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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. As it has to work across all installations of Apache, a standardised encryption method had to be agreed upon. There are plenty of tools that will perform the encryption for you, but they all have to encrypt in the same way. However, as the password is stored in that file, you just need to make sure that read access to that file is only available to owner or group, and then no-one else will be able to read it. There are pre-made scripts out there, and it depends how big a website you intend to have, along with resources available to you, as to which method is best. If you want people to be able to sign themselves up then a PHP based system is probably best. A quick search search:php login script yields many results for you to try.
  2. Check out the NHS Self Help Guide: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It asks you a series of questions, in the same way a doctor would, to determine what could be wrong. You'll then be told if you can treat it yourself, if you should see a doctor, a specialist or immediately call an ambulance. However, if you're ever in any doubt, seek immediate professional medical attention. Filling in an online diagnosis is not a good substitute for a doctor.
  3. By that argument, if you want a new car for example, you would go out and steal your neighbour's car because that would be free. The first time I've ever seen religion and illegal software put together If you don't have the money to buy expensive software then use open source alternatives. Can't afford MS Office? Use OpenOffice. Can't afford Photoshop? Use The GIMP. Can't afford MS Windows? Use Linux!
  4. It's clearly a hoax. Some even suspect it to be a failed viral marketing campaign: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also, this doesn't belong in Freebie Stuff. Moving.
  5. JavaScript allows you to add client-side scripting to your site, to do all sorts of things with your website. It can be used to build interfaces, perform calculations and dynamic programming, create effects and pretty much anything a client-side programming language can do. Substituting it for something else is sometimes possible, but there is no one replacement to replace the functionality of JavaScript. For example, some functionality can be replaced with PHP, some with Apache modules, some with Perl/CGI, and some functionality is difficult or impossible to replace. You certainly don't have to. You can make perfectly good websites without using any Javascript at all. Javascript can, however, help to improve some websites if used correctly - but is by no means essential.
  6. The NHS doesn't cover any form of cosmetic surgery or ego-boosting stuff, as it is not considered an essential health service The exception is for things like artificial limbs, or reconstructive surgery after an accident or something, although in these cases the surgery is required, rather than ego-boosting. I agree. I believe, at the moment, dental care is provided "at cost" (ie. no profit is made by the NHS) but the basics should be free. I think the problem is that so much dental work can be classed as cosmetic and non-essential that making some of it free would leave expensive treatments open to abuse as people tried to claim them as free. The problem is more that money is spent on managers and administrative staff, rather than being spent on unnecessary treatments. This is something that has been debated in the UK before. Providing expensive treatments for smokers, for example, to cure cancer was considered for scrapping - if they are causing their health problems, why should tax payers foot the bill? Now the NHS focusses more on getting people to quit, rather than solving the problems smoking causes. Foreign tourists always seem to be surprised that we have 'free' emergency healthcare. I guess it's a welcome surprise if you ever find yourself in that situation. There is no direct way to tell, and it's slightly complicated. Basically, a percentage of your earnings is taken to pay for National Insurance, and whatever you have to pay is matched by your employer. This covers the NHS, the state pension, jobseeker's allowances, etc, etc. If you earn up to Ł95 per week, you do not have to pay National Insurance. From Ł95 to Ł844 per week you pay 11% of your earnings. Anything you earn over Ł844 per week, you pay 1% of. Your employer puts in a further 12.8% of whatever you earn over Ł95. Not all of that goes on the NHS, but it takes a large proportion of it.
  7. Depending on the specification of the PC, it could have two completely separate monitor connections. One will be connected to the motherboard's on-board graphics chip, and the other will be on a dedicated graphics card. Make sure you connect the monitor to the one on the graphics card, rather than the one on the motherboard.If you're sure it's connected correctly, do you have another monitor you can try with the PC? That would at least allow you to narrow it down to whether it is the PC or the monitor at fault.
