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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I agree to the post talking about Napster...When Napster was the biggest thing everyone used it for music. It allowed only one person to one person downloads, so if you got disconnected or anything you had to restart the file (It had horrible file caching, half the time it would delete the file when you got d/c'd).When Napster was sued and taken to court, they started charging for downloads. At that time a lot of people went looking for other alternatives and found Morpheus, which connected to Napsters servers, along with Gnutella's. So now you could download from TWO places with one client. Not only that, it allowed multi-person downloads. And to top it off, it allowed you to download games, movies, and other files, not just music!Had the music industry not pushed towards shutting down Napster, a lot of people would never have gone looking for something better, and thus would not have been downloading movies, games, etc.If you follow along with what the laws cause to happen, you will notice everytime someone sues over piracy on a huge scale (take TPB for example), their losses are even huger than before.Think of it like this: There are 500 people downloading movies. Assume that's $7 a movie ticket, so $3500 per movie the company loses.They get mad about the loss and sue whoever is allowing the downloads. Now 1500 more people know about it because of watching the press releases, reading the newspaper, etc. So now 2000 people find an alternative, and it's better than before. The company now loses $6000 per movie they released.But this is happening on a much larger scale.Overall, what is happening is the MPAA, RIAA, etc. are effectively screwing over the record companies, movie production companies, etc. by making everything more world-known. You would be amazed at how many people now know about ThePirateBay as compared to before the court case was put into effect.People need to learn that no matter what they do, someone is always smarter. It's a game of cat and mouse, and sometimes you need to just be the bigger man and lay off. In the case of the record companies/movie companies, every extra step they take is hurting themselves, not the people who are doing the downloading and/or uploading.
  2. That is actually a great question. I think you're right on them closing the account because of it... Maybe you can block certain IP's from seeing the ads? I'm not sure how all of that works but you did bring up a great question.I've personally been steering clear of Adsense just because everyone who makes a lot of money seems to be banned.
  3. It's kind of cheap that you get to accept your own threads here, . I have to always request that mine are accepted.And great list. I was using just the Google ping on mine, XD.Let's see how much of a difference it makes in visitors. I'll post back here in about a week with the increase/if there is one.
  4. Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone is interested in doing some link trading. At the moment, if you look in my signature you will find two websites. One is not being updated at the moment, but does have decent ratings in Google...It's PR0 but has #1-8 rank on a lot of searches, .The other is my new blog that's growing slowly, both in size and number of visits. It's 4-5 days old now, so it has not been crawled yet. I have SEO'd it though.The topic of it is knowledge and learning. Every day I post something new related to things I have learned, whether it be my notes for a class in school or something else. So over time there will be stuff for everyone, .So if anyone is interested in doing link trading let me know. Maybe we can work something out!
  5. I hate Windows Live Messenger because it really does bog down your PC...If you have a lot of ram you won't notice it a lot but otherwise you will.I find Trillian to be much better. It's more feature-packed(with many other IM's built in), looks great, takes up less ram, and has a smaller installation.I still don't get why people use WLM/AIM/Yahoo instead of going with the banner-less, advertisement-less Trillian.
  6. That makes a lot of sense. I've locked some things in places 3-8 on my gaming website that have nothing to do with gaming...Like "ant" or "queen." All because someone on our forums posted about killing the ant queen in Lineage II... There's absolutely no meta data/tag attached to that either... So how I would lock something completely unrelated to my site I do not get, but I won't complain either, . It would be nice if there was a real guide (from Google) explaining the system and how it works, but then people would abuse it for themselves. Like with everything else, some people screw everyone else over by trying to get ahead.
