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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i strongly take on you philosophy....but to speak out against one drug in your philosophy is to speak out against all the others. some of which give us what the body no longer produces
  2. yea....that was the other thing i was the other thing that i was talking about(the computer) but i didn't want to indulge a scenario that may be false. you should quote from a source if it is in fact the computer
  3. i just got done watching a very slow moving movie with very little directing experience. the acting was just ok. with all that said against this movie, i recomend it. it's just a taste of what you can expect in REAL life. there was no real plot to it and i felt like switching to another movie to watch. but behind the bad directing and the mediocre acting, there was a real life experience that i believe everyone should be in tune to....especially the trasformation that a young child makes during this movie.
  4. yup! that's the catch to most of the promotional offers for google adwords. you have to use your own money as well when you sign up. so i suggest anyone NOT to take advantage of such offers until they know how to properaly construct ads and when the ads should be run to make it most beneficial to a website. also, if you aren't even selling anything on your website, it's not even worth the investment. you will get a surge of trafic ofr a month. that's about it unless you want an adwords compaign so they can click on your adsense ads. that gets tricky.....
  5. "?" dell had a lightly better proccessor. that's about it. as far as the specs, the price was adjusted for those. he was lookin' for the better deal which you have to include specs, WITH price.
  6. i think rvalkass is on top of things here. he's giving you good information. with a $600 budget, you can get yourself a pretty good system that will last another 5 years...even longer. i would minimize the cost by sacrificing the 19" monitor....maybe even going with what you already have as that is always an easy updrade. also you can always buy them used for a GREAT cost. not everything has to be new, does it? i wish you luck with your new computer. i am sure you will be happy with it....just get the best price in what you're lookin' for....
  7. why would you think it was a scam? google has offered promotional codes for a new adwords account ever since adwords came in to existance.if i were to do a quick search, i could probably find 5 active codes or promotional links right now. they are all over the place. including $50 ones.
  8. there you go again, talking about me and not on topic tho this thread. who said you didn't have a life or a good one? are you smokin' crack again? is jesus coming to you in your dreams. you sound as ridiculous as a 20 year old wanting to be close to a 15 year old. so i guess you ARE on topic if we are measuring that way. i am really really glad you had the oppurtinity to give an opinion that didn't relate to this thread one bit. i congratulate you. let's move on.
  9. most movies end where the good guy comes out on top. i guess you just don't like movies in general then. there is a reason why a lot of people call them shows....not movies...because that's all they are. shows. they are entertainment. i just watched all 6 star wars episodes. can't like one of the biggest blockbusters in history either. or any other science fiction because they aren't realistic either. i mean....space crafts and life on other planets. what a joke!
  10. yea, old news. i believe this was in my old state of california where that happened. if so, this guy had a lot of time to try and figure something out. like turning off the ignition or putting the car in nuetral. the car reached in excess of 100mph. beofre the crash, i believe one of the kids or the wife had called 911 right before the fatal accident. there was also some talk that it wasn't just the floormats, but i don't know what came about the investigation. funny thing is, there have been stories that it's not just toyota's floomats that have done this before. it's just that this story made huge headlines where all the eyes of the public was looking at toyota. likewise, there were a few more instances of a toyota floormat causing a sticky gas peddle and i guess this was the tip of the iceburg for toyota. let this be a lesson to all drivers when you get behind the wheel. it doesn't have to be the other driver that kills you. it doesn't even have to be yourself that kills you if you make a mistake while driving. it can be something as simple as a floormat. anything can happen and when you're traveling at 65mph on a freeway or highway, just because you are inside a box of reinforced steel, you are still not safe.
  11. i say just start small. if you ever make any money with your website, then you can invest it in other features. all those features aren't really a neccessity...but are nice to have if your website ever starts to grow.
