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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. That you can do whatever you want. Rather than having to stick to a particular style or topic, you can put whatever you like in your sig and do whatever you feel like doing.
  2. It could always have got damaged in the post, or your drive could have read it incorrectly. I'll happily burn you a CD and check it first if you want, but I don't know how long the post takes from the UK to Canada
  3. I can't remember who designed the avatar (sorry!) but OpaQue or BuffaloHELP added it to iGuest's profile. I think both OpaQue and BuffaloHELP have access to everything related to iGuest if they need to change anything like the avatar.
  4. There is indeed something special about this 'member'. iGuest is an account used for guest postings, rather than letting people post anonymously through the usual guest accounts on forums. At the moment the only way people can post as iGuest is to view Xisto as a search results page (just search in Google or Yahoo and take a look at the results page). There is a form people can fill out to post a quick reply or question on a topic without having to register with the forums or navigate to the usual forums page, rather than the SEO-oriented search results page. This boosts activity from people who find us via search engines.
  5. I haven't used this distribution, but I've played quite a few of the games. I don't really see the need for a specific distribution full of games when pretty much any distribution can install them from repositories, packages or even source code if you want. The convenience of a live CD or DVD is OK, but I don't think it will work too well for intensive games - loading the whole game from the DVD, along with the whole OS, into memory has got to slow things down.
  6. There is also an option when you first put the CD in the drive and restart your computer, when the menu appears, to check the installation media for defects. Run that before you install next time to make sure the CD burned correctly. The ISO file you downloaded may well be fine - it could just be a dodgy disk.
  7. I guess the first 3D game I played was probably Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 but I think that must have been on a friend's computer rather than my own. It made a welcome change from 2D gaming. As for first 2D games, there were hundreds of DOS games on floppy disks being played on Windows 3.11 for Workgroups The worrying thing is I still have most of those floppy disks! Three games that leap to mind are Balloon Challenge and Wallpipe, both developed by Soleau Software and Castle of the Winds, developed by Rick Saada (the days when one person single-handedly developed a game!).
  8. As my gentle reintroduction into doing SOTWs, I have the following to offer:
  9. I've shown her the Yaris, Golf and Polo and she likes them all, so it's a good start The Fiat 500 she's not so keen on, and there aren't that many being sold second hand at the moment. The Skoda Fabia is one I recommended to her, and again she seems to like it but I am yet to see a second hand i20 for sale anywhere nearby. Somehow I don't think she's gonna get an Impreza! I showed her an A Class, and the response was "Did someone reverse it into a wall at high speed?"... Somehow I think that one is out Well thanks for the useful picture After spending days looking at cars, reviews and all sorts, my mum reached the conclusion that the car should be black. Or silver. Or maybe dark blue. Something tells me it could take a while to actually decide on a car *sigh*. Thanks for your help everyone - keep it coming!
  10. It should be sed -i not sed -l The i represents in-line replacement, so will replace the text in the file and save over the top of the old version. Otherwise it echos out the result so you can save it as a new file, and preserve the original.
  11. You can get this done with sed. If you want to replace password with dummytext in the file db.php just run the following command: CONSOLE rob@rob-laptop:~$ sed -i 's/password/dummytext/g' db.php To repeat that for all files in a directory: CONSOLE rob@rob-laptop:~$ sed -i 's/password/dummytext/g' /path/to/folder/* If the files are nested in many directories then that makes things slightly trickier, but something like this should work: #!/bin/bashcd /path/to/directory/containing/filesfor i in $( find . -type f )do sed -i 's/password/dummytext/g' $idone
  12. To the current website: OUCH! All the text overlaps in one big ball in Firefox, so anything will be a vast improvement!To your new design: Looking good. I assume text would be placed on the menu at the top though? My only criticism would be the way the image on the left forces the text across. It breaks the flow and makes the text look slightly hap-hazard. Placing the image on the right hand side would make the text more readable and look less out of place.
  13. You will have lost the myCENTs earned from the copied content when it was placed in Quote tags. They will have been deducted from your myCENTs total, which may well have put you into the negative if some myCENTs had already been transferred to your billing account before the quote tags were added.Having a warning does not stop you earning myCENTs, but it does stop them being transferred to your billing account. Your myCENTs will continue to accumulate, but won't get transferred until your warning is removed.
