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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Do you have a screenshot of the information Opera gives you, or could you copy it here? It's likely that Paypal have just done their certificates badly and they aren't working properly, but Paypal is certainly a site where it is important to be secure. I would also contact Paypal with this. Even if it is nothing they need to be told about it - people can't follow Paypal's safety advice if they make it an impossibility!
  2. At the moment, I'd say use the Web Design forum: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/68-web-design/ However, I think the idea of a few specialised forums for Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla could be good. The only problem is where do you stop? Once you add one specialised forum then it could get out of hand as more and more requests are made.
  3. The alternative is to use server side includes (SSI). This is the same as the PHP method, but just doesn't need PHP. It's also fairly simple to do.First, make sure you name your files with the .shtml file extension if you haven't already started your site. If you have, and the files already have a different extension, we can work around this. Then, use this code to insert a page into the normal flow of your HTML: <!--#include virtual="filename.shtml" --> So, for example, you could have the following markup: <html><head> <title>Page</title></head><body> <!--#include virtual="header.shtml" --> <!--#include virtual="news.shtml" --> <!--#include virtual="sidebar.shtml" --> <div id="content"> <p>This is unique page content for this page.</p> </div> <!--#include virtual="footer.shtml" --></body></html>
  4. There are a few drives that have fingerprint recognition, but many have been rubbished for providing no real extra protection to your data. Most only use the fingerprint to 'activate' the drive (ie. turn it on, so to speak) then it acts normally. Good for ease of use, but your data is no more secure than on a normal flash drive - it's still unencrypted. To make it slightly more secure you'd need to encrypt the data with a key based on the digital version of your fingerprint. That would at least add another barrier to anyone who wanted to access your data. On a side note, the company that makes this drive (Green House Japan) seem to specialise in weird flash drives, including ones shaped like sports equipment, ones shaped like fast food and ones shaped like doughnuts.
  5. Also, have you checked the permissions on the file you are trying to write to? Make sure that you have actually set the file to be writable with permissions 0777. This will allow your script to edit the file.Also, the Notice BBCode is for use by staff members only.
  6. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  7. It can take 3 or 4 days for the team to approve your domain. Once approved you'll get an email and it will turn green in your billing account. After that you will be able to configure it to point wherever you want. The changes are usually instant, but can take up to 48 hours to propagate around the world.
  8. Tables should never be used for layout. Tables are there for tabular data, not for laying pages out.Frames are somewhat inaccessible and outdated considering current methods for accomplishing the same thing, although there is nothing specifically wrong with them.I would recommend using divs to make the layout. They can be fully styled with HTML and CSS, and no scripting would be required.For the box on the right, the CSS for using two background images isn't fully supported yet, so I would add a 25px tall bar at the top for your first image.
  9. Process to install an application in Windows: Drive down to a shop, using up your time and you cash in petrol. Scour the shelves for the right application, often accompanied by a pushy sales guy. Buy the application, forking over your hard earned cash for the software. Drive home. Disable antivirus software and close all background programs, as required for all installations. Insert CD into computer. Say "Yes" to the UAC dialog. Click "Next" half a dozen times, agreeing to all sorts of restrictive EULAs, monitoring systems, licensing, etc. Click "Finish" (inserting more disks as appropriate throughout the installation). Wait for your computer to restart. Re-enable your necessary antivirus software. Register the application online. Download updates for the application. Done in only 13 easy steps! Total time taken: roughly 4 hours. Total cost: Anything from Ł1 to Ł3000. The same process for Linux Open Adept/Synaptic. Search for the application's name, its function or a related word, or pick a category. Select the application from a list. Click "Install". Done in 4 steps!Total time taken: 5 minutes (longer for larger applications, depending on download speed). Total cost: nil. Yeah, I can see why people really prefer the Windows way of doing that...
  10. Generally, there is very little difference between them. By default they look a bit different, especially in the layout of their menus and toolbars. For example, Gnome usually has 2 toolbars on the desktop and 3 menus (IIRC), but KDE has one toolbar and one menu. However, each one can be made to behave like the other.They also have slightly different ways of theming them, and look different by default. However, you can once again made Gnome look like KDE and vice versa. Other settings are also slightly different, and system and settings dialogues look a little different between the two.The most noticeable difference is the programs you can use. Both KDE and Gnome have a different default set of programs (Amarok vs. Rhythmbox for example). Generally people prefer one set of applications to another, and stick with that. But, once again, it is possible to run Gnome applications in KDE and to run KDE applications in Gnome. Overall, it makes very little difference if you don't already have a strong preference.
