted, even on their own people. China's government chooses what websites they can and can not visit. And obviously in any communistic government the government is allowed to search anything they want of yours without asking or needing permission.
  6. Thanks for that input. I'm looking for a better system to use though...Or maybe attempt to create my own module, to link videos in it in a format like Youtube's...Where people can view videos, comment on them, see related ones, etc. in a more solid way. The way I have it set up now(with articles) it will link alike videos together, allow comments, and allow viewing, I just want something that looks better, .
  7. Lately I've been hearing the opposite....People are getting fed up with Google and either banning people for no reason or flat out not paying. The worst part about Adsense is they ban with *any* click fraud whether you know about it or not. Some user on your site can screw you over out of anger.
  8. lol, the sad part is it's so awful that everyone goes to it just to see how awful it really is! It's free publicity.It goes along the whole "As long as you're the best you will be successful." If you can't be the person with the best nice looking site, be the person with the best ugly looking site. Either way it's a winning situation, XD.
  9. The first step is to decide CMS or static, and then flat files or database....And what type of database.For beginning I would start with Dreamweaver and do flat files. It's all WYSIWYG(What you see is what you get) so it's very easy to use and has almost all of the features you would need when coding your own HTML. It even has some JS(Javascript) built in as well.Also, I have a book called "The complete idiot's guide to website creation" that gives a very easy to follow understanding of HTML. I used it to learn the language in under a week. And it goes through everything from frames to creating submission screens and stuff.
  10. Yet another resurrected thread from ORene....Gaming is a waste of time depending on what type it is. If you're doing a "button mashing" game it has absolutely no benefit at all.RTS's are pretty good for strategy and planning.RPG's are great for reading, writing(typing) and puzzle solving.Puzzles are obviously good for puzzle solving.But games like Super Mario....They don't really help much in the mental field. Nor things like GTA.
  11. Those are ridiculously low payouts....1 cent per, 10.00 needed, that's 1000 sites surfed at 30 seconds each = 500 minutes = 9 hours of actively surfing for $10 = $1.10 an hour. But with 20 ads a day it's even worse. That's 1000/20 = 50 days to earn $10. An average of 20 cents a day...I'm not trying to put you down for it or anything but I think it should be taken into consideration.
  12. This is really to answer everyones' questions about "Is this bad?" It's pretty simple, really. It's bad if you're a gamer. What happens is when you play games your game takes up 100% of your bandwidth(assuming it's a broadband game...and you're surfing, on Ventrilo, etc. at the same time) while you play which causes lag. This 20% decrease keeps the "active programs" from taking up the entire 100%(instead just 80%) allowing 20% for the broken packets and to keep down lag. Disabling that will cause more lag(generally speaking) but will speed up download speeds. By gaming it also includes things like web cams, microphones, VoIP, etc. If you experience a lot of game lag on broadband when you are on Vent, for example, your router will have settings to slow the router to a certain maximum bandwidth. If you do this, you want to set it at ~85%. And yes, it helps. With broadband being fast these days the 30 kb/s won't make much of a difference to your eye but in terms of the speed and efficiency of the network it's much greater.
  13. Okay, so I did some work on it today. I fixed some issues with commenting, and added a new section for music videos.Also, I added a new article about English Grammar. It's a basic guide for those who do not remember it. But it kind of helps show what the articles will/should look like as I create them.Please, by all means critique the new article and the music videos section.(The nav bar isn't set up correctly yet. I'm going to break off into another sub division and pull "Other" out of it and put it in its own bar with "News." But aside from that, I think it's coming along pretty well. I just want to make sure everything is going great for you all as well before I push farther and find out I need to change the formatting and stuff on the articles).And thanks again guys!
  14. Not a problem. I just wish I could allow visitors to "subscribe" to their comments....It seems it'll only let me if they are registered on the site and I disabled site registrations since it's not needed now. I did reply to your comment by the way, . And the look of the site right now is very dulled down. I'm in the process of doing a much better looking one but I want it to be perfect before I release it, .
  15. Nice information in here. I wanted to move to Vista 64 bit...Or XP 64 bit, but my Wifi card isn't compatible with 64, .I think there are still a lot of games that supposedly don't run on 64 bit but I thought anything 32 bit can still run on 64, just "emulated?" And if so, that would mean the virii and stuff could still run.
  16. Psh, I was gone for weeks too and it's like nobody noticed, .
  17. I really don't think they would add things like Firefox into Windows 7....Firefox is sponsored by Google and Google and MSN are huge enemies of one another. Why would Microsoft publicize their enemy's company?It'd be like going to Apple and them having sales on Microsoft computers there.
  18. What about Mrs. whateverhername is..... I don't know her name since I don't eat a lot of cookies but she's pretty common. As for the idea to make this information "free," I don't see an issue with charging for it. Making it free would be like saying "Blizzard, you should make World of Warcraft free to play because other games like (insert hundreds of free MMORPG's here) are all free to play!" The reason our technology is as far as it is is because of the money involved, and the profits. The reason the news stations offer free news is because they are paid by advertisers just for broadcasting because people watch their channel. When they're making hundreds of millions of dollars a month for just broadcasting, they will do things to entice more people to watch them. As for the paid services, they are *not* being paid just to make you pay attention to them, so they pass on their cost to the users. Think of it like this: There are two car companies, A and B. Car company A gets $50 million a month in advertisement revenue because they have people who are loyal to them and there are so many Car company B makes $1 million a month in advertisement revenue because car company A already has all the advertisers/people You then go to rent one of the cars. Car company A can give it to you for free because their benefit is high, not to mention added exposure. Car company B would be losing money if they were not to charge, because they do not have the same exposure or income. The same thing happens with the weather.
  19. I like petting her too... And I want a pet monkey...But they're too messy. They throw feces and stuff. A koala or polar bear would be cool but we all know how that goes. So...I'll take a sloth!
  20. About water...Do not drink too much! If you don't drink enough water you will obviously get dehydrated, but if you drink too much you can essentially drown yourself in it. That's a pretty long-shot but it's happened in the past. Many people end up making themselves sick by drinking too much and unbalancing their electrolytes though..
  21. That's actually a good point, regarding the router. I didn't even consider that because I still can't get past the security of it all. The only purposes for it would be for storing files you don't care if others find...And really any files you have can be used to harm you, .
  22. Hmmm, I'm having issues with my most current site as well....Are you still having issues?My problem is the system claims I'm verified and all but that Googlebot couldn't find the main site(bryworld.com).... What bothers me is it claims it's been trying to find it since March 28, but I didn't even sign up the domain or link anything to Google Webmaster until around April 7th or so...I'm wondering if it's a default message for new sites or if there is something wrong.
  23. Thanks for all the information! I'm going to look into this over the weekend and I'll let you know if I learn anything interesting, .
  24. Cats would win in a fight....Because they're much more agile, they can hear better, and they are known to scratch dogs' faces. The only time a dog will win is if the cat is very young and doesn't know what's going on. Otherwise, cats are superior to dogs.
  25. My favorite would be puppies...I don't like full grown dogs, just because they're ....Different. Puppies are cute and playful though.
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