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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. twisted twisted twistedsociety should be talking away most of your game boxes. these twisted thoughts don't fit in to every day life.
  2. you're always dreaming. that's your problem. if you ordered that crap, and i was you're parents, i'd be putting you over my knee right about now and you probably don't even know why....do you. that's a shame
  3. good luck with that....really....mean it.....because you really need it. personally, i think you're just dreamin' as usual....
  4. everyone has issues in their own life as that is what life has to offer us to grow. what you are saying is that one has to be PERFECT in order to help or guide another.maybe one doesn't have to be perfect to help another. maybe one just has to understand another to help them. even if they are imperfect in other areas in their own personal life.make sense? or does one really have to be perfect in order to be there for someone else....
  5. i agree with what you said fully. at the same time however, that hurt you felt can still be replaced by a magical spirit in what santa claus stands for....unless you just think christmas and presents and anticipation should be discredited along with the belief that states you can give unconditionally.... i thought your posts were all deep thoughts...why all of a sudden you want to reply with surfacy thoughts?
  6. HA!!!! i laughed so hard after reading the last two posts about duckduckgo, it's not even funny anymore. it's amzing what people believe nowadays. what's even more amazing is what they DONT believe
  7. so if i was a murderer, if people remember me as a murderer, i wont be dead in other peoples eyes and what i passed on to the next generation? you know, you have a meaning behind what you say but you seem a little confused when putting thoughts to words the real question shouldn't be "what is the meaning to life". the question should be how do we overcome the obstacles to fulfill our purpose in life....
  8. technology is making people lazy. it's all around us. it is also limiting us in what we see in true nature. i personally LOVE technology because i love to be lazy. i HATE technology because it makes it that much harder to enjoy the simpler things in life that are most important because it's so easy to be distracted from it....technology is creating robots in all of us. a habit or a fuction that shouldn't be there to be blind to nature and everything that surounds us. the birds singing in the morning. the trees waving in the wind. the crickets that you will never see but hear.technology takes away from nature. what people don't think about when living with all this technology that surrounds us is....what would we do without the flowers and the trees and the birds...etc...etc....etc....you will be a robot.....and that is what the technology wants you to be so they can make a dollar off you
  9. i love your posts. one cannot preserver without motivation. one cannot be motivated without passion(another thread of yours) you can't have passion without ideas....and you cannot have ideas without creativity.everything in life is a domino effect on the choices we make and who we are DICTATES those choices at any given time in our lifei don't like your death analogy. you are presuming that if and when we accept death over living that we are preserving. what about a situation where you and your wife are comfortably sitting together while a complete stranger bursts in with a gun...and you would choose death before ever allowing any death to come to anyone else...especially the one you made vows with. you die because you stood in front of a bullet for another. the shot was fired so it could have easily killed someone else if you didn't stand in the way.sometimes preserverance is about death too because "life" isn't just about OUR life specifically.
  10. the fact still remains that there will always be a difference in opinion. you can go to one source and it can say one thing negative. you can go to another source and it can say something positive. the real question will always be..."what do *I* believe" based on the research i have found. don't believe everything you read. PERIOD!
  11. honesty is the best policy for truth. that's it in a nutshell in my opinion. when being honest, you create a reality that is based on truth. when dishonest....even slightly, it hides the truth and even creates a domino effect on the realitiies created by the lies....and i say lies because once you tell one, more lies occur from the domino effect.so one has to make the choice to live by truth.....or lies.....are lies good? what about telling a child that there is a santa claus? or an easter bunny? what about lies based on imagination? are they good or bad? is it how we present the lies? what are the rules if lies are good?i hate liars more than anything in this world because i would rather know the truth....but what about small children who aren't confronted yet with everything lies hold? is it ok to make them believe there is a santa clause when there is no such person except what we believe in our own hearts? as a symbol for what is good and magical?sometimes the truth hurts. is it ok to lie about it to prevent the hurt?is any one person in this world deserving of the full truth?what is truth? does anyone really know the whole truth to everything to tell no lies?when we understand that we don't know it all to state the truth, all we have is our own personal belief that guides us and others who are willing to be guided by us.
