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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. When you subscribe (I'm guessing you did so through clicking the icon in the top right of the forums?) you have the choice of many different options. Based on your request I'm thinking what you want is the "Latest Posts" one. In that case, the direct link to the feed seems to be: http://forums.xisto.com/rss/forums/6-Xisto-latest-posts/ Although I am not currently using a feed reader so I'm not completely sure -- it's weird that it's in pure text form and not formatted. I've only used the Joomla RSS feeds before but it was a lot more organized (or it could be that I'm using Google Chrome now instead of IE like I used to). Either way, hope that helps.
  2. Artisteer is very nice. About the width issue you can always edit the theme afterwards. It's like what I would do with Dreamweaver -- use the program to do all the designing since it's graphical, and after that I would go through manually and tweak things I disliked (as well as add things I didn't know how to do using Dreamweaver). The Artisteer program is very easy to use though. I also highly recommend it.
  3. If they didn't know about the issue, it means they clearly didn't test their stuff before flaunting it around. You never, ever, take something out to brag to others unless you know what you're doing. It's like bragging about having the fastest car around and showing it to potential investors/media and then finding out it can only withstand a high speed for 3 seconds before it breaks down due to parts wearing out too fast -- you just don't do it. I'm reminded of Microsoft's mistake when the 360 was launched. They claimed it was "unhackable" and would never be circumvented due to the thousands of hours they spent fully testing every possible angle on the system. It ended up being hacked before it was even officially released (someone from "the scene" got a hold of a system early due to having a friend who worked at a retailer, and hacked it within hours). Microsoft is the only company I can think of that has these problems -- I've yet to hear horror stories (or see them) about other companies who bring their flawed hardware/software to show off to the world.
  4. With the Kinect they had issues with understanding certain colors too. There was a demonstration on stage where they allowed a member of the audience to test out the machine. He was wearing a black shirt and the system didn't recognize it so they had to send him back to his seat and they allowed one of their own employees to play it for the people. Their claim at that point was that it was "resolved" but not with the system they were demonstrating (I find it beyond ridiculous to take a broken system to show off to potential investors/media, so I highly doubt that was the truth). Even the Wii isn't perfectly accurate (the Motion Plus often gets out of sync) but at least with that you're messing with something you can hold. Just standing in front of a camera I doubt there's any way to fix potential problems with syncing or whatever. Based on my reading online and speaking to people, I do not think the Kinect is going to be too popular. Too many people are doubting its capabilities and/or the games it'll come with. But of course only time will tell.
  5. Man, I had never seen that before -- just read over it and I find that a little ridiculous. No wonder we always get hacked -- Russia has more access to our operating system than Americans do!
  6. I never use phone books except when power goes out and we need to call the power company. Without the book, though, I could just as easily have written down the number and just use that to call them.I don't really like phone books because they are huge, I rarely use them, and they are sometimes out of date. They can only account for a certain period of time (less than a year, when you consider production time, printing time, and delivery time). The same information that's in them is also available online -- usually more updated though.I really like the idea listed above of putting them on a CD. CD's are very cheap, easier to use, and they would have a search ability, allowing you to much faster find the person you need, rather than flipping through the book.
  7. Would the primer books not be more geared towards people who already fully understand the material? I thought it would skip a lot of steps and just go over random basics to help reinforce a few important things. I've actually ran into a few books like that before and all they did is leave me more confused than before. These are good books for basics; I've started the C++ one already. The issue is they don't spend enough time on real-world programming. It's more or less "here's how to to x," "now here's how to do xx." They don't go through, for example, "For a banking application, you would need to use this thought process and work towards..." or anything like that. Real world experience counts for more than anything else. This one I've never heard of. I'll definitely check it out and see where it takes me. Do you mean C++ or Visual C++? I have a Visual C++ The Complete Reference book, but it got me nowhere. It spent more time on drawing boxes using C++ than anything -- I'd much rather just make a cube and load it in via DirectX, lol. Thanks for the information though guys. I'm not putting down your ideas or anything, just explaining the issues I've had with the different books listed (if any).
  8. I agree that it is just a myth. My birthday falls on Friday the 13th quite often; I've never experienced anything out of the ordinary, scary, etc. I really never understood things claiming one number is bad while another is good or anything -- it's a number. In this case it's a day and a number, but Friday is nothing but the day that falls in between Thursday and Saturday. 13 is just a number between 12 and 14. There is nothing negative about it.
  9. I've already preordered my Kinect but I'm not sure if I'm going to end up canceling it yet.I've read many reports about the pre-E3 videos (the ones with Milo and stuff) and how it took multiple shoots to get the system to work correctly. They also said Milo, for example, was a pre-made game and wasn't really reacting to the girl -- it was all scripted.I just find it hard to believe the system can do all the detections they claim it can. Even more unbelievable is the $149.99 price tag on something like that. I just don't see how it is possible.
