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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. The CSS3 specs do not include the text-overflow yet. Also, you need to be using a CSS3 compliant Browser. What are you using now? In the meantime, check out this php function I wrote to shorten URL's on a site. I'm sure it can be modfied to reduce the length and add the ellipses into your output. <?php function check_url($href, $name){ // line #636 of AEF 1.06 /main/functions/bbc_functions.php // jlh adjust name length if ( strlen($name) >= 27) { $name = substr($name, 7, 22); // strip off the http:// if ( strlen($name) >= 27) { // grab the next 15 characters $front = substr($name, 0, 15); } $back = substr($name, strlen($string)-5, 5); // grab the last 5 characters $mid = "..."; // stuff the middle with an ellipse character $name = $front . $mid . $back; // glue the parts back } // jlh adjust name length $href = preg_replace("/java script:/i", "javascript-aef: ", $href); return '<a href="'.$href.'" target="_blank">'.$name.'</a>';} ?>
  2. MK Portal has a package with AEF integrated into it. In fact, AEF is their default Forum Module.
  3. Went to your site and really could not figure out where this element is on your page.Could you be more specific with your request, please.I have a script/function to shorten URLs which would likely work, but I need to know what sotr of data the request is working with. It is a text reply from the "twitter_messages" function you describe above? And what does the actual produced data look like?
  4. linkadrip,By all means, if you wish to start a Topic or two about RC Hobbies, please do so.Our other members may also join into a discussion about their RC experiences.Personally, I do not have much exposure to them, but other members might share your joy.
  5. Register here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? And I can let you into the Admin Panel for that Demo site to play around a little. I have a couple of AEF Forums set up. I also assist there as a Universal Moderator (whatever that is ), and play with some of the Coding and testing.
  6. Works for me.A bit slow loading, but it came through fine.
  7. Hey, glad to help... any time.

  8. Indeed, welcome to the 21st Century and Computer Technology.Just another reason to protect your identity on the web.
  9. #ptb {margin-left:-4.2em;width:0;}#banner {background:transparent url(images/banner.jpg) no-repeat scroll center center;height:98px;margin-top:-4em;width:952px;}Try that and reply back if it won't work. I have it working in Firefox3 on my machine.
  10. Try eating some Ice Cream to reduce the swelling. It might take a gallon or two...
  11. Quick look, but I would try placing the tab inside the wrapper div with a negative margin-left.You presently have the tab image outside the fixed width wrapper div, so the tab will definitely not be affected by the width of the wrapper and therefore will not behave as you want it to.Try it ansd let us know if it works.
  12. Have you submitted a Support Ticket as suggested on other threads yet?
  13. HB, Truefusion...What did you do to make this your special day? Go anywhere? See anything?
  14. I pride myself on the CSS work I do.Although those layouts look good, I am not about to download a CSS Template from a site with 330 warnings on their Index page. That says something about the level of pages you would be downloading if the main site is so full of warnings. They should take some time to clean up their site before I would consider their products.
  15. Single quotes are used for text literal values. Double quotes are used when the stuff inside the double quotes should be parsed by the php engine.Say you want to output the text string "$x", then use single quotes.If you want to output the value of the variable defined by $x, then enclose it with double quotes.
  16. Try Ubuntu 8.10, the latest release. It is quite user friendly and can by dual-booted along side Windows, too.
  17. Two things to mention.First, the username should be preceded by your Trap Cpanel name followed by an underscore. Generically described as CpanelUserName_DbUserName. Example for myself and a database user named "content" would be jlhaslip_content.Second, the phpmyadmin found here at the Trap has certain differences compared to a default installation. Users are set up via the MySql Wizard instead of phpMyAdmin. Try defining a user in the MySql Wizard instead.*edit*Oops! I see you are using the wizard already.
  18. I agree with your thoughts about the cost, but this would be an ideal application for Data Storage of Commercial Data for business when or if the Write capable drives are available.Until then, how about a season worth of your favourite TV shows on a single disc? Or a set of Movies by the same author all together on a BluRay drive disc? Lord of the Rings for example...
  19. Check the status of your IP at https://support.xisto.com/ by writing a Support Ticket explaining exactly as you have done here. Link to this Topic might be easier for them to work with. Not sure, but they will be able to release any IP Block that is in place.
  20. First thing you will need is a Registration and Log-in script. Check through the Tutorial section to see what you can find here on the Xisto. If you are not happy with what you find, let me know by posting back here and I can hook you up with an excellent Log-in/registration system. After you get the Log-in system up, there will need to be some changes made to it so that each registered user can add points. The Database record for the members will require an element in the member table for tracking their earned points. And how, exactly will they earn points? Also, what will they spend them on? Point being that you will need to write a few scripts to administer the point system. Another possible alternative is to use a Forum script that has a "rewards" or "bank" system in it. Look at the AEF Forum software. There is a Mod that has been developed to do such a thing. I believe it is called the Marketplace Mod.
  21. Welcome to the Xisto.Check the links in my siggy for the readme file and information about hosting...Enjoy your time here.
  22. The Tutorial you link to above works fine IF the www is preceded by a "space". It fails without the space in front of the www. // WWW example// note the space in front of the www// won't work without the space$text = " example.com;;echo makeClickableLinks($text); Also, I believe the code above by nabb actually runs trough the php parser more quickly than the eregi_replace used in the Tutorial, so use the code provided by Nabb would be my recommendation.
  23. No clue. I am in Canada and do not know what an American might need to complete this form to the satisfaction of the IRS.
  24. No Tax ID is required unless you want to receive a payment. American Citizens, or businesses who hire US Citizens need to add their information to appease the IRS. I am Canadian, so simply said no to the requirements. There is an on-line form on the kontera.com site where the information should be added. After signing on using your Log-in ID, click on the My Account Tab, then on the Tax Info link. That should get you to a page with a title something like https://publishers.kontera.com/ where xxxxxx is your user-id number. Answer the questions and you are all good.
  25. Have you considered that perhaps English is not their first language and they may be using a form of conversation they have been taught to be correct? Cross cultural issues perhaps are rearing their head here, as well. Some cultures are very polite and formal in their conversation patterns. Japanese, for example.
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