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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i guess pictures aren't evidence enough either, i captured some strange pictures in the past that leaves me stumped. i am one to try to discredit possibilities. at the same place i captured this white hazy mist that would form in to different images....including a person, and also things that seem to be flying. i captured what looks to be a ball with rays coming out of it. a captured a couple trees where a white mist goes all the way around the tree. i even captured one where white mist in the form of what looks to be a totum pole...with some weird design symbol created by this white fog or mist...which was very well defined. also, some of the images i took looked to be in the form of two eyes and a mouth. now for me, when i have always believed in ghosts because i have had several experiences anyway that couldn't really be explained, after i took these pictures(which i still have btw...not published anywhere except on my myspace account), it just opened more doors for me in the areas of believing. also, what was kinda a trip was when i was taking these pictures at the graveyard, i had a fully charged camera. i was only able to take 24 pictures before my camera died completely. the last picture i was able to take before my camera died was this totum pole looking thing embeded on a tree in white mist. also that same tree, under the image, was another circle ring of white fog around the tree. if i didn't believe in ghosts or spirits or the energy the give of before i took those pictures, i woulda been really freaked out because i wouldn't have known what they were. especially when it was a clear night and there was no smokey images when i was taking the pictures in the first place....no fog...nothing. the images also have some sort of a pattern to them so even if there was fog or something there that i couldn't see looking through the camera, it would be unlikely fog or smoke could create those same patterns. there were two other people with me. someone else had another camera. a cheap digital. the other person didn't capture what i did for some reason.. i remember at the time i was trying to feel the energy around the graveyard. the two women were walking together while i was going off on my own... don't ask my why, but a lot of my pictures were of trees. most people would be shooting gravestones and sites. i wasn't. i felt the energy was elsewhere. although i did capture an AMAZING image by a gravestone that had two arms and two legs and a body...all in white mist...and the center of the image was brighter than the outer part of the image. that could have been the flash though....but still an amazing picture. when i was taking pictures, all i really wanted to capture were orbs that i read about on other websites...i didn't capture any orbs though that time(although i have in the past(they are really neat looking)...i captured images. the most amazing of them all being my last picture of the totum pole image which just looks to be something very sacred. people can not believe for any reason. but for the most part, people don't believe because they aren't open to it and therefore, most likely, will never be shown otherwise. it really is unfortunate for the non believers because there is so much more out there that we all fail to understand completely. even me. but not only am i open to the possibility that ghosts or spirits or entities exist, i know they do for a fact from my own personal experience. no, science will never relate to my own personal experiences....or other peoples for that matter....and that's where science fails...because science continuously proves it can't prove EVERYTHING....or even disprove everything for that matter. and some things, we just have to know for our own selves....and in this case with this thread....from my own personal experiences. i am sorry for you all non believers in the things that actually exist. i guess the same can be said for me when i don't know for sure if this one god exists as the bible preaches....
  2. yes, they bill ya a couple days a head of time if the mycents are in your account. to prevent this from happening, you can always switch from automatic billing to manual billing.
  3. well this is my time of year. i love christmas and i love christmas specials to help me with the mood. i love 'm all. from charlie to rudolf and frosty, to miricale on 24th and a wonderfull life. i love 'm all around this time. unfortunately, i don't have t.v. access to watch them(and i doubt i am going to download 'm) so i am at a loss this year. i also LOVE the grinch! haha i'm always going to be a kid at heart...especially during christmas time.
