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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. that's funny... i read the whole transcript. one thing is for sure....for a company that seems to offer very little assistance, they sure seem friendly. but i am sure that that is just part of their script. one option you might want to take is to go back to where you purchased it from and talk to the manager there. i am sure they might want to be interested in this warrenty problem. i'm sure they don't want to promote a product that has issues with their warrenty. it looks bad on them too. where did you buy your acer? walmart? you might also want to do a little research to try and find out where their corporate office is and their phone # so you can talk to them directly. so they can resolve the issue with their warrantee dept. lastly, you get what you pay for and acers are cheap. my last computer was an acer aspire and i had absolutely no problems with it...let me do a little digging. if i find something worth adding, i'll add it here....(as far as alternative resources...
  2. i don't know if it's really that usefull for the masses. the only benefit i see to it is that you don't have to open many windows to copy files and folders. but i'll bet if we had a race to copy files and directories, i would win the old fashioned way.the name of the program says it all so i think that if you are resstructuring your directories and files, it may be usefull...but for the average joe blow like me, i could never really find a good use for it as i can quickly copy anything with simple copy and paste.the only real problem i have ever run in to when doing this though is when i copy too many files. for some reason windows used to like to create a bunch of copies of the same files i wanted to transfer and windows would place those copies in the same folder i was trying to copy the original files from. that did get irritating....so to prevent that from happening, i guess a program like this would benefit.did anyone else have that problem or am i the only one? i never researched it to find out if it was a bug or not or if there was some purpose behind it that i never understood.
  3. well, i am no master in tweeking for best performance, but from my own personal experience, finding a port that doesn't conflict with any other apps is good, changing your upload speed helps since i've found it interferes with the download speed. also, what i like to do is set my internet connection higher which enables me to download more torrents at once. the speed is relatively the same, but you are able to download more.i did try to manually input many trackers in to the torrent i was downloading, but that really didn't seem to help much.so although i am no master in tweeking, common sense has allowed me to download faster and more efficiently by just using the three steps above.i haven't downloaded the new version of utorrent yet. what's the difference? the old version would always want me to download it but never did...now it has stopped asking me haha is there any difference in the performance at all?
  4. am i the only person using bit torrent junkie? it has always satisfied my needs. i wouldn't be too worried about mininova because the past always dictates that when a popular site goes down, one always comes along to take it's place so bfd....wxyz
  5. for your alexa rank, you need more visitors to your site. you can do this by advertising your site more....either through good seo through the search engines, ads on google adwords(which costs money), you can try to get a list of the most popular forums and start posting on them with your sig file at the bottom and once in a while advertizing your site directly on those forums. you can also advertsize on the free or paid classified sites. get your name out there to increase your traffif. this will increase your alexa rank. for pr, you need to start placing your links on other websites that are similar to yours. you have a pr of 2 so i would suggest placing your link on websites with a pr of 4 or higher. when they place your link on their site, they are also giving you some extra pr. it wont cause their own pr to go down, but will allow yours to rise. also, practice good seo techniques. good title, good description, good keywords to target for your high rankings for those keywords in google. every page you create should be a different title, description, and different targeted keywords. don't make the mistake as most people and have the same title, description and keywords for every page. for targeted keywords, i don't mean a keywords metatag. i mean construct your site around 2 keywords per page. this will give you higher ranking in the search engines which means more alexa rank and possibly higher pr at the same time don't be fooled by page rank though. use pr as only a guide. it is never accurate in how google determines your position in the search engine rankings. this is why sometimes you will see a pr5 website lower in the rankings than a pr3. i quickly looked over the seo techniques of your website and found them to be pretty good. could be better. what i found REALLY funny and hillarious though is you are asking how to increase your alexa rank and your pr when you have a couple pages on your website dedicate to seo techniques...i think you may offer that as a service? if you know so much to put the services on your website, then why in the heck would you be asking some of the most basic questions on seo in a forum?!?!?!? did you create the site or did someone else? something is fishy here.....
