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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I just wanted to toss up the fact that you guys are replying to a post that was made in early 2004, before Broadband was widely available.Your advice is good for today's standards, but people... You really need to quit resurrecting old threads and then giving advice based on things that were out-of-date 5 years ago.
  2. This is a very hard choice...Yes, the Nintendo 64 had better graphics.. And it boasted the ability to play with 3 others, which was great for good gaming groups..But one thing it lacked was.... Final Fantasy 7 (and 8, and 9 obviously).This makes it a very, very hard choice. I remember playing the N64 all the time (games like Banjo Kazooie and Mario and whatnot) but FF7 is by far my favorite game of all-time (at least right now).Really I'd have to say they're both about equal because of that, .If you were to ask about PS2 and Xbox it would be a much easier answer - PS2.
  3. First of all, I have to say I disagree with Oprah completely.Second of all, I do not believe in the whole "I was born this way" thing.They are also trying to claim murderers are born that way, so it's not their fault they kill. They say gays are born that way, so it's not their fault, etc.I just believe everyone has their own choice(s) in life and they need to quit trying to pin them off on other people.
  4. I'm going to put in a vote for Photoshop, solely because it's the only one I ever see advertised...Honestly the last time I heard about Corel (anything by Corel) was years ago, at least 5-6.
  5. I live in the US but I would love to go to Australia... I'm not quite sure which I would like to see more : Kangaroos or koala bears.Not to mention I love how the Aussies speak!
  6. We learned in my careers class that most people go through 15-20 jobs in their lifetime (including 5-10 of which are "careers").I think it's a good idea to try out various things solely because you may find something you like more than you currently do (and obviously, happiness should be above the monetary compensation), but there is also the possibility of overdoing it.For example, if you keep job skipping it is going to look bad on your future resumes. People will look at it as if either you are incapable of holding down a job or you just quit because you dislike working (after you quit enough jobs, this turns into "you just quit because you dislike working in general") which can have a huge detrimental effect.Really it's all up to whoever you are attempting to work for, in the end.Personally I would suggest shadowing various jobs before deciding on one. It will help gain helpful insight as to what the job is about, what it requires, etc. Having this knowledge will greatly help you determine which one is best for you.
  7. I think a huge question that should be asked is how much room is there.... I'm not sure how the size of the moon compares to that of the Earth.Also, when it comes to the lighting up there (and/or solar energy), would it be 12 hours/12 hours like it is here? (Day/night) Or would it be different?I mean there are many things that would have to be considered in order to make living there a viable option. The lighting would be a huge influence when it comes to food growth, since plants can not live without light.
  8. I upgrade only when I am forced to or when something on my old PC breaks... Really I view it as being a waste if it is not necessary to upgrade yet, and then I do a "medium" upgrade rather than full.For example if I need a faster CPU for a game, say a 2.2 GHZ dual core... And there are already quad core 3.2's out, I would go with a 3.0 ghz dual core. Which, in fact, is exactly what I did on my last upgrade.Now, even through all the time that's passed everything still runs perfectly fine.For my ram I just went with 2 gb, and for my video card I went with a moderate 8800GT.I just find it as being a waste to get the "top" stuff. If you write down the prices of the new PC gear right now and come back even as soon as two weeks, the prices on most, if not all, will have already dropped.The technology market is just booming right now and new things are being created daily.
  9. Hard choice to me.. Right now I'm dual booting Linux and Windows, and I use Windows *only* for gaming. It has no other use for me.I guess if Chrome's OS was to allow Windows games to work (Come on, Google has billions of dollars, they can emulate DX or whatever) I would most likely rather run that than Windows and Linux.If it still does not support gaming then I have no use for it, .
  10. I prefer PHPBB for free or VBulletin for paid.For both of these the customizations available are outstanding. And with VBulleting it is "safe" to use.The biggest issue I have seen lately is PHPBB's claimed security leaks, although I'm not quite sure how reliable that information is.Either way, I claim both of those as my favorites, .
  11. I wouldn't suggest using "upgrade" anyways... The existing OS's always leave behind crap that doesn't belong or need to be there. Even XP. It's like... *installs version 1* ***Installer loads 20 programs*** Version 2 has been released *upgrades to version 2* ***3 programs are not needed from version 1. Installs 15 more on top of the 20 existing, leaving 35. A clean install would have only 32*** Only it's on a much higher scale. For people who think their PC's boot/run speed is important, fresh installs are the only way to go. Along with that, you are recommended by HDD manufacturers and OS gurus to do fresh OS installs every year anyways. The reformatting (if using Windows) clears out fragmentation, leaving less wear and tear on the HDD from accessing files casually - or especially when gaming. Just a little side info to anyone who is planning to "upgrade" instead of fresh install.
  12. I most likely will not be moving to Windows 7...I recently took up the Linux train and I must say I love it compared to Windows. It is just as easy to use but has *easier* to install programs and stuff (for newbies), more control (for elitests), and just works much better.... The speed is faster, the memory management is much better, etc.Right now the only reason I am using Windows is as a dual-boot for Aion.The only time I will ever consider making the "upgrade" to Windows 7 will be if there is a game not supported by Linux.
  13. I would never rent a house unless there was no other viable option.Renting usually costs about the same as buying, so why not own what you are paying for?There are some areas this does not reign true, such as New York City and the like, but for most areas I would be fully against renting.(UNLESS it was a temporary housing situation. For any long-term commitments buying is the way to go)
  14. I use my computer for different uses than in the past... Up until not too long ago I used it only for gaming.Now I use it for learning purposes (whether it be scholastic or otherwise).I've also gotten a little into the programming and graphics scene (websites, animations, etc. More to learn than anything else).
