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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. What exactly are you doing as an entrepreneur? And really, the only negative about owning your own business(especially online) is the lack of guaranteed work. Then again, working in normal businesses as of lately does not seem to be too solid, either.
  2. Not a problem. And another thing that pushes people away from it is the sheer size of the discs. We're talking 35-40 GB's per disc!
  3. I agree with your points up there. You are completely right on it. Everything from being able to explore new things you otherwise would not know of all the way to how people find out about software. However, your last point is incorrect. The PS3 was cracked within a week of its release. The issue is that it uses Blue Ray and not everyone wants to spend $40 on one blank disc that may or may not burn correctly. They find it cheaper to just buy the games or rent them. And it's not Sony's fault, it's the lack of a Blue Ray market.
  4. So using these we could do graphics for like websites, flash, etc. right? That would be one of my main uses. I would love to do flash animations and stuff but I find it wayyyyyy too hard to use the mouse.Also, is the Wacom compatible with all programs, or only certain ones? I would hate to get one later and find out that it will not work with programs I need it on.
  5. I really do not think that another Halo game should be made. I know a lot of people enjoy playing "the new thing" but to me it was a waste. The only real differences are a weapon here and there, a vehicle, and a few maps. I think it would be much more efficient(as well as cheaper to the consumer) to just make expansions to add the new stuff.
  6. Just to let you know, you're wrong about this. The law states that if you rent and/or buy a DVD, you and only you have the rights to watch it. If you, for example, buy a PC game and let another person play it at your house, you have broken a law. If you buy a DVD and let your brother watch it with you, you've broken a law. If you have a MMORPG account(Like Lineage II, WoW, etc.) and let your little brother onto your account, you've broken their laws. For me, all of this falls in the "Just because it's illegal doesn't make it morally or ethically wrong" scene. I just wanted to let you know that so you don't go around spreading false information. (The DvD/game thing you won't get in trouble for. A lot of game companies - NCSoft, Mythic, etc. are known for banning those who share their accounts with families though)
  7. I never even knew they would come out with an expansion for a GTA...I've always viewed every GTA game *as* a new expansion. Honestly not a lot has changed from one game to the next. I personally quit the series after the second just because the third was just as repetitive.
  8. Youtube is more illegal than TPB. 1)TPB just hosts torrent files, which are lists of people who have material, some legal, some not. They are not sending the files to you themselves. Youtube is HOSTING videos that are copyrighted on their own servers. They are the ones sending the video to you when you request it. 2)TPB and YouTube both allow anyone and everyone to post whatever they want pretty much. Both have certain things that they will ban and/or delete from their servers of course, but for the most part they are pretty relaxed. 3)Youtube is hosted in the USA, where all the copyrights are actually protected, TPB is not. If you really look at it, they should be shutting down Youtube. It breaks copyright laws with thousands of videos. If I remember right there is already a post somewhere here in the hot news section about the government trying to get Youtube to give them a list of all visitors to their site. If they are not shut down, there is no way that TPB would even have a chance of being shut down.
  9. Well I was thinking more in lines with tablet laptops being easier to draw on. I mean it would be significantly easier to draw things, color them with brush strokes, etc. when you can draw directly on the picture instead of being forced to keep guessing and checking to see where you are making marks at.Also, using wacom or tablet laptops, are you able to open up a program like Word(or in my case OpenOffice) and write notes by hand? Or even sign documents you scanned in using it? Or are they pretty much geared towards just graphical editing and whatnot?
  10. Okay, it's nice to see someone that shares the same view as me. In terms of loss, I fully agree that those who wouldn't buy it won't buy it anyways. In fact, contrary to popular beliefs, most scene groups buy retail copies themselves, and it is condoned to purchase software if you like it. I know many people who download games and software because, especially with pc games, you either buy it or you don't try it. Who wants to pay $50 to play a game for 30 seconds and find out they hate it? With console games you can rent, but with PC you can not. Also, there was a report a few years back that proved over 6 months of research that illegal downloads of songs gave the artists MORE profit. The reason is simple - you hear one song and you like it, do you really want to pay $14 for that one song because it's on a CD? But what if you download a few more songs to check them out and do like them? Now you can buy the CD as it is worth more to you. The hard fact about the illegal downloading is that most people who do it do not do it to steal, they do it to test things to ensure they actually want to spend the money on it before they do. If people did not do that, it would be like going to a car dealership and seeing the outside and having to make a no-refunds choice on which car you want solely based on the look and color of the outside. *I am not condoning the downloading of illegal material, whether it be torrents or otherwise. I have, however, done the research on it and understand why some(most) downloaders do it.*
  11. Great list of stuff here, really. The biggest mistake that people make is not trying to sell themselves. Point 1 To go on from what you were saying about explaining how you can make companies better, or help them obtain better revenue, that's spot on. All companies are after one thing - money. So your goal is to get them to trust you to make them more money than the next guy who wants the same job. But one mistake that you do NOT want to make is promising things. For example: Use the sentence "I helped increase revenue at my last company." instead of "I boosted the revenue of my last company by 20%." When you add the amount - whether directly or via percentage - it makes them think "Hm, he made them 20%, he will do the same for us." You do not want them thinking that, because what if you raise it by only 19%? Now they feel that you lied to them. Point 2 Researching the company you wish to work for is another great point that you had. A lot of people do not understand how important it is. In fact, reading up on someone who got a game programming job out of hundreds of applications, she got it by doing research. She was looking up the building the company was in and found a note that they were looking for a vermin exterminator(rats...). So when she mailed in her resume she also sent them a package of mouse traps. They hired her within a week for it. Research shows that you actually care about the job. It proves that it isn't something you just want for money, but it is something that you are passionate about. So, thanks again Reddish, and good luck to all of you! If you have any questions feel free to post here asking. I've taken plenty of courses in job seeking, and I have family members who have been hiring managers before.