  12. i really like shadowx's take on this because he's thining outside the box on a cliche that can mean different things to different people now within the context of that cliche, i don't think winning has anything to do with doing better than you've done before because "winning" will always be compared to something else. i think if someone has a goal or a dream and they put their best effort in to it, then nothing more can be expected even if you didn't do better than before(if there was even a before to compare winning). i used to be competitive in darts. i made some money at it. not much....a few thousand dollars. i HATED losing. what i hated more was being a bad sport when either i lost or someone else lost. i also hated bad winners. because of the fact that i have expereinced bad winners before in a competitive circumstance, the opposite is true to the cliche. just because you came out on top, doesn't mean you're a winner. i think there are many factors in the cliche. shadowx talked about some of them, but there are many and sometimes life can't be explained by a cliche in 3-4 lines. if you are writing a book on success, then i suggest straying away from a cliche. make up your own insightfull thoughts. who knows....maybe your own insightfull thoughts will be talked about long after you pass away in life. only time will tell how insightfull they are within strangers. good luck on your book bud!
  13. when you originally sign up for hosting and purchase a domain name, the name servers you will be point to would most likely be something like... ns1.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com. custiom name servers will allow you to use your own domain name instead of Xisto - Web Hosting.com (ns.yourdomain.com). this is a good option because when people do a whois search to see who you are, it looks more professional and legitimate rather than having your name servers point to another companies domain. the didicated ip is good because you are sharing your ip with every other website on the server you are hosted on. if certain ip's are banned on a server, having a dedicated ip would prtect you. it also protects against spam and such. if you are in business, a dedicated ip is the way to go. also, there are some services on the web you cannot use without a dedicated ip. advanced dns, i am not too sure about. you should write a support ticket and ask them directly what the advantages are. i'm assuming you just have more control over your dns account than you normally would and possibly less time to propogate when you change your dns settings(sometimes it takes 2 days for your changes to occur).
  14. don't forget about $2.50 or so for a dedicated ip. i like the idea of cutom name servers. it looks more professional. if you are going to be running a business, i suggest paying extra for the custom name servers and dedicated ip. if not, then i wouldn't worry about any of the extra services for now. you can always upgrade later. advanced dns is a nice llittle feature but not essential unless you plan on continuously updating your dns records.
  15. a good example of what you guys are talking about is "nissan.com" they sell computers. not cars. nissan motors took them to court on trademark infringement and lost. nissan motors now is trying to get a federal trademark registration for computers and peripherals. probably because of the direct loss they took in court as future payback.anyway, it's interesting news as far as domains are concerned....
  16. get a life. maybe you can post on topic for a change. this thread wasn't about you. nor was it even about me.
  17. love sugars as much as fried foods. you live once and i like enjoying what i eat or drink. when i find myself feeling my habits are getting too unhealthy, i might cut down a little but i will never let my cravings go unanswered....that can be just as unhealthy to me when i'm craving something and forcing myself not to give in. that's just cruel :)i don't believe in anything that goes to the extremes on either side of the spectrum though. that's where it becomes VERY unhealthy. there needs to be balance to anything you eat,drink, or do.but, you live once, you are supposed to enjoy the pleaasures of life while your here, and sometimes it's just a give and take thing. if you eat the tasty foods, you are sacrificing health by choice. if you just eat healthy foods, then you sacrifice some of the pleasures we get out of eating or drinking certain foods that contain sugars.i will NEVER illiminate sugars out of my diet. i don't care how unhealthy it is or if i can live 3 years longer eating healthier.....but that's just me. it's worth the sacrifice.
  18. i don't think there is a better deal when comparing. i like the dell even if you are spending $100 more. but then, i love compaq over dell any day. it's a matter of preference. i would also suggest you look at the acers that walmart is selling. you get more for the money and acer sells a good cheap laptop that wont quit on ya.it's really up to you. i would really look at the specs closely to see what your own preferences are. some some come with a better battery than others. for what you're doing, it seems you don't need as much ram or hard disk space(but it's always nice to have). i am assuming both computers are coming with windows 7 which i don't know too much about or ram or storage it uses.i normally don't like dell but it seems that's it's a pretty good price for what you're getting...but if you're not going to do anything heavy on it, then i do suggest checking out the acers. not a big name like dell or compaq, but you also aren't going to be paying for the name either. i do like the idea of trying to stay in the $500 price range for your needs.
