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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I was thinking there would be the possibility of using wind (if there is any on the moon) for energy purposes (like windmills). I was going to add in water as well since a lot of our energy comes from waterfalls and stuff generating electricity but... There's no water on the moon! Which then brings up the issue of... How do we get water there? We would need enough for everyone to live there. And due to evaporation, I'm wondering if it would rain back down on the moon or if it would disappear forever. If it disappeared, there would need to be a constant supply sent from Earth. Every time I think about the exploration there it brings up more and more issues I didn't think about before.
  2. So many features but I use it for one thing > To log in and send or receive email, lol... Most of the time I use a pop3 client so I don't even go to the website. I guess it is nice having with *more* features in case I ever need one though.
  3. The truth behind the lack of homosexual marriage in the US has nothing to do with religion or anything. It's based on taxes and how people will (and have) use their "marriage" to get lower taxes and other benefits. Two single friends go get "married" for the benefits but don't even live together or anything. Regardless, they would still have the benefits associated with it. And there en-lies the issue. If people would quit exploiting every system available it would make life easier for *everyone*, even themselves. 99% of the time the person doing the exploiting is hurting themselves as well. People are just too stupid to figure that out.
  4. I'm a science major going into the field of neuroscience...
  5. I'm kind of off-and-on the forums so I didn't notice the downtime or slow speed. About the theme, I definitely agree though. Or to make it even better, there could be *multiple* themes (with us being able to choose our own). Doing so would allow each person to feel more comfortable in the forums without making others uncomfortable. This is what I did with my forums and it worked out much better for everyone since nobody had to agree on a theme. Make some dark, some light, different colors, etc.
  6. $120,000 isn't a lot for a site when you really consider it. You guys are bringing up the costs based on the size of the site and how much monthly bandwidth is used. A major site would be using a dedicated server.This then includes maintenance costs, connection speed costs (for example 100 MB/s costs $800+ a month in most places and if it has a lot of media and users you would need at least 1 GB/s if not more), and more.Consider license costs for material used that may be copyright protected.And there's more.Don't assume every website is like the one you could toss up in 5 minutes. As the site grows in user base the cost starts to grow exponentially as well.Take Youtube, for example. It started out as a small website until it was sold to Google. Once they took it in and the user base grew, as did the cost. Youtube, as of mid 2008, was costing $1.5 million a month to host (in bandwidth charges alone).
  7. In terms of the space suit my understanding is they would end up putting people in a "bubble"... Like a dome. More or less it would encompass the entire colony on the moon. This would help with the oxygen issues but only for short term due to energy issues (I'm pretty sure the wind would be different on the moon than on Earth). Another issue I came up with is the ozone. The ozone is what catches heat and "heats up" the Earth (which is why I find this whole "Global Warming - You're Destroying the Ozone" thing to be ridiculous - destroying the ozone would be COOLING OFF the Earth. People really need to read science journals more often instead of listening to the news). Without a proper ozone (I'm unsure of if the moon has one) it would be too cold, yet again requiring massive amounts of energy to heat it up. Not to mention the lack of gravity.
  8. I would use phpBB for forums and for a website... I think there's even a free "website builder" in the installer (inside Cpanel) - Fantastico or whatever it's called. I'm too lazy to look right now but I'm fairly certain I found something there for it.Aside from that, if you are planning on doing a real nice website I would suggest using something like Dreamweaver. It will cost money but it can do anything you want and more.
  9. There are a couple different things I can say about this... The first of which is that mutations can happen regardless as to if you are related or not. I am fairly confident that this whole "inbred" thing is false and people feel the way they do about it because of "societal norms." In fact, there are many places where inbreeding is perfectly normal/natural. And you won't see them all running around with all sorts of issues. But because some guy a long time ago said "Hmm.. Let's say inbreeding is bad" everyone believes it is. It's a lack of being able to think for yourself. As for their children, my understanding is the Bible left out a lot of details there. I had the same exact thought : "Wait, they had kids... And their kids had more kids, so therefore they are all related as brother and sister(s)?" I've actually asked a few hardcore Christians (as well as religious fanatics) about that but the only real answer I get is that there's not enough information there to clarify. Because then you also have to wonder where skin colors came from. Even if Adam was white and Eve was black or whatever, it wouldn't account for Indians (red), Spanish (brown), etc. So it can be assumed God created other people as well (which would also explain how up until what, 500 years ago, everyone was spread out across the world but were each segregated.) Those are my feelings, and what is and isn't true only one person knows (and a hint: it's not me).
  10. You are very true about the science being able to be disproven. Even the law of motion can be disproven if anyone finds a way to do so. Science (and psychology for that matter) is purely "Theoretical." It is based on theories, some tested and some not. But a tested theory can change as well. Much like you could test water for contaminants one day and find none and then something happen to the water and from that day on it would have the contaminants. It would change the view people have on it because they wouldn't say "Well, you said it had none so it doesn't!" In fact, most scientific theories people try to disprove all the time!
  11. By technical you mean it relates more to actual computer or whatever related things? (like maybe programming advice and stuff instead of "Spiritual"?) I haven't been to it in a while but.. If that's what you meant, would it also be better to post website related topics there instead of here? (in terms of getting more input/better visibility/etc.) And those differences would definitely explain the separation between the two forum bases. In that case I would rather them stay separate.
  12. When I was accepted to Adsense I had a 3 page website that was my first ever one, lol. They never disabled my account either so after a couple years I've started using it for my more recent sites. I heard other programs pay much better though.
  13. Wow, I want to say thanks for that post. A lot of things you put in there I haven't even thought about yet. I've been dabbling in the idea of possibly doing web design for others but I'm still not quite sure what my stance is yet. Regardless, that information will greatly assist if I do end up doing it.
