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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Disable the Anti-virus you have currently and load NOD32. It costs money, but with your system, it will be worth it. Next to zero lag, even during an update.Optionally, try updating your RAM. 512Mb is fairly small with today's software, especially if you have to allow for Graphics in the chipset. RAM cards are cheap.
  2. Well, if you smoke, light one up while you watch this video... http://www.wimp.com/youll-never-smoke-after-watching-this/ Wonder if you'll have another one.
  3. Internet Explorer allows for Conditional Comments to supply CSS to IE only Browsers.Would that work to serve the IE code to IE Browsers only?
  4. I have been involved in learning web programming off the Web based resources over the last couple of years.When I first came to the Xisto back mid-2005 I could barely use HTML, never mind CSS. Since then, with lots of help and support from past and present members, I have managed to develop some skills which I share to others as my mentors did with me. Gawd, I love the Xisto!!!
  5. Here, I got you a newspaper Archive so you can check to see what the world was like 47 years ago on the day you were born. http://newspaperarchive.com/ And here is the Wikipedia entry for that year as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1962 You were born on the day that 4,000 people were killed in an avalanche. That is some powerful Avalanche. And here is the Wikipedia for the precise date with a full History of the Events of Jan 10th. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_10 Enjoy! That will keep you busy for a little bit... and all the best for the next year.
  6. Indeed, as Xpress mentions, the Internet Forum was taking a fair amount of Spam, so the controls are to have Moderator Approval for Topics in that Forum. I know it is a bother for the regular members, but it reduces the amount of Spam considerably. Well, the Mods see the Spam and delete it, but the Bots don't see it and neither do the members.We try to review the list of Pending Topics regularly, but, well, we have lives outside of the Xisto ( ), and dealing with the normal workload of a Moderator can sometimes make the schedule hectic when we are on the Fourm. Kindly excuse our tardiness. Sorry about any inconvenience.
  7. I would be okay with that suggestion. My Kontera account is growing so slowly that it is going to be a long time before it pays off.I agree that the Xisto could have the revenue.
  8. That is the value of the posts you have made to-date and that the MyCents script has already credited to your account. there is usually a time lag of about 4 - 5 hours from when you post until the script runs to update your account so it may not be current. Check again in a few hours to see the full value.
  9. Correct Mich.The most important number is the one at Xisto - Support/billing. That value determines the amount you can spend. The Forum Mycents fluctuate a little right now. Opaque is busy working on the issue as we speak.
  10. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  11. jlhaslip

    Photoshop Cs

    Google download CS1 to see what pops up.
  12. I don't know about SuSe, but with ubuntu 8.04, I needed to go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers to solve my installation.
  13. All rather nicely explained in the Wikipedia article found here. Old code, rookie programmer, bound to be some issues in the last 13 years, so Web Hosts don't like them.
  14. Indeed, as Xpress states, whether you purchase the Domain with Cash, Paypal, or MyCents, the Domain is yours.Due to the Privacy Protection offered for free by Xisto, the details are not readily available via the 'net at places such as Echo_of_Thunder links to, but, and I know this from first hand experience, Domains are in fact yours. Several Domains I have purchased are pointing to Web hosting packages my clients have purchased elsewhere, and the control for doing that are inside the Xisto/Billing control panel. I own those Domains and can even transfer them to another Domain Registrar if I decide to do so. Final Answer, you own your Domain.
  15. My interpretation of the issue suggests that this is the case rather than your second choice. And Saint Michael is correct is suggesting that this bug won't be easy to find and squash. Please be patient while Opaque works his magic.
  16. The Mod staff has been advised by PM that all is good with the world.Sort of...It seems there is a glitch in the MyCents code that is affected by some of the criteria used in issuing the initial MyCents for each Posting as it relates to the Search Engine Optimization Module. On occasion, the Module awards MyCentsbased on the content of the Post and then subtracts it the following run of the script. Opaque is determined to squash the bug and have the problem go away.The short version is that the MyCents giveth and the MyCents taketh away. Essentially, the MyCents corrects its own excessive awarding of Credits.Please continue to be patient while Opaque sorts it all out.Thanks.
  17. Well, we rarely shoot Spammers on their first Spam post... usually we just wait for Saint Michael to put the run on them... :PNo, if you are aware of the Terms of Service for the Forum, and abide by them, you will be fine. Most mods will give you a verbal warning about MOST infractions, but some new members are simply too blatantly Spamming to avoid issuing a Warning to. We really dislike posting Spam Advertising links and referrals, no matter how long you have been here.And, yes, I enjoyed your Introduction. Welcome to the Trap. Hope you lurk around and offer up some Posts. Sounds like you will fit in well. Don't forget to register at Xisto - Support/billing to earn your myCents/xistodollars.
  18. Guess who did the vote tabulations ...the {EVIL} Saint Mike himself.
  19. This one plays on the English word "tank". The fish live in a Fish Tank. And the Army drives big armored Tanks. The joke is that the fish are driving around in an Army tank, so one drives and the other one operates the Guns.
  20. That's too funny... let me explain...I had a somewhat similar issue under Ubuntu 8.04 where the flash in my Browsers would not play. Upon upgrading to Ubuntu 8.10, they now all work, so possibly rvalkass' suggestion might fix it for you.
  21. Happy Annivesary, Mich...It has been three years since I found you over at the Xisto site? Really doesn't seem that long ago, but I guess it has been a while... Keep asking your questions, and someone will answer them.
  22. I'll pass on your request for a Doc on the converter. thanks for the suggestion.
  23. That Plan was called the Logic PRO plan, and I forget the details about all the stuff that was included.$5.95 per month. and I can no longer see it on the list, either. Too bad. I own that plan. I am curious as to whether it will be available when I need to renew it in December next year??? Or should I plan on an upgrade?
  24. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
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