  19. yea, it's funny isn't it....until a teenage child get hurt. then it's not funny anymore......is it. i may have taken this thread to the edge of things, but i would rather do that than say nothing at all in what i know about right from wrong. now....i have to thank you for keeping this thread alive because that's exactly the way i want it.... it creates an awareness of certain things going on in society that shouldn't be allowed fact is, i didn't create any flame war. the guy is sick to think that it's ok to tutor her when he admited to having feelings for this under age girl. this is considered stalking in an unusual way when he leaves the decision up to HER knowing what her answer will be while thinking he doesn't have to take any responsibility for her own choices it gets a little complicated to explain exactly what i see going on that is wrong here but i for one wont let that complication get in the way of voicing my own opinion. if we has the ability to disect this thread and vote about what is right or wrong, i would say at least 90% of the people, after disecting this thread and the thoughts behind legends actions, would say he is wrong but now he said he moved....so now what? find another under age girl to attatch himself to in some way? there's only one way to deal with people like that when on the internet....and that's not to sugar coat anything. it's true, i have a big mouth at times when dealing with certain issues sometimes but it's not to slander or flame someone. the intent is to get someone to realize right from wrong as quick as i can so any possibility of damage and hurting someone in the future can be minimized. he came here wanting advice. i gave it to him. not only that, i wasn't just thinking about his issues. i was thinking about other issues. like the girl....and the parents of the girl. this issue was FAR from just being about HIM. people can be blinded by the fact that the issues revolved around more than one person when only one person comes in here looking for advice. i don't know this guy, nor does he open up fully for anyone to get to know. wonder why that is. why is he moving around so often? my whole take on this thread was that he didn't want advice as i feel he knows right from wrong and the choice was clear. what he was looking for was an acceptance for his choice while continuing his relations with this under age girl. so....i took it to the extreme opposite end of the spectrum to let him no without a doubt that his choice was WRONG. so yea, i think he tried to fool people in this thread to try and convince them that all he was here for was advice. it was a point i made in an earlier post. something that can't be proven, but i am excellent in reading through the b.s. sometimes and getting to the heart of the real issue. i didn't get a lot of support....but hey, neither did he. but i wasn't looking for support. he was... to justify his own choices and actions. if he was seriously looking for help here, he would have gotten it....with many people responding. this forum is filled with good people who are willing to help and give advice. that didn't happen though...most of it was my banter and his response to my banter and the thread went nowhere because it WASN'T HELP or ADVICE HE WAS LOOKING FOR. when people can't see the hidden thoughts behind certain issues, then the real issues get left unheard and unattended to....and that's when circumstances can get worse for everyone involved. it's when thoughts can turn in to more than just thoughts and a teenage girl can get seriously hurt because a 20 year old man gave in to his thoughts even when he was trying to control them. i am not saying this would have happened. all i am saying is that it could have been a possibility if nobody addressed the underlying issues and the thought process of this guy who still chose to tutor this girl when he had lustfull thoughts towards her. so what is funny to you now, may not be funny later when you read on the news that some 15 year old girl was raped by someone who didn't know right from wrong. think about it and think about how one can be there for an under aged child and her family and friends when one doesn't even know them. you help them through HIM who chose to post about this situation. to even understand this post, you have to understand how people get hurt in society and what leads up to it. once you understand that, you understand my whole point and intention in posting what i did. now i have dedicated my life somewhat in helping others. i have come to the conclusion you can help people two ways. being there for them AFTER they get hurt, or being there for them BEFORE they get hurt. it's easy to be there for someone after they have gotten hurt but they will still have to carry the hurt. what's harder is being there for someone before they get hurt because the possibilites are endless and there is no cut and dry facts that anyone will get hurt. only the possibilities of getting hurt. now, if i know the possibilites. and i am able to cut down the possibilites of anyone getting hurt, should i do nothing and risk someone getting hurt? or should i not take that risk knowing that there is that possibility nobody will get hurt. this is where i go with my intuitions and gut instincts in which i have great ones that normally don't fail me. i am not perfect. nor do i handle situations perfectly at times, but that doesn't mean i should strive to be as perfect as i can under certain circumstances...wether people like it or not, i do not care because i see more than the ones judging at times. that is a fact that may be hard for some to understand.