  6. first of all, this thread should be in the making money online thread. it's a big thread with all the other get paid to do crap things. you get paid about $1 for an hour of your time and if you ever make over $100, you are one of the select few that has nothing better to do with their time. usually it's mindless teenagers that find these programs interesting because they don't know any betterbut if people ARE going to try and make money with these programs, the best way to do it is combine programs where you might actually have a chance in earning minimum wagei heard the search is for crap so why would anyone want to waste their time searching on an engine that doesn't give the best results?although i do believe the program is not a scam, it sure is a waste of time when their are better and easier ways to make money online or earn prizes. who the heck prefers prizes over cold hard cash anyway?!? with cash, at least you have the opportunity to choose exactly where YOUR money is being spenttime is valuable people. get that through your heads. if all you want to do is waste your life as something as inignificant as paid to program that don't even pay minimum wage for your efforts, how the heck are you preparing yourself for your own future? aree you even informing your parents what you are doing with your time online all the time? probably not because they could probably find something more usefull for you to be involved with.so basically, for some, being involved with these programs means you have to lie to your parents....then there is the issue if it is even LEGAL for a minor to participate in these programs because usually there are terms to be agreed on before participation which makes it a contract. a minor usually cannot enter in to any contract without parents permission. at least here in the united states.this isn't the first time i spoke out against these ways of making money online, nor will it be my last.again, if people insiste on trying to make some money with swagbuck, combine miltiple program. find the ones that compliment eachother so you can kill two birds with one stone and get paid double or even triple for your efforts. i still don't even support my own suggestion....but at least it's better than the pennies you would earn with any one program.i will also say, that any person who likes promoting these programs don't have a CLUE what they are doing online. they don't want to be the only clueless one so they get other people to sign up with them so they can all gather around in a circle and discuss how excited they are because they just earned a dollar.
  7. blown away is more like it as a lot of people bring explosives to blow up their art work after the competition those competitions though are sometimes kinda interesting to watch when they air live on television.
  8. i never tried making a game before. i downloaded python and pygame and within the first hour, i was able to get one of the objects that came with pygame to move around. it was actually kinda fun. reminded me of my younger years when i was trying to get in to programing things with a comiler...mostly visual basic stuff, but some c+. although was fun and frustrating at the same time, too time consuming for me...whew! from what i understand, real time will be limited in some ways but still capable in other ways. just depends what you plan on doing with it. but when it takes me over an hour just to figure out how to move an object around, i am done if you ever compile a game, let me know, i'd like to take a look.
  9. i prefer backing up my files directly through my ftp program. i just drag and drop the folder i want to backup. it's easier and quicker than cpanel. cpanel packs the files which you would have to unpack after download.this is for files only. if backing up your databases, then i suggest going through the suggestions through cpanel.if want to backup both at the same time, do it through cpanel. it will be quicker....but for html,php,etc... files only, any ftp program is quicker and easier for backing up your files.
  10. goog call bani boy, but with articles, you could be over reacting with your point because a lot of programs give marketing rights to articles which means not only can you copy and paste the whole article legally, but sometimes you can promote it as your own. seo will only be involved where the duplicate content is posted. it wont have anything to do with pages where duplicate content isn't posted. who cares about advertisors when you can easily put google adsense on those pages. my conceern though is that he doesn't have marketing rights to the articles. i even researched it a bit further and clicked on 1 article "how to set up your own profitable astore". his article suggests it was written by someone by the name of "ray clegg" when in fact, that article was written by someone with the name "George Burnitt". my source for information comes from ezinearticles.com where the original article was posted and where you have to declare that you are the sole owner and author of the article and own 100% of all copyrights pertaining to it. it looks now that he copied it from another source while the source he copied it from is switching names in who actually wrote it. this is where the confusion comes in.... but like i said above, some programs on the internet has a database full of articles that give you fill marketing rights. including taking credit for writing the article. if he had purchased those rights or was given those rights, then not only is it perfectly legal, it is good content for his website. and duplicate content is nothing different than having an rss feed. i like the overall site design and template. i don't really have too many critisisms. if i were to post them, they would be trivial as livepcportal admitted that the site still isn't finished completely. so i give it 8 out of ten for an overall rating. and if he IS breaking any copyright laws, i would suggest editing those articles in his own words....but he IS giving credit to the supposed authors so he isn't really stealing....and authors usually give their permission to post their articles as long as credit is still given in their name. so i think you are over reacting, baniboy and seo isn't even really an issue here.
