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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. See also the wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing And yes, these scams are generally illegal. The number of memberships needed to completely fill the "pyramid" so thet you eventually get paid is Geometric. I forget the exact number, but it does not take long to have the scam requiring the entire population of the United States (300 plus million) to be involved. And it only takes one broken link to lose your payback. Scam, Scam, Scam. Stay Away!!!! By the way, since this Topic does not contain a request to join one of these pyramds and could actually help inform others, I will allow it to remain "open" for educational purposes. The mention of a MLM or pyramid Topic are usually Spammed.
  2. request a password reset for your Cpanel from an Admin by going here. And reset your email address for both the Forum account and your Hosting account by submitting a support Ticket to Xisto - Support.com, otherwise the MyCents will not register your earnings properly.
  3. Hello to Australia from Canada...Welcome to the Xisto. Please review the Hosting Application reply I submitted and follow the instructions found there.
  4. the Xisto also offers a "subdomain" service which will get you started without requiring a Domain name, then purchase the domain later and add it.Details are in the Alerts and Notices section.
  5. Amazing story, and it shows an amazing level of strength of character on your behalf.I know many women who would be in pieces by now if they had to go through the ordeal you describe. None of these events should happen to you or any other woman. I am appalled that the legal/justice system could not do any better than they did for you. My current "partner" spent a number of years working in a Women's Centre and I wish you could know her. Her experience dealing with these situations is quite extensive. She was the "battered woman's" advocate for years and used to walk the clients through a series of changes such as your recent move in order to escape the perpetrators of these heinous crimes. (yes, that is the right word. Crime.)Counselling would be an excellent start for yourself and the kids. By all means, do what is neccessary to get all the kids at least discussing the series of events with a trained counsellor and also amongst themselves. They will need lots of support, which it sounds like you and your friends are willing to provide. Continue to prod the eldest, resistant girl to attend counselling, even if it needs to be arranged in support of your own program. She has no idea how damaging those experiences can be. Unless dealt with at the earliest opportunity (now), they will be carrying this baggage around for the rest of their lives and it won't be a good thing.And pursue criminal charges if at all possible against the 'dear old Dad'. Otherwise, the pattern will erupt in another place at another time. Even if it is too late to stop the actions of Dad against your kids, the criminal action might just save another child somewhere else. Pedophiles and Rapists are included in a Sex Crime Database, at least here in Canada they are. Their behaviours are sickening. I am disgusted by their actions. All of them. Of course this is a persona lprejudice of mine. I find nothing more appalling than this activity.Shoot the Bastard, I say...(yes, I know, the word censor will stop that expression, and it is not a good example from a Moderator, but Meh!)
  6. You might be able to ask the Server Admins to transfer the files and account information (complete) to the new Domain. Start a Ticket over at https://support.xisto.com/ or through your Billing Account.
  7. Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Cheap, really, at $89.00 USD. But the question is about the details in the description. What is a System Builder's Edition? and how is it different than a standard copy?
  8. *** News Flash ***If you look under the hood of Vista/XP/200/98, etc, guess what you find?Relics of MS-DOS in action. All the Windows Operating Systems that are running today support the features of MS-DOS, only now they are done by a Graphical interface. But under the hood is MS-DOS
  9. You are correct about that link's behaviour. It has always been that way, will likely remain so...The link to the forum is the one below the shoutbox.
  10. Add a Solar Panel to create electricity and then a Coffee maker on the handlebars?:)Just kidding... This is good news for the fresh water deficient part of the world, but because of the Poverty that exists in many parts of the Third world needing fresh water, what is the expected cost to purchase or to swap the charcoal filters? Is this a realistic program given the purchase price? Is there a prototype available for testing? what about replacement parts like tubes and tires?
  11. Can you post the Image here so someone can inspect the Image to see if it can be sorted out?Or link to it?
  12. Six foot, 175 to 185 pounds. I feel the sluggish part at 185. Although I stay physically active, the waistline ain't quite the same as it used to be... know what I mean?
  13. Try a Ticket at https://support.xisto.com/ to resolve this issue, please. Or use the Billing Account sign-on to start a Ticket from within your Billing Account page.
  14. Actually, I remembered the name of the packaage i used when i was on Windows.Google geohtmlIf you have any trouble, PM me and I will research it further for you.
  15. thanks. I have a Support Ticket in effect now.
  16. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  17. It was early in the morning when I answered... :)I see now that the links are displayed by Google Search. Like the others, i have no clue exactly what you might need to do to get Google to display the ads in that manner...And, yes, it is funny, actually....
  18. In the CSS for that <div>, set the border to 1 pixel, solid, #ff0000 div#links { border: 1px solid #ff0000; } Likely setting some margin too.
  19. Topic Closed because this Member is a Spam Bot. Check their Posts. All identical. At intervals of about 12 hours. I'll bet they won't like the suspension.
  20. My Mother-in-Law let you take pictures? j/kThat is GROSS!!!! No human being should live in such... checks Thesaurus... squalor?... nope... a mess.Call the Health Inspector and fumigate that place.
  21. One big difference between the "old" Credit system and the new "XistoDollars" with respect to the Transferring of Credits is that under the old system, you needed to be Hosted status and the recipient also needed to be Hosted Status, too, in order to transfer the Credits. there is no such distinction under the Credit System 3.0. hosting is paid in advance, so to speak, and does not require any "credits" on a daily basis, either.
  22. As far as I know, (and I can't find the link right now), Opaque has declined the ability to "transfer" MyCents or XistoDollars. At least for the time being.Things change over time and the possibility exists to add that feature in the future. Not any time soon, as far as I know.
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