  8. It seems like it could be a hardware error rather than a software error if you can't even change the partitions or format the drive. The Ultimate Boot CD is probably the best bet. Use it to completely format the drive and reinstall Ubuntu afterwards. If that still doesn't work then you might have to get a new HDD. However, of course, check it in another machine if you want to first - just in case it is actually OK. It could be a problem with software (although this seems unlikely) or even with the motherboard.
  9. I'm in the UK, so we have the somewhat well-known NHS. The service is not, as many people seem to believe, free for everyone. It is, however, free at the time of treatment (ie. you don't have to write a cheque from your hospital bed) for things except dentistry, eyecare and prescriptions (medication).It is paid for by all tax payers (so is free to the unemployed and under-16s) directly from their wages, or from their tax bill. Currently as a nation we spend around ?92 billion on it each and every year. Those who don't live in the UK (tourists, foreign workers, etc.) are still entitled to accident and emergency care free of charge (which often surprises people who visit the UK and have an accident!).The advantages are that everyone gets the healthcare they need, regardless of their wealth, and it has saved millions of lives. It is also fairer than a system of medical insurance. As it is paid for from a percentage of each person's wages, those who can afford to pay more do so. Those who can't afford much do not have much taken from them to fund it.The disadvantages are that people take considerable advantage of the system, requesting treatment for things that really don't require it simply because it's free. It is also drastically underfunded, partly due to people not paying tax, or tax dodging, but also because of poor management and budgeting on the part of the NHS.
  10. Out of Corel and Adobe, I prefer Adobe's suite, although I have not used Corel's software for a number of years. However, overall I prefer the GIMP. The software is free, and can do pretty much everything Photoshop can, although the interface could certainly do with some improvements. However, to me (as a web designer) the interface is not worth the many hundreds of pounds Photoshop costs, plus Photoshop requires a much more powerful PC than my laptop.
  11. Is this still happening, still open? Or is it closed now? I just wondered if I had any competition
  12. Whether you agree with piracy or not, that is a flawed and incorrect analogy. When you walk into a shop and take a DVD without paying, the retailer has lost a physical product, and cannot replace it. If you download something, you make a copy - nothing is ever lost. This is the crucial difference that people don't seem to get. The counterargument from the movie studios/RIAA/whoever is that they "lose a sale". This is very often not the case. The people that download things do so because they are not worth paying for, and they would never buy them in the first place. No sale has been lost.
  13. Sorry, I kinda phrased it badly. I ddin't mean you, I meant anyone who sees the image and decides to copy the design. If the image was high resolution then people could copy it and copy the design for themselves and their own website. I wish you a speedy recovery
  14. Here is my submission to your contest. I have followed the original layout but tried to improve the graphics. That is a low-resolution preview of the design. Obviously, the source file does not have JPG artifacts all over it, but it is to stop the design (especially considering it is speculative) being stolen/ripped-off by someone else.
  15. I used Linux Mint for a while, but there was an issue with one of the drivers for a part on my laptop (I can't remember what for though). It was only a minor bug, and it only affected this model of laptop, but to me that was an issue It does have more polish than Ubuntu, and is certainly worth a look.
  16. Something like these? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.sopranodesign.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.redcoal.com/sms-api-gateway-mms.aspx An API is a way for scripts to communicate with one another - it sets out the commands and functions you have to call to make it work. The API will be different for every provider, so you will need to read through their help documentation in detail to make sure you write the code correctly. Some offer the ability to send SMSs via an email. You send an email to their server in a certain format, and their server converts that into an SMS to send on. That means you don't have to work with their API, but you need to make sure you format the emails correctly.
  17. You might want to take a look at that error first
  18. I have a phpBB3 forum here: Tring RE It loads very quickly, and no-one has ever complained of slow loading or problems with it. Have you added any modifications to the forum? If so, and they're poorly written, then they can drastically slow down your forum. See if other people have had issues with any modifications you use, and get rid of the slow-loading ones.
  19. It shows up, so it must be something specific to your PC. Have you tried the basics, like clearing your cache? If you're using IE, Firefox or Opera, it can be cleared from the Tools > Delete Private Data menu. Make sure at least Cache is ticked (the rest is up to you) and click OK.
