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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. If he wants to use his domain name with hosting from Xisto then he can leave it registered with Godaddy. Just change the name servers to NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM and NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM. On the order form select that you wish to use an existing domain (rather than transfer it) and type in the domain name.When the domain nears its renewal date you should be able to transfer it and renew it with Xisto if you want to.
  2. Blender is a free, open-source, 3D modelling suite that can also be used to animate whatever you create. The learning curve is a little steep if you are used to a different 3D application, but there are plenty of tutorials and guides to get you up and running.
  3. This looks suspiciously like a school or college project. If it is then looking for someone to do it for you is not a good idea - you'd be much better off getting it explained to you so you can do similar tasks in the future and actually understand what is going on with the PHP code. The index.php page doesn't actually look like it contains any PHP, just an HTML form. You just need to set the target of the form to results.php and the method to either "get" or "post" depending on whether you want the data to appear in the URL or not when it is passed to results.php. You can then get the value of each form field with the following code: $somevariable = $_GET['fieldname'];OR (depending on if you chose get or post)$somevariable = $_POST['fieldname'];Then echo the results out into the HTML where necessary. There are functions you can look up on the PHP website to check the data and make sure it is numeric, an email address, or whatever.
  4. We certainly need moderators - we just deal with a lot of the spam before people notice it, and we give members quite a lot of help via PMs rather than out in the forums, so people don't necessarily see a lot of the work that goes on. Having a moderating team also acts as a deterrent against people spamming, flaming and such in the first place - people know it's pointless because we'll spot it and deal with it.
  5. Here's the past banners given to winners of the Sig Of The Week and Sig Of The Month competitions: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/27020-sig-of-the-week-winners-past-winners-of-trap17com-sotw/ The idea is to compete for the sense of pride, the little banner and some fun I think you earn myCENTs from the forums, so you would earn them when you posted your entry and when you voted and commented on the sigs. I don't see why graphics tournaments and competitions can't be started up again, and not just for sigs but also perhaps for designing banners, avatars, wallpapers and other stuff if people want that included.
  6. I think the inactivity came around cos Saint_Michael always won Being unable to transfer myCENTs is also an issue if people want a 'monetary' prize rather than just a symbolic one, but I don't think that will be added to the system any time soon.The prize was normally a special banner you could place in your sig block that had text which advertised which competition you had won (such as "SOTW #42 Winner!"). There should still be a thread somewhere with all these in it.
  7. Woo! This is why I like being a mod - being able to help people out Moderators are offered the position and appointed by the administrators, OpaQue and BuffaloHELP. It is important that the moderators can be trusted absolutely by the administrators to do their jobs effectively, correctly and fairly. Obviously I can't speak for the administrators, but I think it is unlikely that this process will be changed any time soon. With those statistics, 0.012% of the forum have voiced an opinion - hardly a comprehensive survey I certainly wouldn't extrapolate those results to the entire member base. Adding more moderators and expanding the size of the team only really makes sense if the current team aren't able to handle the workload. At the moment, I think that we are handling it very well - reports are responded to quickly, and spam is very often picked up before a report is even made, and we all give our help and assistance as readily as we can. Having moderators from all time zones would be nice, but I don't think it is really necessary. Like I said, spam and problems are generally dealt with very quickly and adding more moderators doesn't drastically improve on that. At current, members are approached by administrators, not the other way around. Whenever OpaQue and BuffaloHELP decide new or different moderators are necessary then they will approach the members they have picked at the time.
  8. This could be done using JavaScript. Rather than writing your own code to do it (which would be fairly complex and difficult) take a look at the following JavaScript libraries that allow you to use simple code to call on their vast array of useful effects. They also have tutorials and examples for all their functions, so you should be able to adapt those to do exactly what you want. script.aculo.us jQuery jQuery UI
  9. Generally, Linux servers are considered more secure than Windows servers, due to the improved user security and permissions system on Linux, and the large number of viruses for Windows. However, those running Windows servers tend to chuck loads of security at them to make sure they are as safe and secure as they can be. DOS (Denial of Service) attacks can be performed on any server, as the attack does not rely on gaining access to the system. The attack comprises of accessing a site on the server millions of times simultaneously, which most servers can't handle, so crash or go incredibly slowly for legitimate visitors.
