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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. there is a sand zone?!? that is exactly what i need! i haven't even ventured to zones before but if it allows me to dump sand in a zone, that's the first thing i'm gonna do next! i am going to copy the exact message about the cat thing because i can't make heads or tails of it. i also decided i am going to google it and see what pops up. one dwarf of mine has adopted all the cats. i thought that was funny. all the cats owners is just one guy! i dunno if i want little dwarven kids running around haha it's bad enough with all the useless animals that i'm gonna kill and eat soon i don't think i want an outside source to help me with the game or even the construction. i think it's cheating. i like playing these types of games in how it was originally created. maybe if i master the game in a year or two(i sure hope i'm not playing it in two years.) maybe i'll try to get as many of the addons as i can. the only thing i am tempted to do right now(which i wont) is to add better graphics to the game did you find out when this game was created???
  2. haha that's pretty neat. good call in finding that info. i wouldn't be seen driving 80 pmh in that thing though. you never know what termites can do to that thing . i wonder if jay leno is going to buy one to add to his collection.
  3. since it's coming that time, i am going to nominate in one catagory even though i said i wasn't going to nominate. most valuable poster- misanthrope she doesn't post a lot, but when she does, all her posts are nothing but quality. you can tell a lot of thought is put in to her posts even if sometimes the thoughts just come naturally to her. i never really did like her name or what it means, but who am i to judge. she deserves a spot in most valuable poster for sure! when it comes time for voting, i am making it clear right now that i am not voting for anyone who hasn't been here for over 6 months. i feel there should be a rule to this somewhere as well. a person should be here for the majority of the year to even be considered since spammers like to just post anything without much thought....even long meaningless posts that say absolutely nothing just to watch their credits build up. it takes some time just to know the persons true intentions and the Xisto awards should have absolutely NOTHING related to getting webhosting from Xisto - Web Hosting. but that's a bit harsh since almost everyone here came for that purpose
  4. walmart is my friend and always will be. i have never run in to any sections that are filthy. i support walmart 100% because of their low prices and these stores are pretty much everywhere so it makes it very convenient to shop there. the one or two things i'll shop elsewhere for are the produce, and some meats as i can get better prices elsewhere for those items and also sometimes a better variety.recently however, walmart has rasied their prices. i am assuming this isn't isolated to the walmart stores though. everyone at walmart has always been friendly. sometimes too friendly because at times, it seems like i am at a used car lot when i am hearing "are you finding everything ok?" or "can i help you find something?" ever 5 minutes but i will live with it since i know they aren't trying to sell me something.i just bought a new laptop from walmarts in missouri and let me tell you something. there was no cheaper price for it. not even online. that says ALOT about walmart. also, one of my buddies has an ebay account. he does the majority of his business on ebay at christmas time selling christmas stuff. do you know where he gets some of his items to resell on ebay? WALMART haha and he jacks the price up 25% and makes a nice profit from a few items that he knows you can't find cheaper items elsewhere unless you want to buy bulk.i spend about $200 for groceries there. it lasts one whole month for me when i shop for groceries. and they are FRESH. i have never run in to any problem with anything NOT being fresh...except maybe their fish dept. as far as non food items....everything is cheap. why go to sears or best buy etc....if you can go to walmart? walmart is even cheaper than costco and you have to pay to be a member of costco and a lot of their stuff is bulk. i love looking around costco though sometimes you find some good deals.whoever doesn't like walmarts must have had a bad experience there. oh well. go pay double somewhere else then
  5. that's fine for stone. i've created a stone stockpile before. i haven't tried a zone yet. what's that do? my real problem is i would like to clean up my area indoors from all the sand. is there anyway to get rid of it all? is sand treated like stone? if glass can be made out of sand, there has to be a way to collect it but i don't see any options for stockpiling sand. the only option i thought of so far is to make floors? but i haven't tried doing this either. what would floors be made out of...wood or stone? i guess i will find out soon enough....but if you know how to collect sand, let me know . it's like my dwarfs are living in a sandbox haha. there's a lot of things that would be interesting to find out too....like can a fortress collapse? i mean, the more you mine on one level, the more chances of it collapsing in real life, right? so i wonder if they take that in to account as my fortress on the second level is pretty big. and if it is possible...what happens....all the dwarfs die that were inside? i have most of them inside my fortress. not a lot of them go wondering around. as far as workshops...right now i only have a carpenters, mason, still and kitchen. i need to learn more about the game soon. a lot of my dwarfs are just sitting around with no job. maybe they like it that way. i dunno. it was funny though. i viewed one of my immigrants that came over and it said she likes to drink to get through the day haha. they all like to drink as that's their primary food source it seems but i thought it was funny reading that part about one of my immigrants. it also said she hates to work haha. one thing i have been trying to understand desperately though is my announcements are always talking about my cats that are injured. wtf! something about trading and something stopped because my cats were injured? the message makes no sense to me whatsoever and it's in big red letters all the time. i can't look at an announcement screen without looking at 10+ of those same messages. also, i have always walked around with the "k" key and the trees were never purple before. i thought it might of had to do with the change of the seasons but the plants didn't turn purple. sometimes i hate the "k" key though because it pauses the game when you are in the looking around mode. i wish there was a way to look around without it pausing the game but i haven't seen that option and i like using it a lot so the game pauses for me a lot. seems like we are still the only ones that are playing it even after bumping this thread all the time...what a shame....
