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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. the question on this thread is "is it "POSSIBLE" to destroy the internet" a virus is VERY possible in today's times. i virus is viral and acts on it own when left to feed. if nobody stops the virus, ofcourse it's possible. also, "destroy" could mean different things. does destroy mean ALL of the internet or some of it. since viruses are the main contributing factor of destroying SOME of the internet, i would think it's very possible to destroy it all. very unlikely, yes....but possible. i think there is a bigger picture here than just assuptions in saying "no, you can't"....the bigger picture includes the ignorance of others in that when a virus does attack and take you offline, you wont know what to do.
  2. haha i had to laugh out loud on that one. that is wishfull thinking. anyway, crack on what? what you believe or other possibilities? i've had these conversations with tf time and time again. the fact is, is he always puts pressure on the other guy so the other guy doesn't have time to pressure him. by pressure, i mean question things as t/f does by trying to discredit others. that's all he does. he doesn't take a stand directly in anything because he knows what will happen if he does and it just proves my point in how discrediting others get people nowhere in these types of threads and discussions. t/f knows EXACTLY what he is doing. he's not stupid. he has his own set of beliefs but he doesn't want them debated so he distracts people from them on putting all eyes on other peoples posts. notcie that everything he quotes is more than he can ever say in his own beliefs. he wont change and he wont crack. haha
  3. i noticed the same thing. people aren't paying attention to the information in the original post or the news article(which was vague). if anyone ever sees a followup to that article, please post it here. i would like to know what the investigation uncovers....
  4. yea? well i don't like it. people can use unjust reasonings. i mean lets say people don't like ya, ash(god forbid). there goes your mycents. plus, this isn't the dig system nor should it ever be. the system is god. it is unique to trap.
  5. it says the user must attribbute the work in the mannor specified by the author. this can mean a whole bunch of things. but it's clear that if you have any conditions, you should put disclaimers on all your posts. what is morally correct is relative. the fact is, the internet is the life blood of researching and sharing information. it always has been. you don't need a so-called license to reinforce it. hardly anyone is going to read it anyway....
  6. my take on it is this. there are pros and cons just like with anything else. i don't know why you have your panties in a twist nameless. Xisto is public. anyone from anywhere can copy your posts and use them as their own. nothing is stopping anyone from doing that in the past....before the ccl. the ccl, in my opinion is more of an agreement than a license and i question it's legal validity on a forum where most of the original work is coming from the users of the forum and not the forum owners.but....dude....grab your purse and relax a little because everything is going to be the same as how it always was. the license just gives permission to share your work and even edit it before sharing it. this is no different than before....legally or illegally in how people can always copy and paste across the neti wouldn't delete any of your posts. what are you thinking?!?!? nobody from another website even knows who you are bud...why would you ever care to give up some of your copyrights? worse case scenario is they make money off your content but i think you are protected against any commercial use. but what if you weren't. who the @#$% cares. if you want your information private, don't post it publically unless you have a good lawyer and willing to take someone to court. BFD! all your commotion caused your panty hose to rip so just chill.as far as your website, Xisto is not affiliated in any way with it and your content is yours and reproducing it without your permission would be illegal....although there are some court findings recently that are questioning the legalities of copying someone elses work for non commercial use. i am curious how that is going to unfold.....BUT! you have no means to take anyone to court so when you host a website with original content, just go on the assumption that it will never be protected in the eyes of the law. this is how you have to look at things. now. if you were eventually making money off your website and had $5k to fight someone in court for stealing you content when they themselve were making money off it too, then by all means....take appropriate actions.are you gettin' me yet? although there are laws which give you rights, it's hard to enforce those laws so you have to do things with a grain of salt. life is far from fair sometimes. maybe you should write about that in your next blogi personally am all for sharing of information. god knows i have recieved more than i have gave on the internet. for that, i am gratefull and i don't mind giving back. but this so-called license wont really change much of anything because most people do whatever they want anyway....
  7. poker sites are legit. but don't get reeled in by any bonus money...especially if you are a novice in poke. me, i am pretty good and have the patience for it, but most do not. that's why most will not only lose their money, but never have a chance to collect their bonus unless they feed more money in to their account after they lose their first deposit. normally, recieving the bonus and free money is directly related to how many hands you play and the "rake" amount that the house gets(in this case, the owner of the website)it's perfectly ok to sign up to these sites of you want to play some poker for some real $, just be aware of the marketing tactics that are involved that are against you when you sign up.you aren't playing poker against the website owner yourself. you are playing against other players who signed up. the website gets it's money from the rake(a certain percentage of the money in each pot). they aren't just taking your money, they are taking EVERYONE'S money at a small percentage of each pot value. so in poker, you have to take that in to consideration when playing....but ultimately it will be you or the other players raking in the most money at any specific table....not the website owners
  8. ummm EXCUSE ME?!?!?!? i NEVER said anything about a chicken and the egg theory. you just quoted something that i never mentioned....EVER! that qoute came from shadowx or someone else or you just made it up entirely. whatever the case, i hope you edit that quote to take me name out of it....
