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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. just remember that the more suggestions you get from other people, the less credit you can take your own self. i think you're smart enough from talking to you to decide some things on your own. start believing in your own self and youyr abilities. you have a lot to offer and share and it's being hidden by all your confusion and questions.
  2. ok. i just went to your site and it seems as though you are redirecting the domain, to a folder. WHY?!?!?!?!?!?stop with the redirects. get redirects out of your head. whoever put redirects in your head is 100% wrong and you are thinking about them too loosely..com's are the best domains you can get for any country. they are also the easiest to type and remember. either host the site on your main domain without redirecting it, or put it on a subdomain of the site you just created, or spring for another $10 a year for another domain....but "thisisnotascam.com" is already taken. it would also be the wrong domain as it's too general for the information you are trying to host.nad please...after you find an answer to you this is not a scam site, concentrate on your blog. you have come a long way in a long period of time, but i would like to see you come a long way in a shorter period of time....
  3. personally, i have no problem believing what you said in this post than believing that the u.s. government was responsible for 9/11. like i said in one of my previous posts. i do believe that the u.s. has covered up many things in the past. but this thread isn't about past u.s. conspiracies. it's about the 9/11 attacks. oil has always been big business. there have been many business to try and preserve oil rights and will go to great lengths for the all might dollar. but that's business. the bush family has been involved in the oil business before sr. and jr. ever took office which lead to theories. even a movie. although i believe there is truth in everything, i also believe in exagerated truths that lead to lies in everything. so the real truth is that nobody will ever know the truth when the truth can get lost so easily. especially with the internet age where communication world wide is more easily available and words can spread like wildfire. this is why words should be chosen carefully. not to talk about theories and fictional events which could slander people and even a nation(which in a lot of countries is against the law and punishable by imprisonment for lible or slander). the FACT is, all the conspiracy theories behind 9/11 have been disproven and if a person with their eyes closed doesn't see that, then they haven't done their due diligence to research it on their own and in their own time rather than take what someone else has written. theories are funny to me. they remind me of another thread than baniboy got me involved with which was about the question, "what is the definition of an organism". there are many definitions just like there are many theories. yes, there is truth in those theories and definitions, but what is the REAL truth without the man made definitions and theories? THAT is the question. people who come up with theories are the ones who have the closed mind. they gain a reputation of seeing one side and one side only when even the other side holds truth to it. it's like religion and people only believing in only one religion when people can actually learn a lot more when they focus on more than one religion or "theory". when talking about theories, the possibilities are endless....but the theories don't account for one thing. there is only one truth. now i have my own beliefs about the u.s. government and it's hidden agendas and it's citizen control despite what is written in the constitution. but that has NOTHING to do with 9/11 and i would stake my life on it knowing what i have come to know about our government. i did see it as an easy solution to the issues we already had in the middle east though. when talking about these issues, we can easily go in to the issue of why america doesn't disban the nuclear weapons in china...but see, those issues would be off topic in this thread you talk about the cia which indirectly relates to top secret intellegance the u.s. holds. there is a reason why certain information isn't available to the general public and there is a reason why the american people needs to trust their own government even when a government is able to make mistakes and not knowing the mistakes until the final outcome. it's so easy for foregners to make judgments in a country they don't even live in. now i can say a lot about canada, but i wont because i don't believe in disgracing a nation. unlike you. i suggest sticking to hockey conversations rather than conspirosy theories that can ruin a nation if everyone believed in your fairy tales. at least you can have some pride talking about the only thing your country is good in when competing against the united states because you will LOSE in this thread and that is a FACT....not a theory.
  4. i installed sp3 and had no problem with it. the only reason i had a need to install it was because certain programs wouldn't run without it. anyway, i always felt it was a welcome addition but i installed it a year after it was released. were there different versions of it? actually, i went from sp1 to sp3 but i couldn't install sp3 without sp2 for some reason so i had sp2 for a whole 2 minutes
  5. where did you download it it from? did it require you to burn to cd?
