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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Not a problem.I'm not sure if you are a psychology enthusiast or not so I'll go ahead and toss this out to you...About cognitive psychology, those are all estimated times of being in each stage. Some people are in those stages longer than others, some never even go into the stages, and some never come out of them.For example, you may get into the Concrete Operational stage and never exit. Or you could hit that stage at a much younger age.The stages are just generalizations and are not necessarily reflective against everyone, just "most."
  2. I learned this in psychology too, and it also amazed me. I never really thought of the feelings of young kids, and I still do not completely understand how they can tell how a newborn feels. Either way, you did not give any credit to your source : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Nor did you use the Quote code to mark the information as being quotes. Please correct that.
  3. The only thing that is holding me back from Linux is the lack of gaming support. Most of the newer games that I play are not supported. And some that used to be went through updates that made them incompatible(even with WINE). It seems like there are some companies purposely making their software not work with WINE, because they work one day and only one small patch later they don't work at all. If Linux ever finds a way to support all the newer Windows games I'm there,
  4. I would go with Vista. I am one of the last people to move up to the new platform, but they have finally fixed most(of the big) bugs.It's great for gaming now. But if you have less than 3.5 gb's of ram I would suggest not using the Aero theme.Also keep in mind that the OS itself uses about 512 MB's of ram, so you will most likely need more ram(Unless you're already at 2gb+).I personally have an 8800gt video card and 2 GB of ram with Vista 32 bit, and I have no issues even with the newest games(Like Left4Dead).
  5. On the same topic as this, how do you go about setting up an actual registration system?Is there a free script for it or do you have to make it yourself?More or less I'm looking for one where people can sign up a username/password and access the site using that(after they are validated via email)
  6. Thanks for those views.As for Trillian being a paid "Pro" version...It used to be free as well. It was not even created for profit, but there were so many downloads and so many feature requests that they(Cerulean Studios) decided to create a paid version as well.I'll probably check out Pidgin later. I haven't kept up with Trillian updates either...I just download it when I reformat my PC. Other than that I don't do updates or anything, XD.
  7. Well yeah, like every other law there are ways around it, . And like I said previously, "Just because it's illegal doesn't make it wrong." I do not do things because they are legal, and refuse to do things that are illegal. I am a person with my own thoughts on what is right or wrong, and I could not care less whether the RIAA, MPAA, FBI, CIA, or anyone else agrees with it. And yes, I'm religious. One thing you learn when you study a lot of Christianity stuff(or other religions as well) is that there are MANY things that are legal that are against "Gods"(whoever you say the higher power is) laws, and there are many things that are *illegal* that he would say should be okay.
  8. I am not sure what Free Basic is but I would suggest using "Visual Basic .net" that Microsoft gives away for free...I can't think of the name of it off the top of my head, but they give out the program for free on their website.Using that, since it is a more "commercial" like program, it would be much easier to find tutorials for. I know that a lot of schools have classes on how to use it.
  9. What is an isograph?And that is pretty good for hand-drawn images...I've been thinking about getting into the artistic side of things but I'm not creative and I can not draw very well,
  10. That's a pretty cool list of programs. I did know about some of them but others I did not(Like Dr. Watson...I always thought it was spyware or a virus so I always did everything I could to get rid of it...)A couple of those I had forgotten about as well, .Thanks for the list!
  11. That isn't bad at all, but did you actually draw those characters yourself? And if so, was it using Wacom, a mouse, or a laptop tablet?
  12. That's pretty cool but can you also blur just small parts of an image?Like if you have a picture of 5 characters of a game, can you blur only the outside around them rather than the entire image?
  13. Would you rate this program worse or better than Trillian?I've been using Trillian for a few years now. It is Yahoo, MSN, AIM, ICQ, and a few others as well, and you also have one contact list with that.There are hundreds of add-ons for it, and hundreds of different skins, along with the ability to easily make your own.Have any of you used Trillian that can make a solid comparison between it and Pidgin?
