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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i know it's sad when all the celebs we grow up with start dying. what's even sader is that they get all the media attention after they are dead while there are a lot more people dying all around us...
  2. it's a good suggestion, but there is only one problem. people don't like to log in just to do something as easy as vote. i think a good script to recognize if someone has already voted through their ip would work. so instead of manually checking ip's, it can all be done automatically. there are still some flaws with just checking ip's though. i wont name them here becuase i don't want to give anyone any ideas the old system of voting in the forums would be the safest route to go since a user is already logged in. with a couple restrictions to voting, it's flawless. but it is also harder to track votes. so i guess it's a give and take thing.
  3. once in a while, someone posts something that is actually very short and usefull. good call soviet. i did a few quick searches and found it to be pretty interesting. i want to fool around with it more in the future. especially for movies. i typed in "pink floyed the wall" and i don't think anything similar popped up though.....but then, i was just testing the site pretty hard. i am definately bookmarking. thanks bud
  4. i stayed on your site a whole 20 seconds and left. it was plain and ugly lookin'. not this doesn't mean you don't have any good information on it, but it IS in fact plain and ugly looking. at first, i thought it was too plain. it's too white. no pretty little colors to attract your visitors. but then i got to thinking, there was a certain mystic about it when looking so plain. so i don't know. but i will tell you this. you better use your keywords better if you are going to put ppc ads on your site because personally, i don't want to see auto repair ads on it haha. you have some work to do. repost when you have made some changes to where i feel like staying for more than 20 seconds. i left in such a hurry, that i didn't really get a chance to see any true positives to it. i am being blunt....not to hurt ya, but to really encourage you to put more effort in to it. the changes needed to make it look better and more professional are minor. also, if i didn't stay more than 20 seconds, i am sure other people are feeling the same way. so you want to make sure, once you get your visitors to your sight, KEEP THEM THERE. small changes will do wonders
  5. what about long poems? they can be considered short stories. a couple that stick out that are much different than eachother would be The Highway Man or Casey at the Bat i remember my mother would pay us kids for memorizing literature. although, i usually always rejected it because i hated reading. but i think these long poems have something to offer too if you can find a site dedicated to them. i'm too tired to look for one right now though and although i really hated to read, i did always like poe. now....what's your problem with green eggs and ham?!?!?!?
  6. you can assume all you want. the fact is, you wondered why her attitude changed so i am assuming her attitude DID change and it seems as though it had to do with your trip to paris. do you have any better reasoning? i would like to hear it. why wouldn't you do that anyway? and why would she think you wouldn't do that? you haven't made any sort of commitment to her. what's her past like? has she gotten hurt before? sometimes women will pull away thinking they might get hurt before they actually do. like i said...try to think like a female...which means....whatever you or i think....it will be the complete opposite of that hahaha she obviously likes you when you talk about you and her communicating all the time. when it stopped after paris, i am assuming she got hurt. maybe she's sensitive and using college as an excuse. some women like to know that they are important so when she gives a lame excuse like college, you need to pursue her that much more(knowing she still likes through your conversations). do me a favor though. next time you go on a trip, give her a call or two. that's really important. she has to know you are thinking about her. you didn't give her that perception....so i think she got hurt because of it. let's put it this way since she is using college as an excuse. how would you feel if she made the choice to go through her last year of college without talking to you? would you be sad or hurt?
  7. june 9 is a good example of a movie with a handheld. you should tell your friends to watch that movie. wasn't the best, but was still good in my opinion. you say the second part to the blair witch project was better than the first? i think you'd be alone on that one. truefusion- is it a secret what movies you are referring to? maybe i watched them and can comment on them. i also could suggest a couple but i don't know what you have watched. i haven't seen paranormal activity yet. that should be my next mission
  8. it's obvious her attitude changed when you went to paris. why did you go to paris? what did you do there? why wouldn't you call her while there to see what was up and tell her how you were doing?maybe she likes ya and wants to take things to the next level but doesn't know how to communicate that. going to paris could have put a bunch of thoughts in her head of hooking up with someone else while there. you two are used to communicating alot by phone. then it stopped when you went to paris. i guess she feels your life can easily replace her.i dunno. try thinking like a woman and see if you come up with any answers....or for gosh sakes....just ask her!