  6. here is something i know now that i didn't a couple days ago... i live in an apartment complex and the toilet here sucks. it never did flush properly so it gets clogged easily. anyway after using the plunger for about 10 minutes total, i gave up. later, i researched my problem and a problem many people have from time to time. after using this method, my toilet once instanly unclogged. i didn't even have to flush. i poured a little dish soap in the toilet. let it sick to the bottom i then boiled a big pot of water and threw it in the toilet. 2 seconds later, what i couldn't do with a plunger was fixed. who woulda known....
  7. ofcourse it's an accident. i mean, who dips their gum in citric acid anyway? sounds like the guy was not all there in the first place and that's why the substance believed to be an explosive was there next to it. there is more to this story than the article is stating....such as, how did the officers know he has the habit of dipping his gum in citric acid and if his jaw was blown open, then how do they know he was chewing gum?. the article stated that hios family was nearby but how would his family end up doing this? forcing gum in his mouth? the explosion would go off next to them and they had a potential of being injured. no. this was definately an accident, but the article is being very vague in the facts.it also sounds to me that this guy was possibly trying to invent something and it backfired on him because he wasn't as cautious as he should have been. exploding gum would be neat if it didn't blow your face open or knock out any teeth or hurt you for that matter.i'm a dummy in this area, but i am wondering what chemical mixed with citric acid and saliva would explode in your mouth? the police seemed to be worried about trasporting the stuff so maybe it didn't need to be mixed with anything else to explode. what the heck could this chemical or chemical been?
  8. i must have a weird version of excel because i can't seem to do some things i should be able to do. anyway, when using vlookup, you are referencing a table. in this case subject and grade(or grade percentage) so the formula should look something like =vlookup(max(xx:xx),xx:xx,1) lookup, table, column# number so going through the formula, you essentially looking up a # which in this case is the max value of a particular cell. then you input the cells where the table is which is the subject and the grades. then you enter the comumn to reference. what i did however, was put the table(subject and grades) in columns a&b instead of using rows 1&2. now it seems as though the forumula only work if the #'s in the table are referenced first, before the subjects. now this is using vlookup. i am assuming hlookup would be how you had the original table setup because vlookup wont work with that since the last # in the formula is a row, not a column. the problem i am having when testing it out is that the formula is not recognizing the max value within the hlookup and is always referencing the last subject in the table. i can add and take away subjects and scores and it will still be the last subject. this has got me so boggled why it works only when the table is reversed.
  9. i don't know the answer off hand, but i want to clarify for others since your english is a little broken. what you want in your example is not to output "98", but "science". correct? my excel skills have been lost 20 years ago. problem is, this is a spread sheet and not a database. the only way you can relate the #98 to is by the exact location of that number. in this case, the field "c2" then you have to relate c2 to the exact location of the subject which would be c1 so when the fields aren't relative, you just have to exchange the fields somehow where the value of c2 is hidden somehow. so the only way i can see it being done is having science=c2 and having the output show whatever c2 is equal to. i remember 25 years ago i was self taught in excel. i also aced it in college and i don't ever recall running in to a problem like this. it has me curious if it can be done....
