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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. the miracle depends what they do with what they have experienced....even when a lot of the world has experienced the same. it's what they do with it that matters. i feel everything happens for a reason. so what are they going to do with this something below where they live.....only time will tell.....
  2. ahhh...old topic...and the original poster will never see all the responses.the question is answered by her own response. it was never about you. it was about HER. and when you made it about you....that's when you lost her and didn't even understand why because you weren't even thinking about her in the way that was needed.musta felt good though knowing that she was feeling sad without you....knowing she loved you and was always happiest around you.you never understood her.....HER! you only understood what others told you and your own selfish thoughts........feeling good in what you understood which was one sided.....to make YOU feel good.....not her
  3. i haven't read the responses to this thread. nor do i care to read them. homosexuality is the same as any other sexuality. either you choose it, or you don't choose it because you were born that way. if one was born a certain way, that cannot be wrong. so if a guy like a guys and he was born that way, that cannot be wrong....for him. it may be out of the ordinary, but anyone born a certain way cannot be wrong in how they feel. thus.....cannot blame them. so let's talk about choices. many of us make mistakes in life. if one doesn't make those mistake, one can consider themselves to be perfect. nobody is perfect....so anyone claiming to be is a liar. what about homosexuals who are that way by choice. who are they? why is it their choice? this thread groups individuals in to one catagory which is WRONG! you have to look beyond the steriotypes and the groups you place people in and look at the individual. why does he believe what he believes? why does he act the way he acts? why does he feel the way he feels?the answer is not within the topic of this post or the survey. the answer is within the individual...someone you all will FAIL to know without getting to know that individual.is homosexuality wrong? for some it is. is homosexuality right? for some it is. get to know what you are against before judging right from wrong. do heterosexuals know it all? no. they would be perfect if they did. do they know the opposite of what they are?that's the question.....isn't it....how are people going to judge? by what they are....or to get to know what they aren't.we live in a society that can be very cruel towards those who goes against societies beliefs like there is nothing more. what if there is? what if there is something more than even the bible is capable of telling us?my point is not to judge prematurely....but to follow your own heart where other human beings are concerned. we are all the same....and different.....and to believe differenly is lying to your own self.
  4. i absolutely LOVE your dedication and your effortswhat i don't love is you posting about this publically to gain mycentsthis should have been handled privately between you and admin and admin deciding wether it's good to impliment or not and reward you as they see fit.but still i have to say i admire your efforts. it shows in some ways your loyalty and caring for trap. good job.
  5. i haven't. maybe people should be dedicated to their work to research some things before they publish their website.
  6. good movie and interesting concept. i wouldn't compare it to liar liar although liar liar was a good movie too. one of the reasons i liked it was because it gives you the ability to take time out and think about your own personal life and the consequences to the choices you make and the road it leads down.
  7. yuck. those would get annoying, i think i would have to copy and past a standard one liner for those dumb tickets....like...."wish ya luck" -ticket closed
  8. how about this....how about never creating another email account anywhere, ever again? that should solve your problem. it isn't yahoo. it's YOU! and this whole question answer thing, that is supposed to protect YOU. not the hacker because a hacker, one he has your user name and password, can change those questions. now why do you think a hacker wanted to hack your account in the first place? these are the questions i would be asking so this doesn't happen again. most likely, i can probably safely assume it's because of your own internet activity and has NOTHING to do with yahoo. on a lighter note, none of my accounts have ever been hacked. EVER! not even my email at yahoo that i've had for 20 years. your ignorancce on hackers and security will get you nowhere. instead of being angry at yahoo, punish your own self for being stupid. take a chill pill
  9. well that explains it! hey! you have negative mycents!
  10. i sure do believe in freedom of speech. what i don't believe in is to allow frodoms to hurt and slander othe4r peoples names with lies and injustice. what about you? do you believe anyone....let's say me...can contionue to slander you with lies?what government theories are you talking about? everyone saw what happened on the television.....EVERYONE. what happened is fact. not made up. what are4 you getting at??? that nothing really happened? that terrorists didn't destroy the world trade centers?anyone who thinks outside the box is a free thinker and limiting ones self. yup. you sure did discredit your self pretty good in your posts. you not only think outside the box(which is good) you believe everything your read and hear outside the box. that is NOT being a free thinkiner. you are taking someone elses idea and supporting it. all you are is a wannabe follower. you're not a free thinnker who thinks outside the box.....unless you can tell the the ridiculous lieas and theories you made up all by your lonesome.depends on the situation in why america would want to go to war. why are you talking about a nuclear war? are you sick or something? what was your point in that???i'm not asking you to trust anyone you don't want to trust. where did that come from?i didn't say anything about canada. but i will say this about you. you're a fool that may have seen a lot before deserting to canada where all you can hope for is to be snowed in right now, but you have never seen any proof to what you are writing about in this thread.oh. now you are saying the graphice to the newscasts were edited. all the home videos too. they havd computer geeks working around the clock to edit anything that came in. haha oh man,,,,,yea,,,,stay in canada! haha the u.s, doesn't want you....maybe they are the ones who told you to leave, huh?as long as we are talking about theries. i shall come up with my own about you. let me give it some thought....they really have to be believable...unlike yours...btw- did i ask for your credentials? you don't impress me. you will never impress me with your talk. seen alot? maybe you havent seen enough....medical released? yea...probably for mental reasons huh? you like to make things up as you go along in your posts.