  6. this person who posted this thread is a newbie on this forum. he has a total of one post. THIS ONE. that's it. from my experience, people who come here, and their first post is in the making money threads either is supporting the site with an affiliate link, or this person owns the site. i think this person is promoting his own site.i have been to his site and all the links related to his site. his site is actually a pretty good site although unprofessionally made. i don't see any scams. only a vision through creative thinking that everyone needs if they are to succeed in making money online. his site lists a few good ways to make money online. not ALL the ways. but most importantly, just by going to this site can create a creative thought in someone to think beyond his site to make money online.alot of links posted in these threads are scams or just really hard to make a significant amount of money online. this one is not. although he doesn't specifically go in to the details of making money online, he does give enough to create a creative spark in those that have it in them to recognize their true ability to make money online. including a section on basic seo techniquesso my overall opinion is that it's a good read
  7. i've been on the internet forever it seems. ever since the early 80's. i've seen many changes in how people communicate on the net. most of which are still around today but very outdated.most people hate change in their lives, but the internet has always been the exception to that unwritten rule. people seem to embrace change. they encourage it and they always want to be up to date with any changes made. we are entering a new era on the internet and how we communicate.will Xisto abrace the changes people are looking for or is Xisto going to whither away like all the other forms of communication that i have seen come and go?my motivation for this topic came when i was posting about the support xisto gives in another topic and remembering what opaque said that his time is dedicated to his servers and the operational functions.so, we have already seen what ajax technology can do and what it continues to give us. with gmail, and the new precident google has given with google wave, i feel the world has no option but to embrace the technology and expect more out of it.will Xisto be up for the challenge? as opaque stated, Xisto is still a baby. in the beginning stages, but is it prepared to change for the future to where the internet is heading now?the way i see it is that change is iminent. in the next 3 years, Xisto has a big decision to make. make no change in hopes they can keep their loyal subscribers, or change to risk it's own livelyhood which could make them or break them. either way is a risk.so my only question for opaque is this.... what are your thoughts and plans?
  8. like i said before. my only issue was when i signed up for hosting with a domain name. i wanted to change my email to my domain so my accounts would be easier to manage. it took over a week to resolve. even though i changed my trap email and my xisto email, there was a change that only admin or support staff could changesometimes i would get the same response to my issues....like it was coppied and pasted like a form letter.when it finally got resolved over a week later, over $7 had accumulated. my other 2 issues were resolved pretty quick....within 2-3 days....one of which were the name servers that i never changed but were creating problems.i think opaque had something to do with correcting my email issue and not nik because after recieving his first and last email on the issue, my problem was resolved.although this is not a post to discredit trap or xisto by no means, i do still have to question if support is qualified to handle issues. maybe it just needed time to recognize new issues so they could handle them more efficiently in the future. who knows.what i really felt when being impatient for over a week was that support wasn't understanding my problem and was assuming things or giving advice that went against what i wanted and needed at the time to properly manage my webhosting and domain account which is linked to my Xisto account....even after explaining my email was outdated and i didn't log on to it anymore and was at risk since yahoo had a policy of deleting accounts after 30 days of inactivity.anyway, i am not displeased with the service, but the service is not perfect just like everything else in life. we have a great service here and i for one can live with the minor scrapes and bumps if i run in to them. i, like others, just need to practice patience and calmness during those times. i can admit honestly that i am not perfect in that area.do i feel xisto needs more support for the tickets? yes.....just as i feel we need more moderators. trap is still young as opaque pointed out. young, but growing strong. i also feel trap could be twice as big as it is today but also feel when a company grows too fast, it sometimes leads to it's own destruction where a system set a month before becomes quickly outdated.but trap has survived for 5 years now so it must be doing something right without my input. i have always been thankfull and gratefuill ever since i became a member.
  9. hahaha look at this fool making up theries as he goes along. none of them substantiated with any facts or evidence...and would say maybe he is falling prey to rumors, but i don't think so. i think he likes making things up as he goes along. maybe He should change his handle to the disturbed one. hahaha again. what a joke. oh....and a foreigner no doubt. just like the one who started this thread. someone who obviously wants to guide the citizens of another country to disgrace it.haha you're fairy tales would make a great movie. i think you should get started writing your fictional book right away before you come to your senses in the real worldyou are warning me? wow. you ARE disturbed haha is that supposed to scare me in to not posting an opinion? if anyone has an opinion other than your fairy tale rumors, you are going to threaten them? dude, please...please please come back to reality hahaha you discredit yourself better than i could ever doand as far as coming to the defense of the disturbed one, i did no such thing. what i did was point out the fact that you had to start your conversations with insults which totally discredits anything productive you are trying to say. this is true.so i have to know....i find your whole converation humorous.....warn me against what? hahaha please....do tell....