  4. i dunno. i tend to agree with ya, but i also feel animals should be left to their natural environment. it is unnatural to cage an animal. you're a dog breeder so you will support the caging of animals. while i am not totally against that for breeding under certain conditions, i still have to question the rights of the animals that are being taken away as well. i know animals don't have the same rights as humans, but we MADE it that way for people to believe over time. this is really a tricky area to discuss because there are a lot of benefits to humans to cage animals....even for research...and that's not including killing animals after caging. so the real question is what do we need animals for. meat to stay healthier which means caging and slaughtering or just plaint hunting and killing. what else do we need animals for. rescue, herding, riding, companionship...etc.... do we need need animals to do all those things or are we using animals for our own luxury where we don't really have to depend on them. caged animals are abused animals. they are not in their natural environment(which in my opinion is semi cruel to an animal) and the animal will never get the benefits of anything natural when caged. you ever visit a zoo and wonder if the animal would be happier elsewhere? i've been to places like sea world where i see a big whale and a few dolphins in small tanks. i am stuck because my dog bruin is my best friend and i know even i limit his own enjoyment at times when he just wants to play outside all day. i can't honestly say that i don't feel guilty from time to time. but we have animal control to put animals to sleep if they are running loose and nobody adopts them or claims them. so bruin was born. if it was between me and someone else, i'm glad he's with me. and someone just got me thinking about the humane society. they aren't really humane at all. people give up their pets to them all the time, but the humane society WILL in fact kill an animal if not adopted in time. they even charge adotion fees. if no animal is adopted, rather than getting rid of the adoption fee for another week to see if it can be adopted, it is put to sleep. now dog breeding, which you are in to...there is pros and cons to that too. although a good dog breeder will breed for generations to achieve the best quality puppy either to sell or show, a lot of dog breeders are NOT good breeders. also a lot of breeders(if THEY make a mistake) will kill the whole litter if they produce mutts. dog breeding also overpopulates regions with animals. while a lot of these animals WILL get put to sleep because there are more animals than demand. now elephants and other animals that are caged or trained for entertainment purposes, i don't think i can agree on that. although they are fun to see and watch in a zoo or other places like sea world, we have literally made these animals in to slaves that aren't a part of the animals characteristics. it can't be compared to keeping a dog as a pet and even using that dog for herding or rescue or retrieving and using the natural abilities of that particular breed. so i wont go so far as to say i disagree with some forms of caging and entrapment, i will have to disagree with others...and in respect to this thread and elephants in india, i feel it was the right thing to do. if people want to see them, they can see them in their natural environment just like i did when i went to africa for 3 weeks...and the animals are happier, and they are able to thrive better in the wild(for the most part) the problem i have with india doing this is they may be releasing animals that are already used to humans being around and they will have to learn again how to survive in the wild. some wont be able to. so my suggestion is keep the elephants where they are, but don't reintroduce anymore. well, those are my unorganized thoughts on this subject, i have a lot more but i think a book can be written on this subject that can account for all animals....not just elephants....
  5. you could do all those things without a creative common license. i am still unclear how a license of this sort is implimented with forum postings. how does a visitor know this forum is under a creative common license to begin with? also, what happens with the posts that were published before the creative common license? does the author need to put the license in their signature or something since the forum owners aren't the authors? wouldn't users have to agree to a creative common license? is it already in the terms( i haven't read them). if an author want to dictate how the post is to be handled within the creative common license, do they just do that within' the post itself? what if someone copies something from somewhere and post it on trap without it being detected. how would the creative common license come in to effect? we are literally giving permission to allow someone to post it elsewhere even if it infringes on copywrite law? now those are my questions. i don't really see any problems with a creative common license. i am just wondering also the legalities of it and the enforceable aspects of it as well. i am wondering the benefits of it when an author can easily give up their rights on their own terms without a creative common license. i find a creative common license on a forum to be a little tricky...but on a personal website, not so tricky.
  6. there is one problem with that. elephants travel in herds and within those herds are baby elephants. elephants will protect their young and not back down. someone or something could get killed.
  7. i just pm'd a few things yesterday and they went through. so no problems here. no errors whatsoever on my end.
