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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. funny, i know that all too well after my home burnt down in warsaw. i couldn't believe how many theives there are. they went for the copper first. anyway, we DONT need computers in automobiles and we certainly don't want to pay 2 grand when the computer fails and needs replacing!
  2. no doubt. he probably has the same sense as you do and probably will give the advice you wanted to hear which was to be with some 15 year old girl and tutor her. good sense just runs in your family, doesn't it. my only advice to a sicko like you was to steer clear. everyone else seems to agree. nobody had a problem with that advice. they had a problem in how i talk to a sicko like you who would even have thoughts of tutoring a 15 year old that you had the hots for. hahaha don't turn this around like this thread is about me. i'm not running around with underage girls. i also get out of the house to have a social life AND friends...unlike your life that you have already admitted to. and i had to laugh when you admitted that your family was happy that you actually found 1 friend. listen bud, you can say all you want about me. you don't even know me as i haven't opened up my life for you to know me. all you know about me is that i don't like your tactics or judgment. now don't feel sorry for the people that know me. that is just an absurd comment....you can however feel sorry for me that i had no choice but to listen to your sick thoughts and confusion towards a 15 year old. that's straight out of jr. high and you're in college. haha what the @#$ haha no no no....don't turn this thread in to something *I* did haha....sicko thought you weren't going to post in this thread again? i guess we can add lies to your resume now too.
  3. i am now a little bit disturbed that he not only has to put down trap in his posts on this thread, but he claims he can outperform trap in 2 years. first of all, you couldn't get the visitors trap gets in two years time. i mean, come on....an average of 500 visitors at any given time of day? your wet dreams couldn't even help you there.xisto has terrible reseller plans? they may not be the best, but they definately aren't the worst and those comments have no business being a part of your topic to review your site.trap is going downhill? the first two years is the hardest. trap survived it. you underestimate opaques dedication and what it REALLY takes to make something like Xisto work. a bit of advice....because i AM disturbed at the derogatory comments made towards trap and xisto. it's not wise to post certain things publically when you are trying to get your business off the ground. there are a lot of loyal users here. don't upset them because one of them may just have enough time on their hands to make sure your business fails....and believe me, i will have no regrets creating a site against litesh.net that i can probably list faster in the google index than the site you are going to try and promote. it's not even indexed yet btw. believe me, i know all the seo tricks to get my site listed above yoursalso, type in litesh.net. tell me what you see. you see the trap threads. you are already giving your site a bad name and you don't even know it because you're being foolish. so my advice to you is to smarten up.
  4. high metabolism is not an illness. most people WANT a high motabolism to lose weight though. not to lower it. metabolism is a good think but will lower as you get older. this is when you WILL gain weight.but even if you do have a high motabolism, i wouldn't suggest trying to lower it as all the things that would require you to lower it, would be more unhealthy.some people think tricking the body in to think it's starving is a good way to gain weight so the body stores up more fat. you can do this by eating a low calorie diet but it's not really suggested.again, high protein foods in your diet is your best bet. excersize to gain muscle which will allow you to gain weight.but i would seriously urge you to ask a doctors opinion after you get tested with blood work.if all else fails, try smokin' a bowl a day, vegging in front of the t.v. while laughing for no reason, and eating the snack foods that you will definately be craving. that should help....but again....not healthy....