  10. when your opening line to support conspirosy theories is to pinpoint 1 person and call him disturbed. discredits anything you have to say in the future as you are grabbing on to thin air while falling to your imminent death in your personal beliefs in what you read about theories. for ever circumstance that happened on 9/11. there are multimple theories. not just one. theories that put seeds in to brainless americans that can't think for themselves to understand the realistic possibilities. 9/11 was not about government control but it did give the perfect excuse to prepare ourselves for a safer future. alot of the original theories were started when certain people were misquoting other people. other theories were based on batent lies that could easily be disproved. other theories in what 1 or two people noticed in photographs were disproved. even the theory about the pentagon and the whole smalled than the wingspan of an airplane. as far as the cia and the reation to the taliban, i have no doubts they are related in one way shape or form, but however they are related for intelligence purposes had no relation to 9/11 events. you can quote all you want about theories and speculations. you can even quote from simi respectable sources. that would be no different that quoting from the american media to expose and discredit all the post 9/11 theories. they don't call them conspiracy theories for nothing. all they are are theories. no facts to support them. only lies, misquotes, seeing things in pictures that weren't there, and a wild imagination. you talk about learning something new, and if we don't want to, we should put our blinders on. when you have facts to support your beliefs without using theories as your own imaginary world of facts, then please....teach me something new. otherwise, maybe you should open your own eyes. you seem to think you can talk about the cia like you know more than most in the general population....when in fact, you know didly squat and rely on outside sources of the united states to believe in to to plant little seeds in your own head because you are incapable of coming up with your own beliefs. fact- every theory about 9/11 that happened that day has been discredited....like the fires that took down the buildings. what the original poster did post about because he's anti-american and didn't want to include the realistic possibilities is that the fires didn't have to melt the steal. they only had to weaken the steal. anyway, you discredit your own self by calling someone disturbed within your opening lines...and rather than state facts, only theories and by quoting sources that aren't reliable. you, are the one disturbed. you are weak minded who has no ability to distinguish fact from fiction. and this anti-america talk about how our government killed innocent people to protect a nations future is ridiculous. let me ask you something oh wise one. why didn't these thories start popping up soon after 9/11? why did it take years before theories started to arise? maybe just time enough to make up a story and get recognized if their imagination is ever to become true in their own little world of fairy tales. one of the main theories was 9/11 was pre planned by the united states goverment. there were no theories about this pre 9/11. your talk about the cia and alqaeda history has nothing to do with 9/11 theories. in fact...the theorists were watching t.v. like all the rest of the american public in dismay without a theory.....oh...until a couple years later.....hahaha! you're a joke. now go change your diapers since this has been a messy bed wetting experience for you.
  11. well said. thank you for speaking up. i kept looking at this thread and my emotions would immediately turn to anger that people would turn 911 and the destruction caused by it in to a u.s. government conspiracy and cover-up. it's unthinkable. if it was a conspircay and pre planned and the truth came to light, there would be no more government. there would be a revolt. maybe another civil war where the nation is split. i know our goverment isn't perfect and i can probably safely assume their were conspiracies in the past and some ideas behind theories are correct, but this event sure does not deserve ideas behind a conspiracy. i am not a perfect person nor a perfect america, but i am an american who loves this country and to believe anyone who can post or believe in any conpiracies behind 911 is UN-AMERICAN. it made me sick reading what i did in this thread and i knew all i could do is close out or get banned from posting again because of my bluntness and uncaring thoughts towards people who can write such nonsense. all this thread was about was the intention to plant seeds in american peoples minds to stand against the u.s. government. and in my opinion, anyone who can do that needs to be questioned an interogated to protect the liberties and freedoms people have a right to in the united states and against the seeds that others may want to plant to turn against the country and government that guides us.