  8. so let me ask directly then. where is your own proof god exists. you quote the bible as the bible is your own evidence, but surely, anyone can write a book and claim it to be evidence....but still in the end, there is no proof.so i ask directly where is your evidence because you are so quick to discredit others in what they believe. how did you come about not discrediting your own without proof or evidence to provide and support your beliefs?oh...this was to truefusion....i didn't quote anything...sorry
  9. what does wearing clothes or buying clothes in bulk have to do with this topic? you lost me now.as far as wartime. if a government believes shutting down any part of the internet will give them an advantage through other means of communication, what do you think would happen or the possibility?yes...you destory the internet if the united states, under my example, goes to war with the results that were stated. you shut down a big chunk...and yes...there will be a domino effect in how one nation affects others. since most internet activity comes from the u.s., you literally destroy the internet. it has changed. information isn't going back and forth like it did.lets look at it on a smaller scale. all the internet is is 2 or more computers linked together forming a network. now, you do agree that if the internet was just two computers, it would be easy to shut down the internet. what about if 1,000,000 computers formed the internet through one network. would it be easy to shut it down? yes. very. now....we have millions of computers and thousands of networks. is it still easy? no. because of the different network involved but it doesn't mean it's impossible.let's not talk about war, but programming,hacking, and viruses. since i've been on the net for over 25 years, there have been programmer and hacker groups. hackers usually work on their own but some belong to a group. . there are many of these groups around that have evil intentions. but, they aren't organized. what if one day, their groups get bigger and organized to where eventually this group is world wide and their sole job is to take down the internet...even if it was for only a day. isp's and satalites are not the internet. they just provide the gateway to it. all the internet is, is computers connecting to eachother. if this worldwide group that is now organized places each individual to do a seperate task after much thought and study to the preperation of shutting down the internet, is it possible then?you say never. i appreciate whatever logic is behind your thinking. i guess you are assuming that we are living in a never ending world as the human race will live forever on planet earth and the internet is going to be our gateway to it. 30 years ago, cloning was just science fiction. nobody in their wildest dreams would have thought that in 2009, we'd be cloning. they thought it wouldn't be possible(according to your thinking).i know i may be far fetched in my thinking, but you have to be to even try to answer a question such as "is it POSSIBLE to destroy the internet". and sorry, i don't like your definition to destroy. in fact, i don't like a lot of definitions i have read in the past because they don't account for certain variables. written definitions only make communication more universal. definitions as a whole isn't a law to define something...and plus...definitions can be translated in to meaning more than one thing by whoever is reading it. i didn't really need you to look up the definition. i was just wondering what YOUR definition was....but...i guess whatever you read....that has to be true for ya...so i wont really get YOUR definition....just somebody elses who wrote it.
  10. well the price is worth it if it works. you wont be inhaling smoke which is the leading cause of cancer. so the question is....is the price worth a life or saving a few years?
  11. personal experience accounts for a lot of things that one cannot prove otherwise. in fact, there IS proof but the proof just hasn't been shown to you and you also don't believe in other people's experiences. that's fine to each their own i say but it's unfortunate to know something that others can't seem to grasp.some people in life just to work, eat, breath, sleep, and die. i would hope more for those people but unfortunately some will never see the bigger picture.take a blind man who has extrodinary hearing to make up for his loss of sight. nobody else hears what this man hears but it doesn't mean he's crazy or what he hears doesn't exsist. there is no proof to what he hears as anything could discredit what he says.this subject is important because it discusses other areas of life that aren't as common as being born and eventually dying. i think one just has to experience it to fully believe in it. some are more blessed than others i guess
  12. so one person thinks it's just about comfort....another thinks it's just about fear....haha this is getting funny. i think what i am reading is just a figment of my imagination hahaha