  20. I believe you would need to contact an outside company that deals with this sort of functionality. Which companies they are depends on which country you are in. The alternative is to directly contact the mobile networks to ask for help.Whichever method you choose, offering it free will be very difficult. You will likely need to pay a monthly/yearly fee, and probably a small fee per message. The only way to cover these costs would be colossal advertising, or using the SMSs to drive people towards a much more profitable functionality of your site.
  21. As an every day PC, no. You will likely require ear plugs to use it, and it will cost you a fortune in electricity. http://www.amazon.co.uk/276-3900598-6982321?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0 It's a good case, and it gets good reviews. High quality and good cooling, so it should be OK for whatever you have in mind. http://www.amazon.co.uk/276-3900598-6982321?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0 An every day PC probably doesn't need a 2.6GHz quad core right now. If you want to go the AMD route, look at a dual core CPU and then get a Phenom II when the price drops a bit. http://www.ebuyer.com/store/Components/cat/Power-Supplies/subcat/901W-And-Above-PSUs A 1000W CPU is overkill for any every day system. http://www.ebuyer.com/store/Components/cat/Motherboards-AMD Perhaps overkill for an every day system, but it depends on how many of those features you need and can actually justify. http://www.ebuyer.com/store/Components/cat/Graphics-Cards-Nvidia/subcat/nVIDIA-GT---GTS---GTX200-range £440 is a ridiculous amount to spend on a graphics card, and an insane amount to spend on a graphics card for an every day system. You will also need some fantastic cooling in that PC to keep everything cool. Also, you're missing a few vital components, such as RAM, HDD, monitor, optical drive... which makes it hard to give advice on the system as a whole. You say you want this as an every day system, yet you've gone for a gamer case and a ridiculously powerful graphics card. In the context of this being an every day PC, you are spending far too much and in the wrong areas. The amount of cooling you'll need will also likely deafen you if you actually use it for every day activities.
  22. Give people a reason to keep coming back. The point of a forum is usually to discuss a particular topic with likeminded people, and many people make the mistake of adding sections to their forum that are far too general. Make perhaps one section of the forums as a general "everything that doesn't fit somewhere else" forum, and keep the rest closely related to your topic. You also need high quality content so that people can find you in search engines, and will want to hang around. Most forums have SEO modifications to make them better for search engines, so use them. Make sure all the content on your forum is well written and relevant. Finally, get the word out there. Tell people why they should visit your forum, and what it offers over and above the millions of other forums out there. Tell friends, family, people online - anyone and everyone who might be interested in whatever topic you've based your forum around. Place a link in your signature on all the forums you visit (if they allow it), and even make posts about it to let people know you're out there. This is an incredibly bad idea. People always leap in and assume they need about a dozen moderators and three or four admins, and they just get swamped with staff arguing with one another. Look at Xisto - thousands of members, a handful of moderators! Just have yourself to start with. When you find you have too much to deal with on your own, then select potential candidates for moderator from your users. Look at the most helpful and the best contributors, and offer one of them the post. If they refuse, offer it to someone else. Each time you feel like the workload is too much for your current staff, hire one more from the best members you have. That way you can be sure that they are dedicated to the forum, won't cause you hassle, and will do whatever they can to improve the forum.
  23. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  24. For those interested, you can hear these songs played backwards here: http://jeffmilner.com/backmasking/index.html Some are clearly done on purpose, like the Pink Floyd one or the Weird Al Yankovic one, but others are more ambiguous, and may well be people looking for something that just isn't there.
  25. Embedding the video using the correct HTML tags, updated in HTML5 to include a specific tag for videos, which display in the relevant browser plugin without any extra downloads or reliance on a proprietary and locked piece of software? I think I prefer this way than being forced to use Flash. Then whoever designed the site has been rather shortsighted with their design. Assuming 100% of people have the Flash plugin is a little stupid when making a site. A version of the site made in just HTML should also be available so people can actually see the site, so it wouldn't be a problem.
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