  11. i really like bh's take on things. as far as your point, you had one when reading between the lines. it's true that society pretty much dictates one way. right for some, wrong for others. as a teenager, all parents and society can do is guide and prepare for your long future ahead. preparing and guiding does not mean we are treating you like an adult and being treated like a "child" will has it's place when trying to guide and prepare a child. what is a child. is it someone who needs to learn, prepare, and be guided towards one's future? if so, we are all children in buffalo's help's response to "growing up" and the different phases of life that prepares us for the next phase. the only contradiction would be how you define the differences between an adult and a child so what does it mean to be a teenager? a lot of things. you touched on a few. for all tenagers though, you should take in how society teaches and guides and combine that with who you are, then find time to separate the b.s. that is different for everyone. then the teenager can, or now an adult, can prepare and guide him or herself for their own future knowing his or her own right path.....while maybe....still feeling treated like a child. there is no difference between expectations on what society dictates and expectations that we place on our own selves. they are still expectations right or wrong. it's usually all relative. fact is though, a teenager doesn't have to put food on the table. the teenager doesn't have to pay bills. the teenager doesn't have to guide or prepare for other peoples future. a teenager doesn't of the worries when the economy is for crap. compare a teenagers "play time" to the "play time" of an adult that has a tremendous amount of responsibilities. every teenagers life is different though just like every adult life is different. i was only talking about the life that society dictates we live in just like you were....but in reality, there are just as many lives being lived that society rejects. so a lot of kids should be gratefull in how they are given the chance to be guided and prepared for their own future by giving them SOME responsibilites at a young age. some kids don't have that opportunity....and i'll bet....they wish they did. so instead of a teenager feeling life is contradictory in how they are treated as a young adult, they should be gratefull that they have that opportunity to be guided in to their own future where eventually they can take all the good from it, and guide their own selves the rest of the way....
  12. i know i am going to stir up some stink here. child supoport should depend on the situation. i don't believe in all the laws that are against me in paying child. i also don't believe shild support should be enforced on any couple that isn't married. the court someone forces people to take blood tests or get sent to jail. that is just ridiculous in trying to enforce child support when no laws were broken. laws and judgments in child support cases are trying to take on a moral code rather than stick with what is legal or not legal. although it takes to to create a child(for the most part), the woman is the one who is ultimately responsible for her own body. this is not just my opinion, but the opinion of the courts where abortion is legal. when a woman has a right over her own body, she is responsible for it. nobody else. not even a man who planted a seed. i believe men should be responsible in their actions, but if your not married and a woman wants a child and has one without any form of protecting herself against one, then SHE is responsible for that child and her body that she carries it in. child support for unwed mothers have been a big money maker here in the united states. they take advantage of the money they can get from it just like people take advantage of any welfare system. for some, it's almost like a business. i also know there are a lot of women who will trap men in to having a baby. saying they are on birth control and cannot b ecome pregnant while the guy is thinking he is having safe sex against any birth of a child. not only is the woman wrong, but she gets money for being wrong? morally, i think a guy should pay if it's his child. but ost importantly, he should do more than pay and be a part of that childs life so the child grows up with a father. there are many instances where a man has to pay and doesn't even have any rights to see his own child. that is not right. not for the man, and not for the child. so i believe child support should be enforced depending on the specific circumstance, but NEVER when a couple is unwed....NEVER! when we live in a country and the man and woman are equally responsible for a child when they are unwed, but the woman and the woman only has the right to make the choice to keep the baby or abort it, there is something wrong with this system. if the man and woman both are equally responsible, then why doesn't the man have a right to choose whether the baby lives or dies. if the child was unwanted by the man, and the man doesn't want to claim responsibility, he still has no choice but to wait for what the woman decides because it IS her body and she IS responsible for her own body. the whole system seems hypocritical and i would love a case like this to go to the supreme court because the laws seem to be different in different states regarding child support issues that are unfair to the man
  13. from where did you get that people were attacking eachother? anyway, i agree with your statements none the less.