  15. Whether or not it's good to leave your PC on has changed.. I read a lot of articles before that explain how the wear and tear on the HDD used to be bad, and now it is minimised.According to more recent studies if you are gone for 30 or more minutes it is much more efficient to turn off your PC.The only exception to the rule is server hardware, but it is better suited for an "always-on" environment.
  16. Not only is there the charge associated with RapidShare, there is also the slow download speeds. Many people complain about having 200 kb/s speeds or so when they are capable of 1 mb/s or more. I find Torrents to be much better because you are able to pause and resume, if you get dc'd it's not an issue, they're free, etc. Honestly I even prefer torrents over places like FilePlanet. Their downloader keeps corrupting game clients and torrents have never been corrupted for me.
  17. Well I usually use uTorrent... I've been using it for over 2 years on Windows. It's by far the best program I've ever used for torrents (and I've used all of the "major" ones).I made the switch to Ubuntu a few days ago so I'm using Transmission at the moment. It has less features than uTorrent but what do you really need the features for? All you are doing is downloading anyways, .But for Windows I highly suggest uTorrent for anyone who needs a program.
  18. I am non-denominational Christian. I believe in some things and disbelieve in others.To me there is no 'true' religion, because we have no idea what the original text says. Language is changed when being repeated from one person to another so think about from one language to another. Now break it into a language where barely anyone can even speak it, and then convert it from there (Hebrew) to another to another to another and then to English.There is just too much unexplained and un-proven.
  19. I personally view homosexuality as wrong, but that's all it is : a personal opinion.The government keeps putting in these rules to make society to say what is "right and wrong" but who is really to say?In some countries "naturalism" (being nude) is a normal activity and there is nothing wrong with it. But in the US it is seen as being this immoral, unethical behavior. Even in the Bible it speaks of Adam and Eve being nude... And to keep from going off into a religious debate, there is no possible way anyone who is a real Christian would say nudism is wrong. If they do they are ignorant and really need to learn their religion.Another is speeding... You know there are more wrecks from people going BELOW the speed limit than those going ABOVE? This is all statistically proven by the DMV. Yet society claims speeding is "wrong."Those are just two of the thousands of things I can come up with that are claimed to be wrong when they really aren't - they are a matter of personal opinion.And I strongly believe homosexuality falls under that as well. Not everyone has the same feelings. If we did, we would all be working at the same job doing the same thing day after day. Instead, we are humans and have the ability to make our own choices and should therefore do so.
  20. I use AIM usually but as of lately it's just been MSN, due to most friends not using AIM.I just dislike MSN due to always getting this error of "Your message has not been sent." or whatever. It annoys me. And AIM has never had that issue.Well, not to mention I severely dislike Microsoft.
  21. To help explain it a little, you must know how Google "ranks" websites. More or less it goes like the following... There is a website, let's call it "Website A." This website is about cups. Now the owner decides he wants to get his website up to the #1 spot on Google, for a keyword. He chooses a random keyword that probably is not already taken up - say "horsy sauce." He finds others to then link to his website using the term "horsy sauce" all over the place. Something like "Have you ever wanted horsy sauce (link here) ? If you do, (link here) has the horsy sauce for very cheap..." Story continues along here with more links to the site and more 'horsy sauces.' When the other sites are crawled it then links up Website A with "horsy sauce." Now since it is not a commonly wanted keyword, the chances are that the competition is very small. So you give it a while and Google will slowly let the competition go and decide who wins (this is an on-going process. It never ends) The competition is saying "Who has the most websites linking to them for this keyword, 'horsy sauce,' and how much can we trust those websites?" The trust is based on the "page rank" within Google. That represents thousands of factors, but is ultimately Google's trust-indicator. Higher rank is more trust. The website with the most trust gets top ranking, second most gets second ranking, etc. So more or less Google Bombing is the process of choosing a random keyword (in this case 'horsy sauce' and having many others set up their websites to "boost" your rank using that keyword. I hope that better explains exactly what is happening in the process.
  22. Not just ads, they have their own webhosting business as well. I'm sure they still have a lot of customers, which equals more revenue, The forums help them advertise their business as well, as anytime someone visits they see the "Xisto" and "Xisto - Web Hosting" names, implanting them mentally.
  23. There are a few good games on PSP...What I like to do is port PSX games onto it...Like I played FFVII on it and stuff. You can get programs to convert PSX discs to UMD format and run it using an emulator. It's pretty cool. But in native PSP games, there aren't a lot....The ones that are good were good enough to hold my attention though! I still prefer PC overall.
  24. C is lowest form, and hardest to use.C++ is second up and is a little easierC# is the easiest of the three but doesn't have as much control (as far as I know the main difference is you don't get to choose memory locations, which is easier on programming but harder in terms of customization).
  25. I would suggest going with the Pro just because of the things it comes with. If you end up not needing the HDD/headset, so what? It's better to prepare in advance.Also, there have been some sales recently for pretty cheap ones...One last week was like $118 shipped for a 360 Pro(Complete, refurbished). I think refurbished is decent enough to toss in $120 for...Being that you still get a small warrantee and usually they are better quality than normal (normal is just created and boxed...Refurbished goes through a multi-point inspection after the fixes are added).
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