  10. i decided to drop by alexa and create a user acount a few weeks ago. i added a review. i try to advertsie this place when it's convenient. i suggest everybody do the same and even take some time out and post a review on alexa. not only are you supporting a good website by doing it for anyone who uses the search for hosting on alexa, the more reviews there are, the better the chances those reviews can pop up on the search engines which means more traffic and members for trap. i waited a while to post my review and was surprised that i only saw one other one when i was there....but then, opaque hasn't made a review yet either for his own site there are some things that people should take responsibility for their own selves though. if you like this place and want to see it grow, advertise it a little. opaque can only do so much. you may think he's a god but he is still only one person....and personally, i would like to see some moderators take some initiative outside this forum as well....would be a good break in supporting this place other than deleting and editing posts ok- i said my piece....
  11. voting is going to be hard this year. alot of the old timers aren't around anymore and a whole new group is emerging....especially recently. not a lot of nominations. i haven't nominated nor do i plan too because i couldn't have done a better job than the others and nobody else stands out. when it is finally time to vote, i plan on doing it privately. this is going to be one tough trap awards this year....
  12. you're a lot further than i am...probably because i keep starting over trying to still learn the basics. if your people aren't dumping their garbage in the refuge pile, then maybe you need to limit the work of a couple workers. i can't see anything becoming contaminated unless it's within the food stockpile where food may go bad or something. something strange happened to me when i logged on today. all the trees turned purple outside. what the heck does that mean haha! i also noticed splatters of blood outside. i don't have anybody set for hunting but it seems they are killing for meat when i still have a little cow meat from the beginning of the game because i notice the corpes in the dining area. now that my cats have breed, i plan on killing a few for meat. how do you go about collecting and saving bones though for crafts? have you built an outdoor farm yet? i am curious about that. supposedly, you have to have someone collect bushes to eat the fruits from them. once they are eaten, you can keep the seeds to farm outdoors. do they store the seeds automatically? had some traders come. i even had the trading post outside. i just didn't know how to trade. they just kept asking if i wanted to buy something and place an order for next year. i think you have to dig deeper for rocks. i haven't noticed a huge amount on the first two levels except soft material. it would be nice to find a big supply of some sort of rock to build things other than from wood.... to organize jobs, you just have to hit the "j" for jobs and then "c", and then "l" for labor. once in there, you can set the individual duties. right now i have a jewler, but i have no resources for him so i set his task for dog training. i have two people with no skills at all so i just set their tasks for hard labor moving crap around for my piles. you seem to be doing good in the game if you haven't started over yet. i'm wondering what your fortress looks like. mine is a mess and is only one level down. i know there has to be a better way to organize. although i wonder what the game would look like in 3d, just because it has the most simple and basic ascii graphics, this game is FAR from simplistic! i think people get turned off by the graphics and don't learn to play it without ever knowing the complexity of this game. i think i am going to start over again during the weekend. i can accomplish in a day now that took me 3 days to learn. i still don't know how to trade crap though. can you trade food or wood? because i always had an abundance. can you trade something for an investment too? like get it, hold on to it, then trade it for something better or for a better price? those are just a few of my question. i have TONS but i don't feel like spending more of my time on another forum...part of the fun is learning as you go and the complished feeling you didn't ask for much help figuring out this stupid game haha
  13. i personally have never had any problems with the shoutbox except for the fact after refresh, there doesn't seem to be a chronilogical order to the shouts at time. i would like to keep it the way it is personally. i mean, i could suggest all the changes in the world for Xisto, but i don't go out of my way because i like it just how it isso if it's between another shoutbox and concentrating efforts elsewhere, i choose elsewhere.