  14. Modern fantasy would be best. The difference between 2d and 3d will make a huge difference on player base as well. These days most people want more "modern" games.Another huge thing to consider is your deployment method : is it going to be with a monthly fee? A free game with buyable items? A free game with buyable "upgrades" like quests and areas? Is it going to just be a flat out free game?Most people who claim to be making a game end up stopping because they hit a small wall and don't have the heart to push through it.
  15. This really goes to both of you. Those of us who troll do it because people need to quit taking things so personally. I often troll online but there is nothing I say online I wouldn't say in real life either. Those who take things personal will have a hard time making it through life (you will put up with people who don't like you in school, a job, family, friends, friends of friends, random places you go, you name it). Trolling, if nothing else, can be considered as helping those people by giving them a full immersion into what real life is going to toss at them. It's a lot easier to deal with it online than it is when you get a job and find out "oh... Not everyone likes me?" That's what causes people to go emo. People who send out computer virii are in no way related to trolls. Trolls deal with things on a purely psychological level. Virii writers (AKA "Script Kiddies") just enjoy destruction. Think of them as the vandals that break into houses.
  16. I agree as well. And the forums both link to the credit system if I remember right, so it's not like there's a benefit over using one instead of the other.A long time ago I used both of them together as it seems like two separate communities. Maybe that's why they are separated still?Just assuming maybe there's a reason for them still being apart, like maybe one company hosts one and another hosts the other.
  17. I thought unverified just meant you have no protection against sellers or whatever. Because you can send Paypal payments to people even if they don't have a Paypal account (it will have them create it in order to receive the funds).
  18. Interesting new information for me. I have only used Linux hosts in the past so I guess that's why I didn't know the difference between Linux and Windows handling (or at least didn't apply it to web hosts as well). I've always had to use case sensitive file names and whatnot. So if we were to use a Windows host the case wouldn't matter when loading files? Or would it still matter if you are using a Linux OS to load the page? I'm not quite understanding how the separation works (Is it the host that determines whether they should be case sensitive, the client, or both?)
  19. I don't think we will ever fully colonize on the moon due to how many complications there are. Just to name a couple, we have the oxygen issues. We would have to create our own up there (as far as I know). Another is the lack of proper lighting. The Earth works as well as it does because of how the orbits work. The moon is not on the same orbit as Earth, therefore it would cause huge changes in the way things grow (vegetation).There are other issues as well of course, but those two I think are the main ones.
  20. I agree to a point that we may have more going on mentally intertwined with one another, but how far I can't really say.The reason I agree is because yes, the mind works based on electrical charges (and the rest of the body as well). There are programs for the PC that will even interpret your thoughts into movements in games and stuff. One of them has a ball floating in a room and if you *think* about it going left, it will. If you *think* about it going right, it will. Things like that.So are our brains able to be interpreted? Science has already proven yes, although not 100%. Can we connect to other brains wirelessly? Possibly.
  21. I think the cost is more "wow" factor to me than the size. I mean, a $180 million USD telescope to view things? Our government also spends hundreds of millions a year on this kind of stuff and I find it somewhat of a ridiculous "investment" that could be better used otherwise. We have satellites and satellite imagery that is able to see anything near Earth... I don't see the fascination with looking "farther out."
  22. Thanks a lot for the information! It really is helpful. On the topic about the niche, I'm quite unsure where to go yet. People always say to "choose a topic you love" but that would be school. Some then say to "write about your major" but I've been changing them so many times it's ridiculous (Psychology to criminal justice to forensic psychology to business to accounting to developmental psychology to science...) I'm just really not sure where I want to take it yet. Getting off on many different topics is helping to determine which ones are the most interesting to people though, which is helping me narrow down somewhat. To be honest I would rather it *not* be a blog and be something completely different that involves user interaction, but I am unsure where to start that at. Not to mention building user bases is a little difficult when starting from scratch. About Twitter... I'm very new to it, so I'll get used to it over time. Thanks again for the comment! I do agree with you about the theme of the site, I just like looking "above and beyond" most other websites.
  23. I resolved the issue.. I was forced to completely wipe the domain and start from scratch (although I preserved my articles).In the meantime I also did a complete revamp of the website and it looks much, much different now. At the moment I am still trying to determine which direction to take the site. What I would love to do is implement some type of user interactivity so we can learn from each other instead of me being the sole speaker.
  24. If anyone still reads this topic, I need advice.More or less my domain just quit working all of a sudden (the website lags out horribly and usually won't even load). I contacted Xisto - Web Hosting and they said it is due to the site loading .png's but that's required due to Joomla. Nothing had changed on the site. I was just loading it up one day and it wouldn't load. I checked the last "saved" version on Google and it loaded fine (it was "saved" on the 9th) but ever since then the site has pretty much been down.Now for the weird part..I am unable to access:SitemapComponentsMain page (bryworld.com)Direct articlesHowever I am able to access:cpanel (bryworld.com/cpanel)admin backend (bryworld.com/administrator)subdomain/folder (bryworld.com/testing)Does anyone have any idea as to what could be causing this issue? I'm still working with CH to attempt to resolve the problem but I have no idea where to even start. Nothing like this has happened before.
  25. Really, as many torrent file sites have found out through lawsuits, even torrents pointing to illegal things are still *legal*.Just like if someone comes up to you on the street and asks you where they can buy drugs. You giving them the information of someone does not constitute an illegal act. The person *selling* them is the one breaking the law.The same goes with torrents. Saying "John over here on IP has the file you're wanting. I won't help you obtain it but now that you have his information you can just go ask him for it! You're on your own from here!"That's pretty much how the torrents work. They are solely messengers, and nothing else.
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