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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Ummm ... Xisto.com ... use your MyCents and XistoDollars to buy a reseller account?
  2. I noticed that you are using phpbb. If they have a Mass Email script, send a Note to all the registered members about the Change of Domain name.
  3. The formula for awarding 'myCents' is different than the formula for 'credits'. Also, there is a time-lag built into the system for myCents. You may need to wait for the system to catch-up to your posts in order to compare the values fairly. The Credit system is instantaneous.
  4. Seems that rayzoredge forgot one name on their list, so I guess I had better add his.rayzoredgeThanks for the compliment, Echo_of_Thunder, but I was just doing my job, not as a moderator, but as a member of the community here at the Trap. And you are welcome, of course. Glad to help.This is what makes this place so great, people helping people.
  5. submit a Ticket to Xisto - Support.com via your Billing Account. Any emails or communications are tracked by Ticket number, so all the details are available for review. Quote the Topic link here for them to review the situation.
  6. First of all, have you received the Email from Sales/Support saying the Domain name purchase is completed? Until the Registration is finalized, you may have trouble using the Domain name. It takes a couple of hours to do that step.Secondly, the domain needs some time to travel around the web and get pointed to the nameservers properly. Allow 48 to 72 hours for that.Thirdly, did you "park" the Domain onto your Xisto sub-domain?
  7. When I visit to disturbedmb.com, I get a Forum index page that lists the URL as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It is quite typical for a Forum to store the Absolute address of the Forum in its Configuration information, so regardless of which Domain you access the index.php for the Forum from, it will display the URL of the Forum's config address. A Parked Domain will not alter that unless you mod the Config information using phpmyadmin, or perform a re-install using the new Domain name.
  8. Look in your Cpanel and use the Backup feature to create a zip file, then upload the zip file to the new Domain.Select the public_html Folder as the target for the backup.
  9. No, just for the referrals that sign-up for paid Hosting, I believe.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishmael_by_Daniel_Quinn Terrific book that will prompt you to re-think several aspects of 'modern living' and your place on this Planet. Highly recommended.
  11. Except it requires yet another Mod to the IPB and I don't know if Opaque wants to add anything more before the next release of the IPB 3.0... good suggestion, though.
  12. Thunderbird works fine with gmail accounts.I have 2 of them coming into Thunderbird.
  13. Thunderbird can be configured to retrieve multiple email accounts and have them sorted into seperate folders. No problems.I have 5 or 6 email accounts coming into my Thunderbird. Use POP on each of the email accounts to do this.
  14. Yes, the registrations of Domains are not 'instant'. Several reasons for that include the Staff at Support need do their thing re: credit system 3.0, the MyCents/payment method needs to be confirmed, etc. In addition, the availabliity of the Domain needs to be checked, and propagation will take some time, too. Patience is required. Or submit a Ticket to https://support.xisto.com/
  15. Contact https://support.xisto.com/ to see if there has been an IP Ban placed on your account or ISP.
  16. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  17. Google portable apps will provide this link: http://portableapps.com/ I have used them in the past and it worked for me.
  18. First, you should register at the Billing link found in the opening Post of this Thread. And be sure to use the same email address as your Xisto profile, or contact Xisto - Support to modify it for you. Changing it yourself will not work correctly. The MyCents will accumulate and earn xistoDollars quicker than you imagine.
  19. Check this out... Police got a report of a driver-less car in Japan, only to find out it was 9 year-old who was going to visit Grandma... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. Regardless of the Political party leading the country, the decisions that are the best to make for the Economy are typically the toughest Political decisions. The right decision, economically, is often unpopular.The Keynsian Economic Theory suggests that when times are good, the Government needs to tax the population and create a nest egg of funds to spend during the bad times. This is basic Economics. However, that is an unpopular political decision for the party in power and will often lead to its demise at the next election. Particularly in the USA where the opinion of 'every man for themselves' is so predominant.In my opinion, the States needs to become more benevolent towards the 'less advantaged' members of its population. Instead of trodding on those less fortunate, provide a hand-up, not a hand-out. Create Educational opportunities to the less fortunate, even if it costs money today, those people assisted will become better suited to becoming productive members of the society and they will be in a position to contribute to the economic cycle, providing tax income in the future. Create a decent Health care system that will be affordable. The jobs created will fuel economic growth, research into Health matters, and a more productive society in general.<rant on>As well, the States needs to also lead by example throughout the World. Extending a helping hand economically and socially in the parts of the world where they are or have been actively earning profits by taking advantage of the local economies, whether by using the natural resources or the indigenous population as a Labour source to provide goods and services at cheaper rates than they can get labour in their own country. Yes, I am for a decentralized, border-less, free trading system, but not at the expense of other cultures and societies. A perfect example would be China... the conditions for the local peoples who work in the sweat-shop factories to oil the US economy by providing cheap goods for sale at Wally-world is sickening. Walmart and the US Government should be caring enough to allow the same wages and benefits to those working under the terrible conditions found in the Third World as it would cost them in the States. The USA has been its own worst enemy abroad, so perhaps Obama and the Democrats in the House and Senate will recognize this and take steps to improve both its own condition in the US economy as well as abroad in the lesser developed regions they have been raping for as long as they have.</rant off>Obama, and the people he selects to operate the Government, have some very tough decisions to make for the US economy. And in spite of the American attitude of 'winning at all costs', please consider that whatever they decide to do, the impact is felt throughout the World. I am Canadian, skilled enough to earn a decent living, but still, any decision they make, or policies they affect, will also affect me... yet I didn't get a chance to vote... I wish them all the best.
  21. No, it is not 'normal' around here. This member is discussing a paid Hosting package. No clue what exactly happened to the account, but it seems to be resolved.
  22. I used to work with a guy that actually bragged that he had a friend who would issue him a "Disabled" car pass, (the one you place in your Visor), so he could get a better parking spot when he went to hockey games, football games, shopping, etc. A very 'able-bodied' person who played 3 rounds of Golf a week. Disgusting. I lost a lot of respect for him over this. We discussed it on several occasions. He said I was jealous. If he ever needed a 'real' pass, then he might have a different perspective on the issue.
  23. No problem. Xistosupprt is usually the best place to resolve Server or Billing Issues. No need to come to the Forum with these issues, really. There is little we can do except point you to XistSupport.This Support Forum will be the place to come when you need assistance with html/css/programming issues, managing your site,etc. The information about Servers and Billing are best handled via a Support Ticket.
  24. glad to do so... is the issue resolved yet?
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