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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I can access the billing and support sites just fine. The issue would therefore appear to be something specific to you. Can you access your website's cPanel? Are there any other websites you frequently visit that have suddenly stopped working?
  2. OpaQue is the founder of Xisto and all things that come under the Xisto umbrella. You can read more about some of the staff behind Xisto on Xisto's "About" page. Personally, I'm from the UK. I found Xisto through searching the web, and picked here for the good quality, excellent reviews and lack of adverts on my site The community was also brilliant, and has continued to get better ever since.
  3. There are areas where you don't earn myCENTs. These are the sections of the forum marked as having no post count, so you should be able to see which ones they are on the index page. Also, it can take a few hours for your myCENTs to get added from each post. So, if you make a post now, you might not see the myCENTs for 2 or 3 hours. You currently have 11 cents. Only whole dollar amounts are transferred across (ie. once you have over 100 myCENTs). Once you have 100+ myCENTs, there will be a delay before they are tranferred to your billing account. You will receive an email to say they have been tranferred though.
  4. It's a virus by the looks of things. Is it added to the source code of every web page you visit, or just to pages on your website? If it is added to every page you visit then it looks like you have a virus on your computer, and you should remove it using an anti-virus application. The style of coding also suggests a virus.
  5. Everything else requires a reference point ebcause its speed is relative to the observer. For example, if you are doing 55mph on the road, and pass a car doing 50mph, your speed relative to the slower car is 5mph. However, relative to the ground, your speed is 55mph. This is the reason why we have to declare reference points when talking about velocities. However, the speed of light is a constant and not relative to anything. Generally m0 is used for rest mass, and m for general mass (whatever seems appropriate at the time ) but I'm fairly lazy with writing all this down. Sorry. Rest energy is related to , and is the energy an object has locked up in its mass, ie. if you converted all its mass into energy, what would you get? The use of infinity comes from a limit, a bounding condition. Take y=1/x. Let x get smaller and smaller, and y will rapidly increase. As x tends to 0, y tends to infinity. It describes the change based on the trend so far. Smaller numbers for x make y go up, and we can reasonably expect it to continue to do so. The same occurs in the relativity equations. As v tends to c (ie. you get very close to the speed of light), v/c will tend to 1, giving us sqrt(1-1), which is 0. The reason why we say at this point we get infinite energy, is because when v is very slightly smaller than c, you get very high values for the energy. You expect that to continue, and it makes physical sense based on our current knowledge. I phrased it somewhat badly. Basically, if you say the energy of a photon is zero, then it can't be there, which makes sense. No light (or other electromagnetic radiation) = no photons. This also fits with them having zero rest mass. However, with the simplified equation there is no opportunity to introduce another 'source' of energy, so the photon would never exist. With the full equation we can include its relativistic mass and kinetic energy: (It wouldn't display it correctly ) This introduces wave particle duality. The photon, in certain cases, is just a wave transferring energy. These waves are created all the time - they're just energy moving from one place to another. However, in other cases it can act as a particle (normally when interacting or colliding with something).
  6. The skin appears to be called Elegance Simple. A link to the designer's site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. They're thermal printers (they burn the text onto a special type of paper). The toner cartridge is more expensive, but they last much longer. I think the cost per print from a laser printer is much less than from an inkjet printer.
  8. A LaserJet is a brand of printers made by HP. An inkjet is a generic form of printer.The LaserJet series work in the same way as a photocopier. A drum is charged unformly, then areas of charge altered with the laser. Toner is then applied to the drum, sticking only to certain areas, and is then transferred to the paper, giving you a copy of the doucment (usually in black and white). They use dry toner powder, which needs replacing when used up, and the drums also need replacing every so often.An inkjet uses liquid ink and small nozzles to blast the ink at the page in the right places. This is slower than a laser printer, and often more expensive when doing large print runs.
  9. You just need a reference point. You could just as well do it from Mars, specifically from your house, whatever... That part is the rest mass, and therefore calculates the rest energy of the particle (ie. the energy locked up in its mass while it is not moving). Not always. More often than not, dividing by zero leads to an infinity rather than zero. This is one area where the 'simplified' equation breaks down. With zero energy, the photon must have zero rest mass, and therefore doesn't exist (which makes sense). However, it still has relativistic momentum and therefore relativistic mass. This can contribute to the energy of the photon. This does give photons a small apparent mass when the move. High power lasers have actually been used to push objects around, implying the photons must have a (very small) mass and can exert a force.