  5. maybe you need to spell FUTURE correctly so that you don't have to explain to people to read the topic more carefully. the way you wrote it was that it was going to be a feature of your website. i think your site needs a lot of work. i think the hosting packages need to be revamped as well. but it's a new site and that is to be expected. you also don't have anything under services when you click on it except for the word services. your terms of service are semi unprofessionally written and somewhat funny when reading some of the contradictions in it. the forums are new. two members(admins only for now) but i believe can grow in time. the forum looks good but needs some touchups with the topics and the titles. i also think you should put some thought in to having more to start with. i suggest teaming up with a domain registrar to offer domain name services to make it easier for your clients to set up their hosting accounts my overall opinion is that there hasn't been too much thought placed in the overall business aspects and practices and this will be your demise if you don't start revamping quickly. you are starting a business and you have to have a professionally written business plan to impliment it effectively. some people can survive without one but will be terribly disorganized when starting out which can lead to a lot of unforeseen complications i do like the effort i have seen that went in to the preperation and implimentation despite my negative critisisms.....but so far, the whole site doesn't get me to want to post to host there. it should stand out and it should offer some uniqueness that other fly by night companies don't have. you're seems to blend in with all the rest so i also suggest a little more creativity i am all for a .com name and not a .net for obvious reasons. if your going to park any domains, park your .net pointing to a .com. try litespeedhost.com(which wont be available for too much longer now that i posted it publically) at least try to have a keyword or two in your domain name for seo purposes later on. personally, i don't even like the name litesh. stick with it, be patient, and don't get your heads down for any reason. btw- your biggest problem lies ahead in getting visitors to your site so proper advertising will be required here and that will definately not be easy.
  6. nobody is fine if they themselves don't think they are fine. take for instance the person who can eat a meal and throw it up 10 minutes later in the bathroom because he/she feel they are too fat even when other people say they aren't and are "fine" this is not to say it's in his head. nobody will be able to know what the problem is with the limited information given.
  7. gime a break. that is game playing. i don't believe in game playing in any relationship. that's not how to get to the bottom of things. it could be that he really is losing interest for whatever reason. it happens and him stating it directly could be the warning signs and doesn't want to hurt the one he loved. it could be he's afraid of commitment as the relationship is growing in to something more than maybe he wants right now and doesn't know how to express it. the answer could simply be to seperate without any form of communication for a month or so and then come back and see how they want to proceed with the relationship. that time also gives the time for people to see what they would be missing if they were to break up. it sounds like there will be hurt feelings no matter what happens. i wish we could have been updated on this situation. this original post is an old one.
  8. i think these situations get tricky i don't see anything wrong with being a momma's boy, but at the same time, people need to respect other peoples spaces. if the son allows his mother to be a certain way, then one knows where they stand and has to make a choice for their own selves without putting the blame on a mother or a sontrue, some people have no backbone under certain situations. but that is true with anyone. most importantly to remember is that the son DOES have backbone where the mother is concerned in wanting to live a certain way of life and support that way. no backbone in regards to the girlfriend and standing up for what might be important in any relationshipthere is nothing wrong with anyone choosing his mother over anyone else. but the woman entering in to what seems to be a controlling circumstance has the choice to accept it and respect their relationship or find a guy who hates his mother because i am sure all issues would be solved knowing your with someone who hates their mother and would never allow their mother to be #1(that was a semi joke btw....but to only make a point)it's obvious your boyfriend wasn't ready for a committed relationship. if he was, he would have stood up to his mother. at the same time, there is nothing wrong about not wanting a committed relationship and it's easy to blame it on the other person not having a backbone.now in the beginning of my post, i said these situations are tricky. they are if you want to try and be patiennt for the relationship to work rather than take the easier way and end it all. if you loved him, then maybe it would have been worth it to understand them, and in time for them to understand you and possibly in the future having more respect for eachothers relationship with on another. just because the mother is controlling, doesn't mean you have to be around her when you son is around his mother. choose not to be. family is important, YES, but not when there is no mutual respect and leaving a person feeling less than who she is. there are a lot of thing to do and places to go where the mother can't follow or be in a circumstance while trying to build a relationship.some parents have a harder time letting go of their children than other parents. time and patience and a guiding hand and thoughts can do wonders in circumstances like this as a mother cannot hold their own son back forever and let jealousy interfere with his own happiness and fullfillment with another. i don't believe a mother wants that for their son so you have to work and breaking down the selfishness levels little by little with the help and support of the significant other.
  9. really? name a circumstance where on cannot be patient? patience comes in many forms. like out on a lake in a boat for 8 hours trying to catch 1 fish....to just taking a death breath and clearning the mind in a stressfull situation. sure, there are times when people are impatient, but i can't think of one circumstance where patience cannot be achieved. patience is relative to circumstance. i also don't believe patience is the key to success. i believe patience is one of many factors to success. also, too much patience can actually be a bad thing just like to much of ANY good thing can be a bad thing. why there should always be a balance
  10. ummmm please be specific and give us some circumstances that are unfair. if people don't like their terms of service, they shouldn't put adsense on their site. PERIOD. but to make blanket statements that the adsense program is abusing people is in my opinion just as unfair.