  11. you're hjust sick. that's why i said it. i am passing down nothing to you but those words. and yes, i think you need some help. those are sickening thoughts you have. but hey, don't get help. who the heck cares. tht's up to you. i'm just glad i don't know you. you are the type of person i would always keep my eye on.now does your wife know about your sick thoughts about little girls? how are you going to raise your boys? are you going to raise them with the same sick imagination you have or are you going to try to raise them a little more normal than that?
  12. i had some free time so i googled it. these guys seemed to fix the problem you are having. follow the link. hope it makes sense to ya. half of what they were saying didn't to me http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also, have a look at this. directly from the mysql website.... http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/access-denied.html
  13. hmmm...maybe that is for the web packeage 6.66 or higher and not the 1.99 ones? ya think? i sprang for the cheapie. now i am really curious what is in there. i didn't even read anything about in any web hosting feqatures. they always mention fantastico though. i want it durnit!!!
  14. dude, if ytou can't change your name servers, you got a big problem. contact the registrar who sold you that domain and tell them to change it on their end through asupport ticket. it's the only way you'll be able to get that domain hosted over here. i wouldn't waste anymore of your time though because it's obviously not allowing you to change the name servers(or at least the first one you said). also, remember to allow 24-48 hours for dns changes to occur. but contact support right away. this should be their issue now
  15. thermal activity is a miracle? boy, they don't get out much do they. i used to swim in hot springs all the time. that's all this is is a hot spring that popped up
  16. where is this softaculous in the cpanel? i don't see anything but fantastico. is it supposed to be in the software/services section? i checked and double checked and it seems as though i don't have it.
  17. that is very exciting. i can never get enough of watching someone pull up a yellow bucket. i wouldn't drink the water....but i sure would make that hole bigger for an outdoor hottub... the people in the video didn't seem too excited. maybe it was because of what the man was saying in the background...sorta makes me glad i didn't understand a word of it...but i did get a kick out of the yellow bucket that appeared about 6 times. again...very exciting
  18. sure, you can motivate others by fear, but you wont be teaching them a lesson. lessons are learned by lifes experiences. not other peoples experiences unles one can directly relate to those expriences. unfortunately, death doesn't give anyone living the experience of death to prove a point of what is right from wrong. but is that what we want to teach? right from wrong? then the question arises.....in whoes eyes? it's all relative. most importantly....for those living, it the answers to the question of why one feels and thinks the way they do....knowing it's wrong to act on it. trying so hard not to be wrong in actions when they are still wrong in thought. the problem is neverending....even when you put those who act on it to death. to really make a difference, you have to get to the root of the problem and find a solution. death is only a temporary solution. not a permanent one. so what is more important? killing a soul while never finding a solution or saving a soul to better understand the solution.
  19. he's using catagories. not tags. that's fine. tags are relatively new and a subdivision of catagories anyway....but ummmm.....nobody will search under some of the catagories he has.....haha....but that's better than creating no catagories at all. nameless will learn as he goes. he's doing a great job btw- i will always be anonymous when i post.....
  20. are you kiddin' me?!?!? it may have made you laugh, but he was serious and never once trying to be intentionally funny! that's like me nominating you....because i feel your nomination is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! hahah i am STILL laughing at it!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. obviously you haven't experienced alot of the changes and the consequences of the changes the internet has always offered. yes, i agree. Xisto is "cool" right now. that's FAR from what i was talking about. what i was talking about was the iminent change that will have to come soon or trap slowly dies. opaque is right where patience is concerned because nobody has really implimented a new form for the forums yet. wait too long, you lose users to new technology and have to start from scratch in regaining them. start too soon, and you may be embrasing a technology that will only prove itself to be a fad. this was the whole premis of my post in which whatever direction opaque takes, it will be a risk. i love this place and it would be nice to know where opaque's thoughts are in leading us in to the next generation of communication. although i agree with his original thoughts in a sense, they were very vague and i for one will worry because times ARE changing. i mean....is there money saved for r&d? does he have programmers that understand where we are heading and the new technology? can he afford any software that wont be free in the future? is he relying on open source or freeware? it's not my intention to question opa, but to wonder if he has given this any thought and taken any precautions thus far. on the surface, i do agree that trap is cool right now....but on a more deeper level and realistic one, trap isn't cool right now if no thought has been given to the near future. believe me simpleton, things change in a blink of an eye where the internet is concerned. even 25 years for me seems like a blink of an eye where the interent is concerned as it is always changing and i have seen so many entities FAIL because of it. it's so easy to say Xisto is cool right now without truely understanding the results and consequences of change. my prediction 6 months ago when i found out about the technology behind google wave was that this technology will lead us in to the next 10 years or so. forums, which is a direct communication source can benefit from this technology. those who don't take advantage of it will be left behind only to die slow or recover from their own losses because they were too patient. this topic, believe it or not is too important than to dismiss it with "trap is cool" right now.....seriously....bud. i suggest you give it some more thought too since i know you have been a great contributor to this place ever since you became a member. anyway, my mind has been whirling the last few days for some reason and this topic was just one of my whirling thoughts.....
