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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Is this based on actual morse code, like what the government and whatnot use? Or is this just a made up way to convert from text to "morse?"Either way, cool job on it!
  2. This isn't to be derogatory, but just to be honest...I feel that it is way too plain. There is no real spice to it. To me it's like a couple colors thrown down with tabs on them.A background image would take it a long ways, as would having different colors for the page itself and the tabs.I don't really get along well with the color scheme either...It just doesn't look right to me.(Again, that's not to put you down. I can't even make one so yours is better than one I make, )
  3. That may work but keep in mind that if they run diagnostics on the system they could tell that the software on it was not theirs(I'm assuming if it is jailbroken then it is not Apple software, but some custom, right?). By this, they could determine that your warrantee was invalidated by your usage of the system.But if you really think about it...The thing is "broken" now anyways, so even if they choose not to fix it, you are out nothing(except shipping costs of course).
  4. I do not feel that the world is dying, I just feel that it is changing, like others said.What scares people about that is a normal human instinct - the fear of the unknown.Wars and all are all in the Bible, they are religiously talked about, etc. So I find them to be a "necessary evil."Global warming is nothing we can control and it really is not getting worse. In fact, our Ozone is better than it was 50,000 years ago!Aliens....I do not even really know what to say about this part. I do not believe that there are outside beings other than what we have on Earth(And those we sent elsewhere of course)
  5. Paying politicians less would cause a huge issue.Something that a lot of people do not consider is that they are risking their lives each and every day. I know that technically we are as well, just being alive, but they are in a spot where people may actually be after them.Really, I feel that police officers should be paid much more as well.Really though, back on to the topic of the health care...I just do not see how it could possibly work out and actually benefit everyone. It would be fine if it would benefit most(Let's put that at 85%?) but there would still be too much corruption in the system.A fix a lot of people would probably think of is "Why don't we pay the doctors less?!" Well, consider this. They go to school for 8 years(sometimes more) for their schooling. During that time they are spending 50k+ a semester. Afterwards, they are on-call 24/7. They could have a schedule like the following:4 AM - Wake up5 AM - Go to work3 PM - Get off work3:30 PM - Called in for emergency1 AM - get off work3 AM - back to workAnd continue that cycle... I mean it's not easy. I can completely understand why they are paid so much. How many others would honestly want to live their life like that day after day?And this is where my biggest issue comes in. It's the fact that the costs of health care, taxes, etc. are just so high. For us to "fix" that issue would mean more taxes for us.Let's assume they tax the rich people more than the poor people(Of which they do, but as far as I know, not a LOT). It would hurt the desire to become extremely rich. Those who have all the money are because they thought of good ideas that really enhanced peoples' lives(excluding drug dealers and pimps of course). So doing this would therefore end up hurting us still, as the competition would go down, and prices would go up.It's just a huge snowball effect.
  6. Well if we did have a national healthcare system I feel it should only cover dire emergencies.If you're sitting at home coughing a lot, it should not be covered.If you just want to get a physical for school, it should not be covered.If you feel you might be sick, but have no real symptoms other than "Maybe I am," it should not be covered.Things that would be okay to cover are:SurgeriesTransplantsBirthing(Now...This might be a hot spot for some. I feel that it should be covered because the child should not be punished for the parents' mistake.)And other things that really REQUIRE healthcare.Anything else you should be fine on your own.And you can dispute the fact that some people may *need* to go because of something like a flu, but at the same time there would be many who would make up reasons to go, without really needing it. It just would not make any sense for us to be spending our tax dollars for those purposes.So all in all, I do understand that there are some things that would warrant the health care system, but on the other hand it has to be limited. As the limits open up, so does the amount of corruption(and "stealing") of our tax dollars.And yes, the type of care that you would get will still be largely based on how much money you have, but it is better than letting people scam everyone else. The fact of the matter is, our government is just like any other business. They have to make more money than they spend or they can not afford to stay open. In the case of the national health care system, their lack of funds would mean higher taxes, thereby hurting all of us taxpayers again.The main thing to look at is that if it is set up to where a lot of people can take advantadge of it, the government is not paying for it, YOU are paying for it.("YOU" is being used in a generalized form here. You being whoever is reading this and/or is thinking about the health care system)
  7. These are all pretty interesting views, and some are more believable than others(obviously) but really we do not know what is and what is not true.I do not really have much of a view on the subject, being that there is no solid proof one way or the other.So for me, I just hope that at some point in time we end up finding out the truth.Any of you want to hold bets as to what view of yours is possibly correct?:DFor me, I guess the best I could do is relate everything to religion. There is a god(God) and he is the one that does everything, made everything, etc. But aside from that, I really do not know what else to say, nor what to think.