  7. With my domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I had #1-5 ranking for many key words even a week after the site was created. They were keywords as common as "Aion information" or "takeover." So about domain age mattering, I don't really see how. And for the page links, I was reading it matters because of how the search engine recognizes it, and also makes it easier for others to visit pages directly(with a better url. Like yourdomain.com/information.html instead of yourdomain.com/query?=39&page=9 or something like that.) It seems to be key words that determine your place in rankings the most. I've locked a few #1 key words for common things even with a page rank of 0. But higher page rank means you get crawled faster/more often I think. For example, I have pages I posted weeks ago that still aren't indexed, even though I have a decently high ranking on the search engine itself. Whereas other pages get crawled faster. On a blog the fastest I saw a page crawled was under a minute after the article was posted, but I'm not sure if that's just because it's when the crawler hit the page anyways or if it was due to page rank. There is still so much to learn, .
  8. VBulletin is the best overall, but in terms of free ones phpBB3 is the best. So it all depends on if you want to put up cash or not, .
  9. Just because it costs more doesn't mean it's better... And there are too many things that prove that for me to start listing them all, .
  10. I'm pretty much the same way...I'm a very quiet person but it's why I know/learn so much. I'm constantly absorbing all of the information around me, regardless as to where I'm at.In school I could name 99% of the people in my class(of 550-600 students) and probably 90% of them didn't even know who I was... It's kind of funny to have someone be a jerk to you and you let them know one of their "personal" things they don't want anyone to know....It freaks people out because they don't know you and can't figure out how you know about them.Being quiet is a good thing though...There's a saying, "There's a reason why you have one mouth and two ears...You should be listening more than talking."
  11. ....Is that a DAILY routine or like once a week or something? That's ridiculous if it's daily,lol.
  12. I don't really exercise...The only time I do would be when I'm walking from class to class in school, XDI am planning to get a bicycle soon though to ride a few miles a day(minimum). I find it easier to ride a bike for hours than to walk for hours, even though biking burns more calories.
  13. Well something to consider about doctors is some things they don't know much about. For example, not every doctor can do brain surgery or transplants of liver and stuff.Along with that, some doctors just got out of their medical school and all, so they are not used to being the sole person to take care of a patient. It's a lot different in "the real world."So in terms of not understanding what to do, I can completely understand it.
  14. Is this an introduction like "Hi, I'm new here?"If so, welcome! There are some rules to read so you probably want to do that before you make too many posts, just to make sure that you aren't breaking any of them.And as for the Hello World thing, I completely agree. Input/output is one of the main things dealing with any programming language. Once you're able to do both input and output the rest of your goals can be accomplished just by altering that little by little(until you're into object oriented...)
  15. Heh, my view is that anything is possible... Looking at the theory and how it would supposedly work, I find it extremely hard to believe, but look at other things people didn't believe. Like Wifi. Who would have thought you can send computer data through the air, and make it only go to the one PC it was sent to, without being able to hear, see, etc. it?So, although I feel it's a long shot....I guess it is in fact possible.I think Star Trek talked about them as well, right? I never watched it but I think they did the "super fast" space traveling.
  16. Um, unicorns are real. I've seen them in the Chronicles of Narnia, games like Lineage II, and movies like Harry Potter. So yes, they exist! About words going extinct...I doubt they do, really. If you think about it, we have millions of words that if you even saw them you would be like "Huh? Since when is that English?" There are like 8-9 words that mean the exact same thing as any other word. For example, you can take the word "big" and come up with many, many other words that could take its place and mean the same thing. And that doesn't even get into thoughts....Think if there are 8 words for each other word, and 5 words in a sentence, that's a total of 40 just on the basis of the words themselves. And then there are probably a hundred for the thought as a whole. And that's just English! Imagine all of the languages put together. (Granted, English is the only one with so many words that mean the same. And I forgot the name of it..Homonym or something?) So my view is that words never become extinct. And there are many words that nobody has heard but one or two people. Think of the word "pwned." It started out small and got bigger. But regardless, if one person claims a word is a word, it is. You can say "Ombgajhlsdfsdo" and it's now a word.
  17. I have the same issue...I would love to hear more about how to determine what kind of camera is good, based on features or whatever. My issue in the past was that I would see cameras with "3.8 MP"(megapixel...it determines the quality of the photo in terms of resolution) that looked significantly better than other cameras with "8.4 MP" or something like that... I just don't understand how higher resolution could possibly look worse than lower resolution. It would be like taking a black and white TV and saying your brand new animated film looks better on that than your brand new plasma TV using HDMI and Blue Ray. Really, any input on that would greatly help. It was my main requirement in cameras in the past...But it failed me. So I'm going to assume the other thing to look for is the shutter speed?