  9. prove it. also, if she could see him, then he could see her. he then also noticed she was on the phone? and also had a shotgun? no no no....something is definately fishy about the story and just going by the 911 call to determine anything.... also, i guess crazies don't like the cold. maybe that's why i hate the cold but i don't think anyone told jack from the shining. he seemed to like it hmm, i just watched the other video. it states oklahoma has some sort of doctrine making it legal to protect your home be lethal means. this is also supported when someone saw two people breaking in to a neighbors home. when they were fleeing by foot, the neighbor shot them both in the back. he wasn't charged with any crime. i think if anyone shoots and kills someone, there should be checks and balances and it should be up to a court of law to determine ALL the facts of the case and possible extenuating circumstances that could make a killing unjustified. this is sending a clear message to people who live in oklahoma and this sort of law makes it easier to set someone up if you don't like them. all you really have to do is lure them to your front door. i hope cases like this eventually go to the supreme court so there is some sort of conformaty within the united states. i am pretty knowledgable where the law is concerned. you CAN shoot and kill a fleeing felon...but breaking and entering isn't a felony. nor is tresspassing also, there is a rule to the esculated use of violence to protect ones self. if someone isn't using deadly force against you, you are not allowed to use deadly force against THEM. then we have the dispatcher who is giving legal advice over the phone saying it's within the woman's right to protect her home. this was a blanket statement. the guy hadn't even broken in to her home yet and the dispatcher literally gave you advice that she can kill the man when he hasn't even entered her home yet? it's illegal to give legal advice. only attorneys can give legal advice. even court clerks are trained NOT to give any legal advice because it can get them and the court in trouble. nowhere in the article or video did it state he was drunk or looking for his truck. he was knocking very loud though. this gives away the ellimate of surprise. he kept knocking and trying to get the lady's attention because he probably knew she was home. this leads me to the conclusion that the two knew eachother because a criminal wont go banging on peoples doors and act erratic like that. they are stealthy and don't want to be heard. so now we illiminate the possibility of theft or burglary. doesn't sound to me that this was some random house where the two people didn't know eachother now i grew up in a big city where things are handled pretty fair. it was 6 or so years ago when i finally moved from los angeles to small towns in missouri and i quickly realized how different the police and court systems are in these small hick towns. something is definately VERY VERY fishy about this case and it definately SHOULD NEVER be determined just by a 911 recording! where did this guy live? what was he doing before he was on this lady's property? why was he there making all sorts of commotion? was he drinking or on drugs? where is his family? did he have any friends? maybe we will never know these answers. if it went to court we would. something is being hidden. i personally don't trust the law in small hick towns. they can do pretty much whatever they want even if it IS illegal. i've seen people get away with alot of illegal crap just because they are friendly with the law enforcement. this leaves other people to suffer because they don't have that relationship. so i do think these people knew eachother, and i think things are being covered up and something shady is definately occuring in this case. i remember one day when my cousin was drinking and pretty much drunk. he had a friend of his living in a trailer on his property. well, they were arguing, my cousin took an axe and started breaking the trailer door down. it was said that my cousin, after he broke the door down, continues to walk toward this guy inside his trailer with the axe. his friend shot him down dead. although i had many thoughts of revenge my own self on this guy who killed my cousin, at least i know in this situation he was at least justified for taking a life when there was a deadly weapon involved. it was either him or my cousin and this guy defended himself. what also troubles me though is that they are making it legal to defend your home. does it even mention defending your own self or can you just go on the basis of defending just your home. i hate the laws that limit us to carry weapons, but i also don't want any irrisponsible person carrying and owning guns. i would like to see less gun control, but more training for those who own guns. the training should include the laws in the state and when it is and isn't legal to use a gun or branish one for that matter. there is a lot of talk about how justified the woman was in killing someone....and all they have to go by is the 911 recording. it's pretty sad where people are so quick to judge in a situation like this when a human life was taken. was she justified? maybe...but i certainly wont go by a 911 recording when there are so many unanswered questions.
