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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Okay, download and install a copy of the AEF 1.08 and have a look at the Themes available at the AEF Board.
  2. Ummm... no, that is not my site. I am merely a Moderator over there and do some work with the code and CSS stuff. Nothing spectacular. Actually, how I got involved is the site owner and the principal coder is a former Xisto member. The site is hosted on Xisto - Web Hosting servers. Opaque is such a wonderful guy...
  3. Here is a link to the Attached files to check out. I had a quick look and it appears to me that the Statistics will be its own page because the theme file calls the Header and Footer functions. What is missing is the integration to the Index page, but that is relatively easy to do. Take a look and let me know if you are keen on this task. http://www.anelectron.com/board/index.php?ch&atid=436 You may need to register and log-in before you can download the files.
  4. Would either of you like to get involved in a Statistics Module ?Long story, but a Dev Coder just dropped off some files and needs to take a break to resolve a personal issue. Kind of leaves the Module available to work on.Let me know, please. I'll hook you up with the file set he was working on.
  5. Parked Domains will display the Parked domain name in the Browser Address bar. For example: jlhaslip.com is parked on jlhaslip.trap17.com and the address bar displays jlhaslip.com unless the page on the jlhaslip.trap17.com uses absolute url's. The page needs to be relatively addressed in the links on that page. Instead of using the http : //jlhaslip.trap17.com/about.html for a link to an about page, simply use ./about.html in the html source code for the page.
  6. fixed the PollWell, having been raised on the US border, but on the Canadian side, and being old enough to recall some of the events of the early 60's and all, I am very pleased that Obama got the nod for president. Firstly, because he is a Democrat, and they are more typically inclined towards the people's side of a decision, which will be a good thing in light of the current Economic situation and the struggle towards a reversal of the trends. Secondly, of course, the Race issue is now resolved. (sort of) African Americans can now put away the Race Card. Glad that got resolved. Will I be watching? If I am not working, I certainly will be watching. Just like I watched the day JFK got shot. As soon as word of the assassination got to the school, classes were dismissed and we were sent home with instructions to watch TV. That was sure a different day... History in the making, and I won't miss it if I can help it.
  7. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Alaska had a $500,000.00 Charity Lottery sponsored by an Association that support Rape Victims and guess what??? It was won by a two-time Sex Offender... Ironic? Oh yea!
  8. Check the date on this Topic. I think maybe the article has been purchased or forgotten about.*closed*
  9. No cut and paste.No copying.No Spamming.Read the Xisto readme. Link is in the Pink bar on the Shoutbox.
  10. jlhaslip

    Hi All,

    Welcome to the Xisto. I trust you will read the Readme file? Link to it is in my Siggy block.Enjoy your visit.
  11. All I want for Christmas... a webcam... :lol:

  12. Support ticket submitted. It seems to happen to me only when I try to Reply to a Private Message.Let's give Opaque a chance to figure it out.
  13. Html page of the Smilie Codes can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act=legends
  14. If a 7/11 store is open 24 hours a day, why do they put a lock on the front door?
  15. The efforts on your part will take as little or as much time as you are prepared to offer and allow yourself.There is a list of around 50 tasks that are "on the list" of things to do. About 50% of them'shold' be completed by Feb 15th and the balance some time near the end of March. Some of them are fairly involved and will take 20 or 30 hours, others are about 2 or 3 hours only.Point is: as much time as you want this project to take, items could be delegated to you as your time permits.Still interested?*edit*I guess you could start by downloading a copy of the AEF 1.08 package and have a look at the code to check out the style of how things are done.
  16. Anelectron Forum (AEF) is looking for some people to assist with their Development efforts. AEF is a Forum Software that is relatively new and poised to become a 'player' in the Forum Software market. In just 2 years, or so, the software has grown beyond the limits of the current staff of developers. Plainly stated, the Team needs more people to keep up with the Mods and Themes being requested by its Member base. Already the membership is over 3000 strong and growing rapidly. So, put your PHP / MYSQL / HTML / CSS / Javascript / Ajax skills to use by becoming a member of the Development Team at AEF. Download the software and have a look: http://www.anelectron.com/ Visit the Forum : http://www.anelectron.com/board/index.php Or contact me by PM.
  17. With the number of Minorities in the USA who have a Spanish language as a background, I am surpised no one has suggested that the USA adopt Spanish as a second Official language.Canada has English/French, and many parts of the world have several or many "official" languages. I think India has 15 Official languages.Yes, It would be nice if the entire world adopted a single International language, but it is not likely to happen in my lifetime.Esperanto was suggested as an International language, and it has appeal, but has yet to make inroads, particularly on the Web due to the technical nature of the Internet.
  18. Went to newEgg.com to check out some RAM for the Laptop. The Laptop is 2 years old, came with a 512 Meg Ram card. About a year ago I added another 512 meg card that a friend had no use for, so I currently have 1 Gig using both slots. Last time I was in the Bigcity... I priced a 1 Gig card and they wanted $110.00 CDN for the card installed. It sounded pretty good, but, well, with the current economic situation and all, who knows what is going to happen... However, Newegg has a pair of RAM cards on a special deal this month. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Two 1 Gig cards for $28.99 USD and shipping is around $4.00 USD, so $33.00 plus about 25% exchange, so max $45.00 CDN. *wait* It gets better... with a $15.00 USD Mail-in rebate... so this upgrade should cost no more than $30.00 CDN... Yippee!!! Wow! Great value there, I'd say... Oh! And I have a friend in the USA who will be coming to visit at the end of February, so they can buy them for me and I should have them here by the tail end of February. I going for this one...
  19. My (ex) wife used to keep the floors so clean you could eat off of them. To this day, I have never seen anyone who prefers to eat off a floor, so, needless to say, I don't keep the floors that clean. Mind you, I don't have a daily barrage of debris coming in off the ocean, either. Nor do I have a dog that drops hair all over the place. Once a day I'll sweep the kitchen floor (usually), and once a week I'll wipe it down with a mop (usually), and once a month (usually) I scrub the floor well. I discovered a long time ago that if you don't make a mess, it doesn't need to be cleaned.besides, there is no award from the Health Department to win. Good luck with the sister. Sounds like you have your hands full. Best to just take the abuse without getting all stressed about it. Sounds like this is a temporary situation for you, so put your energy into handling stuff so that the next moving day happens quicker. Best of luck with that.
  20. Sounds Yummy! I'll have one... medium, gravy on the taters, no salad... and a double Root Beer in a Frosty glass, please....Oh! and put that on SM's tab, please...
  21. For saving money while I cook, one thing I do is buy a can or jar of Pasta sauce then add a can of crushed tomatoes with some Italian spices all together into a larger pot and simmer it down until it thickens up to about the same as the original sauce and the tomatoes acquire the sauce flavour. Then after dinner, I freeze the leftover sauce into ziploc bags in one meal sizes. Saves time on cooking the next meal as well. Microwave the sauce.Crushed Tomatoes are cheaper than the sauce and this doubles the volume of the sauce with very little difference in taste. saving money in the process.
  22. How do these numbers compare on the same machine under Vista or XP?
  23. Where do i sign-up???*wait*is that the line over there where all the people have sticks and knives???
  24. Submit a ticket at Xisto - Support.com to check on a possible IP ban in effect.
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