  11. my first advice is to ask your doctor to put you on the proper diet and excersize program.but if that's out of the question, my best guess with this limited information is eat more carbs and proteins....and double your excersize routine. you can easily do that by just doing at night what you do in the morning. try 20 of each. not 10, and include some 50 jumping jacks. if you ask me, good stretching excersizes might help too. find a book on them. i wouldn't change the quantity of your diet just to gain weight.
  12. no for me. i can't vote because there wasn't a simple answer like that.if worse came to worse and there was a quarantine, i would probably risk the shot so i could get on with my life asap. i don't think there would be any cause to defend my life against any shot.but if worse came to worse, it would just all depened on how they are allowing us our own choices and how they go about enforcing their regulations.
  13. i am not saying medical research is bad in all cases. all i am saying is that are some medicines worth it. you use antibiotics as an example for some reason when everyone knows antibiotics only work for so long until until the body is immune to them. i am also a believer in natural cures that can actually me found in medical journals...but you wont see doctors prescribing them. why? because insurance companies wont pay out. this leaves medicines big business without alternatives....when there really are. but alternatives isn't really the point to the thread i have never taken a flu shot. EVER. and i have been ok. what about those in their 60's and 70's when their immune system is going to crap. should they take it? the whole point of the thread was why pushing a flu shot so hard? it's because of $. even when people don't need a shot, they encourage everyone to get one and they put fear in people stating the viruses are airborn and can be trasmitted to just about anybody. is this true? can it be transmitted to just about anyone? if so, why isn't everyone gettin' it without even taking a shot? they talk about swine flu as an epedemic and it's not. it's being overexagerated by medical professionals that aren't looking for alternatives....even ones immune system as an alternative. it does bother me that some shots aren't tested enough to know the true consequence and outcome for any specific type of person. wiuth the flu shot being pushed to every residence, it's really hard to know what the effects would be if they didn't take a shot and how usefull a flu shot really is to the common person. antibiotics was given as an example. we might as well be talking about anesthetics. as they are required before someone goes in to surgery. problem is, they are unsafe as many people don't wake up from them and these anesthetics are a direct result in peoples death...but i do believe we have more knowledge in anesthetics and antibiotics than we do any flu shot when there are multiple strains out there ever year and to test a vaccine for a couple years would make the testing useless. would i ever take a shot? not in my present condition because i believe i am healthy and do believe my body wont be letting me down any time soon to protect from viruses naturally. my mom believes in them wholehearedly and has encouraged her whole family to get them. even me. before this thread even popped up, i was arguing with my mom that it could be just as unsafe to have one as it is not to have one. the scarey part is that there are no facts to support either side. but i can see that if a person is tested to have a low immune system which would be harder for one to fight off a virus, that they have an option to take some precautions. now i haven't researched what small amounts of mercury does to ones body....but it would be scarey to find out any bad effects it can have. i don'te trust medicines as i don't trust doctors...but if i were in a position to have to trust, i would pray first because i know even the doctors don't know fully what they are doing sometimes and it's scarey. a lot of doctors don't practice what has alreaady been recorded in medical journals as cures or a safer way to practice medicine because of the insurance companies wanting to go with a standard from people who are in the field to make a buck. so for me, it doesn't just stop at a swine flu vaccination....although the vaccination is a good example of using scare tactics to make a buck and the ultimate reality that we have no choice sooner or later to TRUST what they give us without fully informing us of what they are giving us and the causes and effects of what they give us you also talk about medical professional advice. please define that.....because there are still professionals in the medical field that will argue with one another about proper medical practices.