  10. seems like there is a lot of story missing from this story. sounded like she knew the guy. so the real question now is....can you kill someone for breaking and entering and tresspassing?if the d.a. doesn't prosecute, case over. BUT! if the man didn't have a lethal weapon when breaking and entering, then i believe the the d.a. has no choice but to prosecute the woman and let a court decide the outcome based on the evidence and facts that can be gathered.it really sounded like she knew this guy. she supposedly said he was drunk and looking for his truck? how would she know any of this when inside talking to the dispatcher?you are allowed to defend your life and home, yes, but you what if it was a child and not an adult....would it still be ok to kill him? something is fishy about this story. sounds like premeditated murder to me. at the very least, manslaughter since the man didn't have a deadly weaponwhile on the 911 call, the lady didn't even attempt to talk to the guy through the door. she didn't mention she has dispatched the police or anything. i am curious how this will turn out. i will bet my life savings though that she knew the man.
  11. if you go to the website that was given in the first post, you can see already how the votes are adding up. everyone has a clear picture what the results are by clicking the view results link. and like sm said in his first message, voting ends on the new year. that's when the results will be posted. but you are still able to see the results before they are posted.
  12. i love the supernatural thiller movies. but the "based on a true story" gimmicks are a joke. only one little snippet of information has to be based on a true story for them to legally declare that a movie is based on a true story. the actual events don't have to be true at all. one really has to do their research to even confirm the validity of a movie or certain events of a movie....(or a book for that matter) when they are telling people it's "based on a true story".
  13. yea, i hate when the media hypes things up in issues they themselves are not fully aware. i also think it's sad because millions of people depend on the media to give out accurate information. what's really going to be sad is when people stop believing in the media because of issues like the swine flu. when a real epidemic hits, it will be the boy who cried wolf one too many times. the media will not be believed and more people will die. so in effect, the media could be the future cause of lives being lost(indirectly ofcourse).
  14. there are better services out there like charge.com. personally, i hate paypal, but paypal makes it easy for anyone to accept online payments at no cost. propay.com charges an annual fee. and their % rates are higher than other, more well known sources. i haven't really heard a lot about propay, but you really have to be carefull about some compainies that are offering merchant account services where it's not really in fact a merchant account.
  15. well if your this friend has a computer and if the one he likes has a computer, you can suggest to him to get her im account. from there, he can type to her. he doesn't have to do it face to face. this can sometimes be easier. at least to put him out of his misery in keeping things inside. yes, it's natural what your friend is going through. fear of rejection, or worried if the words are going to come out right and make sense. wondering if there is going to be an awkward moment when he starts releasing his feelings....etc. although it's normal, some are more gifted than others. another way to go about it is to have your friend tell one of his friends to approach her and tell her the news that he likes her. maybe if he knows before hand if she's interested or not interested, it will be easier to approach her(if she's interested).practicing what to say doesn't really do any good. it just tortures him more when the time comes he has to talk to her and doesn't.one last suggestion is that he forget about telling her how he feels and approach her on other issues. at least there is no pressure and the time may present itself where he feels more comfortable telling her how he feels.when the time comes though when he decides to approach her, he has to pick a time where she's not distracted and has her full attention.