  8. Microsoft Antivirus....Uh...Just based on what every other Microsoft product has done so far, I have the feeling that this program will MAKE new virii.Scenario:You download a file and it has a Trojan virus. Let's call it TrojanA.Microsoft's Antivirus notices that the trojan is there and "accidentally" makes it undetectable to other antivirus.Now you have TrojanB and don't know it.Now you lose all of your passwords, bank account information, and anything else saved on your PC(all was sent to the virus creator).Yay for Microsoft! Thanks for protecting the wrong people!
  9. To break down onto your South Park view, it actually has some truth behind it, but it is not about humans. With what I found during research a couple years back when I had to look this up for an English class, cows' gas releases methane gas. This methane gas helps deplete the ozone. This view has actually been proven time and time again. But it still shows that people do not have an impact based on what we do. Even if our gas causes it(I did not find anything to prove it right or wrong), it is a normal human function. Not having gas would actually cause you to die(or is my understanding.)
  10. To me, God is a higher being than myself, who is perfect in every possible way. I believe strongly that he really exists.Take science for example. Let's assume that we did evolve from this "primordial ooze." How did it spring life anyways? How do all beings constantly change, although sometimes over millions of years?Science can explain a lot of things, even how stuff works, but that still doesn't explain how it all came to be in the first place.Even the big bang theory. It lacks an explanation of *how* the huge space rocks came into existance in the beginning!So to me, there is enough proof to believe in a higher being, whether you want to call him God or something else.
  11. Reading about this on Wikipedia is not a good area, either.Do either of you happen to have any scientific journals documenting this stuff is true? It would help greatly in understanding the truth behind it.
  12. This is a pretty good list. Really when I started looking at the thread I was thinking it would be another one of those "doesn't everyone already know this?" threads but it's really not.The biggest point that hit me was the surveys. I have seen many(probably thousands) of surveys asking about services and how much people would pay. But I never really put two and two together to figure out how relevant it is. I mean you may have done 5000 people and all 5000 had the same ideas but were a small amount of the big picture.Overall, I do like this list. I have debated going into business myself but being that it is a risk, I would definitely be doing it more as a hobby than for a living. I have not decided exactly what to go into yet, or when, I am still working on that. And if it is successful, hey I win. If it fails, I learned from it anyways so it's still a win!
  13. Well I understood that part. I thought they used satellite for everything though - including street shots.By following the road I meant like as if you're walking down it - not the arial views.And although I do find the whole situation scary to a point, I think it is amazing how far we are getting with technology today. Every day we do something new that never would have been dreamed up of even 5 years ago.
  14. The problem is coming up with one that will account for everyone yet not be exploitable. Every system will have its flaws but regardless, we are already spending billions of dollars a year to people who honestly do not even need it.It's like welfare. I understand that some people honestly can't live without it(psychological issues, their place of residence, etc.) but you would be amazed at how many people get welfare and shouldn't.Speaking to someone who used to work for USPS I learned that in some areas people will have 6-7 welfare checks, social security checks, etc. sent to various empty houses where they go to pick them up. It's yet another way people exploit the government for money.So for health care I feel that if we had a nationalized system it should do everything in its power to minimize the corruption in the system.
  15. Well the issue is that most people can not think for themselves. They do this "Oh, it was on the news. It's 100% true!" thing.There are many things that are false that are on the news daily. One of the other huge ones is that we have no reason being in Iraq and/or there are no WMD's there. Those who really feel that way are ignorant and listen to nothing but the news.I can go off and list well over 20 concrete reasons as to why the war in Iraq is necessary.Just like the Global Warming scenario, the people who believe what is on the news all the time(that we cause global warming) aren't able to think on their own.The news media is just like wal-mart, microsoft, etc. Their sole purpose is to earn money. I think journalism should be a required class in high school; then people would start to understand that the news is just a business like any other.
  16. I didn't know that they use a car for this, I thought they were using satellite imaging. I have checked out hundreds of locations and everything has perfect street pictures of it. I can go all the way from our house to buildings 30 miles away - solely by following the roads on Google Street.I just think it's inefficient to drive every inch of every street to take pictures..And this gives me mixed feelings. When I first saw the street pictures I was thinking "Man, they are spying on everything using satellites.' Now I'm thinking "Man, they're driving up and down our streets taking pictures too."
