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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. In my experience, some Servers require a From Header to be included in emails sent via php.I believe this is an anti-spam requirement from the Server Admins, and assumes as noted above that the server allows php mail functionality.
  2. delivi,Have you submitted a support ticket to Xisto - Support.com?
  3. Admins need to review the permissions issue on this Topic as Moderators can not change the Permissions of Topics/sub-forums or Members.I will advise BH and Opaque by PM of your problem.
  4. Check in your Cpanel to see if there is a 301 re-direct happening.
  5. Please review this Topic and respond by submitting a Banner Request here. Thanks.
  6. Firefox is my main browser, but Opera is cool, too. Fast, good response time, has some great features. Should give it a go.
  7. 99years old... I'll bet you are not that old... Half that maybe...

  8. No, the Account needs to be set-up by a Suport Tech. Don't re-apply.There is a Manual step which needs to be done for the Account Set up. It is not completely automatic. Patience, please.
  9. Hosting Accounts no longer require approval by Admin. That was under the old Credit System. Instead, use your XistoDollars and your Billing Account to arrange your Hosting Account. https://support.xisto.com/ And read the Notices here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/28-alerts-and-notices/
  10. I browse through the Free Template sites to get ideas, but usually end up hand-coding my own version since I use some 'peculiar' codes often. One thing I like to do is use a basic/common CSS file that resets all the passings and margins which requires that I spend lots of time adding them back to get cross-browser compliance and a standard look regardless of the Browser being used to view the pages. Works for me.Overall. the layouts are all so common, but it is usually just the use of colours and images that makes a site unique. One column, two columns, three column layouts are all over the place. And then there is a Grid-style layout, too. Once you figure out what you want for the site, you will be using one of the mentioned designs and it is not difficult to do the site.
  11. Monthly plans are re-invoiced Monthly and Yearly plans are re-invoiced annually.It would be your responsibility to see that you have earned enough XistoDollars in advance of the invoicing, otherwise the account gets suspended, I believe.It makes sense to accumulate enough XistoDollars to have a 'buffer' for slow posting periods. And remember that invoicing is done "in advance', meaning at the start of the period being invoiced. As far as I can tell, that means a day or 2 before the paid period ends.
  12. have you submitted a Support Ticket on this issue?I am suspicious that the issue is either local to you or an issue on your account only, since I have no problem getting onto the Servers.
  13. Nothing needs to be done to continue your hosting plan beyond the current expiry date except having enough XistoDollars for the next period of the term.If you selected the basic Logic plan at $1.95 per month, simply ensure that you have made enough posts to pay the Invoice for the next month. It is that easy. No "renewal" needs to be done. No requests for renewal are required. Check in your Billing Account for Invoices that are recent and marked un-paid. That will be the clue that you need to post more.
  14. Most reputable Domain Sellers will allow you to move the Domain around to another Domain Service and to set the Domain to point to a different Web Hosting Service, simply set the Domain name Servers to their DNS. Xisto/Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting allows you to Transfer Domain Names and set the DNS via your Billing Account at Xisto - Support.com. Find the link in the Pink bar above the Shoutbox.
  15. I am pretty sure the impact of Deleting Topics will be similar to the old system, except the Members would lose MyCents instead of Credits, so deleting them is not the answer.Perhaps Archiving the Topics which do not have a reply since 18 months ago would be the right thing to do? Then someone would need to write the connection script to the Archives, and the Google results will then be all messed up. I'm thinking that the old Topics will remain simply for SEO reasons. SEO is the lifeblood for new members and the connection to Google is critical for that, so don't expect a whole lot to change right away.
  16. Try setting the Domain Name Servers to ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com as per our Shoutbox conversation. Yes, propagation may be the issue. Also, check the SMF configuration information file. Confirm that the files are pointing to the correct Folder, etc.
  17. Reduce the margins around the Articles would be nicer, I think.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Wow! I never eealized this company was so large and it seems they are actually too large at present. Nine facilities to close before march 9th, 2009. And what a huge lose for the quarter. Wishing them well in their program for becoming more profitable.
  19. Nice.ps: fixed the URL's for the images... html code is not allowed. Use the square bracket bbcodes, thanks.
  20. have you set your Browser to allow cookies for the site?
  21. I don't have a Wordpress installed to check or confirm any results from the twitter_message function, so I will have to pass on this one.Pretty sure the above function can be modified, but I simply can not test the results. Sorry.
  22. Does this Topic help you at all? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/63348-how-do-you-reset-google-apps-access/
  23. How many characters do you want to allow before the ellipses are added? How wide do you want the output?
  24. Running programs are varied, of course, but the one I ended up working with, and was quite pleased with was a program written about by a fellow named Jeff Galloway. There were three elements involved, Base, Strength and Speed. The concept is simple and as discussed in the preceding post, start slow and easy, run a couple of times a week at a slow pace, on a flat course, not worrying about the time or speed. After a couple of weeks, force yourself into longer distances. Galloway had a formula, but I forget what it was exactly. Roughly speaking, add one mile every second week. This constitutes the Base period. After several months of base Training, the Strength component hits it s stride, if you will pardon the pun. And at the end of the training period, the Speed training starts. Work on the Base compnent as you begin. Run for the pleasure, not the pain at first. You should be able to resume normal activities following you initial runs and not have a great deal of pain while running or the next day. Train your body to accept the fact that it needs to do this thing.But most of all, enjoy yourself. Good advise about "team running" up there as well. You should be able to chat with your fellow runners while running. you should not be running so hard that you can not talk. Otherwise, find a less competitive group to train with. It needs to be social, unless it is a serious Team Training trial. *edit* Found this on the web: http://www.jeffgalloway.com/ which led me to find this page with an excellent 5Km Training Schedule : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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