  16. first off, i don't believe in half the stuff the appears on paranomal activity. second, the ouija board can be a tool, but you don't need to to open a doorway to the other side. although i believe in many things on the other side....some good....some extremely evil, i don't mess with the ouija board. once you open a door, it's hard to shut. some people think the board is only used to call upon an evil entity or demon or what not. this is just absolutely NOT true. it can open the door to the good energy as well as the bad. the board is a good tool when used by more than one person because the combined energy is more capable of opening those doory. problem is, some people don't know how to use the tool correctly and they will never know what door they are opening i am not going to go in to detail in how to use it correctly or incorrectly because i don't think it's a proper way to be "curious". i will say this....use caution when using a ouija board. it CAN be a game for entertainment purposes....but it can be so much more than that. if you plan on opening a door, make sure you know how to close it. also, you never know if it's working or not. the posibility of people moving the dial to letters or numbers of their own choice is common. if people are really serious about it and take all the precautions, i suggest all the people involved get blindfolded while recording the board and events so you can play it back. i also suggest another camera zoomed out to show the entire room if you plan on spending only 15 minutes, you are most likely wasting your time. you should always plan at LEAST 1/2 hour to and hour or more.
  17. neato. good luck to all. i haven't voted yet. i think i will wait a while. maybe i can hold off til new years eve where i can be the evil tie breaker guy muhahaha. wondering if any of the polls will be that close though. i have to put some carefull thought in to this. once i vote, i can't take it back and i don't really want to make any mistakes here in voting. i think i missed last years voting because i don't remember this voting system....oh...no...the last TWO years i missed. i wasn't around much.... ash....i know i razz ya sometimes...but it looks like i'll be voting for ya in a couple awards....i think you can improve a lot more if ya put your mind to it though
  18. yuck. i'd rather just see the link. i can just see people spamming videos for the first few months after an upgrade.....not to mention if more than one video plays at the same time automatically....blah!
  19. from now on, when you mention my name, you are inviting me.....ok? but i don't see how philosophy relates to organisms and science....psychology relates to philosophy....not science
  20. naw...you did good, simpleton. i know sm is busy and it was good to see a tally once in a while. i know it was a little bit time consuming so i know i'm not the only one who appreciated it.
  21. it's not flaming. i noticed that more than one person was getting confused with the nominations thinking they were actually voting. read the whol thread and you'll find out i am correct. ash IS a newbie to the awards. i think this is what was confusion him i added a little humor to my short but relevant post. why do you have to be so stuck up all the time with spam now, i still haven't seen anywhere where it was posted that the 15th was the cutoff. can someone post the link to it? last time sm posted, he said we were in to the final week. that was it. edit: ok. i see it. it was in the first post of the thread. i dunno if this topic should be closed. we may just use this same thread to vote, no?
  22. hey, i am proud of ya....welcome to trap! haha yes, put quotes for content that isn't yours. that's common sense. your warning level goes away over time if you continue to be a productive member you're not alone. we aren't laughing at you. we are laughing with you. i had my account suspended for the same exact thing....once upon a time....haha
  23. are you confusing nominations with voting? i think you are. voting hasn't even started yet ashbash. you're a newbie to the awards, i know
  24. first of all, the pad is wireless. you don't plug anything in to the pad. you set it on top of the pad but whatever you want to charge will have to have a coil inside it to transfer the electricity from the pad. where does the pad get it's electricity? from a nearby outlet. they say cellphone will be equiped with the technology in about a year. interesting. although this is really really interesting technology and i'm sure there will be many ways to use it....including charging your electric car more easily, there is a very high chance that electricity can be stolen by using this technology. it didn't state how far away the pad(with the coil inside of it) needs to be from a wall socket though and it also didn't state any possible problems that can occur with the pad. so i'm thinking if things get based on this pad technology and the pad doesn't work....what then. are cell phones still going to be equped with a charger? what about refridgeration? whatabout the amps that are taken from the socket? how do you know which socket is even being used or if there is a chance of a breaker shutting off? the electricity isn't coming from out of nowhere. it's coming from electricity already bought and paid for. what would really be neat is when they can combine this technology with solar energy
  25. my definition of a ghost is something that was living in our world that is now dead. where it's presence can possible be heard or seen by others. why they are around is a whole other question....
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