  9. i actually really like that worksheet for those that are confused and unable to make a decision on their own. but that sort of worksheet wont work in this thread because of the possibility of people cheating to make a point or arguement where the worksheet is literally invalid. i think those types of worksheets are best used for personal issues and such worksheets should always remain private. also, there can be many holes to it. you are writing down all the pros and cons and assigning a + or - number to those things. that table doesn't account for the things that you don't think of or forget to write down. i like the idea behind it though if a person can give it some great thought to it.
  10. yes, online poker sites have always been known to add money to your account for new signups. however, i don't suggest people run out and join for the free money. it isn't really "free" because there are terms and conditions before you can ever collect that money. it makes it VERY difficult to collect if you are not a good poker player but they real in the sucker by offering them free money. what ends up happening for most people is you lose your own money to the better players and you have no chance in collecting any bonuses that they promise. also, most sites don't advertise their tems and conditions very well. oh, they are there if you earch them out, but most sites wont attract many people after the fully read and understand the terms. normally, you have to play an extrodinary amount of hands and it's only the top 10% of the poker players that even have a chance at the bonus money. again, you just end up losing your own money as most poker sites require you to have a stake if they are going to match your stake with bonus money under their terms and conditions. you see...there are no terms and conditions when playing with your original bank roll so you just end up losing your money if you weren't better than the other players at the table. if you do your research and insist on believing you wont lose, there are some sites better than others. i am talking on a credibility level. i wouldn't sign up at any site that hasn't been around for less than a couple years. and btw- poker sites aren't the only sites that offer this free money under conditions that are hard to meet. online casinos do this too where you aren't limited to just playing poker. be smart and research.....and please....learn the game before you ever decide to risk your money.
  11. HAhahahaha! you didn't ask for his thoughts? let's make a rule right now that nobody should post ANYTHING until truefusion asks for it....hahahaha! that was funny..... so all this heaven talk leaves you confused too, huh? what you are saying is god uses the same word to describe many different things. he doesn't use different words to describe different things. i mean, it's not like we are using heaven as an adjective and a noun. they are all places according to you....DIFFERENT places. so for someone who believes in the bible but doesn't really understand it, your validity should be questioned. why would you reference something in the bible to help your arguement where you don't even understand it??? so you still are pussyfootin' around with answering my question. why does god not talk about the things like other galaxies? why is it just earth that is the written word? it suggests that if there is other lifeforms somewhere else, the bible will never pertain to them so what....do the aliens, if any, have their own different version that only pertains to their own world? or is it suggesting that earth is the only place for intelligent life that needs a book to guide them. i am not being impractible when i say the bible was written by man and therefore is subject to mistakes since man isn't perfect. that is am undisputable fact. the bible even suggests it several times. therefore, it DOES have to be written by a perfect god in order for it to be true because once any part of the bible is discredited, the WHOLE thing should be discredited as a whole because nobody will know what the heck is true or false about the bible. most experts also believe that the bible was unfinished. it was never completed. so my question is why....what are people trying to hide? and if a book is incomplete, how valid is the incomplete book? (i am referring to the book as a whole...not the differen't "books" in the bible) we have to have a willing and conscious being to study something before it becomes true? now who is being contradicting. your belief isn't based on research, but FAITH. so you can't possibly believe what you said about the stars, space, and astrology. don't be crossing any line here telling me how i should believe in respect and accepting. i know exactly what i believe and why i believe and although respect and accept are different, they are also similar. yes, i accept other peoples belief, but i go futher and state i respect other peoples beliefs because i believe there is truth in EVERYTHING that surounds us. so don't tell me how i don';t respect. by your own words though, it's YOU that doesn't respect other peoples beliefs