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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. You log in with the address https://www.google.com/a/example.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http://mail.google.com/a/example.com/&ltmpl=googlemail&emr=1 obviously substituting example.com with your own domain. You then have your own log in screen which you can customise slightly, but not a lot. You can change the logo and the colours, but not much else. You can log in using POP/IMAP, so you can use a local application on your computer to check your emails. You can also use something like RoundCube running on your hosting account to interface with the email accounts. That provides you with a web interface, but with much more customisation than what you get with Google's log-in page.
  2. Any chance of some photos of the case? I'm interested to see what sort of design you've come up with it. Also, how well is it working? Is there anything you would change about the case if you did it again?
  3. A reseller account is designed for selling on to others, while the normal packages aren't. Reseller gives you access to WHM (Web Hosting Manager). This is a software package that allows you to setup and create user accounts, manage limits on the accounts, etc. etc. This is much harder (if not impossible) to do with a normal account. Normal accounts also place limits on you to start with, which means you are very limited on what you can offer your potential customers.
  4. It will automatically create the subdomain. I don't think there is anything you can do about it, but I also don't see why you would need to. Why is the subdomain a problem?
  5. Go ahead, and we shall see what we can do.
  6. I'll presume you're using SQL to pull the information from a database? On the query that grabs the list of categories add LIMIT 0, 4 to the end. That will get only the first 4 rows returned by the rest of the query. Then add in your code the link to the page you have created which shows all the categories.
  7. It is possible to turn most wireless laptops and PCs into wireless access points by creating what is known as an ad-hoc network. I think all Macs can do it, and most Linux distributions enable it for all wireless cards that support it. Windows can connect to them but I have no idea if it can create them. Again, this would depend on the exact wireless chip inside the laptop and the software you use to manage your wireless connections.
  8. You are able to place .htaccess files on your hosting, and you can use those to set the necessary mod_rewrite rules. I use them on most of my sites to create nice-looking URLs from long query strings.
  9. If Inkscape does crash that much for you then there is either a conflict between Inkscape and some other software you have running, or with your hardware, or a weird bug in Inkscape that hasn't been spotted. Either way, it shouldn't be happening. Submit a bug report, preferably including a file which crashes Inkscape. If you can't include the actual file, create a similar one that also crashes Inkscape and use that. This way the bug will get fixed for a later release of Inkscape.
  10. I've used Inkscape for years and have never had any of the problems you are describing. Inkscape has never crashed on me, no matter how complicated I make the image or how many shapes it contains. Exporting to bitmap is also of excellent quality, although it can take a little while if you have a lot of transparency in your design. I would strongly recommend people try it out.
  11. The Ł3,225 fee is per year and is known as the university 'top-up' fee. The rest of the cost of your education is funded by the government (ie. the tax payer) and the university itself. Most courses last for three years. At the moment this fee is covered by a loan taken out at the beginning of your course. The fee is automatically paid each year to your university, and you only pay it back once you have finished your degree and are earning money. However, as an international student you have to pay all of your fees yourself. These vary from university to university, but are around Ł10,000 per year. To be granted a student visa you need to show that you can afford to pay not only the university fees, but that you have enough money for accommodation, food, etc. This is currently recommended to be around Ł8,000 per year. To be granted a student visa to enter the UK you need to show you can afford this. There is more information in this booklet. It's specific to the university I'm at, but there is lots of general information on the costs, getting a visa, etc. The English Lanuage requirements again vary between universities, but my university has a fairly comprehensive list of accepted qualifications here. If you don't have one of those qualifications then you have to attend a short English course before your actual course starts. There is lots more information here. Again, some of it is specific to my university, but a lot of it is general advice. Also, feel free to contact me with any other questions you've got about university here in the UK
  12. As mentioned, the problem sounds like the CMOS battery. Your computer seems to be fairly old, so the battery is most likely dead by now (they last quite a few years, but not forever). The battery is a standard CR2032 cell (usually known as a watch battery), which you can pick up from plenty of different places, or from a jeweller that repairs watches if you have to. You will then need to reset the BIOS settings next time you turn the PC on, but they should be saved.
  13. I can see the MyCENTs in your sidebar, so I believe it is working fine. Can you see them now? No. The number of MyCENTs you earn for each post depends on its length and quality. Longer, well written posts earn more than one line posts.
  14. As far as I know there are no set limits on the memory and CPU load you are allowed to use on the servers. However, if whatever you are doing starts to impact other people on the server (ie. making their scripts run slow, sites not appearing, etc.) then I believe they will kill the script causing the problem or place a limit on the account. Basically, just be responsible and use your common sense. Test scripts out on your own PC first to check if they will hog the resources. If they do then do everything you can to optimise them, or find an alternative.