  10. That name does not suggest a virus, but that one of its tools for detecting scripts doesn't like the script that loads the little Answers.com popup thing when you double click words. It hasn't found a named or recognised virus (or, indeed, any specific problem, hence "generic"). Has it only recently started doing this, and have you recently updated your anti-virus software or virus definitions?
  11. When I first saw all the copied posts on your account I was a little baffled - you've followed all the rules up to this point. If your brother was disobeying the rules then he should really have done it on his own account, not yours. The moral of the story is that if you want to keep your account secure - log out when you're done, and make sure you're logged out! Also if you share the computer, don't store passwords in your browser or anything. Keep following the rules, and don't let your brother anywhere near your account, and the warning should get removed soon.
  12. Pruning topics is difficult with the credit system. I believe that, if posts were removed like that, then the script would deduct the relevant myCENTs for those topics too, which doesn't seem fair. This could be avoided (as it was in the old system) by calculating the myCENTs once (when the post is first made) but this has the limitation that you then can't edit your posts (a major problem with the old systems, and a big advantage to the current one). If old topics get revived then we do tend to lock them (although this doesn't send them back down the pages to where they belong). Removing the old sections related to hosting applications would help, but again there are difficulties with the myCENTs system. However, it might be possible to hide those sections from view, although I don't know how that might affect myCENTs. We used to have a selection of forum themes, but found that most people kept with the default. I think it was also difficult for OpaQue to make the necessary adjustments to all of the themes for them to work correctly. I agree that finding one theme everyone likes is difficult, but I think the theme we have right now works OK - no-one seems to really hate it, just not that bothered by it. It also keeps the familiarity with the default IPB theme while adding a little bit of individuality. There is currently a topic open asking for redesigns of the Xisto website. Take a look, design one yourself, offer suggestions to people and see if we can come up with a good website. OpaQue and BuffaloHELP are active most days, but doing other things that keep Xisto running, and therefore Xisto running. The admins don't really have a lot more power over the day to day forum stuff than moderators do, so an active team of moderators works just as well.
  13. Both OpaQue and BuffaloHELP are active around the forums, although they also have work to do making sure Xisto, and the rest of the Xisto network, runs smoothly.Of all the moderators, we are all around as often as we can be and are just as active as each other. Of course personal circumstances get in the way occasionally (I disappeared for a week or so when I moved home, as I lost my Internet connection for example) but the large moderating team we have ensures that there's always enough staff around to cover everything.
  14. The Earned counter is tracking how many whole dollars have been transferred to your account. The myCENTs counter is tracking cents (ie. when it says 56.13 it means $00.5613). When it reaches 100, it is equal to a whole dollar and gets transferred to your Earned total next time the script runs. Then it gets deducted by 100, so it can appear to bounce around as you earn cents and they get transferred.
  15. The only software you need on your computer is FTP software to transfer files to your hosting account. If you don't want to install software on your PC then there is a section of the control panel of your website that also lets you upload files to your site. A copy of your site is not automatically kept on your home computer. Perhaps I didn't really explain myself that well Whether you make your site yourself by hand, or use a CMS, you still have a collection of pages that need to be uploaded (copied) to your web hosting space. The difference with a CMS is that the pages contain code that allows you to create new pages, upload images, etc. and basically run your site from inside a web browser, without having to manually make changes and upload them each time. However, because all the changes are made on the web hosting server, those changes are not stored on your home PC. It is, of course, recommended you take regular backups to ensure you have a copy of your site if anything does go wrong. If you write the pages and code the site yourself from scratch then you will have a copy of the site saved on your PC with all the content (as you're manually typing it all in, saving it to your PC, then copying it to your web hosting space). However, deleting that copy on your PC won't affect the copy on your web space, and vice versa - the two aren't linked in any way. Changing computers won't affect your website in any way, as all the files and information your website is using is stored on the server, not your computer. However, you'll most likely want to copy all your files to your new computer anyway so that you have access to them. If you install a CMS with the automatic installer in your control panel then you can't manually install it afterwards without deleting the automatic version and losing your work. You are far better off starting with a manual install of whatever CMS you choose to use, if you use one. If you don't use a CMS, and write all your code yourself, then you only need to upload your files to your hosting - no installation of anything required. Generally questions such as the site name, your email address, etc. Fairly simple questions. It's like learner drivers - we were all there once, and appreciated the help and patience other people gave us, so we give that same help and patience to others who are learning Like I said, changing computers won't affect your website in any way. With a CMS, once set up, you can do everything on the web. That setup only needs to be done once, then you can control your whole site using simple controls inside your web browser. The required files I mentioned are the files that make up your CMS of choice. If you code your site yourself (no CMS) then the 'required files' are the files that make up your site - the pages with code saved in them.