  13. FEAR creates ghosts? HAhahahahahahaha! i don't think i have ever been afraid of ghosts. i just think they are a trip when you experience an entity.....but it's not fear. yea, fear can play tricks on people, i agree....and maybe for some who are fearfull of ghosts will feel or see something they can't explain becuse of their fear....but ghosts don't exists because people are fearfull...hahah ghosts just exist....PERIODyou are still young but ummm...you haven't seen them because you aren't open to seeing them. but even if one isn't open to seeing them or feeling them doesn't mean they wont show themselves. but you'd have a better chance if not only you believed in them, but tried to communicate with them and be open to the possibilities of their existance.ghosts, spirits, entities....whatever you want to call them, exists. i 100% believe in them and i believe in them for a reasoni've always been interested in the "supernatural". i don't like using supernatural do describe things because it's only a word to describe our own ignorance. and not the actual subject matter. i just haven't studied too much of it....although i have experienced it. i choose not to study it indepth because of my own ignorance and fear of the unknown and the doors that can possibly be opened that i just don't want to risk.i have always felt a presense around me.....i've also seen and heard things that i couldn't explain. even as a kid. but the most recent experience was when someone took me to a graveyard where i captured some really interesting images.i pay attention to a lot of things in life and someone once told me that you have to pay attention to see the signs that are around you.can i prove there are ghosts? no....but i know for a fact they existmost of what i have experienced either comes from a touch that will leave me with chills, or white hazy figures that will just trip you out if you ever saw them....and spark a never ending curiosity because it's life changing when you experience certain things. but i have also seen on occasion a few people in front of me or the corner of my eye, fully dressed...men AND women....who turned out not to even be there when i stop to focus on them. i believe the mind can play tricks sometimes. no doubt...and maybe in some of the circumstances, other explainations could be thought upon....but not all. heck....i remember one day when i was typing away on the computer as i usually do....i was home alone and all of a sudden, the shades went crazy. i jumped because i couldn't imagine what could have done that. the window was close....but even if it was open, no wind could have created that distraction. i looked around to see if it was a big rat or the cat was hiding behind the shades. i found absulotuely nothing to explain what happened. this is just one instance where i do believe a ghost or spirit was trying to grab my attention at the timebecause i have experienced certain things, i feel there is a reason for it....like i am meant to. i always question if i am making the right decision not to investigate further in what i know exists. but for now, i choose not to only because i would rather investigate it with someone who believes and knows what they are doing because my fear extends to an existance that is evil and to open those kinda doors without any knowledge in closing them could be costly....at least emotionally.so do ghost exist? they sure do! no doubt in my mind!
  14. there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that reincarnation exists. it's not a belief. it's something i know. i will wait for others to respond before i go in to any detail....
  15. you aren't using your head, nolan and your take on the definaition of "destoryed" is relative and just one sided thinking.sure, it's almost impossble to destroy the whole internet or get rid of it in general...but what are we looking at. communications providors. get rid of them and you destroy the majority of the internet. now since the united states has the most internet users, i will use them as an example as a starting point in the destruction of the internet. all that really has to happen is unrest in the united states to where martial law is declared. if you feel you have a right to use the internet, you are sadly mistaken especially under conditions of marital law. a cival war in the united states could definately destroy a big chunck of the internet. and if that ever happens, then you will see a domino effect where the internet is being destroyed in other parts of the world. i mean...can the internet be used as a weapon against an enemy? sure it can. this has already been proven. do you think if there was a war against a government, that the governemt doesn't have the power to shut down communication access to the masses?without going in to a lot of detail and writing a book on the subect, this is just one example of the possibilites in the internet being destroyed. also, war in general. take away the people is to take away the internet. i don't really care how much knowledge you have on technology. you aren't thinking outside the box. maybe you are thinking realistically....but realistically doesn't cover any of the possibilities now does it.when i was a teenager, i predicted a cival war before i turn 50. it's starting to seem unlikely but ever since i was a kid i have been noticing how our government has slowly been taking away citizens right. they have also been rewarding us with all sorts of government benefits to where we aren't recognizing the gradual changes and the rights being taken away. what does that have to do with the destruction of the internet? well, i used a civil war as an exampleand yes, CHANGE destroys but it also allows for new beginnings. and yes, i do we change every day and parts of us get destoryed. the only thing that i couldn't debate about is if our soul and the energy that surounds us can ever be destroyed. everything else does in fact have the possibility of being destroyed. and just because i said you were full of it, doesn't mean i was calling you ignorant. i am talking about your reasoning in this topic only. but what do i know. maybe you are full of it in other areas too... lighten up sheeeesh
  16. i was thinking of purchasing it just to see what it is. my addiction is more habit than any nicotine addiciton. i've quit before without any real side affects so i'm thinking this electric cigarette could be the solution. it's realatively new though. i don't know what any research shows in the dangers of it...i'm gonna wait a little longer until the price comes down more(if it ever catches on....)