because you don't even know what they are to resepct them. i respect yours believe it or not, but you are turning an issue in to something personal in trying to dictate what i believe using twisted words and thought. in fact, it's the other way around. in fact, i HAVE to accept other peoples beliefs if i am to get along with other people. what i don't have to do is respect them. that comes from a personal choice i made a long time ago. i know what you said, and i know what you wrote. you don't need to quote pull up anything. what i don't know was your intentions of writing something like that. you believe that when you die, you go to heaven as long as you have been saved and there is no pain in heaven. so either you don't believe in lingering spirits that are around us or gaurdian angels becuase it would be impossible to experience their presense in the non physical world(as heaven is a place in the non physical world....oh...one of MANY definitions of heaven haha). or you believe in lingering spirits that can be at least felt in the physical world, but they were never saved and not in heaven? what about shadowx's thoughts on the different levels of spirituality? what if saved just means many lifetimes of progressing to that top level of heaven? could that be? you have to believe that 1 book is fact. otherwise your whole belief system wouldn't be based on any facts that you always ask others for. 1 book. you believe in 1 man made book that has already been shown to be not understandable by you, but you fail to question it at all because you can't. christians believe in marriage and bearing many children. are you married? how many children have you beared? have you ever stoned anyone, have you ever taken a neighbor as a slave? are you born again? do you continually preach the word of god and tell people they as well need to be saved for their own salvation as it states that will be your job in life until you pass on? let's get to the nitty gritty here true fusion. what are your beliefs and how strong are they. shadowx stated his belief. i have stated my belief several times in many threads as you quite well know. what about yours. why do you hesitate to post about them? let's go. you wanted to comment on this thread, you can't really do any good here until you post about your beliefs so we can analyze every different belief and option to learn something from it. why do you allow fear to limit you? what are you afraid of? aren't you proud of your beliefs? don't you have the need to share them in topics like this when the god you believe in wants you to? or are you just choosing a different path of jesus for some reason? why why why....let's talk about you for a change because your input is also valuable, true? my main question though is how can you ever believe in people and show that you believe in them when ytou are always trying to discredit them? why? so now i am asking something from you, as that is how you started your whole post in responding to shadowx. therefore, you should be inclined to answer....since i asked....but please...don't say anything that i never asked for either from now on. shame on you that you feel you are better than the rest an talk about things sometimes that others didn't ask for.
  12. yea, i know. i don't know what happened there with that quoted crap. i remember trying to post something but it didn't really turn out to be my post i thought screw it. i haven't seen any slowdowns at all in the game yet. if there has been, then they are ever so slight but i am ususlly good at pickup up on things like that. i have about as many dwarfs as you now too...but they really aren't doing much of anything. i keep swaying back and forth wether to reset or not. i know i will have to do it eventually again. i have set my military and patrols. i want to try my hand at an outside farm now before i reset too...and a couple more workshops maybe. i had my animals set to butcher but i didn't have a workshop. i guess you can't kill off your animals if you don't have a workshop to do that. i am getting frustrated because i have made a kennel, but nobody is willing to train the dogs. and now, i have a carpenter that is literally possessed, took control of the woodshop and is building something that i don't even know what the heck he is doing. he keeps mumbling to himself. as far as the animals, i have way too much too. i tried to set the one owned by others to be butchered....and you are right. can't be done. i have baby horses, baby mules, a ton of cats and dogs, but still now kids. seems like my fortress is looking good since people still want to migrate there. some wrestler dude even migrated. if you have an abundance of cats, i would get rid of those first since you can tie up or cage your dogs in certain places where they wont be running around everywhere. train the to be war dogs, and i am sure some of them will die off trying to fight off others. i am finding it hard to even get a dog in to my kennel though. this is ridiculous...
  13. strangly enough, i hold very similar beliefs. i think your thoughts are for some interesting reading...