  18. Hey there...Since the PM system is down I thought it would be best to create a thread to ask.What are the rules on making a thread to refer to a story we put on our website? I've been doing some articles, and plan to continue, on the subject of knowledge(learning). So my plan was to kind of paraphrase the articles here with a link back to my website where the article is actually at.I would NOT be posting the entire article here. More or less just a general description, such as "Here is an article based on xxxxxxx. It covers xxxxxx and xxxxx. Here is a small excerpt from the article : [.Quote][./quote]For more information please visit the website at (link here)."I'm asking here because I don't want to get an infraction or anything for doing that, but I don't think it is against the rules. Based on my post count and previous posts it should be obvious I'm not a spammer or anything, . And it's not a website like "Click here to visit my website about this program, and please use my referral link!" or anything. It is solely about articles to aid in knowledge attainment.Thanks in advance guys.
  19. Lol, I like you. It seems we view a lot of things the same, based on posts in other threads.
  20. First of all, the Flinstones was on TV, which makes it completely accurate. I knew Fred. And I've ridden on Dino. But on a serious note, I agree to the view that 7 days was figurative, not literal. The reason is because there are claims that people lived for 700-800+ years. But who is to say that their calendar is the same as ours? For example, we claim dog years are equal to human years on a 7:1 ratio(Dog:Human). So it is perfectly logical that their time was different. And taking that into consideration, it could be seen that the Christ days were equal to today's on a ratio of ~9:1 because of life expectancy(really, 9:1 is still lower than it should be..). And if that is taken into consideration then in those days, 7 days would be equal to around 2/3 of ONE of our days. Therefore, at least to me, it is clearly figurative. Not to mention all the things God put on the Earth...Imagine the amount of time it would take to even think of them. Assuming there was no speaking needed, he still had to *think* of everything there is in the world. There's no way he could even do that in 7 days. (Obviously others will have their opinions. These are my opinions and in no way reflect what is true, as we really do not know. Please don't read it as being offensive towards you because of your views. Because at the end of the day, we could both be wrong!)
  21. I thought they would use the same player.... And the way it's up now you can view the videos in perfect(almost) high quality, as it's(they're) hosted on MTV.com I just hate Youtube because it seriously degrades quality. Watching the Eminem video on Youtube and then MTV, for example, there is a HUGE difference, easily noticed.
  22. Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I plan to get a ram upgrade in the future(when it's really needed) and I'll see how much of a difference it makes. I'll be reverting back to XP soon just because.... As for how ram is used, I had no idea...I'm pretty sure on XP it's based on what a program needs. So let's say you have a game open and it takes up 800 MB's of ram, and then you minimize it, the amount of ram taken drops (which is why when you make it full screen again it takes a while for it to recalibrate). I could be wrong on that though.
  23. Yeah, you're completely correct. I'm making my basis solely on the news media, not by what Obama himself has said in the speeches he has made (both pre- and post- election). I also have no earthly idea where to find recent bills that have been passed by Congress, nor do I read them to see what type of laws and changes are being made in our government. Furthermore, I completely misinterpreted the whole "Nationalized health care," "Education funds for everyone," and many other things Obama has never spoke of as being things that are the start to the government distributing goods "evenly amongst the people." Last but not least, I apologize for my lack of keeping up with the fact that Obama fired a CEO at GM. I apologize for my lack of research. Next time I will do more looking into things before I bring anything up.
  24. Keep in mind that the CD's are given out on a need basis... They don't have unlimited funds so they can only give out X cd's(dvd's) a month... They're really for those who can not download the image files due to the size.Of course you're free to do as you wish, but as a courtesy it would be better if people who can download the images did so instead of taking away from those who can't.
  25. Referral links aren't allowed here. Guys, don't join his link. If you do, just do http://www.linkgrand.com/
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