  10. Not necessarily. The equations can be applied to pretty much anything, from sub-atomic particles to space rockets. A good question is to work out if you have a rocket travelling at 0.8 times the speed of light, and it fires a satellite forward at 0.6 times the speed of light, what speed is the satellite travelling at relative to the earth? The same effects come in to play with anything approaching the speed of light. For once science has taken the logical approach. Rest mass does indeed mean the mass of the particle when it is at rest (ie. not moving). This distinction is necessary as the mass of an object is different when it is in motion. Its relativistic mass includes the kinetic energy of the particle, and therefore increases the faster the particle moves. The rest mass of the photon is zero, allowing it to reach the speed of light. Its relativistic mass includes a contribution from its kinetic energy. To avoid confusion, the terms rest mass and relativistic mass are used to distinguish between the two quantities. You can give energy to a photon and not affect its rest mass in the same way that your car does not get heavier the faster you drive. Rest mass is an invariant quantity of an object - it does not change. Supplying anything with infinite energy (hypothetically, as energy is a finite resource) would cause either momentum or relativistic mass to increase to infinity to satisfy the equation. This is logical enough, as we see them increasing along with energy anyway - infinity is just a limiting case of this.
  11. Light itself does not have an infinite amount of energy. The energy of a light wave is equal to its frequency multiplied by the Planck constant. This is all to do with the fact that a photon has no rest mass, no size, etc. yet still carries energy, force and momentum. When something absorbs light, it must absorb the energy of the photon. However, it doesn't have to keep it as energy. Rather like in a nuclear reaction, energy and mass are transferrable, so it can be transformed into mass inside the object absorbing the photon. The photon has no rest mass, and changes in energy affect its wavelength/frequency. The more energy you give to a photon, the higher its frequency becomes. As the photon is not infinite in energy, an object simply absorbs whatever energy the photon is carrying at the time. Oh well... Again, the photon is not infinite, so your point is somewhat moot. However, the Sun's demise is due to the nuclear reactions going on within its core, and the depletion of its resources. Once the hydrogen, helium and other light elements are fully used up, the Sun will no longer be able to support itself under its own gravity and will heat up rapidly, causing it to expand into a red giant star. The outer layers will then be lost, leaving a dense white dwarf star and lots of stellar gas. The Earth will likely be consumed by the red giant stage. But don't worry - we've got 5 billion years
  12. phpBB, out of the box, is not particularly SEO friendly (but no less than other forums). However, being free and open source, there are plenty of modifications out there that allow you to make your forum more friendly to the search engines. Take a look through the phpBB modifications database to see if there is one you like. SMF, as far as I can remember, is about the same as phpBB when it comes to SEO. Not too good after you first set it up, but free modifications make it perfect. punBB is great for a simple and utilitarian forum, although it lacks any features at all really. I have used it many times, but often as a 'behind the scenes' forum for developers and things like that. However, if it has all the features you want (again, they can be added with modifications) then go for it. This is the only actual CMS on the list Drupal takes no longer to set up than any of the others, and is very flexible in what you can do with it. It is also easy to theme and manage. Whether to use it or not depends on what you actually want. Are you looking for a forum or a CMS? For a forum, pick one of the others. For a CMS, pick Drupal.
  13. I believe that if you have the funds, the invoice is paid as soon as it can be. If you don't have the funds to pay it it will sit there waiting to be paid until the due date. I am invoiced yearly, so I am not sure exactly how early the monthly invoices are taken out.