  22. yea, they are neccesary when you no longer want to host something somewhere or want to hide where something is hosted, etc... but this doesn't apply here so don't confuse nameless. you're right. this isn't his issue and he is confusing his own self because of what other people are telling him. it's not usefull in his situation PERIOD. that was my whole point....not that it was usefull in other issues....
  23. so you can understand how someone can admire the beauty and have the feeling of taking a 10 year old's virginity away. i admire your honesty where this post directly relates to your own preferences and lust where knowingly, it will create judgement on your behalf. you justify your thoughts saying others don't understand.....when we actually understand quite well. let me ask you something. what is the difference between acting on your thoughts in reality.....and acting on your thoughts in the reality you have created inside your own head? just because the physical act has not been performed doesn't mean there is no danger of it as you would like to convince people of. i am assuming you are on the idea that you were born this way in your thoughts and belief. and obviously something is stopping you in your sick demented thoughts as of right now until you possibly give in to temptation. what is stopping you? the fact that there are laws against it or the fact that you know your thoughts are sick and demented and are trying to restrain yourself from them? either way, you lose pal. you need help to find out where your thoughts are coming from. you may not know this since you also chose to be open and honest about a subject thinking you knew the true outcome of it. it seems you are wrong in all areas. this is why you need some help and guidance. i suggest you seek it out to understand where your sick and demented thoughts come from. you are right about one thing though. most will not understand them as most....like you...will see small children(undeveloped) as innocent.....and have the thoughts of protecting that innocence....not taking it away. sounds to me that someone took your innocence away before fully devoloped and that is all you know. you are right. most wont understand because we aren't as limited as you are. sicko! get some help!
  24. i think shadowx has explained it the best in layman's terms.i for one though don't believe in the theories. i mean, how would one define measurment in human terms or terms of science.an object isn't an "object" until it is measured. this may be true in the physical sense and any human trying to discover the unknown, but an object will always be an object once it's converted with the energy that converts it as it's instantly measured by the energy that converts it.... even when it's still unknown to any human ability to try to define the unknown.someone mentioned about many universes created when the more likely is the many planes of existance. science and theories will never be able to explain those existances fully which means the theories discredit it's own self in some sense.all quantum theory proves is that we have a long way to go before we know the answersso maybe shakespeare said it best...."to be, or not to be..."....that's really the question here....and understanding exactly what that means.....a tree falling in the woods where nobody is around to hear the sound. sound is directly related to communication and understanding what the sound means. not with human ears specifically, but with the energy that surounds it. so the real question should be....what was the tree trying to communicate before it fell....not after it fell. something that human ears will still fail in comprehending the true answer.all quatum physics or theory is.....is when you look at something, that something changes it's existence or molecular structure. but it goes beyond that of sight and sound of human abilities.there are many theories behind "quantum physics". the simple explaination in what is is is that "objects" no matter how small, are ever changing with no pure definition.this is the same science that will disprove god and god's existance as god and the enrgy that surounds god is ever changing. even though i am not religious, i will use god as an example. and the fact that most people believe that god is all knowing, how can he be when quantum physics will prove god is ever changing with every single piece of energy behind everybody's thought(energy) about god and his/hers existance. so in fact behind quantum theory, there will be no definition of god or "thing" since everyone is always changing with no stop to the "truth" as there are many truths to quantum theories. this will always negate the fact that there is only one truth that cannot be changed.so what is quantum theory? you might as well try to make up a theory of your own. it will go well with all the other theories of life's existance as we know it. why? because as of right now, nobody knows and any theory is a possibility and no different from the rest. that is quantum theory at it's finest. an idea to try and explain the existance of all matter.sorry, i really am not an expert at these theories.....i just typed random thoughts on this subject. when it boils down to it, i don't know ***....let's move on.....
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