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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. lol.. This thread is funny.. Let's go into what a torrent is:A torrent is nothing but a file that says "xxx has xxx file." Think of it as a phonebook.The file the torrent relates to CAN or can NOT be illegal, depending on the file.For those *morons* (I apologize for being so harsh) who think all torrents are illegal, I suggest you don't ever become a lawyer because if you do you'll be suing every Linux distro provider, every patch provider, and most MMORPG companies.To break it down for you, Aion/Age of Conan/Warhammer all used torrents for their betas and for most client downloads now.Ubuntu uses torrents (faster than HTTP) for their distro downloads.There are literally millions of LEGAL torrents. Assuming every torrent is illegal is like assuming everyone with an IPhone downloads illegal songs onto it. Just because it CAN be used for such a purpose doesn't mean it IS.
  2. I use an 8 GB memory stick in mine but that's because I use custom firmware on it...Won't go more into detail on that, .
  3. I play it. Both in US betas and on CN retail servers. The US version releases at the same time I'm in school though so I'm unsure if I'll be playing Live. It is a good game, I just don't think I'll have time for it.
  4. I've never had dried... Anything.. Except raisins.I'd assume they taste the same as normal tomatoes, or am I wrong on that?
  5. Unless that group's research is also verified by many, many other sources it will not make a difference.Anyone can *claim* anything.I could publish a document right now stating that water cures cancer and makes people turn homosexual due to chemical changes water brings on.Does that make it true? No. It gets published and then over a long period (many months to years) others will attempt to replicate the research. Only upon them failing multiple times are they able to properly "deny" the claim I put out.Much like with this group. Until it has been verified and re-verified by others there is no truthfulness behind it.
  6. That's because in the US people want everything to be fast. Rather than taking the time to read things, we want to just be flat out told. Afterall, time is money, .
  7. I'm wondering if he meant "nuke" as in send a nuke up there or if he meant "nuke" as in just theoretically blowing up (much like "nuking" a hotdog or something of that nature).Everyone has pretty much nailed down the basis of sending a nuke up there, so I'll hit on the latter.If the sun were to explode our lives would be over. We rely on the sun for our energy purposes (sunlight feeds plants which feed animals which feed us, assuming you're a meat eater. Regardless, plant life is essential to our existance). Without it, we all die.In that time, were the sun not to burn us up during its "explosion," we would experience two things; freezing cold and starvation. I guess in a sense it could be seen as another Ice Age. If the cold didn't kill you the lack of food over a period of time would.Interesting question you have but I feel my answer is very accurate, were said event to take place. Luckily (hopefully) it won't.
  8. You don't need money to get ranked #1 in Google results... You just have to know what you're doing, . It is a fun, constant battle for a #1 spot but that's what keeps some of us going, the "cat-and-mouse" game. Nothing beats rocking out in a #1 spot for a month and then noticing you lost it again,lol.
  9. Sounds like mine... I never really clean(ed) mine until not too long ago when I took one apart to take out a fan and.... It was bad enough that I spent hours pulling everything out and doing everything I could to get it cleaned... By that point it was too late. So I've learned to keep my PC's clean, .
  10. I'm also quite surprised they allowed you to get a domain without already having the funds available...I guess if you were very close to having enough at the time you bought the domain it would be understandable, but if you were still far away (by close I mean within $2-3) they're very trusting, .
  11. Well.... Things had a huge unexpected turn after I started on the project and got it going. I'm working on getting back into the groove of throwing updates, although right now they may be a little spaced apart. Lots going on in RL.Trying to come up with interesting articles is also an issue, :angel:. There's a lot of stuff I'm interested in but either A) I don't know how to explain it to others or I don't think others would be interested.Anyways, the site is slowly starting to grow... I plan to just take it slow and see where it ends up.
  12. About the site being down, it's because I already moved everything over (from joomla to normal domain) after I felt it was pretty much ready. I do have another, much better, more "up-to-date" design but I'm unsure whether or not I'm going to start using it. At the moment the community I ran is pretty much dead (the game we were set up for died on us, ) and I'm too busy to run another clan or anything, so until I am able to, I won't worry about the site. The new design is up 100% and ready to be used though when I'm ready to do so. As for what I used for clantakeover.com, it is Joomla and phpBB3. Warez is not allowed, nor was our site about warez.
