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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. It seems that Homer and Bart Simpson have invaded the Collins English Dictionary ... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Meh! (know what I mean???)
  2. Try these steps:1. Logout of the Admin panel2. Delete the cookies for the site and reload the Admin link. If it goes away after deleting Cookies, it is a Cookies issue.3. Close the Browser and reload the Admin link. If the issue goes away after closing the Browser, it would be a Sessions issue.Chances are that there is a Session or Cookie allowing your "user Permissions" to persist.
  3. Might be nice to have an Avatar size graphic which would downsize into a favicon without losing too much of the design.I have an avatar rotator script which I don't use here, but on other Forums I go to. That is where I planned to use it.
  4. Ubuntu 8.04 is running excellently on my Laptop, which has only 1 Gig Ram, which Vista might have an issue with. I know that this machine is supposed to meet the specs for Vista, but many people I know that have bigger, faster machines are out performed by the Ubuntu 8.04 I have running.Took a little effort to get used to some Linux stuff, and there are some softwares I miss that i would like to have on the Laptop, but overall, I am quite happy with the Linux.
  5. Really slow server and no copyright information.Sorry, but we don't allow links to these download sites. basically, this is Warez, in our eyes, and against the Acceptable Use Policy.Edit topic to remove link information. Keep Topic to let the membership know how we handle these Topic postings.
  6. Legacy File manager fails to work for me.I'm going to continue using FireFTP.
  7. Just a quick reminder that backUps are critical.You need to perform them regularly. How regular depends on the level of activity and the nature of your site, of course. Ecommerce or Business sites should be done more often. Personal (static) sites not as often. If your site includes Logins and registrations, at least weekly, I would think, is a minimum.Perform a backup of the site after building it and configuring the base site and use that as a reference point. Then do a backup of the site after the initial flurry of activity, ie: after all your friends register, and as the Staff is appointed. Then do regular backups from your Cpanel. In the case of an AEF Forum, you can do a backup from the Forum Admin Control panel.Backups should be stored "off-site". Usually onto your local Desktop or a folder of your local machine is good. I keep weekly backups on the laptop and a monthly on a Flash drive. Three months worth of my site and other Development scripts are always available on the Laptop and/or Desktop.And be careful about passwords. They are passwords for a good reason. Rather than giving out your Cpanel Log-in and password, create a second FTP account for a friend to use as a FTP method.
  8. Have you seen the AEF Forum Boards? Demo here Register and I'll set you up as an Admin to check the ACP out. Send me a PM here to let me know when you want to see it.
  9. Cookies are used to determine the Account and user name, etc. The information is persistent to your account.
  10. jlhaslip


    You must be exhausted after that ordeal."The more people I meet, the more I like my Dog...""Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. "
  11. It saves as a png format, exactly as you asked for.
  12. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
  13. that Header is quite "heavy" for dial-up users. It was even quite slow loading on my DSL connection. At 157Kb, I would see about getting the file size reduced to speed up the loading and take a load off the Server. Use the analyser found here to see the problem spots.
  14. I do not use Mac OSX, but a friend does. She recommends using the software and service provided at Jing Project. It saves as a loseless png and does not resize the Images. Video is also available, similar to Camtasiastudio, a well known Windows Software. Jing is available for Mac OSX or Windows. Details and Frequently Asked Questions are listed on the site linked above.
  15. Keep us posted on this, please. I have been having the same issue, but it is not a big deal since I simply unzip locally and use FireFTP add-on in Firefox to load the directory onto the Server.
  16. MyCents get converted to XistoDollara as they accumulate and at present, you will need to wait for your MyCents to add up to more than $1.00 for the script to adjust the values.I see only $0.00 in XistoDollars, and 44.64 MyCents. When the MyCents exceeds 100 it will become $1.00 XistoDollars when the script runs again, but until then, you will need to use PayPal or cancel your order via a Support Ticket on your Billing Account.
  17. Your XistoDollars Account needs to be checked for its value. If you have insuffucient funds in the XistoDollar account, you likely will not be able to pay for the Invoice.
  18. looks much better with the images in there. Nice opacity effect.
  19. try changing the Url for the Images to "./images.pageback.jpg" instead of "images.pageback.jpg" to indicate a relative address.
  20. I was not referrring to the Tax Rates, i was expressing the opinion that the purpose of Government is to spend money and stimulate the Economy when times are tough. The source of funds for that spending should derive from Taxes collected when times are good.
  21. xistosupport.comLikely an IP ban for whatever reason... stuff happens.
  22. Bummer, man! A legend from the early days of Rock and Roll... a Master of his craft. Played on all the good albums recorded by arguably the best guitarist of all time... More here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Mitchell
  23. Are you running with a partner or group of people? I used to gather once a week with a small collection of people for a "social" run. Really worked to motivate each other. Not a fast or competitive run, but slow enough to be able to chat a little while moving forward. If anyone had trouble talking, the group slowed down. Conversely, the pace picked up when on several occasions as a good flat stretch approached with a series of curves, etc. It was fun...
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