  12. the only time i needed support was when i first got my hosting with my domain name purchased from xisto. i myself thinks there should be a faster response AND people who are able to understand the true problemsso conversations don't have to go back and forth without a solution in 1 or two days. but i also understand that hiring 1 or more people will cost more money and when things cost more, the prices will rise or and the value of mycents will be less. or you just wont get as many mycents when posting. ash bash, you don't need to be a moderator to be part of a team and help people. as far as volunteers helping with support and billing, i am against that idea...especially a moderator of Xisto forums. people need to have a life too and when you open new areas for moderators to volunteer their time, it will take away their time from their original moderator duties. the support system isn't perfect, but it's good enough in my opinion(with few exceptions) when Xisto members are getting their hosting and domains and xisto services free using credits through mycents. although i haven't used anhy support tickets for 5 months now so many things got worse during that time. i don't know....
  13. hey, you shouldn't have to tell members to post about that stuff....remember????
  14. blah blah blah. why would i want to run linux under windows? the whole point was to get away from ms. hahaha. i may try again if i'm feelin' froggy. the current version of linux though didn't give me the option of insalling on another partition which was strange.....but i was drinkin....that coulda been a factor
  15. what??? you too? i remember browsing before...entering a fake domain just to browse pricings and what was available as addons....but i never accidently hit an order button. how does one accidently hit the order button? don't you even have to review what was in your shopping cart before you even submit an order? folloow simpletons step and contact support right away and cancel. they will take care of it....but one of you two....please answer my question haha
  16. how do you accidently order a web hosting package with domain???
  17. I don't know how i stumbled upon this thread. i really don't but i thought it was entertaining how Xisto got it's original members to advertise for this site. i was going to post in the thread and bump it up but the topic is closed....thus....can't reply.....but here's the link.... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/194-get-25-posts-for-free-easily-make-up-10-posts/ i got a kick outta it. if you read closely, it's actually quite funny in some parts too when getting in the mind of opaque and some other members during that time
  18. there you go thinking to much again....sheeesh. first of all, obviously you are starting with 0 catagories. don't pre make the catagories. when you write a post, first see if it can fit in to any catagory that is already there. if it can't, or you feel you can create another catagory for that post, then create the catagory before you publish.....then publish under the new catagory.so what i am telling you is to play it by ear for each post. catagories....just like the titles of your posts, should contain 1 or two keywords for the search engines that directly relate to your content.did you already figure out how to automatically name your posts and folders without them sounding generic in the pathname? this is also important
  19. i do have to say that the price of commiting a crime is high in the united states. you can serve a few years in prison thinking you're free, but society will still put that strangle hold on ya. but see, that is part of the price. felons can't be trusted in society even if they served their time. just because they served time, doesn't mean they have earned back the trust they stole from people. so. in order to earn back that trust, they have to dedicate their lives to doing the opposite of what got them put in prison in the first place. eventually, it gets easier over time when society can start trusting felons again. it's a catch 22 for some people because it gives them reasons to commit more crimes when society doesn't accept them after they feel they have done their time. but the thing is, as hard as it is for the felons, it's hard on all the innocent people out there and the victims of people who commit felonies. i believe in second chances though but reading what you wrote about alot of your family members being felons, there is something seriously going on in that family when it's more than 1 felon in the family. so uintil those issues are resolved, why would you expect anyone to trust? UNTIL they give society a reason to trust them. going to prison isn't enough to gain trust, bud. you have common sense enough to know that. i also see your point though. i for one am very trusting. i have also been hurt more than others but i feel it's worth believing in someone rather than not believing even if they made mistakes because everyone makes mistakes. nobody perfect. it's just the degree of the mistakes we have to take in to consideration. if i were a felon and just got out of prison, i would lie on my application and leave it up to the employer to find out wether he wants to hire me or not or fire me after hiring me after he found out i was a felon. sometimes, you can work for a good company without that company finding out or it will give the felon enough time to prove him/herself before the emplyer finds out. sometimes exections can be made to company policy. another alternative for a felon who is being discriminated is to start their own business. whether offline or online. we live in a society that trust is usually GIVEN to anyone until they give a reason not to trust. felons have given that reason not to trust them. now....instead of trust freely given, they have to go by the rule and philosophy that trust wont be freely given. you have to EARN IT! as far as those felons that were wrongly convicted, that will always be a shame and proves nothing is perfect. not even our justice system