  20. why are you calling me einstein? i sense sarcasm, i was asking simple questions because i didn't know the answers. the only reason why i'mn asking is because you had chosen to be open about your sick thoughts. am i to assume you are not going to be open anymore? it's hard....isn't it....having unnormal thoughts you can't tell anyone in fear of being judged and an outcast. and hey, i am assuming they are just thoughts. so let me ask you a question in how far you take those thought. have you ever gone to an illegal website that promotes small young girls who are in the nude? have you ever tried to find those sites? now as far as letting me assume and guess all by myself in whether you lie to your wife and your marriage in keeping things hidden from her and your kids, i would have to say yes....you do. am i wrong in my assumptions? if i am correct, then what kind of marriage is it really? without any sort of sacred bond besides the sexual activity you performed to create 2 innocent human beings? do you see where i am getting at? you say you have your thoughts under control, but i say you don't because your thoughts create other circumstances that would be rejected as well in every day society that has it;'s own seperate issues aside from your sick thoughts about young girls. by not getting help with your thoughts, you are choosing to live a lie besides opening up in a semi anonymous place on the internet where nobody knows you. and even THAT can be argued but that's a whole different issue. for me personally, i commend you for your openess in this thread no matter how sick your thoughts because people will be ignorant to certain issues of life if those issues never come to the surface. issues that people can actually take some time to think about what is right or wrong and correcting those issues in society so that certain issues don't spread like a plague. you admit that your thoughts are wrong but still choose to have them. that's called a sickness and it also means you don't have control over your thoughts or you would make the clear choice to get help with them. i for one hope you get some help. not just for your sake, but for your wife and sons as you have chosen to get married and create children and be around them. you don't have a full understanding on how your thoughts affect them even when you try your best to hide your thoughts and not allow them to truely know who you are fully. that's a pretty sad and lonely life, wont you agree? also....people who hide themselves for only themselves to understand fully have to build up lies that builds upon more lies. don't try to fool me saying your thoughts are in control....because next thing you're going to say is that the lies you create in your own life are in control too...can we agree by not telling someone the truth about something a lie? and is decieving? now this whole post wasn't intended to point out my firm belief that you are a sicko, but to help you understand how you are living and how things can occur indirectly when you choose to live a certain way knowing it is wrong. that is my point to this post if you haven't already thought of those other issues.
  21. how should you judge it? it's it's simplest form. you are trying to complicate a thread that doesn't deserve your added imput to define homosexuality. you don't have to be homosexual to spread deseises. also, one can be homosexual and not spread any deseiese. what you are saying is that if you are homosexual, you spread nasy things to people which makes homosexuality wrong. you are trying to link two things together that cannot be linked unless you are talking about someone sppecifically....but you're not.
  22. when you are talking about someone who is at risk of diseases like hiv or hepatitis or similar diseases, you are talking about someone who spreads those things. what does that have to do with homosexuality? and whether is is right or wrong? what if someone is homosexual and they don't act on it? is it still wrong? it seems as though YOU are off topic here.....and maybe you need to pay attention to the subject rather than assume the worse out of people
  23. so basically, you are comparing something that is mad made and something that isn't mad made. so i for one will question you post. what does a sexually transmitted disease have to do with a sexual preference???????????? we haven't even talked about anyone acting on there preference
  24. personally, i don't like anything about your site. you're whole site is trying to promote "lockerz" indirectly.well....you will soon find out that your intention will not work in the idea you created.tell me something new for your site or forever lose me as a visitor!
  25. to ask other peoples opinions wouldn't be unique or creative....would it.....think on it.......
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