  17. I am in the USA, and really I disagree with a national health care system.I do understand where people come from, regarding the "I can't afford it" train, but at the same time, look around. People abuse any government system we have. It's even as deep as people scamming the government out of college funds. (A school near me requires 90% attendance or they will kick you - this is a college...Because too many people sign up to school, get their grants, and then quit going after they get the money).So really, I do not feel that it is worth our money to take care of people who *could* handle themselves, but refuse to because there's an easier route - our pockets.And yes, I understand that some people need the help and could not get it otherwise, but there are so many that abuse the privlege that at least to me, I do not find it worth helping anymore.
  18. We had a huge discussion in my science class(Geology) about global warming, and we were told that it is true, but humans have no impact on it whatsoever. With what we learned the atmosphere changes on its own. Along with this, the earth is slowly getting closer to the sun. Those are the two contributing factors in "global warming." So unless people want to prove that we are somehow pushing earth closer to the sun, out of orbit, I refuse to believe that humans are impacting global warming.
  19. You need to sign up at https://support.xisto.com/ with the same email address that your account here has. And then give it a short while and it will automatically show up. But if you don't have that account then you will get nothing until you do make one(and then it will calculate your earnings from previous posts, so you still haven't lost anything).
  20. I think that Nintendo does have a lot of good games, but they are more geared towards children overall. They kind of put into effect the generalization that mostly kids play games, which I think makes a very derogatory view come about game players.Granted, Sony and Microsoft don't really make childrens' games(obviously there are a few exceptions), so I can see where Nintendo is coming from. They pretty much have the childrens' market to themselves.Personally, I prefer the PS brand though. It has more games that I can't live without(GTA, Final Fantasy, etc.)
  21. To say that would be like saying "Well, you got in a wreck in a car you bought 7 years ago. But because a dealership sold you that car, the death of the person you hit is their fault. They should not have allowed you to purchase a car!" It's a pretty extreme case there, but really there is no difference. Another form would be "Well, he can't get a job because he refused to do his work in school and ended up failing. It is his teacher's fault since he was in their class. Sue the teacher!" I could go on and on with those. The fact of the matter is TPB is not telling you to download illegal stuff. They are not even hosting torrenting programs. They are merely giving the location of the people who have files you want. That is *all* torrent sites do.
  22. Wrong. If you backup software, music, etc. you are only legally entitled to have the backup as long as you own the original media. For example, if you are someone like me, who backs up games so that he doesn't lose them and have to spend $50 for another disc, you can keep the copies as long as you keep your original stored somewhere. If you sell that original, you must, by law, destroy all backups. This would fall under the line of your ITunes example. If you sell the disc they came from you must(by law) delete the music from ITunes. As for your cost explanation - 100% correct. CD's have not gone up or down in value in years, even before the pirating was possible. I think people keep relating it to games where the PS3 games are $60 and 360 are what, 50? But that is because of the different cost of media - You can buy blank dual layered discs for 30 cents but Blue Ray discs are ~$25-30 still. Obviously the companies have to spend more for the media too then, so they will charge more to compensate.
  23. Nobody brought this up so it may not be true but as far as I know the Arcade is not backwards compatible with regular Xbox games. Is that only if you do not have the HDD that it says it, or is it not compatible even if you do get a HDD for it?I do not remember where I read that but I think it was Amazon or something - I was looking into getting an Arcade over the holidays when they were on sale for $130 with 2 games.
  24. It all breaks down into the invasion of privacy thing. The sad part is that people agreed to pass the laws that cut down on privacy and it's going to continue to get worse. At some point we will be able to do nothing without being spied on. Whether it be online, in RL, etc. There was a news report a couple years back of Dallas Texas and cameras all over the city. They can literally follow you while you walk around the city, and even follow you into buildings and see where you go/what you do, all from inside a central office. It's just disturbing. You can't go online without being followed, you can't go anywhere in RL w/out being followed.
  25. Okay all, here we go. I'm requesting that you all check out my current progress on the site and let me know what you like and/or dislike about the site, the layout, etc.I am not a graphic designer, and suck at doing so.Everything on the site is working as planned, so really the only question is what you think of it in terms of usability, ease of getting to information, etc. The site has been "live" for a while now, although the link was shared only here(for reviews) and with friends in games. It is not truely "live" in the sense that the link is out all over public yet. So there is some information and real content pages on it, although there are not a *lot*.Anyways, let me know what you hate, like, etc. about it, along with (if you would) how you would suggest fixing what you dislike.Thanks in advance all.(Also, anyone with gaming websites that is interested in doing link trading?)
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