  14. Not quite as valid as you want: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%ine&group=0 Although, to be fair, all those errors are caused by closing one link statement just with a > rather than /> so it should be an easy fix. The design is good. As sonesay mentioned, there is quite a bit of empty space, but that is no reason to fill it up! Your site looks good at its current size. One thing I would like to see is being able to get larger images in your portfolio. The small previews are OK, but I clicked them expecting to get a popup with a larger image, or perhaps a page with more information about the project. Instead, I got nothing. Other than that, not a lot else to say about it and good luck
  15. If XP is already installed then you can install Ubuntu without affecting your XP installation. The Ubuntu installer should allow you to choose which hard drive you install on, and offer some default automatic partitions so you don't need to worry about them. Installing on the 20GB drive is probably not a good idea, as you would likely fill it up fairly quickly if you regularly use Ubuntu. Installing to the external USB drive is a possibility if your motherboard and BIOS support it. If they do, your external drive will show up in the Ubuntu installer as an option to install to. Your best bet will be to install to the drive where Windows is already installed, then use the external drive for storing large files such as music and movies. The steps below are for this scenario. Boot into Windows XP. Back up anything important (copy it all to your external HDD) just in case. Run the disk defragmenter on the drive XP is installed on. Insert the Ubuntu CD into your CD drive and restart your computer. If XP comes up again when you reboot, you need to change your BIOS to boot from the CD first. If this happens, let us know and we'll tell you how to change it. On the Ubuntu boot screen choose the option to check the installation media, to make sure the CD burned OK. When that finishes, choose the option to install Ubuntu. The Ubuntu desktop should appear, with an icon to install Ubuntu. Double-click that. Go through the installation until you reach the partitioning stage. You want the option that says something like "Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space". If you don't see an option worded like that then cancel the installation and let us know what options you were presented with. Let the installation finish, then reboot. Now, when your computer boots you will be presented with a menu that lets you select which operating system you want to boot into. Use the arrows on the keyboard to move up and down through the options, then hit Enter when you've picked the OS you want to boot into that time. Every time you boot that menu will be displayed so you can easily switch between Ubuntu and XP.
  16. Yup Admittedly, I don't use it as my day-to-day browser (Firefox and Konqueror work well for that), but there were two websites I could only get to work on Lynx - Vodafone and British Gas. Thankfully I don't have to deal with either of them any more, so I can stop using Lynx.
  17. My mum's car has now reached the end of its life, so she's looking for a replacement. Previously she had a Ford Fiesta, and is looking for something around the same sort of size if possible (small-ish hatchback). We're getting it second hand, so I'm wondering if anyone has a small hatchback a few years old (2004-ish) they could recommend as being good, or tell us to avoid! You only really get to know what a car is like to live with every day after a few years, and that is when problems can start to appear, so we're just looking for mini-reviews of cars people have at the moment - do you recommend it or not, and why? Any horror stories?Also, we have so far been told by a mechanic friend that the gearboxes on Vauxhall/Opel Corsas are notoriously bad and very expensive to get replaced - anyone had experience of this?
  18. It may surprise you to learn that some people do actually prefer using IE to anything else, as shocking as that may be My dad, for example, is baffled by anything other than IE. It's what he's used to and won't switch no matter how much you persuade him. From my brief uses of IE recently (when I'm forced to on University PCs) they do seem to be trying to catch up in the features, but they often lack the finesse, usability and implementation that Firefox and other browsers have. Maybe it's just that I'm used to other browsers, but everything in IE seems sort of 'clunky' and forced together in a way that doesn't really work.
  19. Reading two books at the moment: The Asti Spumante Code by Toby Clements (info on Wikipedia). A parody of The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, quite short, good for a laugh, and still manages to be a good book while parodying pretty much everything wrong with Dan Brown's books A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. His style of writing is excellent, and it is a truly fascinating and eye-opening book to all aspects of science.
  20. Welcome, alex7h3pr0gr4m3r galexcd! Congratulations, and good luck pursuing the spammers and helping out the members.
  21. I believe the maximum you can earn for any one post is $1. If you were expecting more then you could possibly have missed exactly $1 being transferred. Moderators have no control over or access to the myCENTs system. If you really believe you haven't been credited for a post then you will need to contact an admin or the support team for help.
  22. As far as I am aware, no. As long as you pay your invoices then you should be able to order as many as you want. Once you purchase a domain, and it has been processed and registered, then you can log in to your billing account and change the nameservers whenever you want to whatever you want.
  23. The text, known as Lorem ipsum, or just Lipsum, is text used the world over by graphic, print and web designers to fill spaces where text will eventually go. It is Latin, taken from a text written in 45 BCE. It is used because most people won't understand it, and will therefore instead focus on the graphical elements of the design (such as colour, layout and typography) rather than focussing on the meaning of the text. You can find more about Lipsum here: http://www.lipsum.com/
  24. The nameservers are set to the following on all of my domains registered at various times: They're working and send my domains to my websites. Both NS and NS1 resolve to the same IP address, so either should work. However, the ping statistics for NS2 are a little worrying: CONSOLE rob@rob-laptop:~$ ping -c 5 ns.computinghost.com PING ns.computinghost.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=129 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=127 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=127 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=128 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=55 time=127 ms --- ns.computinghost.com ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 127.673/128.285/129.524/0.736 ms rob@rob-laptop:~$ ping -c 5 ns1.computinghost.com PING ns1.computinghost.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=128 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=128 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=128 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=127 ms 64 bytes from 34.fd.1343.static.theplanet.com ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=55 time=128 ms --- ns1.computinghost.com ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 127.558/128.306/128.979/0.610 ms rob@rob-laptop:~$ ping -c 5 ns2.computinghost.com PING ns2.computinghost.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 time=207 ms 64 bytes from ns2.computinghost.com ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=51 time=207 ms --- ns2.computinghost.com ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 2 received, 60% packet loss, time 18237ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 207.022/207.396/207.771/0.589 ms
  25. It won't really matter when you update them. If the domain is not being used at the moment then you may as well update them now so that the changes can propagate around the world as soon as possible. It will also allow you to use your hosting as soon as possible when your order is processed.
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