  15. I am not aware of a link to remove your account. If you are really desperate to remove your account then send a PM to BuffaloHELP and he should be able to help you out. Otherwise, just stop using your account if you don't want to use the forums any more.
  16. I believe, by default, it does not delete everything it can. There is an option to tick what you want deleted and what you want to keep. Go through it and see where all that space is being used, and see if it is marked for deletion. If not, check what it is and if you want to delete it, tick it then click OK.
  17. Closing topics isn't difficult, so closing a few would not make life hell Sending a PM to the moderators with the list of topics would probably be the best way. As for particular rules on what should or shouldn't be closed, I've been using mainly logic and common sense. If a topic clearly has no more use (review of a dead website, someone asking for help 3 years ago, whatever) and people are posting unhelpful replies, then I tend to close the topic. If a reply is useful and within a reasonable time then I tend to leave it open.
  18. I ran Windows XP and Ubuntu on the same hard drive in my laptop for a while with no ill effects to either OS. The partitions are completely separate from one another, and won't affect each other (unless you mount the other partition to access some files or something). The only area of the hard drive they both use is the master boot record (or MBR). That contains the data about which partitions to boot, any menu to display to let you select the OS, etc. At the moment I think Windows does it badly, so install Windows first, then install other operating systems so that their boot loaders are used.
  19. I have generally found responses to my tickets to be quick and resolved first time. I'm in the UK and it generally takes 24 hours for me to get a ticket resolved, depending on when I submit it. I think most of the support staff are in India, so there are time zone issues, and a very large pile of tickets to get through I should imagine.I have also never had to explain things multiple times. I think once I had to provide some more information to solve a problem, but that's not really explaining something again. The responses also tend to be polite and accurate.
  20. It's still their logo, whether you create it from scratch or not. In all honesty, Microsoft are unlikely to come after you Seeing as the forum is called Win7World you could easily use a globe coloured in the same four colours in quarters as the Windows logo to get a similar effect, but a unique logo.
  21. Your use of the logo in the header breaches Microsoft's Trademark Guidelines. Rather than being sued by Microsoft, I recommend you come up with your own logo, or get an appropriate licence from Microsoft to use their logo. Also, the little welcome message is in French, while the rest of the site is in English: When replying to topics, there are two places to enter the confirmation code. The first one has no image connected to it, yet asks for 6 characters to be entered. Next to that is the reCAPTCHA box where you can type another code in. One needs to be removed because, at the moment, it's impossible to make any posts.
  22. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  23. The problem is statistics, how they are twisted, and how they are represented. No-one can deny that global temperatures have increased recently. However, there is plenty of argument over their cause. Whenever people argue about this I simply send them here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know it is tongue-in-cheek and meant as a joke, but it is as reliable as most of the other statistics surrounding global warming. It's the theory that correlation does not imply causation. Global CO2 emissions rise, as have global temperatures. That's correlation, but prove the link. So far, no-one has proved it either way.
  24. I have seen 2Checkout used in a few places. NoChex and RBS WorldPay are also fairly popular and used on plenty of sites. If you want to receive credit card payments directly you will need what is known as a merchant account. These are somewhat varied and the best advice would be to go into a number of high street banks and enquire about their merchant accounts and opportunities for online payment processing. They will give you priority as a business customer and be able to answer your questions. However, whatever you decide to do, you will need to integrate their system into your website so that you can transfer the payment data to them. This also requires your website to have an SSL certificate for a secure connection.
  25. You are correct that the fact the synchronisation occurs on Earth is an issue. What you have stumbled across in a round about way is known as the "Twins Paradox". You have also managed to reach the solution to it The paradox is normally explained with spaceshuttles as the effect is more obvious, but planes work just as well. Consider two twins: Laura and Emily. Emily stays on Earth while her twin, Laura, is put in the space shuttle and fired off into the distant reaches of space. Because of the speed of the shuttle, Emily observes time as proceeding more slowly in the space shuttle than on Earth. So, when Laura returns she will be younger than Emily. However, to Laura the space shuttle is an inertial reference frame. As the Earth moves relative to her, she thinks Emily is ageing slower than her. When she returns, Laura thinks Emily is younger. So, who's right? Laura's space shuttle has had to accelerate relative to the Earth to take off. Then again as it turns round to return. However, Emily has remained fairly inertial throughout the entire process. Laura's frame of reference (the space ship) therefore cannot be considered inertial, and her calculations are incorrect. Emily's are right, and Laura is the younger of the twins when she gets back. The same can be said of planes. As they need to accelerate away from the Earth, and then back towards it, they can't be considered inertial.
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