  16. I'll be sticking with Linux. ?177.89 for Windows is a ridiculous cost when you consider you get all the same features for free from Linux.
  17. I am getting this error too. At the moment I have no idea why it is happening, but I assume it will be fixed soon. In the mean time it should be possible to raise tickets by going straight to Xisto - Support, rather than through billing: https://support.xisto.com/
  18. Whether you install the software manually or automatically, it will not affect the amount of bandwidth your site uses. In each case you end up with the same package installed, so exactly the same pages will be generated and the same bandwidth used by each when people visit your site. The difference comes mainly in the security and features. When you manually install a package you can make sure you have the most up-to-date version, so get all the best features and the best security available. The versions available for automatic install are often out of date (because it takes quite a while to adapt them to be suitable for automatic install) so you don't get the newest features and there are occasionally security problems with them. As I mentioned before, I'm willing to install whatever packages you want, or walk you through the installation so you can do it yourself. Most packages also give pretty good instructions if you want to give it a go yourself, but the first time is always a little confusing. An auto-installed package works by copying the required files to your web hosting account, asking you some basic setup questions, then going ahead and installing everything for you at the click of a button. Manually installing requires you to download the required files to your computer, copy them to your hosting account, change the settings as necessary, create databases if required, and go through any setup procedures the package requires. All you 'install' is the files you copy to your hosting account, and the database if the package needs one. Manually installing the software will cost you twice the size of the package (once to download, once to upload) assuming your bandwidth includes uploads and downloads. As most packages tend to be around 1-2MB, you should be able to get an idea of whether they will make a dent in your monthly bandwidth with your ISP or not.
  19. You're not alone - my account is doing it to. I assume it is a temporary glitch and will get fixed soon. Answered above. You're not alone and it should get fixed soon (hopefully!). I believe you can choose any of them from that list. They all provide exactly the same services, just a different name. There are some scripts and applications people run that require certain settings on the server otherwise they don't work. However, they are very few and you are unlikely to ever come across one. Just leave that box blank, or write in "No".
  20. The myCENTs, I believe, are granted when you first post a topic rather than when it is made visible by a staff member. You posted the topic yesterday afternoon, so are you sure you didn't get the myCENTs then? If so, and they still haven't appeared in a few hours, then we'll bring it to OpaQue and BuffaloHELP's attention as a possible bug.
  21. rvalkass

    Isdate() ?

    There is nothing that tells PHP that string should be treated as a date, so effectively all you want is to run a regular expression against that string and check whether it matches the format? There is a function in PHP that will parse a date, but it is for pulling the relevant information into an array rather than just checking it matches the form you give.
  22. On the Linux front (although some may well work on Mac/Windows too): LiVES: http://lives-video.com/ Cinelerra: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Kino: http://www.kinodv.org/ Open Movie Editor: http://www.openmovieeditor.org/ I have very briefly tried Cinelerra and Kino, although nowhere near enough to offer any advice on them They're all free so give them a go and see which you like and which ones have the features and effects you need.
  23. What you're looking for is something like below (from my router, a Thomson Speedtouch): The figures give you an idea of what the quality of the line is like. The higher the numbers, the worse the quality of your phone line and therefore the worse the connection will be (slower, dropping out, etc.) You can also look for a figure labelled SN Ratio or Signal-Noise Ratio. This also gives you an idea of how good your connection is. Here you want a higher figure, to show more useful signal is being received than random noise.
  24. In your router's configuration page / admin panel you should be able to see the figures for attenuation (measured in decibels). The higher the attenuation, the slower the Internet connection will be. Too high, and it can cause your connection to drop regularly, behave randomly and generally just be useless. Have a look and see if you can find the figures and post them here.Unfortunately, if they're too high, there isn't a massive amount you can do. The attenuation depends on the quality of the line connecting you to the telephone network. However, speaking to TalkTalk and telling them what the problem is might make them get it fixed.
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