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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Wow! Eight babies at once... I am certainly wishing the parents all the best with them, and I hope all are healthy. It is truly amazing what the medical world is up to doing. No doubt there was some 'enhancement' going on, because a multiple birth of this nature is incredibly uncommon. All the best to Ma and Pa, and the baseball team..
  2. As Xpress states, the Hosting Rules allow Forums, and the Acceptable Use Policy applies to them. No Warez, Porn, etc. Here is a link to a Demo Forum I have on my account. Not much content as I use it to test Mods and stuff, but check out the page loading times on it. An AEF 1.08 version. Test AEF Forum
  3. jlhaslip


    Welcome. Enjoy. Be sure to kindly obey the guidelines found in the Xisto Readme file. They are designed to maximize your pleasure at this Forum.And we handle the offenders delicately, yet firmly, so please read the file. thanks.
  4. Glad you are feeling better. The Health Care system works slowly some times, but they are generally effective over time.
  5. And if you review the code for the matrix sample I posted, you notice that the Table version is a lot less code than you used.Check it out. Your version is pretty complex. I think the biggest difference is in my use of cell spacing and cell padding for the tabled version. Not certain about that though.
  6. .left { margin: 0; padding: 0; }Not sure why the reset of margin and padding on the left hand side of the matrix works to remove the "line", but it does. And here is a sample of the "matrix" coding for both Table elements and div elements that worked for me on another project once upon a time. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. The site was a school project and might not be available. Check the date of the Opening Post.
  8. Search this forum for "wubi". That is a Linux install which works along side a Windows install. http://forums.xisto.com/Wubi-Install-tml&hl=wubi
  9. Very Nice !!!Another fine SM creation. Add it to the list.
  10. Hey Mich,Don't soak up too much sun down there. leave some for the next year, too...Glad you could get away for a bit. Find an Internet Cafre down there and keep us posted on the weather from time to time. Do you golf at all? Or just hang out on the beach?
  11. Will there be a minimum of the three Images as per your Sample up there? Or are those div's of text? Looks to me like a javascript solution to supply the left and right arrow scroll markers. Because IE will not recognize the min-width element is CSS, that will require an IE conditional comment to supply certain CSS to it. Google javascript scrollers and see what you come up with. *edit* Found this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It uses a slider instead of the Arrow head images you have shown.
  12. reference: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Their profit is down 11% in the quarter and still around 25% of Revenues. That means they are usually near 30% of Sales. It would be nice to have those numbers in the business I am involved in.
  13. what ever happen to the day when you didnt need to worry of all this? "that day" was last April when I installed Linux...
  14. If the Posting is severe enough, the warning is issued, and if it is really severe, along with the Warning, there are several levels of discipline that a Moderator can apply. The regular member does not see the actual discipline, only the Member that the Warning is issued to, so although your warning might only show a 10% level, that particular Warning might also carry a 3 day ban from Posting. Or an Indefinite Disable on the account.
  15. I spent some time working with a local volunteer Search and Rescue group here where I live. About 5 years.One item we used to carry with us at all times for starting fires was, believe it or not, a length of bicycle inner tube. Use your matches to light one end and it will burn approximately 1 minute per inch, which allows you to use "less than perfect" kindling. I can start wet wood on fire with one of those bad boys. We cut them into about 5 Inch lengths, folded one end, stored a package of matches inside and folded the other end over, securing it with an elastic band. Weather proof, if not waterproof, and we carried them in several places, like a few at the bottom of the pack, one in each pocket. Never left on a search without them.
  16. Google spent too much money to let it die a natural death. Sure they have been cleaning up all the copyright issues, and removing items from their listings, but only because they were at risk financially. I see that as a responsible action on their part. Too much pilfering on the web and too many "torrents" and junk. If you want the music, pay the freight.
  17. As far as security goes, there was nobody within shooting range of the president today that was not "scanned".You needed to go through checkpoints in order to get into the Inauguration grounds (the Mall), and also a different set of checkpoints to attend the parade.You can bet that there was a Security squad on top of every building, that the rooftops had been cleared, there was likely no opening windows on the buildings facing the parade grounds, and they would have locked them otherwise. Helicopter surveillance all the time. Too many Police and Military present everywhere.Nah! They were safe, for sure.
  18. This is known as the "redux" method to allow a form and its handling to be performed all on one page. The $_POST['submit'] is obtained only if the form has been submitted by pressing the Submit button on the form. The "hidden" input is added to the POST array and checked at the top of the page to see if the first section of code needs to be handles, otherwise, the form is presented for submission. And if the form has been submitted, after handling the submission, the form is re-displayed. As for handling this by way of a function, the use of a function may not be the best way to handle this event. Functions are best suited for reusable code. I don't see much advantage to using a function here. But I might be wrong. Place single quotes around the value inside the square brackets, too.
  19. Opening communications with Cuba would be a good gesture by Obama to display to the world that his comments about the United States becoming more assistive in the world is more than rhetoric and political posturing.The embargo goes back to the days of Communism and having to do with national Security issues like the Cubans wanting to install missiles from the USSR. Since the collapse of Communism in the USSR, the threat is not as strong there. It is a crime to have the Cuban economy in the shape it is in. The reason they drive old 50's and 60's vehicles is because those are relics from the pre-embargo days and the only vehicles they own. The USA would not allow American companies to ship cars or repair parts and even threatened to embargo/punish other countries who traded with them.I have friends who visit Cuba as tourists al,most every winter and they love it there. They only wish the place could offer the lifestyles we benefit from and hope to see some more trading and a stronger Tourist activity happening there.
  20. Barack H Obama, 44th President of the United States, has been inaugurated as the 44th President of the USA.In light of the demands on the States as the "World leader", and their current economic condition, what do you as an individual think will be the first major program for his government to implement?Personally, I think the Pres should focus on the unemployment issue. Getting the population back to work needs to be the first thing he does. With full employment, many other issues will go away. Jobs will create spending and lead to economic activities, people will then be able to purchase goods, foreclosures will return to normal, people will return to school and improve their lot in life.That is my opinion, but yours will be different. State your case here.
  21. This SEO link re-write feature is now added to AEF Forum software without the use of mod-rewrite. It is done by the software and works on installations that do not have mod_rewite enabled, which not all Hosts allow. http://anelectron.com/
  22. Yes, please report those as well. But there is no hard and fast rule about the number of characters that a Post must have. In all honesty, there are topics where a single word or a short phrase is a suitable reply. Please consider the Topic in full before reporting a single word reply. For example, in a Topic requesting information on the WWW's best Free Hosting Forum, the reply "Xisto.com" might be considered Not Spam.
  23. The cure for Spammers like the one you describe, comes to the Xisto and makes a single post with links back to their "monet making site", can be REPORTed and a Moderator will review them. Equally feeble are the members who load up their signatures before making a single posting and never seen again, but their Siggy lives on forever.
  24. Forward it to a Moderator complete with a message explaining the reason for the forward, in details much like this Topic.
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