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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Well, the Election is over. I hope the choices made turn out to be good ones. I know that the rest of the World thinks Obama was the right choice for America. Canadians, for example, voted 72% in favour on one straw poll I saw. I am looking forward to seeing the results of electing a more progressive President.Remember that the President does not have a "magic wand" of sorts, and that these are troubled times for America, so don't expect the President-elect to fix things in a hurry. The Executive works with the Congress and the Senate to manage the situations.It helps when all three are controlled by the same party, but the Opposition gets its say, too.Certainly the Economic issues need attention first in order to allow the States to continue its efforts in the various regions of the world. In spite of the attention received by their Iraq and Afghanistan mobilizations, the US's contributions around the world are needed. The Aids efforts in Africa, the Congo is about to explode, there are so many ways the USA can contribute Internationally towards the betterment of many individuals. Yet, there are still many efforts to be made at Home.Good Luck to Obama and God Bless America.
  2. This is a zero post Sub-Forum. Check the main Forum information. To the original Poster, You should enter a Request for name Change in the Request Forum at the bottom of the Forum Listing on the Main Forum Index Page. A PM to Admins is not neccessary.
  3. Submit a ticket for Support at https://support.xisto.com/ explaining all of this and maybe reference this thread.
  4. Yes, but if I lay down long enough, the thought goes away...
  5. Exactly the reason the Xisto does not update as often as it could. Opaque and the Credit System version 3.0 will need some time to make the transition. I would not be surprised if the Xisto doesn't upgrade immediately. I would wait until the IPB 3 is out in the wild for sometime so that the first batch of bug squashes happen before the Xisto updates.
  6. Sounds to me like you are missing an end curly brace.If you post the code, we might be able to assist you further. Notice from jlhaslip: moved to php forum
  7. Is it an beta still? What is the expected Release Date?I hear they have completly re-vamped the bbcodes, too. Lots of new ones included which are currently only available as Custom BBcodes.
  8. Could you add some more info to your Introduction Topic so we can get to know you better? Or are you "too cool"?
  9. Welcome back. Good to see you again and stay as long as you like.No need for us to remind you of the Xisto Readme. You have a clean record here. Enjoy.
  10. The list of available Browsers which are all better at meeting the W3C Standards and more secure than IE6 would include Opera, Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7 and 8, and Google Chrome. Google Chrome 'sandboxes' the page so it can not attacked by virii, and if something goes wrong, only that one page is affected. Firefox 3 includes pop-up protection and I think the others do as well.
  11. yes, referral links are not allowed at the Xisto.please read the Xisto readme
  12. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  13. Back in the days when I was active in Sports, it was common for me to own several versions.A 'soft' jock for 'non-impact' sports, like running, squash and the like. It was a woven material and if I recall correctly, the 'size' was based on the waistband, not the jock itself. :lol:A 'hard jock', or 'cup' was worn over top of the soft jock to protect from impact for the 'body contact sports such as Lacrosse, Hockey, Football. Since then, my activities have included being a Hockey Official. After several 'close calls', I purchased a Goaltender's girdle which includes a hard cup and foam padding around the nether regions and, believe me, there have been times when the $25.00 was money well spent.I have no experience with compression shorts.
  14. jlhaslip

    Hi, I'm New

    Hello ruben, and welcome to the Xisto. Have you signed up for your Billing Account yet? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/page-2#entry412333 Also, unlike most other Forums, please do not 'sign-off' your postings. Instead, please add the information to your Signature Block in the User Control Panel. Look under MyControls from the top nav bar.
  15. You are showing a fairly decent amount of MyCents as of the time of this posting. The next time the script cycles through, it will convert the MyCents into XistoDollars and then you are able to purchase Hosting, Domains, and other services via your Xisto Billing account.The conversion script should cycle within 4 to 5 hours.
  16. Can you post the actual code you are using?Without seeing the code, we can only guess at what the issue and the solution might be.
  17. Sky, You might want to ask this of the Support Team at https://support.xisto.com/, or via your Billing Account link. The Web Disk is a Cpanel feature, so they may also be a good source of information. Also, what operating System are you running? That may be a factor as well.
  18. If you send me your Bank Account Nuber and the PIN for it, I guarantee that you will never need to worry about this Email scam again. Promise... j/k
  19. I can see that you have been awarded some MyCents. There is a time lag of up to 5 hours for the display on your account due to a feature of the script (yes, it is there on purpose). And now that you have made the mandatory 5 posts, you should begin accumulating even more MyCents towards your Hosting plan.Good luck and as noted above, Happy Trapping.
  20. As a "what if?" scenario, maybe we can discuss a Spam Tax on the Xisto. As you (should) know by now, because you have all read the Xisto Readme file, when you make a posting, you earn MyCents. When the posting is sent to the Spam Bucket, you lose more MyCents than you actually earned with that Spam posting. I wonder if Opaque would consider the "excess" as a fund for awarding to Contest winners, like the Xisto Awards? After a year or so, that would likely cover the cost of the Winners of the Xisto Awards as discussed in this thread.
  21. Just to let the members know that there are now Three optins for payment.Paypal MyCents Another Commercial payment method Selecting MyCents will deduct the Invoice amount from your XistoDollars account. The other two will require registration and an actual cash payment. The Free Method is using your MyCents from your Xisto Forums posting earnings.
  22. Have fun out there, but be careful... Don't hurt yourself or others.
  23. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  24. try the new Billing Centre for purchasing Domains.there is a drop-down at the top that displays Linux Web Hosting by default, but Domains is also in there.and you are best to do a Manual download/upload of the software to ensure you have all the current (secure) versions.use fantastico to install the package so all the paths are good, then upgrading to the new version works well.
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