  11. By typing the make and model of your card, along with the word "ubuntu" into a popular search engine, I got these two results: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=914920 https://nosemaj.org/hardy-r8168 The second link has a full guide on how to get that particular card working in Ubuntu. I also suggest you contact Realtek to ask why they do not publish Linux drivers for their equipment - unless people tell them, they'll never do anything about it.
  12. 8.04 or 8.10? Ubuntu doesn't use 'conventional' version numbering. The 8 represents the year (2008) and the 04 or 10 represents the month (April and October respectively) that the version was released. This is because XP can't understand what is on that portion of the disk, so assumes it is full. It knows the size the partition is allocated, but not how much of that space it has used. Generally you are safe to delete anything within the /home directory. That directory holds all your personal files and settings, and is completely unrelated to the system. There are files in there that are hidden, generally settings files for applications, that you can also remove. Use your file manager to view hidden files, and you should see loads of folders appear. Delete ones for applications you don't use. There is a useful program called Filelight, which I find incredibly useful, that shows where all your disk space is going. You can install it with Synaptic/Adept from the repositories (just search for "filelight"). As a matter of interest, everything on my computer system-related (ie. excluding my /home directory) takes up around 7.7GB at the moment. My home directory takes up 60GB... WINE is used to run Windows applications inside Linux, not the other way round.
  13. The search for the entire site (although you shouldn't remove the "Title Filters" box). The site search box doesn't take up a lot of space, and I see no disadvantage to adding it to every page, but you get the advantage of being able to find what you want. Black looks OK. Being in bold makes them stand out enough as it is. Adding extra elements of colour doesn't really help, and only dilutes the use of colour elsewhere on the site. My only comment now is that they are slightly too big, especially when compared to the title of each article. Yes. You've left aligned them on the Easter article, and they're still centre aligned on the "No Country for Old Men" article. I would keep the headings in the style used on the Easter article, but change the size of them to the size of the headings in the "No Country for Old Men" article. So true
  14. The point of the RSS feed is that people can read the content of your latest articles without having to visit the actual site. That saves you a colossal amount of bandwidth compared to people loading the whole site. It also allows your content to easily be syndicated on other websites. That can be a double-edged sword. More people see your content - good. Sometimes you don't get credit for it - bad. The design of the site is good. It is a clear and simple design, and works well. The length of the navigation menu suggests to me it should stay on the left hand side in a vertical format. That way you also have good opportunity to add new items with ease. If it was horizontal then it would be fairly difficult. My only suggestion for the navigation would be to order it in some way - perhaps alphabetical, with "Other" at the bottom? At the moment there doesn't appear to be any sort of order to it. Simply? Not really. I like the choice of font for the title of each article, and the colour used. However, I would use a sans-serif font for the subheadings within each article, and left-align them. Centre alignment draws the eye across the page for no real reason. I would also increase the line spacing for the body text. It will make it easier to read and make it look less like large solid blocks of text. Finally, the blue used in your Easter article for the headings is not a good idea. It doesn't match the other headings, and it the default link colour for most people, and as such should be used only for links. It has such a strong meaning that it should really be reserved for links and nothing else. Try to keep a consistent style between each article. The sortable tables are good, but my worry would be that they could become cumbersome as the number of articles grows. Subsections may help here (eg. Science > Biology, Chemistry, Physics) to reduce the number of articles displayed at any one time. Also, as the number of articles grows, you might consider placing the 5 most popular articles in each section at the top of the search page. The search box should really appear on every page. It doesn't take up a lot of space, so why make it disappear on the category pages. Also, edit the little magnifying glass icon. This isn't actually a Mac, so the dropdown arrow serves no purpose Having it there makes it look like a button, which is a little confusing. Edit the icon to remove the dropdown arrow. On a 1-2mbps connection (depending on prevailing wind speed and whether the month has a 't' in it...) and the site loads very quickly. No issues here. If you're worried though, get the YSlow! extension for Firefox and it will analyse the site and tell you what to do to speed it up. Looks fine in Opera 10 Alpha. The difficulty is always starting the community. Your contributions will likely become the articles on the site, rather than forum posts, so you will have to rely on others to fill the forum. I would wait until you have a few people commenting on each of your articles before suggesting a forum and looking at the feedback you get on that suggestion. The alternative is to have an area where people can submit something they want information about, and keep a list publicly available. If someone knows about a subject or is willing to research it, they can submit an article in response to the request, and that can appear on the site just like your articles. This gives you the advantage of keeping the blog-style format, and all the content in one place, along with making the visitors feel like they are really contributing rather than being relegated to a separate forum. It's a brilliant idea, and one I had been toying with myself for a while, but never got around to implementing At the moment I can't really say. The site is too young for its direction to be clear, so I don't know how it will turn out. If it evolves into allowing everyone to contribute and interact then that would certainly be encouraging, and something I would get involved in. If, however, there is a limited amount of content you will likely find that people just pop in from Google for one thing they are looking for, and not return.