  14. no kidding it's a great game. the irony of it all is that. what you say is all true. i just wish other people would take the time to download it. i would love to see more feedback in this thread to talk about stuff....you know...newbies bantering and cursing the game back and forth. i don't think there will be a day where i master this game. it is VERY complex. yesterday, i actually watched 5 of those utube viideos by duck somethin' or other. he did a pretty good job in putting up a vid tut. there i am on the computer a lot so i like running this thing in the background. this was the first day i haven't started over yet....BUT! i see it in my near future i had bought dogs at the beginning and now they are having puppies. the game has so so much to do, i haven't even found the time to train them yet. figured out why my farmland wasn't able to harvest too. that was pissing me off when i would locate somewhere and couldn't even use the area to grow food. i haven't researched this yet, but while playing, i'm wondering when the game was created. the only reason why i like the game so much is it's complexity and the logic behind everything you do and the consequences of everthing you do. i think the game starts you out with a horse and a mule, but still, i haven't found a purpose to either yet. also, i have found that starting out with two highly skilled minors is your best bet since there is a lot of digging involved. i find myself having to keep visiting the wiki site for help in understanding what things are and what they do
  15. there is another thread running around here somewhere concerning the validity of kontera. some where worried they only took 6 months for payout and if you didn't have the minimum paypout in 6 months, you would lose the extra money already earned. this hasn't been confirmed yet in the thread(as far as i know) but people have sent kontera emails questioning why they can only see a 6 month history. from what i understand it is just set up that way, but your earning will always accumulate past 6 months. there is 1 or two people waiting on their first payout check. if you want answers to those questions though, i would suggest you go to the kontera site and research it. i personally don't think it's worth it for me as i have yet to sign up for a kontera account. other people see dollar signs and get disappointed...and for others....maybe after a year or so, you can cash out for $100 of money you didn't already have and spend it all on bubble gum or something
  16. he's not new. he joined 3 months after you did. i explained using his post as an example. what is so harsh about that if he learns something from it. and adding and subtracting isn't really THAT hard to understand.... and you....maybe you can learn one day not to spam your own self. i am surpirsed YOU never have been in the negative
  17. ok. you got me addicted to this dumb game. i got as far as creating a world and preparing my characters. i fooled around with building things but i cannot get used to these commands. i have figured out how to make a bed from wood and even move that bed. but gosh darnit! my bottom floor of the fortress started getting flooded with water when it started raining. i deleted 4 folders of my worlds i created because i always feel inclined to start over when i feel i'm making mistakes. i have played this game for about 6 hours yetserday trying to figure things out and i still can't figure crap out with the keys even when you have a legend to help you so thanks alot pal! i have better things to do with my time then getting addicted to some stupid game with ascii graphics. i have a question though. i know you can pause the game but does the game pause when you quit the game or will it be updated according to the time you lost quiting the game? also, it took me a half hour to try and figure out how to prepare my characters because my plus/minus keyes didn't work on my laptaop. so i assumed they were for a numeric pad. i had to edit two keys eventually, i think i am gowing to draw out plans for a structure before i build one. i think that would be easier. everything is in 2d but i was researching a little and caught a glimps of a 3d visual for the game, i guess there are addons to this game as well i have only tried the fortess part of the game so far. have you tried the adveturer or legend?(i believe it was called legend) i c an see how some people wouldn't like this type of game because they are too used to others that do pretty much the same thing but with excellent graphics. i'm old school though. i still get a kick out of playing the older versions of ultima which you can only do through dos or a dos emulator
  18. let's put it this way and give you an example. if i were a moderator, i would delete this thread you just started. why would i delete it? because it's spam. you just responded to another negative mycents thread that was asking the same exact question, thuis, no need for this one as you very well know. once i delete it, it takes away your mycents. now even a short post getting deleted for spam can put you in the negative. the most obvious is if you had just recieved 100 cents and got credited for a dollar. you go back to 0 mycents. if the post gets deleted when you have 0 or very little, you will most likely be in the negative. now the more posts that are deleted or edited, the more mycents you can lose. some people may have -500 or so becaue they wrote 2-3 long posts that were copied from somewhere else and need to be edited am i the only person who learned to add and substract in grade school?
  19. why not. does ignorance take away responsibility? does not knowing any better a good thing in your eyes then? ofcourse women are partly to blame. where do you think the demand comes from? hahah open your eyes. let's put it another way. no women on this planet means less demand for human fat. less demand for human fat means these murders would have never taken place for human fat. BUT that's an extreme example. i just really wanted to show that if women weren't so concerned with their looks, then there would be less demand. and what's this excuse about ignorance? i think all women know when doing cosmetic surgery, sometimes they take the fat from your own rear. i thought this was common knowlegdge
  20. you're looking for a bible on trap 17? go search online for it or go to ebay haha i doubt you will find what you are looking for here. in fact, pay me a finders fee and i will find it for you....
  21. they do work. that's why there are so many of them. yes, there are usually more women than men. that's why women always complain about the multitude of responses. they have to be good at sorting through all the b.s....especially the guys who are responding for one thing and one thing only.