  17. not only off topic, armynavy wasn't introducing himself. it was FILMDESIRE a little extra credit never hurts, but please post in the appropriate topics. that's what they are there for.
  18. copying something you have already written is ok, as long as YOU wrote it. but don't try copying anything that is already on the internet were internet users already have access to it because the mods and certain other users will know and report the post. what will then happen is your post will be edited by a moderator....either through qoute tags or possibly deleted, and you will lose a lot of mycents that you originally gained from that post. you will also recieve a warning. if you continue as some users to copy content that is already on the internet or published elsewhere, you might get your account suspended. i don't want to see that happening. so read the rules and just use common sense. i feel people don't even need to read the rules if they have a little common sense. so no, you can't copy and paste even if it's your own work....but....you can rewrite pretty much anything and post it. i personally only post original content just to be on the safe side. i am not mycent hungry and my mycents seem to add up quite well gradually. you're mycents have already kicked in. a few more posts, and you will have enough for some hosting here.
  19. i am pretty picky when it comes to sounds, but i went the cheap route when buying external speakers for my laptop. i bought logitech. i think they cost me $20 or something. pretty cheap at walmart. i was actually quite surprised when i got home. for movies, i couldn't ask for anything better for the price. for music, well, they can't handle the base in every song when turned up full blast, but they do enough to keep me interested in my music...and i like my music loud. i didn't have much money and had to save some when buying the laptop and printer and accessories, etc so i thought i would save with the speakers. i really thought i was going to be disappointed and eventually return the speakers for some better ones(that was actually my thought when buying them). but NOPE! i have been happy with 'm. it was either go the cheap route with logitech, or spend a minimum of $60 for other speakers.
  20. after i started over, some update rebooted my computer and everything was LOST! what a *BLEEP*. anyway, i dug down as far as a could go i don't have all the resources, but i did strike something that contains diamonds. i had to start over after the reboot, but everything seems to be the same. now i have to remind myself to save often. i haven't even begun to fish. how does one get injured fishing?!?!? i just make sure there is enough drink, meat(from trading), and vegies so i can concentrate on the more important things. after starting over, i got robbed three time, but now i have my war dogs trained so i hope that will help with the defenses. i know half the stuff already to survive....now i just have to learn the other half
  21. i am sorry, but this whole reputation system is stupid. other websites might provide it, but i don't like it. it is not the purpose of this forum....PERIOD! i personally will stop being a member if this forum ever changes in to something that didn't provide the membership as it has today. people can talk about all the changes and how it will be better....but it's thriving. it hasn't gone downhill. it has made the necessary changes to keep up with the times from 5 years ago.also....if anything is built on a reputation system, then those who have none will never get the credit they deserve.....which is CONTENT....something Xisto thrives on to give us hosting services and domain services. we would totally have to revamp EVERYTHING just to offer some sort of reputation credits.ash- you are a firm believer in changing crap around here. where the heck did your website go that you were promoting? i am sure opaque loves suggestion and even yours because it takes a lot of wrong answers to get to the right ones. but come one.....this thread is nothing but selfish and one sided thinking. some....yes....SOME have to be realistic in the way they think. i know people care about this place and it's survival, but come now....if you want to give a suggestion....at LEAST be original and ahead of the technology :Ptrap offers a good service no matter what it looks like or how it operates to offer that service"The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do. " what do you know about that ASH??? really...what do you even know about that....
  22. you're full of it. you have abolutely NO knowledge of what is capable....but lets turn it around for a second and not talk about the internet. let's talk about people and technology. you get rid of the people OR the technology, and you get rid of the internet....*POOF* GONE! so my point is....where is the world heading to...in terms of technology. oh...short term proves very beneficial. what about the long term? where do you see it heading? a virus can't destory the internet? well....it still is a possibility in an answer to the original question. what about technology....where in the long run will we stand? you don't have a CLUE what the possibilites are the way we are heading. the internet is ever changing which means it is always being destroyed for something better that it can offer. saying the internet can't be destoryed is like saying you will never die....and your ignorance will never be an excuse for being wrong.