  20. well i just got done watching it and i give it an overall 7.5/10 which is a pretty high rating considering i would only rate 2-3 movies a 10 and only 10 or so movies a 9.i LOVED the special effects a lot. the acting wasn't the best but it was still good. the movie is about 2 1/2 hours. i liked the plot enough not to fall asleep. actually, i was just always wondering what was going to happen next as there were many suspensfull scenes.after researching the reviews, i found people either loved it or hated it for different reasons. i for one loved the movie and it's a movie i wouldn't mind watching again.also, for a disaster movie, it had a few funny scenes in it. although some people would say comedy doesn't fit in a movie like this, i say it was only a few scenes and the comic relief fitted in nicely....especially the "start engine" scene.anyway, i like these types of movies so after reading the premis, i didn't really think i wouldn't enjoy it. the movie didn't disappoint me....although i started having my doubts after reading another thread about warning people never to watch it. i have an opposite view....but everyone has their own tastes
  21. i just recently decided to give linux a try so i downloaded the latest version of ubuntu. i really liked the simplicity of it although i really didn't do much exploring. i tried to set it up as a duel boot but i went wrong somewhere because when i would try to boot vista, it wouldn't boot. i had a little trouble with drivers too. anyway, i decided to give up and just reformat and reinstall my apps for vista only. i hope i get the guts to try again soon because i really did like the feel of ubuntu and would be worth it spending my time to learn the os because for a long time now, i wanted to stop supporting ms. maybe one day. my first attempt failed
  22. that doesn't seem too bad. 6 hours sleep is all one needs and you're on the computer when there is very little else to do at night or in the very early morning when you start your day at 5am. so what about reading a book or maybe, think about what you enjoy on the internet organize your time better when you're on it. but as far as substituting something else besides the internet....there's the t.v. which really isn't productive....reading is good or excersizing at least one hour before you go to bed is good. you might be able to sleep 8 hours instead of 6. i like to sit outside outside at night myself and watch and listen to nights nature. something most people don't do because they like it better inside at night if nothing else fails, you can try to find a hobby on the internet like creating a website or trying to find ways of making extra money online. a personal blog perhaps where it can be somewhat journal related to your every day life. hmmm....if i have other suggestions, i will post them as i think of them....
  23. i just got it. i think i'm going to watch it tonight after i fry up some chicken. i do like these types of movies so it will be interesting how i will relate to it after hearing both review threads of the same movie....i'll come back later to post an opinion. if i don't like it, i will post here. if i DO like it i'll post in the other one
  24. do you have trouble sleeping? is this possibly one of the reasons you are up late at night on the internet. what's your sleeping schedule like? are you getting enough? sleeping too much? are you a night person in general and sleep during the day?
  25. yea, i really like what baniboy and legen had to say. i do hoestly believe you wont be able to quit the addiction. you can only control it. so baniboy gave a good example which i believe works. he said to replace the addiction with other things you like to do OR find other things in your life that you might like to do and have never tried. this will work with baniboys suggestion in creating a schedule. write down the things you like to do or the things you would like to try and try to budget your time to fit those things in to it. not only will this help you get rid of your addiction to the internet(for the most part) in the future, it will enable you to do a lot more stuff with your free time.it wont be easy bud....because while doing other things, you will still have the urges to quit those things to fiddle aimlessly on the internet as you said you do...or a thought will pop in to your mind that you HAVE to research that thought right away on the internet. so you need some self discipline.to help with self discipline, you can create a reward system for yourself. reward yourself with something if you can keep to your schedule for a week. and if you can't, take away something that you truely enjoy as a punishment. this is basic parenting for children except you will be in control of your life. not a parent.create a system that works for you from baniboy and legends thoughts and stick with it. sometimes addictions get worse and worse over time so the sooner you try to conquer it, the easier it will be to control.also, a lot of people who are actually addicted to the internet don't get out much. might i suggest 1 or two hours of outdoor activities which included alone time to think about your life AND places where other people are in the hopes to socialize more offline. i think my last suggestion would be good for legend as well.and being outdoors gives your internal body the ability to thrive with the vitamin d the sun gives you. other foods that contain vitamin d are not nearly as good a substitute.baniboy schedules when he will excersize. do the same. it's never too early to have a healthy body and keeping it that way on a regular routine and schedule.anyway....those are some of my suggestions. hope they help ya out somewhat but all in all, it will boil down to your own self discipline and mental toughness and mindset to overcome what you are calling your addiction to the internet.
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