  14. that is just ridiculous. so you are saying that heaven is actually in the sky from the earth's perspective? does that intimate that thee really is no "heaven"? because you are referring to heaven as galaxies? am i getting this correctly? your arguement just has no basis for it. how many times does the bible refer to heaven? too many to count....obviously heaven is one thing and heavens is multiples of that one thing. also, for the sake of arguement that god is always right, that doesn't mean MAN is always right. therefore, the probability of the bible being right now decreases because it was written by man. not god. as far as your astronomy statement, what are you saying? you are being vague like usual to not state your own beliefs. are you saying that there isn't any purpose to the "heavens" and we cannot predict things through the stars and planets? because what i am getting through your vagueness is that if it's not in the bible, it wasn't created by god. is this what you were trying to say? it's funny that some people use science to prove creationism. they use examples of science that goes with things that was written in the bible("god's word") it's argued that god's word came before the science to prove the validity of the bible. what i have to say on that is to take your own words that science is ever changing. what is true in science today is false tomorrow. this has been proven time and time again. this is why we haven't been using the same science books today that our grandparents used when they were kids. i am not going to search for a thread that will take me hours just to prove a point, but you did describe evolution as part of god's plan for our future. you DID say that. i am not making that up bud haha. it's either you believed in that or you were doing what you do alot and spew b.s. just to argue a point that you don't even believe in. this is why i have said time and time again....and you are the only person here that does it in such an extreme way. you very rarely state what you believe in and try to discredit others in their own believe leaving you closed to others discrediting you in return. i always respect those who can add their own beliefs in the equation of arguement and have less respect for those who are afraid to stand up for their beliefs...like they are ashamed of them for some reason. not saying that you are ashamed of your beliefs, but you don't really present any valid arguement towards any of your beliefs. you are too busy discrediting other. which...in some cases is a good thing. the more one can discredit, what's left, is more of the truth. but then, are the discredits valid or can the discredits be discredited. this is why i don't like these threads or your tactics in these threads because everything can be discredited. even you and these threads get nowhere. what if there is truth to all beliefs where does discrediting beliefs get us? nowhere unless they are based on some sort of fact or evidence. so for these threads, it's best to state a belief and state why you believe. not to discredit anyone's belief or theory. in these types of threads, to get to the real answers to the questions, one must talk from personal experiences. or trying to go the philisophical route in using logic to determine an answer. questions like, "if god exists, does that mean evolution doesn't?" or "if the big bang created the universe, does that mean there is no higher power?", etc...etc.. but even when you look at this subject at a philisophical standpoint, there are no conclusions so everything is still left up in the air....UNLESS we respect the beliefs in others, respect the beliefs of others, and assume there is truth in most every belief. we would get further as a world society without trying to discredit beliefs and try to understand the truth in the different beliefs and why it's a belief or a religion in the first place. but i also believe that there is also untruths to everything as well(in regards to beliefs and religions). there is a reason why discrediting is pointless and useless when discredits can come from both sides. when you are trying to find a truth to an answer in subjects like this and the reasoning or discrediting isn't getting anywhere, one has to understand why and take another approach to make the beliefs and arguements more valid...unless people like to type or talk and get nowhere. and there is a reason why i post about this. my prediction is that this thread will die quickly as the others have done in the past and nobody got anywhere in being productive in stating their beliefs and why they believe in them. i even hate the topic title. "evolution vs. creationism" like it's some sort of a competition or war where there can only be on winner. it's ridiculous in my eyes i mean, what is evolution and what is creationism. people know what's written as a definition, but people have also added and subtracted from a standard definition to create their own definition. we first have to define what evolution is and what creationism is before we can even talk about how they compete with one another.
  15. you are still waiting for proof in this thread? you sound like shadowx now needing evidence for things. you already stated in another thread that you believe in evolution but it was god's will for the evolution process. i forget where the thread is or if you yourself stated facts on your own belief. there are some facts that support evolution including fossil records from the past and what are structure is today. BUT! is that really evidence? i am talking with truefusion now so he will say it is not... as god could have created a different but similar species and those are what the records indicate just to argue the point of evolution. i really hate these threads because they go absolutely nowhere. i also love(sarcastic) the fact the people can totally miss the other threads and create a new one saying the exact same thing. you know... a wise man once said, "It's not what you know you don't know that's the problem... it's what you don't know that you don't know." think about it. i have always said the same thing except in different words. it talks about ignorance and the problem ignorance creates. i think that concept directly relates to these types of conversations. now i have a question. why is it that the bible doesn't talk about ANYTHING other than what can be seen by human eyes? i mean...come on now. there is a lot of planets, solar systems and galaxies out there. why isn't any of that mentioned in the bible? some can say because the bible is man made and made up to support a belief based on things that you can see. what does creationism have to do with life or even intelligent life on other planets? also, if god created everything with a purpose, then astronomy has it's own purpose which would make astrology more believable, wouldn't it? there is a lot of things that will never be answered in this thread. every arguement is invalid because they are only theories or beliefs. what i would like to see is people talking about what they really know and support what they know with a story of their own experiences. not what scientists dictate or what the bible tries to make us believe. is that even at all possible or are we all just followers of other peoples work or beliefs or theories....