  14. i heard that some vegitarians are. i mean....meat IS murder....but so is killing part of a plant that bears fruit wehn the fruit hasn't dropped from the tree yet. blah blah balh. let them spend their money on a useless ad...or just spend money for another useless ad that reads, "i have just killed a deer to use the meat for my survival, as without it i would die. if you have money to give me to buy meat in a store, i might reconsider killing an innocent deer". let's see if putting their next ad in the paper is more important than saving someone from killing a deer. put THEM to the test in what they ultimately believe.
  15. that is too funny. seems like the dog is trying to communicate something i love noticing the inter relationship bewtween anyimals and humans.i remember when i trained my dog all the commands any dog should learn. at night, i had him lay next to me when he was getting too riled up as a puppy elsewhere. he would stay next to my chair until i wasn't paying attention. then he would crawl 1 foot....stop. crawl another foot, stop crawl another foot, stop. he knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it that way. he knew i was distracted by the t.v.. anyway, next thing i know, he's 10 feet away by my bed and we start the whole thing over again. although angry he would do that, i loved him that much more because i know a puppy is meant to get in to mischief..especially free spirited animals where humans neglect that part of them.
  16. if this is true, what the hek is al gore gonna do now? didn't he win a prize of some sort?
  17. when i am bored, i like to pick my nose and with whatever i pull out, rub it in between my thumb and middle finger until it's nice and round and dry enough to flick at someone who isn't watching.don't get caught picking your nose though. it will give you a bad reputation in the office and you may just have to look somewhere else for work
  18. sorry to say this as i can admire your dedication to your son's schooling, but what does HE want to do? i think you should sit down with him first before inquiring about the plans you are making for his future. that is only fair as it is HID life....not yours. my suggestion is that if he's serious about anything you are talking about, have him sign up for an account and post his issue after talking about them with you. if he's just entering high school, i am assuming he's about 15? as far as your concerns about colleges, what country are you from? i would suggest talking to your local authorities in your own country first as they would know how to get your son in to the united states in the first place. if you want the highest education for your son, it will cost money to send him to a good private school where there would be more opportunities to participate in the academic and non academic activities that have the ability to impress the private colleges assuming he is already getting straight a's in high school. once he gets in, you are talking about a whole lot more money to fork out unless he's on a scholorship. if he plans on getting in to good schools and remain their, he can scratch his playtime goodbye as he will have to work harder and harder the more he progresses in his schooling. this kind of life may not be for him. if money is an issue, he can always go to a jr. college after high school and transfer to a good university after two years. but i really think you need to ask him what he wants to do. he's not even in high school yet. maybe he doesn't even know what he wants to do yet. some kids who think they know what they want to do and prepare for it for two years, change their minds. i would wait two years before even attempting to figure out what a 15 year old wants to do for the rest of his life... if your son is as smart as you say, then please talk to him about his future and respect what he has to say...
  19. this whole site seems shady to me now after reading this... http://forums.xisto.com/Liteshnet-Webp;hl=litesh.net and who is dark_hacker? is that a multiple account here or somethin'? that post was posted 3 1/2 months ago when they were claiming their website has been refurbished. this whole website and how it is being run is getting stranger and stranger. it does explain why http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is saying the site is worth $408 or so. this site has been around for a while. but the traffic is almost nil. so i can't possibly see how the site can be quoted that figure even if it's been around a while. maybe it used to have traffic and they just let it go in to the dumps? and after over 3 months when the started promoting it again, it still a dead site? something is strange and fish and very unprofessional about it
  20. i wonder why they are talking about litesh.net her.... http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=901241
  21. ouch! they're in the beginning stages. they have a lot of work to do. with that in mind though, i would do the grand opening on new years. instead of a christmas sale that is being advertised, make it a new year sale. i think a month is enough time to revamp things and get it ready with no rush....and without the headaches of things going wrong when trying to attract new business.