  14. Why would you guys even want to use instant messangers on your phone? Seriously, would it not be significantly easier to just wait until you are around a PC and log in there? I Just find it hard to do a LOT of typing on phones.And using these programs, do they charge up on your bandwidth costs or do they count as "SMS?"
  15. Wait, that report confused me. It makes it sound like it is another country that paid the debt, yet it talks about the "US donation" as well. Do you happen to know who the debt was actually paid by?And I would not doubt that it was the US mostly, because of Obama. I have been saying since he came up with his off the wall ideas(private military, bail out, huge refund checks to people, etc.) that he is going to screw over the US. And he has already started.For the record, Obama has been proven to have links to various terrorist organizations that he was actually part of in one way or another. The information was known. The information was public knowledge. But because he's not white, people were all over this "let's make a black man president!" crap. That is the *sole* reason he is the president now.So for him to request that Congress add in to the funds being paid to terrorists, I would not doubt it.
  16. For me, a huge contributing factor are the graphics...I just can not stand games that have 2d and/or Nintendo 64 style graphics. I need the most up-to-date ones.Another one is the playability. I can not stand games where there is not a lot to do, or it is too hard to do. Just following a straight storyline is boring. It needs twists, turns, choices that affect outcomes, and things like puzzles.Aside from that, I do not really require a lot. I mean the storyline itself is not that important. There are some games with great storylines that suck, and vice versa.The characters are not that meaningful to me. I enjoy the game itself more than following who everyone is.So one example of a favorite RPG of mine is Kingdom Hearts/Kingdom Hearts 2. These were just awesome, although they do seem a little childish if you have never played them.
  17. I saw that picture as well.And the point that it is trying to make(since a lot of people are going to misinterpret it) is that there should not be copyright laws on things that are for personal or limited use.For example, if I use your song for a movie I am *selling*, yes, it should be wrong. Unless I pay you for it of course.If I use your song on a personal home video, for just family, no it should not be illegal.If I use your song on a website, for non-profit use, it should still not be illegal.The only time that it should be considered as wrong is if you are using it to make a profit. This is whether or not the profit is directly related to the song(regardless as to if you are selling the song itself or something that has the song on it.)Otherwise, you are only BENEFITTING the record company. There are many songs I know of that I love, which I only know about because they were on someone's game recordings or whatever.So to me, I feel that non-profit use of songs is a *huge* boost in popularity for the record company. Why take that away?I guarantee you if they completely ban all "pirated" songs, the record industry is going to have a huge hit both financially and socially. They are only screwing themselves.It's narrow-minded and ignorant. They refuse to look at the big picture. Instead it is all "me me me. I want money. I don't care about you!" and that is what is hurting them in the long-run.If only they would relax, and quit acting like communists monopolizing on lawsuits, they would get much farther.
  18. Another thing to do is try looking for firmware updates for the burner. There are often times firmware updates a few months after a cd rom/dvd burner has been released, to help iron out bugs.Not to mention they also offer other benefits quite often(Like enhanced read/write speeds and whatnot).If the burner actually came in the HP(HP = Compaq), then you should be able to get the drivers directly off of their website. Just go to hp.com and search for your PC's model number(Not the series. If your PC says like "DV 1000" that is not the model. What you want is like "DV 1049cl.") and it will list all of the available drivers.Alternatively, you can also contact them. If you take this method I suggest doing it using the online support. Doing this they can just send you the direct links.
  19. While we are on this topic...I noticed you're asking the port. Is the reason that hosting IRC here is not allowed because the port is closed? And if so, does that mean that using VPS or dedicated servers it would be fine to host IRC? Or is that where it is disallowed?