  22. why not a wirelss web or security camera? i think they run about $60. i don't know about putting it in front of a window though because windows will create glare and distortion. best bet is to attach something outside but i don't know how the temperature would affect the electronic componant. only other option i can think of is move your computer next to a window where you can use your already existing cam. also, if you do want to capture the snow, best image would be a night one with a light outside to reflect off the falling snow. but it would take a good light source and a little creativity and possible more $....but the images would be a lot better than any daytime images...but daytime images are easier to capture. could be well worth it in the long run for the nighttime images though and can bring more visitors to your site in my opinion(but more effort will be involved) anyway, if you do ever shoot through a window, open the window first and take out the screen also, pretty cheesy, but if you know anyone that has an available system already that can capture it, all you have to do is use their feed if they are willing to do it. also, you don't need a camcorder. all you need is a digital camera that supports video. most people have this already. don't know if you do or not.... i guess that's all the suggestions i can think of right now. good luck with it. interesting concept for your website which i have been to a couple times already btw....
  23. build a trench around the villiage with a fence on the inside. obviously if the elephants and lions are making a road through the villiage, you have to take away the road. you can also use honey bees to scare away elephants. at the same time, the villiage can manufacture honey which would make it very economical. you place beehives along a fenceline. when the elephant or any other animal pushes the fence, the bees will swarm out of their hive, thus scaring away the elephant. this has been a proven tactic. i would also research why they have to go through the villiage. elephants travel where the water is. lions may travel where there is water to stalk their prey. also...is it male or female lions. each have their own roles. lions are also territorial. is there something in the villiage itself that is attracting animals? if so, take it away so you don't attract it. lions eat meat. elephants eat plants on a side note, i think any villiage should adapt to their surroundings since there are many wild animals anywhere you live and you have to coexist somehow personally, i don't trust lions. if it was my villiage and there were people or property getting hurt, i would have watchmen around the villiage with guns. when anything is trying to enter that isn't allowed, scare off the animals with gun fired in the air. eventually, they will find another path.
  24. personally, i think YOU have the problem. your thinking and expectations is all wrong and it's coming our through your post like wildfire. your parents may have not been the best parents in the world, but that's shouldn't dictate how you go through life with bitterness and controlling vengance to hope one day you see the guilt in their eyes. obviously being brought up a certain way has done a number on you. i am sorry for that. instead of conceptrating on the evil evil thoughts you have for your parents, start concentrating on the real reasons why they are the way they are and how it has affected you and possibly think about what you can change about your own self. just try to be the best person you can be. one day, i have faith that you will see the flip side of the coin without the sruggle of being bitter. that will make you grow old REALLY quick. aside from the bitterness, you carry a jealousy that will only ruin your relationship not just with your parents, but brother and sister. i've seen it happen before and it's not pretty. i think you are loved and your parents just didn't show it perfectly for you to see so now you live away from home, married with two kids. you grew up pretty fast....you're supposed to be an adult now but talk selfishly like a child. with that said, it's ok to vent but i doubt you will find any true answers here. those can only come from with inside you. you seem to be a nice enough person and i am sure your parents love you. they just didn't know how to show it perfectly. will you be able to show it perfectly towards your own kids? will you be able to give all the attention your handicap child needs? you don't need to answer that because as you already know now, it will be up for your kids to answer that question. i would also urge you to not give up. i feel you love your parents and it sorta shows in your post that you still care. mothers and fathers generally have different roles and even if they didn't fullfill those typical roles where it left you neglected, i would always hope you are still open with them in telling them you love them and seeing some of the good qualities. i've seen bitterness and jealousy before and it makes people blind. it's a distraction to the other side of the story. it creates selfishness and it leads people to only focus on the negative when in fact there is still positive....even if it's hard to see sometimes. the fact i think they love you, i think they are already hurt in how you feel and maybe even questioning what they could have done better as parents. i don't think rubbing in the hurt or reminding them of the past will do anymore good. do you?
  25. i was like you when i first started looking for a good free hosting company. trap actually offers the best services. you will pretty much have everything you need at your fingertips here. including a good forum with pretty cool members. after finding trap, my search was over. but not only can you buy hosting, but a domain name as well throught the credits you earn.i would suggest buying a domain name with your hosting account which means you would have to collect $12. then pay the monthly fee which is $2 minimum. when you have enough to pay for a whole 12 months, i suggest doing that since the price drops to $1.60 or somethin'. if and when you need more space, bandwidth, or other services, you can always upgrade later.welcome. hope to see ya around!
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