  15. Are you using email accounts provided by Google Apps? If so, you will need to follow the instructions to use Google's mail servers to send and receive mail via POP/IMAP/SMTP. Specific instructions for Thunderbird can be found here: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229?visit_id=0-636153534830857426-2243521637&rd=1
  16. Happy birthday BuffaloHELP! Here, have a cake: This also means you joined Xisto when you were just 2 weeks old! Well done
  17. I think you just need to submit a ticket to the support department, and they will swap you over to whichever plan you want. Of course, depending on how you are billed, you might need to have some myCENTs available to cover the more expensive package.
  18. RewriteEngine onRewriteRule .*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ - [F,NC]RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ - [F,NC]RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ - [F,NC]RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmpjpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ - [F,NC]RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ - [F,NC] As truefusion has said, those lines should give a 403 forbidden error for any files with those extensions. The fact I got a 500 internal server error means something must be wrong with the .htaccess file and the rules it contains. As a matter of interest, why does that rule feature 5 times in the file? Surely once would be enough?
  19. Examples please? Could you provide us with a link to the site so we can see what is happening and what might be going wrong? Update OK, I'm going to assume you mean the images for the subforums on central-gaming.net. The error when you try to access the images is a 500 error, which would imply there is some issue with your .htaccess file. Take a look and see if it is still as it should be (ie. it hasn't been modified by a script).
  20. A retail copy of Vista can only be transferred to a new PC once, and generally only by the original purchaser. An OEM copy cannot be transferred at all. Also, you won't be able to activate the copy over the Internet. You'll need to phone Microsoft, who will check the first PC has had that copy of Vista uninstalled before activating in on your PC.
  21. OK, just two things I think you could fix. Firstly, the banner doesn't really match the rest of the forum. It looks very much like it was just stuck at the top with very little thought. Try to tie it in with the theme, or change the theme to match the banner. The second thing is a bit easier. Add some form of hover feedback to your links. People have come to expect that when they hover over a link they will get some form of feedback. At the moment, neither your menu at the top nor the forum titles have any form of hover effect. Add one (just a simple font colour change) and it will improve them. Edit: OK, I stand corrected. There is a hover effect on the menu at the top but it is almost indistinguishable. Use a colour that is more different from the original colour, so it's easier to see when you are hovering.
  22. Linux uses your RAM. Any system monitor for Linux will tell you that. The swap partition acts as auxillary RAM. It's there to extend the RAM of your system, and to provide space for anything that doesn't fit in your RAM. Windows also has exactly the same thing, although it is a file rather than a separate partition. It's called pagefile.sys (if I remember correctly) and can be adjusted in the same way as the swap partition on Linux systems.
  23. I'm not a professor I'm a student studying for a Master's degree in Physics at the University of Exeter.
  24. Nothing is specifically split up between the moderators. Being from all different parts of the world, we naturally end up with someone around most of the time due to the time zones. For example, when I'm asleep the moderators in the US are online. As for how I specifically split my time up: generally I check in to Xisto in the morning, deal with any reports, PMs and interesting topics I spot. Then I go off to university and do my lectures. When they finish I check Xisto again and work on my fledgling web design enterprise. Whenever I have a spare moment, I'll take a look at what's going on here. Right now I'm on holiday from university, so I have a lot more free time to spend hanging around at Trap I've never (knowingly) met another member of Xisto in person. I don't think I even have a valid passport, so the only other staff member I could meet is electriic ink.
  25. Then they may well consider it to be spam. I have my email inbox set to only let mail from known or whitelisted addresses through. Everything else is spammed. I then whitelist the people I expect to receive mail from. Many people do exactly the same with their email accounts, and no matter what you do, your message will go to spam. If you have their email addresses then they must have signed up to receive something, or you have some sort of relationship. Therefore they will be expecting email from you, so you should be able to tell them your address at the time and they can whitelist it. For example:
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