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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. In response to your question about emails -- you should have gotten them in the past. It would tell how much you earned during the update and your total number of posts. If you mean recently, no; no updates. In response to Opa -- thanks for the update. It's nice to know changes were made to enhance the system. Hopefully there won't be too many (if any) complications to delay it further. If I come up with any ideas on how to enhance it even more I'll toss you a PM.
  2. Well in terms of a file playing externally, that happens when the browser doesn't support the code you're using, or the program you need to launch it with doesn't support being embedded in your browser.I don't know enough about HTML5 and the new markup to really give any more information than that.
  3. I see where you're coming from with that. I never really viewed the updates as being like a shoutbox (I felt the chatroom would be better for that), but I get what you mean. Maybe a good solution for you would be to block the Updates from being shown until X posts have been made? That would ensure only legitimate users get their updates shown.
  4. There's a possibility the power supply is going out (in which case it may not be giving power to all the parts in your PC, or at least not enough power). Really there are just soo many options it's hard to lock one down without testing out a lot of things.
  5. I'm not really sure what fixed the missing posts problem -- some people are still having some (I haven't though). And yeah, I've been trying to help resurrect the forums but it's been a little hard; trying not to resurrect old forums, while at the same time not making spammy posts. I do hope at some point we can return to how it used to be -- before I had to take a break before, there were a lot of great conversations here to take part in. I miss it. Just as an update, I haven't been missing any posts still but I have had issues creating new threads sometimes. If I re-post every 5 mins, at some point it will usually go through. I don't get the memory error though so I'm not sure if the issue is due to low memory in the system or what.
  6. Thanks for the heads-up on the myCent situation. I've found that when you need help with technical stuff, Xisto is a lot better for getting replies. There have been many times that I get good answers there, whereas if I had made the same post here there would be no replies or wrong information given.
  7. I don't know for sure but I don't think so -- due to how networking and USB work (one example is that USB supplies power, the ethernet port doesn't). I would contact your employer's IT department and request that they unblock the port, if it's needed for something work-related.
  8. It was removed, as well as the rich text editor. They were removed due to the posting issue (where posts were being lost). They may come back later though.
  9. Have it dial up to your home phone number or something (it would make the beeping sounds while it's calling). Other than that I can't think of anything that would cause it to make sounds.
  10. Yes, they are linked together, but I thought this would also mean that if it's broken here, it's broken there too. Can anyone else confirm whether or not it's updating properly there?
  11. I had to re-read your name a few times because that post was way different than I expected from you -- it was.. Well... Positive. I also condone keeping enough finances ready (even if it's cash -- for really *anything*) for a few months. This includes non-hosting stuff too -- like car insurance, home payments, etc. You never know when you'll end up in the hospital and be unable to pay the bills.
  12. I didn't even know McDonald's has hotdogs... And the comment wasn't *that* true anyways; you forget that we have a lot of people who are soo large they can't even get out of their house -- much less find a way to get to McD's!
  13. I drive a 1993 Miata (it's actually my third one -- the other two were totaled, none my fault).As for why I chose '93, it's because I like the pop-up headlights it has. I can't stand all the cars with normal headlights; they're too dim and really just don't work very well.
  14. Religion-wise you really need to do some research. There's a reason most religions have lists of the types of animals you can't eat -- and it's not because you shouldn't be eating *any* of them. If that were the case they would say it. As for the eating vegetables/fruits being better; sure. Let's take everyone to eat nothing but those two. When things like pigs/cows/etc. die off due to lack of food (since we're eating all of theirs) and then people run out of those foods, we're then forced to eat each OTHER. But of course it's better to eat people than it is animals, right? Or at least that's what you'd rather happen with your claim. I would personally rather continue eating animals than people. Not to mention, as stated many amino acids can only be obtained by meat (meaning by not eating meat you are lowering your health). But don't worry; the Higher Up (God or whoever your god is) did that on purpose so we would all die of malnutrition. Or not. Seriously, you guys need to pay more attention to the *effects* of things rather than the "what is going on right now?" parts of them.
  15. Animals are made to be eaten -- it's part of the circle of life. Every religion condones it, as does nature itself (look how many carnivores there are -- try to tell a lion to start eating only vegetables). The view that eating animals is cruel or whatever is ridiculous. If it wasn't supposed to happen, sharks wouldn't eat fish, lions/tigers/bears wouldn't eat other animals, snakes wouldn't prey on other animals, etc. You can literally start listing thousands of predatory animals -- I'm sure they never have rallys about whether or not eating meat is "right" or not. It's called nature.
  16. I've just been ignoring that box of updates. I thought it was site-only though, didn't notice until your post that it also has Facebook/Twitter as well. I don't think it really hurts anything to have it there.
  17. It seems like the issue from that thread is the motherboard itself or the RAM. It could be either of those causing the system not to POST. The only way is to test (I'd go with RAM first). When you get RAM, make sure it's the right type (for example, DDR2 5300) for the motherboard.
  18. Well, I guess you can always say "at least they recycle." Their motto should be "nothing isn't recyclable -- even our own excrements!"I don't see how *any* urine could be healthy to drink though. The whole point of urine is that it's the toxins your body has to get rid of, so all you're doing is taking in more potent toxins. It just doesn't make sense to me.
  19. Try using a CGI based proxy to load the site. That's how I usually test whether or not I'm blocked from a site. If the site loads through the proxy, it is definitely on your end. If it doesn't, it's probably their end.As for the two links -- they could be on different servers. If it's a major site (I didn't check it out) they probably host the site/forums separately.
  20. Lol, I love you. Most epic post made on these forums so far. I don't see why people always try to assimilate all people into one group -- for example, "oh, you're Jewish so you must be rich." It's pretty ignorant to do so. Regardless, your response made my day, .
  21. Regarding your question about one problem per reply, I ran into the same thing a few days ago. More or less mine was like this: * Started ticket about switching plans * Canceled other plans (through system) * Got email that my plan was switched * Replied to the email inquiring why the other two weren't deactivated yet * Was given a reply that said if I had any other issues to please contact them again (didn't resolve the issue yet) In my case, I'm guessing the system will auto-resolve the problem (says it's at DEPT-TASK right now). But I have the same complaint as mahesh in that support's responses are conveying that they aren't doing anything, nor giving us replies as to how we can resolve it (such as mine -- I don't know if the DEPT-TASK does mean it'll be fixed or not, as I was blown off after contacting support). As for you, mahesh -- I would suggest creating a new ticket solely about the new issue. That may help get it resolved. As for Opa, can you please shed some light on this as well, so we know what we are doing wrong? Thanks.
  22. We need a lot more information than that. What exactly happens? What steps did you take to install it? What programs are you using? Just saying it won't install tells us absolutely nothing.
  23. I pretty much quit NFS once Most Wanted came out. I realized I was paying to play the same game over and over, only with different graphics. It's kind of like upgrading from Madden NFL 2008 to 2009 to 2010 to 2011; it's a waste without any real additions.
  24. I haven't been posting as much lately. There have been times the last few days where I'm gone for literally 5 hours and when I come back there are 0 new posts. It's been killing the mood, lol.
  25. If this is a serious question, you should just upgrade your entire PC. Your CPU is slow enough that a real upgrade would require a new motherboard and new ram, at the very least, as well as probably a new PSU. For $300 or so you can get a dual core CPU system with a gig or more of ram, and it should be good enough to support your needs.
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