  16. sorry, but i have no help with your main question...but as far as backing up your site, there is no other easier way than copying the public_html folder. now ofcourse it took a lot of time, but that doesn't mean it wasn't easy. you said you copied just the folder. that isn't your whole site though. you will also have to back up your database... ok. i don't know anything about drupal, but i am editing this post because i looked up the answer for you. hope this helps.... i am assuming you have the update module that tells you when you can update your modules automatically. when you run across a module that you want updated, you have to disable it. it didn't recomend to uninstall it OR delete it as you have done. just disable it. THEN, reinstall the module. once that is done, then you can go ahead and run the update.php script. also, after you run the update, it is recommended that you leave the database module setting alone. if you got errors, then something went wrong with the update. if you are not getting any errors, everything updated correctly. maybe you need to run update.php again to see if you are getting any errors since you don't even know if you're getting errors or not. if not, then this whole thread was for nothing. here's where i got my information from... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. i agreed with you somewhat up until your p.s. creationism is part of a belief which has to do with a person's faith. you stated you have to have all the facts before you believe in anything. are you trying to tell me that you have never had any faith in something where you didn't have all the facts? as an example....what about faith in people or trusting them? because what you are saying is you will never trust anyone until they give you reasons and there are facts to support that people can be trusted. you say you want to live your life with just believing in the facts. but are you? even though you don't believe in god, there are no facts to support that either....is there. what you did was just twist the situation to support your own belief NOT based on facts or evidence. btw- science has been proven wrong in the past too but are we going to discredit ALL science? time to rethink your logic after your p.s. remark
  18. fantastico supports joomla with no errors. install joomla through fantastico i wonder why it is requiring a higher version. maybe the database or the php is in a lower version in those programs
  19. he doesn't want the subjects at the bottom. he actually already solved the problem with the subjects and scores reversed(subjects on the bottom). look at his original table and you will see the subject on TOP. anyway, i just realized something. i was messing around with the fuctions in my spare time and i realized something which now limits my help. microsoft excel is different than microsoft office spreadsheet! i completely forgot and it just now occured to me. are you using excel or ms office spreadsheet? i was trying to figure out an alternative to vlookup and i think the same could have been accomplished with an index and match function...although it's a longer process and you would have to print out the max value along with the subject. unfortunately, i don't have access to the match function. i could always import it, but i don't think i'm gonna waste my time anymore on this when the answer can easily be gotten off the excel forums. now i'm thinking that maybe certain functions work differently in excel and ms office spreadsheet and that's why hlookup or vlookup isn't working properly and not doing what it's supposed to. i know that in microsoft office spreadsheet, it wont let me inter a true or false value(1 or 2) in the fuctions where normally, excel should allow you to do that. based on this, i know that certain fuctions DON'T work the same(comparing both programs) good luck with it. i am done sorry i couldn't be of more help. i really did try to find the answer for ya....
  20. have you tested that? because that looks to be totally wrong information there. the first part is correct where it finds the max value, but when you are searching for that value, you're never going to find the # because you have it searching for the # within the subject.btw- the "1" is used to choose the value for the #. it would be the column the outputted value comes from. but we are dealing with rows here. not comumns so vlookup is out of the question anyway...
  21. go to the excel forum and post your problem. you might get a quicker answer that way
  22. really? why do you think it's funny that someones face got blown away
  23. that would have to be one heck of a virus and it would have to have the ability to spread like no other in the history of the internet, but a virus would probably be the only way to shut down the internet completely...and finding a way to make the world come to an end as another person suggested. all the internet is is one or more computers attached to a network of some sorts. there are many networks. all the www is is a means to travel through SOME parts of the internet. it would be easier to shut down one network at a time rather than shut down the entire internet. now, in the future, if the internet is ever controlled by the government through one network or you have to go through their network to access the internet, then it would be a lot easier to shut it down so i hope that day never comes but i feel it may come to that day in another 30 or so years. big brother always likes to be in control.
  24. yea remember that faces of death movie....they made three, didn't they? they put the monkey head on you table and you're supposed to crack it open yourself. i've eaten brain before....heck...i've tried a lot of crap just to say i did it but i wont crack a skull to do it haha. i mean, it's not like cracking upoen a crab leg. ya, those filipinos have those chicken fetuses that they crack open and eat. the eggs incubate inderneath the ground and you know when they are ready to crack open and eat by holding it up to the light as the egg gets more transparent over time. i'd probably try it if the opportunity ever arose....but NOT monkey brains! yea, cow brains is what i tried when living in california. i tried some when a friend of mine ordered some. they do taste like scrambled eggs. they even look like scrabbled eggs the way they prepared it at some mexican food place. that reminds me of the time when tasting cow intestine in mexico once. i will never do that again. i think the crap was still in it. it was NASTY. i only order tacos when i am there now
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