  14. at first, i thought this whole thing was a joke or there was a misunderstanding. i mean come one....murdering someone just for fat? if it was in such demand, take it off those who are already dead. oh! they were doing this too btw. stealing bodies to steal fat. this wasn't mentioned but later found this out.it's really an unusual case. but i still don't think there is anything unusual about someone killing for money. it's been happening before i was born and will happen after i pass on.well, some of the people were arrested. i think it's best to target the research labs that are buying peoples lives and shut them down. wether they had knowledge or not shouldn't matter. from the source i read, human fat has been collected in past centuries not just for cosmetic purposed but for medicinal purposes as well. they also go on to say they found someone carrying 17 liters on a bus which was estimated to be worth $255,000. that's $15k per liter!my question is why is the demand so high? people can give their fat as they do their organs. or as part of the article stated, take it from prisoners after their death who have no rights....or what about operations which it's sole purpose is to extract fat from humans?sounds to me that there are plenty of sources to get the fat already, but some compainies wanted to save a buck and accept fat from lower class countries where maybe an alternative would be to take a life and not asking questions.i was exagerating when i was putting a lot of the blame on women....but after reading what i read, i do hope that women become more aware. i guess this can include men too but on a lower level of needing the fat.now i am reading where the murders are helping investigors solve missing persons cases. i hope no plea bargain is being made for their lives!
  15. if only other people can find alternatives to satisfy their cravings and still stay healthy at the same time. good post
  16. WRONG!!! not in the medical industry. this is why the medical industry has just recently put disclaimers on all their advertising content. to protect themselves. why do they sell if they don't work? because there is nothing better that works. one of the biggest disabilites in the world is depression. so let's use anti depressants as an example. name one drug that works, and i will argue that it doesn't....and i will have facts based on my arguement. don't even try to use logic in your arguement that drugs work because they sell.
  17. the truely sad part is that women feel a need for their cosmetics. if the demand wasn't there, then there wouldn't be any reason to murder people. i guess a life is the price to look pretty and feel more secure. i personally feel THAT is the shamefull part of it all as there are more women that will use the products and support it than there are people who will directly kill for money....because people killing for money is OLD NEWS. so i say let's not be distracted by those who kill for money. let's concentrate on those who use the product enough to where there is a demand to kill a life
  18. about about all the medication given to people where the people given the medication feel like guinae pigs? it's a FACT that doctors prescribe medications daily and they themselves don't even know what the results will be.so...given THAT fact, is it worth to test on people that will suffer just to save a few? or even just save those that don't have any effect on the medication given?meds are tricky and affect different people differently. they are also not natural in the direct sense.you found a drug that works for ya. i'm glad. but for every drug or vaccine you can name that works, i can give one that doesn't and is still prescribed today.it will never be about what works. it will be about what works and doesn't work at the same time. that's why i stated 100 to save 300.so for you as an example. without medical research, you would have died as a child. you wouldn't be here to talk about your own condition. or would you....you don't know because you haven't tested it.....but let's say you wouldn't. compare your life to those where the meds DIDN'T work or had a reverse affect.society benefits from those who die or get more sick because we will continue to improve on the meds to where they can be more beneficial to more people.so my question is....where's the end to it? meds are not the fountain of youth. we will eventually die. but the meds allow us to live longer at the expense of others. that's exactly what it boils down to. alot of people have a reverse effect on medication where if they didn't take it, they would have lived longer.so basically, we can live longer without the meds, we can live longer with the meds. we can die sooner with the meds, and we can die sooner without the meds. so what's the answer? to save more lives with the meds? because i can start a whole new thread in why what is wrong rather than be off topic here and talk about it....
  19. for once huh? well, i am not going to argue that.....but i will say that you are somtimes just as subjective in your post as ash. it's how people look at things and concentrating so much on one thing that they lose the meaning behind all the other things. ash is trying to make a point even though others....like myself feel he went overboard in what he said.....but let's not get distracted behind the meaning of ash's post
  20. i hope my sister gets better too, but that's unlikely in my belief and knowing my sister. you say you don't really know how the drug changed your life like if you were born the way you are. i believe that is wrong to say. you have had a lot of time to think about it, haven't you.i see your original point you had to make against the original poster. i really do and i admire you for reasons you will never know(that is a fact).to lose 100 to save 300 would be nice....unless other fact present themselve in who are we actually saving compared to who we are actually losing.life is more than what your arguement stated. i also know that my observation wasn't the intent of the original post(which i agree with and disagree with at the same time)so should we get the shots? or should we ignore them....i think the answer is different for different people.no matter what the choice...the original question will be "what do i have to gain". they can take the drug and become more sick.....or they can take the drug and survive a virus.according to your view...whatever saves more people is the right choice. when i can argue that and look at ALL the possibilities that nobody will ever prove.although i am for some meds to allow a life to survive, i am also for the carrot that people can eat instead of the synthetic drugs that offer less than any natural resource available. until people do their own research instead of listening to doctors, there will be no answers to that area in which *I* believe. so in the meantime, people will rely on the meds that can kill them as easily as if they didn't take them at all.