  12. actually, i thought your process to cook noodles was a great way to prepare them. i don't see any other way except talking about how to specifically prepare them fresh. your post wasn't just about noodles though since you added a bunch of other ingredients. noodles can be prepared without all the added ingredients as long as there are spices to add to the flavor(in my opinion). i didn't know you were a vegitarian. you should add broccoli to your noodles as broccoli is one of the best and healthy vegetables you can eat. i would suggest cooking the broccoli just enough to where it's the same texture as the noodles and dicing them before boiling. you can mix in some peppers to add some color and flavor. personally, i could live off that alone and i'm not even a vegetarian add a little homemade sauce with cury or some other spice. yummy....don't forget the oregano!
  13. maybe someone can post a tutorial and and then post the link to it in this thread....(hint hint)
  14. it depends on the house wife. are there kids? no kids? kids would definately make it harder to be a housewife compared to a full time job in my opinion BUT! usually, a housewife will enjoy being a housewife more because there is more of a personal purpose for it. at the same time, some people get married for companionship more than any dedicated love so for those, maybe a fulltime job would be easier. but it really depends on the circumstances because after coming home, you will still have the household duties you share with your husband and/or kids. being a housewife also isn't about working 9-5. sometimes it's a 24-7 job. i do believe in women's lib to some extent and i think it just all boils down to the person whether being a housewife is easier even when the fact still remains even today that the woman has it harder in the workplace than a man....just like any other minority....although it's getting easier over time...
  15. passion is GREAT. it helps motivate us. although the drawback is that passion is based on emotions. emotions have no brains which means if your just looking at passion alone, it has no reasoning to it. it's like telling someone to follow their heart. that advice could get people in trouble. what's better in my opinion is to combine passion with logic and reasoning. try to find that common ground and balance without losing the passion as passion can easily be lost if there are rules to dictate it. i have a similar experience in my life right now where i was passionate about something and i lost it due to unforeseen circumstances that crushed the passion. i am trying desperately to find a way to gain it back because it was the lifeline to my motivation and without the motivation, the logic and reasoning might as well be lost too as i can't use them anymore. i really like the concept of this thread because it's a topic that can make you think and i for one am a firm believer that one should combine passion with logic and reasoning for a balance and responsible decision making that can lead to a more successful path. let's face it. logic and reasoning is boring but more responsible. passion is exciting but more irresponsible. there has to be a balance.
  16. really? dell bought out alienware? well, just because dell bought out alienware doesn't mean they are going to merge together. alienware has a great rep for custom built pc's. i think it will all boil down to how good alienwares customer and tech support is. i tried to research very quickly and could find much. it's mainly on their forums i think.....if you have any problems. don't know about telphone line support. i am assuming alienware will remain doing business as usual with no huge changes even though dell bought them out. and i certainly don't think they will be using dell's tech support as dell will probably want to keep them seperate.
  17. don't tell me that you haven't checked out craigslist yet. you can get some really good deals....especially under the freebies section and those advertising about their curb pickups.do you bargain hunt for your own personal use or do you sometimes resell the things you find?
  18. no. aside from veggies, i always wanted to plant an herb garden. i just have never gotten around to it. maybe i will try my hand at oregeno soon if it grows as fast as you say because i love that stuff and to be honest, i have never tried it fresh. i use paprika on my fried chicken along with other spices. you can't really taste it all that much since you're not supposed to use a lot, but it gives it a nice red finish to the chicken(i don't put it directly on the chicken. i mix it in the flour) what did this have to do with noodles? i have no idea, but i'm getting hungry!
  19. yea, i just decided to try my luck with a torrent. i have it installed now.sky gave me a resource after i had already had it downloaded.....so thanks budstill strange how that installer from the adobe website wouldn't connect. i tried a few time too.....but with no luck. at first my thought was that it was running in the background....but NOPE!
  20. i wanted to try out dreamweaver, but what happened is that i had to download the little installer program from akamai technologies. what a piece of crap as i am unable to connect. is there somewhere where i can just download it without the installer? an exe file or zipped file?i don't know why this installer is giving me connection problems. when i double click the installer, it will act like it's connecting and getting ready to install, and then go dead.