  14. My main source is Prof. Bill Barnes who lectured me in relativity I can also explain it using equations, and can give you some background reading if you want to learn about where they come from. Generally, everyone knows the famous equation E=mc2, but this is only half of the equation. The full equation is: E2 = m2c4 + p2c2 where E is the energy of your object, m is its mass, c the speed of light and p its relativistic momentum. Relativistic momentum is equal to: p = (mv)/sqrt(1-(v2/c2)) where v is the velocity of the particle. Now, as v approaches c, the number in the square root approaches zero, causing the momentum is increase rapidly, towards infinity as v=c. So, at the speed of light, momentum becomes infinite, meaning the energy of the particle must also become infinite. If any of that made no sense, let me know
  15. Your site would get taken down if you couldn't afford to pay the next invoice. Just make sure you either have enough myCENTs, or top up your billing account using PayPal or a credit card or something if you cannot post enough. If you have enough to cover the time you'll be away, the bills will automatically be paid and your site will stay up
  16. These services providing an OS in a web browser are fairly complex, and wouldn't run on a portable device. This means that to use them, you'd still need a PC with a working operating system and web browser, which rather defeats the point I've never had trouble configuring a PC to work, so this isn't really a problem. If anything, setting up an account and all that to use these services online is more troublesome. Useful, but there are alternatives (pen drives, portable hard drives, etc.). Also, if you can access your data from around the globe over the Internet, so can other people. It would be a massive security concern and only a short matter of time before hackers gained access to everyone's data. For your small OS. However, if the service is run on a Windows server (rather than a Linux/UNIX server) then you would have the same instability and insecurity that Windows has always had. Surely it could still crash the browser that you're using? Then you would still lose all the work you were doing in the same way as if a local application had crashed.
  17. They are sometimes solutions to certain relativity problems, so might be possible. However, the problem is a lack of evidence. No-one has yet found proof of the existence of wormholes, or possible areas they could exist or anything. All we have are equations describing possible forms for what they could look like, and impressions of what they would look like to an observer.
  18. Giving people less than 12 hours to respond is rather unreasonable. Also, please don't double post. To do this, use CSS's position: fixed property, along with top/bottom/left/right positions. There is a good example of this at Quirksmode. For this you will need some Javascript. Position the drop-down parts of the menus relative to their parent item in the menu, and set their CSS display properties so that they are hidden. Then use a Javascript onHover event for the parent buttons to set the relevant submenu to display. There are plenty of examples of this in search engines: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en&gws_rd=ssl= You can use Javascript to change the CSS of the button, so you could easily change its background colour or image. This can also be achieved in CSS alone with :hover applied to the button, and the CSS changed to match, like so: .button {background-color: #f00;}.button:hover {background-color: #00f;}
  19. The reason the speed of light is so special is because it is not relative. The speed of light is absolute, and does not vary depending on your speed or position. The reason it is unachievable is because as you approach the speed of light, your mass becomes infinite, and you therefore need infinite energy to move. You could therefore get close to the speed of light, but never actually reach it.
  20. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  21. Have you set the nameservers on your domain to those needed by Xisto? You need to make sure that your nameservers are set to NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM and NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM
  22. I have a Corsair Flash Voyager (although only a 4GB one), and it is excellent. It's made of hard rubber, so it's durable and there are no fancy mechanisms for hiding the USB connection to break - just a simple cap. The transfer speeds are also pretty good, and it is priced very competitively.
  23. What?! I use BitTorrent to download Linux distributions. They are both free as in "zero cost" and free as in "freedom". I download them with peer-to-peer software to reduce load on the servers of the distributions, by spreading the transfer across hundreds of PCs around the world. I have been using it for years and never received a virus. This is because I download legal stuff, and use Linux. If you're on a Windows PC doing anything without extensive virus protection then your computer won't be useful for very long. If you stick to legal and official downloads then there are no risks of viruses. There is nothing illegal about peer-to-peer software, or transferring things via peer-to-peer unless what you are transferring is illegal. Transferring illegal content is already covered by laws in most countries. The actual peer-to-peer technology is used for legal purposes, so you can't make it illegal. That would be like making driving illegal because some people regularly break the law by exceeding the speed limit.
  24. Yes! The basic Logic plan supports PHP and comes with 5 MySQL databases for you to use with your Wordpress installation.
  25. Based on no particular authority, or advice, but simply other people's experiences and the reviews online I'd recommend looking at the Intel Core2Quad Q6600. It's getting quite old considering the number of CPUs that have been released since, but it overclocks incredibly well and will give you a lot of GHz for your cash. Just make sure you get a decent cooler, especially if you overclock it.If the Q6600 is a bit expensive then take a look at the E7300. It's cheaper and amazing when overclocked (quite a few people manage to get it up to at least 4GHz). Of course, you will have to take the hit from quad core to dual core, but a lot of applications don't actually take advantage of four cores.
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