  21. sigh! i will never feel our admins are lazy. what one says needs to change....another says they like it the way it is. that is SOOOO wrong to say the admins are lazy because of one sided viewpoints. ash, you have been here a while and contributed alot and i am amazed at your subjectivity....
  22. all facts support that....yes...just like all facts support the fountain of youth will give eternal life. fact is, you don't know what the facts are. you only know what the doctors tell you and from your own experiences with your asthma. but even when your living within your own experiences, do you really know you're fate and what the doctors are prescribing? no! you are relying on meds. something different than what you were born with. such faith in something when you had no faith in your own self or body without the meds. ever try it? no. because you had more faith in the man made drugs we can offer you that are keeping you alive. so maybe these drugs are real. what are YOU going to do about it? what is everyone else going to do about it? if nothing, then the arificial implants are worthless. i didn't really want to bring this up....but with your reasoning, i have to. i have a sister who took a recent vaccination...and she's getting worse. either she's getting worse because she doesn't have what the vaccination was to give, or the vaccination just made her symptoms worse. i see your point is saving more lives than not. but what if the wrong people are dying.....believing. i mean...your stats only go so far. you also have to take in to consideration who you're saving and who is dying on an idividual basis. are you doing that? no. all you pointed out is that certain drugs saved YOUR life and not even mentioning how it has changed your life.
  23. don't EVER! assume what i would tell a cancer victim or their family....as i have already done so. reasons to live go beyond medications and i think you owe me an appology to think i would be so cruel in your assumptions.now....my whole point to my post, was if any medication can make a person live or live longer, WHAT will that person do knowing they have a second chance.most will take our technology for granted. this is a fact. some wont, but the ones who wont and can find meaning and purpose behind it is nothing compared to those who will just live their lives the same....even when something is directly influencing how long they have to live.life isn't about medications and living longer. life is about much much more. it's to fullfill our purpose before our time limits expire as nobody lives forever. if a small child has 0% chance to live but a drug has increased his/her survival rate. ALL THE BETTER for that chance to fullfill the meaning in ones life.but i'm a sicko to believe that death can also hold meaning in life. i wont extend my belief in this thread because it's off topic....but the truth still remains about drugs....they only last a certain period of time before one passes on....hey i didn't make up the rules. there are time limits in life and drugs have no control ov er that.
  24. tsk tsk tsk. you make some valid arguements....but only to disprove what was already written. i can write just as much as you can just to disprove what you have written, but i wont.what i will say is this....if we can't count on our bodies for survival, what can we count on? drugs? putting our faith in any drug is the same as putting faith in any god that created us for survival. so now it just boils down to what is more powerfull. god, or drugs.for such a long post, you didn't really put much thought in to it.my PERSONAL belief is that i don't trust ANY drug. NONE!!! drugs are big business. that's all they are. aside from big business, some actually workso for those drugs that work, why are they working? what is the purpose for those drugs to work. what if they make you die or sicker? most importantly, what if they make you live longer? what will one do when they have the opportunity to live longer?what if there was already a purpose in someone's life that doesn't reflect around drugs. what if there are time limits that no drug can ever extend? what would people do if they could be healthier and live longer? would they do the same thing they have always done?people take for granted many things in life. drugs are one. they believe in them over the power they have within their own selves AND their own purpose in life.drugs may save a life as far as living and breathing.....but life is so much more than just living and breathing that NO drug can touch.
  25. so i guess the puppies are free given that they are going to go to a good home.... personally, i don't believe it....
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