  20. You reallllllly need to do research on movie making. A couple of the huge points that would rule out your "lower prices for less piracy are": ~90% of all movies make LESS than they spent during the filming process. Even when it comes to the huge places - Miramax and whatnot, they lose money on many of their movies. Let's assume they lower prices - now they lost even MORE money. The movies that *do* make money do not make a lot. When they say "we pulled in 100 million in our first week" you have to consider that they are spending 650-700 million on the movie. Until they regain back all of that money they have made absolutely nothing in profit. Those who do not buy movies would not anyways. Those who would, do. There have been many studies on this behavior and it's almost unanimous. Something that could be done to counter the whole piracy issue is to charge more for the blank dvd's and cd's, and return that money to the record industry, video industry, etc. For example, let's assume that a blank dvd is $0.15 now. Boost the price to $1.50. Now using that extra $1.35 they can give the video industry that money. Maybe that would make them happy. You could not pirate a physical item(DvD/CD) so you would be forced to buy either the blanks or the original. There would be no way around it. And some of you would disagree with the prices of media going up, but it is a fix that was recently thought of by a friend of mine. I honestly feel that it would work.
  21. Yeah, why are you guys talking about just one program? Would it not be more efficient to use more than one?Like let's assume that you have 3 advertisements on your website.One at the top, one at the bottom, and one on the right side.If all 3 of these were Adsense, would they not ever show the same ad? Like maybe the top and the right.To counter this it would be much more efficient to run two programs...Wouldn't it?Note : I may not be right on this. I have never used Adsense. At the moment my website has no ads at all, and I do not plan any for the near future. So this is all just based on my limited knowledge. It is possible that Adsense will automatically detect that the ad is being shown and show 3 different ones rather than ever repeating one.
  22. I agree to this to a point, but always be yourself. No matter what happens, in the future your true personality will come out. Don't let it be overshadowed by something(somebody) that you're not. You should not care what people think about you. Those who like you do, those who don't don't. Those who dislike you would not like you anyways, so there is no reason to worry about it. But as you go through life you will learn that on your own. Up through elementary school most people are not self-conscious. Middle school/first part of high school they are End of high school/on they are not again. You just start to learn that people will treat you one way or the other no matter how you act, so it is not worth trying to be anything you aren't. You will end up losing yourself that way, as well as losing friends. The true friends, or "true love" are those who love you/befriended you knowing who you are and what you are like. Those are the people who will be with you until the end. Anyone who wants to dispute that fact really needs to sit back and take a look at life. Every successful person(business wise) has followed that principle. Bill Gates was made fun of constantly for his idea of the PC. He lost friends because of it, as well. But he never let his morale be hit. And now look where he is. No matter what people thought of him, he kept his own ideas and never fell into the "I want to be socially accepted" trap. That is the single most important thing.
  23. Wow, very nice tutorial there. I didn't even know there was a way around bricking it. I wonder if there's a method like that for the PSP as well... And while on the topic...You said you work at Apple so I guess you're the one to ask. Let's assume that the fix is that easy(that it would work) and someone did not know that trick. They sent in their Ipod to you, and you found out they were trying to "jailbreak" it. What would end up happening with it? 1)You all keep it, as they broke a law(people keep saying modifying them is against the laws/TOS) 2)You all send it back, with them paying shipping both ways, plus flat fee for looking at it 3)You all do the easy fix and send it back I'm just curious as to how these kinds of things are handled. I'm going to assume that it's the first one, based on what people always say about companies and breaking TOS's on them.
  24. I agree with you. And in terms of the apes...Even if we *did* come from apes, there is no telling how it happened. To me there has to have been a god(God). Without him(Yes, I call it a he...It's just that out of all the videos, text, movies, etc. I have seen God is almost always portrayed as a male), nothing could work as it is. So for me, I couldn't care less where we came from, or how we got here. I believe that whatever happened was because God made it so. Even when it comes to inventions I believe God(if nothing else, a higher power) helped the person make their idea a reality. Look at the lightbulb for instance. 5000+ tries and still did not get it to work. And then while sleeping Edison saw tungsten and when he woke up it worked. There was *something* that caused that dream to come up. You don't just think of a solution for no reason, especially when it is way off the wall like that.
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