  22. i remember when my grandmother would come and take care of us when my parents were on vacation. i didn't really like her cooking that much except for roast and her thanksgiving dinners were the best. so i always looked forward to desserts after one of her meals. one night she opens up a can of peaches for dessert. i don't even eat canned fruits to this day! yea...so fruits to satisfy a sweetness craving went out when my grandmother died. a new generation popped up. kids who know a lot more about their taste buds than what the older generation taught them. i do have to agree with much of what you said in your post, but i for one am willing to live with the sacrifices. plus, i will always be a kid at heart. you're talking with someone who misses the days of hunting for chocolate easter eggs and hoarding them for 3 months til i eat them all. when i go shopping every month, i have to buy a big bad of peanut m&m's or a big bag of skittles i'm talking the $8 bags now. but then, i am 40 lbs overweight. i am getting tired of looking at that fat in the mirror but yea....sugar can give you a high like caffeen, and then drain you for the rest of the day. i had such a great life with my sugars though. why would i ever want to deprive myself now knowing that i'd just be punishing my own self
  23. do you know what a partnership even is, ash? whatever you have done, your partner has done. whatever your partner has done, you have done. a partnership accepts the responsibility. not the individuals. a partnership creates a whole new entity. somewhat like a marriage. you work together to accompllish a goal. the "it's him, not me" routine doesn't work in a partnership. fact is, those mistakes should have already been seen and corrected if BOTH of you were on top of things. on another note, i have always had a good natural business sense in me. one thing i have learned about business is that sometimes there is no greater tool than learning from those who have already accomplished what you are trying to occomplish. i know opaque is very busy with his own schedule, but i bet he woulda been a guy that would have taken a little time out to give some advice in your situation if you are serious about your business and asked nicely. he could tell you many things such as what it would take to succeed. instead, you try and discredit what he has done and accomplished. bad move there ash. he knows a lot more than you do when creating a site like you are trying to start with a partner. aside from the fact that over 90% of businesses fail within the first year do to money problems, a lot of business fail because of disagreements among partners. this is a fact. you are not impressing me at all. you have downed opaque's efforts here where he may have been in a position to give you some GREAT advice in some of his free time. and you put the blame on your partener. this is RIGHT OFF THE BAT in starting this venture. you need to be professional. you need to be courtious. you need to be respectfull, sometimes you just need to kiss people's rear. you need to know that if your partner fails in a certain area, you pick up the slack or keep your partner in check by having his back. you need to know any unforeseen troubles that may lie ahead(opa could have helped you with that). you need to get rid of your know it all attitude and admit you don't know CRAP about starting or running this business so you can focus more on learning what you don't know. it's ok not to know much when you can learn as you go, but arrogance and cockyness get you nowhere in life....especially when you are trying to build a reputation and a solid foundation of trust with your members and possible members. opaque has created a website that is in the top 1,800 websites in the world in regards to traffic and we all know one of the main characteristics in judging a websites worth IS TRAFFIC. do you know how many websites there are? almost 2,000,000!!! trap is in the top 1800 of those. this has been accomplished within 5 years. seems to me that you should poor your energy in to learning from that amazing feat....not dowing a business who has set a precident. the odds were very much against him in the beginning. do you know why he succeeded(where you think he has failed recently)? it's because he's not just in it to make money. he is in it to help people and offer people what they want and need. he stayed focused on that area of business and didn't allow it to be just about $. if you can get this concept and care enough about people to get to know what their wants and needs are, you will be far better off than you were before NOT knowing this one little tidbit of information that has the potential in making your business a success. be humble, but be strong at the same time. there will be people telling you you can't do something or you will fail or you will run in to problems where you just want to give up. believe me. if those things haven't happened yet, they will. you need to make your vision a part of who you are and allow that vision to give you strength when times are tough. i'm done. btw- as long as you are going to tell your partner to fix the spelling and grammer, tell him to fix the broken links. nothing is uglier than broken link. either fix them or take them down. i have noticed 3 so far.
  24. it looks you are going to have to wait to get the help you need. the site is down.
  25. one other thing, ash. i have never been in to very good spelling and grammer myself. but i know bad spelling and grammer when i see it. i suggest you run EVERYTHING that is written on your website and sub pages through a spell and grammer checker. one thing people will catch really quick and be turned off on is bad spelling and grammer. so i highly suggest you correct those problems ASAP.you can start with PLEASE VISIT ARE FORUMS in big letters on the top of your main page. after that, you have about 100 more errors to correct. i counted about 20 until i just started getting tired of counting.
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