  23. don't be an *bottom*. he is making perfect sense. we believe in murderers because they are out there. but it doesn't mean we have to like it or even support it. as far as knowing things, we all don't know *BLEEP* compared to the bigger picture. the bigger picture is our own ignorance either because we aren't paying attention or it just isn't shown to us. for me, i think my ignorance is from not paying attention. we may know a lot, truefusion, but we don't know the half of it. some know more than others. some way know less. those who know less....does that make them less of a person? let's say you...truefusion(sorry, i don't know your real name) knows it all and has this need to discredit everything that has to do with ignorance and not knowing what YOU know. does that mean you can't respect a belief other than your own? because knowing all means you know the truth in all things and there is no other answer besides what you know. what are you going to do with your knowledge....discredit people continuously, or present and share what you know? choice is yours. you don't know it all, but at least you can share what you know. oh....you have a website. i forgot....but your website is related to the subject at hand. for someone who is asking proof from others, i can see why your choice is to not state your full beliefs in these threads. i mean...what's good for the goos is good for the gander, right? or is that just the pot calling the kettle black? you ask for things from others that you don't provide your own self. when you continuously find fault in what a person states or believes, it is guiding them away from what they believe and state. so what is your purpose. is it to guide them away or just make them think. what about you....is anyone able to make you think? or do you just know it all to discredit every single thing anyone ever has to say? you know...i don't really know if there that god that people preach about who created us all....but that doesn't mean he isn't with me. some things can't be put in to words correctly. i learned this a long time about with what i personally feel inside in my own belief. i don't preach it because it's only for me as nobody can be compared to me. you....you believe in something.....and does believing in that something mean you have to disredit others? or does it mean you keep silent because it's only meant for you? or do you preach what you believe and have acceptance AND have people throwing stones at you at the same time? you offer nothing when you discredit.....NOTHING! you offer no alternative to your arguements. that to me shows someone who is weak in what they believe. are you? are you weak in what you believe? you not only owe it to those that you argue against, you owe it to yourself to be firm and STATE what you believe in these types of threads.....IF and only IF you choose to take part in these threads. this accounts for not only being true to yourself.....but to others now if you're not too busy trying to discredit me, maybe you'll find some truth in the words if you're capable. i like nolan. he makes a lot of sense even though he DID misquote me. he also offer a lot of thought in this thread. i feel it. and what does he get in return? something to disredit his thoughts. from WHO??? TRUFUSION! now...not only do i accept your beliefs....yes....i have been to your website. i also respect them. why do i respect them? because i understand them. maybe not fully.....but enough. but you also have a lot to learn......and a lot to pay attention to....other than the words that are supposed to describe thoughts... when maybe words aren't enough. you are hypocritical in everything you discredit out loud for people to hear. you are more than that....i feel it....you just haven't faced your own fears and non understanding to be true yet.......for people to hear. what's the alternative for you? to discredit others. personally, i am tired of the b.s. from you when you have MUCH more to offer.....
  24. how ya doin'! welcome to trap! i hope you used the same email address at the billing site as you did trap. wait until you have 5 posts under your belt and then you will be on the way in seeing your mycents. good to see some new blood in here. it's a pretty great place and let me tell ya....you wont have the problems you had at x10hosting here. i am pretty picky myself. sounded like a god awefiull experience over there when ya need something and they can't perform. if ya have any questions, pm me or post 'm. trap doesn' just offer good hosting credits, but also offers a great community....hope to see ya around!
  25. well, i did it. i started over. it was sad seeing my hard work go down the drain, but i feel with starting over, i can prepare better and even learn more in the first year. it turns out that i have a better spot now than all the other times i started. we will see what happens. hopefully i can remember all my mistakes from last time. i made many hahaoh. also, i was researching something about dwarf fortress on the internet and stumbled on a thread where some guy donated $50 to the author of the program. that's a pretty hefty donation for this type of game but i'm glad some people can afford it by supporting it in that way...
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