  13. Nice review and great looking case.I'm confused about the "dust filter" issue though. Does this mean all of the openings are just... Open? Like dust will just go straight into the case?If so I see that as being a huge potential problem. Dust getting in a case can kill it faster than anything (more heat, dust blocking fans, etc.)Would it be possible to add your own filter to it? I'm thinking along the lines of putting up a cloth of some sort in the inside of the case taped up in order to catch the dust. This could then be cleaned or whatever, depending on what type of material was used.Just an idea for a possible solution. Although, without being able to see inside the case it's hard to tell.
  14. I loved Prototype but it got a little old for me after a couple days... It was very nice seeing the world and how big/open/graphical it was. Especially with the ability to run up buildings, absorb people, toss cars, steal tanks, etc.But then the fun died down and it was too repetitive. Go kill x person by absorbing x, then go do x... Over and over.
  15. I'm curious as to how well it went too... I haven't had mine pulled yet, but I heard everyone will pretty much have to at some point.I think the dentist you go to probably has a lot to do with how it comes out... If you have a good dentist they should be more "efficient" than a bad one. Much like all doctors are not alike. You can have 5 doctors give 5 completely different explanations as to what is wrong with you, only one being right.
  16. .DAA is a "compressed" ISO made using WinISO or PowerISO. IIRC either one can decompress it.Along with this you can decompress it with the trial versions, you are not required to register them first since you are not *creating* an ISO.Once you decompress the .DAA you can then delete it as you really won't need it again. I still don't understand why people make them anyways, the size is not that much different, and sometimes the size of the .DAA is LARGER than the .ISO.
  17. Yes, fluid means using a percentage value. I would estimate 80% or so being good for this. Another thing to consider is whether or not there are/will be advertisements showing, and where at (top/bottom/sides?)
  18. For Cloud computing, Ubuntu is working on a project for it. I don't think it's out yet but they are in the works.There are also many other projects for it.Google for "Cloud Computing Options" and you should find plenty of things,
  19. It seems very plain to me. The first thing I would do is enhance the size. In my browser the page is about 1/2 the size of my browser window (I'm running 1280*1024).If this is going to be for services such as selling PC things or whatever, I could see it as being okay. For any bigger sites, I just can't really see it as being something to visit often.
  20. I'm pretty sure you can't buy a domain without having the funds available. That would be like going to the store and asking if you can have X item without any money (not credit card, just "trust me, I'll bring back the cash")I could be wrong on that, but especially regarding domains I doubt it's possible. With domains Trap would have to pay to do the registration, so if you were to back out they would be left with a registered domain with no use for it.Just make a deposit, .
  21. I used SMF a little but didn't really see it as being as feature-intensive as phpBB. Really, what I want more than anything, is a good forum base with SEO-optimized handling. phpBB does have some SEO things that are... Decent... But they all require being customized of which I'm not sure how to do, . Trap has a very SEO-efficient design. I would love to be able to just copy that,lol.
  22. I don't use any cookies on my site but out of curiosity... Does this script ping back the name of the cookie file the server is searching for? For example if it is looking for a cookie named "CookieMonster" would that be what it reflects back? (Meaning it also tells what name the cookie should have if set properly)
  23. Keep in mind that if you have a media player, especially one that plays by itself, you will want it to be one that has the ability to either be muted or be stopped altogether.There are still some people with dial-up, and if they are forced to keep streaming music it will slow down their internet connection considerably (hence the ability to stop the music altogether).
  24. I think the worst thing on the internet is by far... The mentality of people.Because of this "anonymity" and everything people feel the uncontrollable need to be jerks to everyone.Along with this is the lack of being proper, whether it be in terms of fully explaining ideas, spelling correctly, etc.And people often argue that "this is the internet, why does it matter?" But if you pay close enough attention you will notice that people bring this behavior into real life. They get to used to typing with "g2g" or "4real" that they do it on their English papers and other things.People seriously need to learn how to separate the internet from real life, while at the same time noticing that anyone they are talking to is a real person (unless, obviously, it is a bot).
  25. I've never even heard of Slax before.. I currently use Ubuntu because it seems to be highly praised online. So far I've had no issues with it,
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