  12. I do not feel that they are in the wrong, really. TPB is not giving anything away, they are only telling you where to obtain it.There are many things on their site that are not even illegal.Pretty much what they are doing is acting like a phone book. You want something(someone) and they give you the torrent(phone number) for it(them). There really is no difference.If they were able to charge TPB for giving out that information, they should also start closing down webhosts and datacenters for giving people a means of transferring illegal material as well. They should also close down all PC parts manufacturers because without PC's people couldn't download the material either.I could go on and on with that, but hopefully that made my point.
  13. Well based on your issues, I want to say that it could be your video card as well(if it is not an onboard one). If it is onboard, I would suggest checking your ram chips.Being that the PC has power going through it, it doesn't seem like it would be a power supply issue.Video card would be my main guess though. I had that issue happen with another PC of mine and when I took out the video(leaving onboard there) it worked fine.
  14. Well about your first point relating to the gaming aspect, I only run what is necessary to play games. I score much higher framerates on a lot of games than my friends who have better systems, solely because I keep anything unnecessary out. As for uninstalling IE, I didn't know that it was possible on Windows...I'll definitely look into that though. And you may really not notice a difference with installing multiple items, but that's most likely due to Linux as you said. On Windows every program adds new things to both your startup and to the registry. The registry will slow down your PC to a crawl - even if you uninstall programs(because it leaves the keys there and so it thinks programs still exist). That part is 100% Microsoft's fault. And really I haven't found anything IE can not do(aside from the arrows noted in this thread) that the rest can. But then again when I'm using my browser it is just to check forums or read up on something or another. I deal email and everything else in other programs.
  15. I see what you mean by it but really...Why download and bog your PC down with more stuff if you don't necessarily have to?I would much rather see IE step up their game but it's not a huge issue to most of us. There's just really not enough justification for a lot of us to switch.
  16. It doesn't get sent as a zip file(images), and instead are sent in their normal format but in a compressed version. As soon as your PC receives it, it uncompresses the image back to the normal size, which is when you view it. That's why even on broadband some sites take a while to load - all depends on the number of images being compressed/decompressed. In my example before, the zip file was an already compressed file, therefore it could not be compressed again before sending it to you. .html, .txt, .jpg, .png, .gif have the highest compression ratios as far as I know(Meaning they will be shrunk the most before being sent to you).
  17. Well something to think about in terms of graphics size is that images(jpg, png, gif, etc.) download significantly faster than zip/rar/etc. files.When you load up a website your client(IE, Firefox, whatever) will automatically download a compressed version of the site.That's why on 56k you can download at ~4 KB/s but loading up websites you can download the images at "50+."So 80 KB's would be about 2 seconds even on dialup.The only thing to worry about is Flash. That's not compressed so if it's 2 MB's, it's 2 MB.
  18. Would you guys really suggest using any of these programs? My reason for asking is that if you bog down your site with banners and all, it kills the number of visitors you will receive I think.And if these are used, would you suggest using them only until your traffic increases to where you want it, and then stop using them?(since your overall goal is recurring visitors)
  19. I haven't used Chrome yet as I am fine with Firefox but as far as I'm understanding they are really the same browser, just Chrome has more additions to it or something.I would suggest trying Opera though..I used that while on dialup and I am 100% sure that it was faster. I think it was because once it loads the text on the webpage it will show up,whereas with IE it waits until most of the graphics are already downloaded as well.
  20. I prefer the FF7 style all around. The way the materia works(magic, summons, and the support materia), the combat system, everything.FF8 had a decent combat system as well but I did not like how the monsters leveled up with you.FF9 was close to 7 but the materia system is what killed it for me.
  21. That converts to ~500 KB/s down while downloading the other stuff. Nice connection. I've never gotten mine to 500 even when downloading just one thing, XD
  22. Ohhh, I see now. Thanks for the picture, it helps a lot to understand this.So IE isn't compatible, . Yet another thing that only works on Firefox and other "better" browsers.It seems like Microsoft is falling behind.
  23. That's a good point Flashy. You have to take into consideration that bandwidth isn't free, not for you or the ISP. If they allow you to keep the max cap 24/7 they will spend more than you are paying them for your internet. Obviously if there is nobody else on it killing the total bandwidth then there is more for you.Also, keep in mind that Cable is a lot more variable than DSL. Cable is known to fluctuate by about 80%(+- your bandwidth. If you "get" 10 mb/s it can go from 2 mb's to 18, and obviously it will occasionally go lower or higher than that as well).
  24. Just by using browsers that cache pages instead of always wiping the temporary files(Firefox, Opera, etc.). IE is horrible on dialup because it keeps such a small cache of information. For broadband it's fine(and imo faster - as it's NOT keeping all that stuff there).
  25. Yours is 3 MB/s down, 512 KB/s up. I'm guessing that was what your question was about?
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