  21. this is too simple. you have to be in agony right now keeping this subject inside yourself without informing her in how you feel. it's better to be open and rejected than to keep that crap to yourself as it creates it's own pain. be upfront and honest with her. if she has a boyfriend or husband, you will have to suck it up and respect her situation. but openess and honesty will at least allow you to communicate your feeling and get to know her own thoughts on the subject. be carefull though. if she doesn't feel the same way you do, she just might avoid you even further because she doesn't want to lead you on i would have a talk with her and open up to her. see how it goes, then came back here and post the results. long term friendships where someone wants more is tricky though because after time, a woman will feel comfortable and relaxed in the friendship. she may not want to ruin that with a relationship.....especially if she's been hurt in the past but as long as she isn't already involved with someone where you are not disrespecting that relationship, i would come clean and ask her her thoughts. also, no matter how it goes, i might want to suggest doing something romantic a couple times to show her how much you care about her(not just through words). this is all you can do for now. suggestions? ecard? flowers? poem? even on the phone together when watching a movie you both would enjoy so you can feel eachothers emotions during the movie. be creative. good luck with it....don't forget to post any new circumstances
  22. hmmm...i hope people aren't going to waste chicken breast just to make noodles. it may add flavor to the noodles, but what a waste of chicken breast unless you are having chicken with your meal... me personally, i like spices and have always been a firm believer in oregano. will add color and that extra flaver that will compliment the noodles....adding only AFTER you have boiled them. i also think garlic to any noodle dish is a MUST
  23. yea, i have always recomended nvu back in the day. it was open source. now it's compozer where nvu left off with alot of features added.overall, a pretty darn good free program. you might have some problems with unnesesary code though but it does it's job.
  24. i think everyone knows by now that dell tech support sucks. i remember having sever issues with a dell computer before and it would take hours to fix. i remember one occassion where they told me i would have to reformat and reinstall the operating system. WHAT?!?!? naw http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for an internet conenction issue. i ended up resolving the issue myself without the help of their tech support and my extended warrantee. i reemmber one time when i was getting nowhere with dish tech support after hours of talking with them. i decided to be transfered to customer service. i got lucky and talked to some guy who used to work in tech support and fixed my problem within minutes! he was white. his job was takin' over by outsourcing to people who don't have a clue to save a lot of money. rather than spend a little extra on people who actually know what they are doing. now although i don't agree with all the outsourcing issues i have personally experienced with dell and their tech team, it does keep their computer prices lower. but after my experience with tech support, i will never buy a dell product as long as i live as i don't EVER want to go through that same nightmare. also, aside from their online or on the phone tech support, they do have a very quick and efficient in home support. i remember my fan was bad and they had come to the home to replace it 2 days later. the fan was actually still good, it was just louder than it should have been.
  25. you work for dish network. saying dish network is a scam would be a conflict of interest. you are supposed to support the company you work for. dish network not only scams people out of money they don't owe, they use fraud and lies all the time to get the customer to sign up and to believe in what dish network is promoting and selling. i started a dish network scam and fraud thread a long time ago. since then, there have been all sorts of different complaints. i have NEVER see so many complaints on one company while that same company seems to still thrive. you might want to check out the thread here.... Dish Network Fraud and Scam! it's funny too though....the fact that when someone DOES take the initiative to fight dish network....or....echostar to court on their dish network scam and fraud practices, they usually WIN! why is that? why are you trying to protect dish network when a court of law says different in all the cases against dish network? dish network loses in court, but that is NOTHING compared to making up for it in their unfair business practices....so they continue to do business. what i would like to see happen, is for some rich guy to hire a good attorney to file for punitive damages with a class action lawsuit. maybe only THEN will it not be worth it for dish to continue with such scam and fraud practices and forced by the courts to adjust their business practices or shut them down! when you are confused in what is right or wrong....always remember....the customer is always right....especially when their are THOUSANDS of dissatisfied customers because they are subject to dish networks fraud and scam practices. you may be an employee...but you are trying to argue a fact that you know nothing about. when dish came to fix my issues that i was having with the phone lines, i asked him if he gets a discount on dish services. he said yes. about half price. i also started complaining to him about all the problems i've been having and he didn't seem surprised....even he admitted.....as an employee.....that dish was even over charging him for his own discounted services. this is an employee of dish network that holds no prisoners when they can screw over their own employees! hahaha i thought that was funny.
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