  10. By being able to see the source it's also easier to protect it from flaws. The problem with Windows is only Microsoft employees are able to see what is going on in the code. As we have seen in the past, they can't even stabilize their OS, much less fix security breaches. Linux has more people working on it and stabilized their OS's years ago; something Microsoft has still failed to manage. It's really like forum bases. For example, VBulletin often goes through security breaches. phpBB, on the other hand, goes through them on a much lower rate, because there are soo many others working on the same system. Some claim that Linux isn't really "harder" to hack, it's just that it isn't mainstream (there was a report a while ago about how less than 3% of all PC users are using Linux). As such, it just isn't worth the time to do so. Either way, I feel safer with open source than proprietary. At least with open source I know what I'm getting.
  11. The thread is almost a year and a half old. He *did* clarify the issue, over a year ago. This problem has been fixed for a lonnnnnnnnnnng time now. Please check the dates on posts before resurrecting old threads.
  12. Have you considered just editing the one that comes stock on Joomla? Or if you don't want to do editing, RocketTheme.com has a pretty nice one that's free. Most professional-type themes are going to be paid though, so especially if you're looking for something specific I'd say it's better to just make it yourself/edit another one.
  13. To all of your questions -- yes. The only changes to the site itself are the new name and some improvements to the posting system, site, etc. But yes, everything works just as it did before. And welcome back!
  14. I use a Sony Ericcson.AFTER the 2 year plan discount, the phone was $599.99As for service, I don't pay it (grandparents have me on their plan) so... $0, .
  15. I hope they don't factor in (the reputation points) because then the forums will turn into a popularity contest. You know, the "if you +rep me I'll +rep you so we both benefit" type of thing. I just see it as being more destructive than helpful. Not to mention people could have someone they dislike for whatever reason and get others to -rep them solely because they can.
  16. https://www.amazon.com/Avatar-Two-Disc-Blu-ray-DVD-Combo/dp/B002VPE1B6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1278757260&sr=8-1 There's an example of what I mean by it. About the music CD and cassette, we also had a lot of combo packs like that as well (back when cassettes were popular), lol. I can't justify the cost for BR anyways -- the cost is 50% or so more than DvD and the quality isn't a huge problem for me (I've seen the differences and I know they're big, but once the movie is over it's not like I'll think back and say "man, that one barrel that blew up was a little pixellated").
  17. I'm not bitter at all. Wars and things like that all enhance both our present and our future (things like the Holocaust, for example, boosted the U.S.' science divisions, which is the only reason we have satellite TV's, GPS systems, etc.). What happened to Natives is what created America, etc. I'm simply stating that Americans contradict themselves in terms of what they do and what they claim is "right" or wrong. As for the Native American vs Indian discussion, I already explained it. I personally refer to us as Indians; the problem is people confuse it with the India Indians. Just like the term African American insinuates all black people are from Africa, which couldn't be further from the truth (through geography you'll learn a lot more about that). By classifying by a visible feature (ex. white, black, brown, red, yellow) there is absolutely no confusion. Either you're white or you're not -- there is no middle ground. You're black or you're not -- again, there's no way to confuse it. People who take offense to colors need to lock themselves in a single colored room so they no longer have to accept the fact that we live in a colorful world. Edit : your knife vs gun thing is something I've said before too, lol. I don't know how the Natives thought they could compare with the firepower from guns, but as far as I know it was ignorance -- never having seen these "tools" before, they had no idea what they were.
  18. But if they show the correct times, wouldn't that mean they should be logged with the correct times as well? Example : You would see a post that says 3:19 AM and another that says 3:42 AM but the 3:42 would be above the 3:19. If it was a time-zone issue I'd think it would show the wrong time as well.
  19. It could just be that you tried to access it during a low period (when there aren't that many people online), in which case it would be faster. He/she may be attempting to load the page during peak hours.
  20. Yeah, I don't see why you would need to password protect it either. But I think he means to password only certain files to make them unwritable (read-only). Also, word of advice to those of you who don't know. Flash drives run on a battery. When the battery dies all of the information is lost. Always, always back up your flash information in case that happens. There are other things that can cause it to go as well, such as a spontaneous wipe (but that's rare), so always back up the data.
  21. This site is almost impossible to get rewards from. You can't spam the site with refreshes or you get banned, yet millions of others are also trying to access it during restocks for those 30-35 items. Your chances of winning anything are extremely low.
  22. Thanks for the support and I'll definitely do that next time instead. Also, I did not know we can't edit our posts now (we were able to the day before yesterday still). Back on topic, I have a couple priest jokes but I'm not sure if I should post them (they can be *very* offensive to people).
  23. There's a lot of good information there but it really depends on where your mind is set: general stuff or highly technical. For example, if you are interested in robotics -- it would be good. I usually don't hang out there but when I do need information that I probably won't find here I go there to see. So far the mixture between the forums has helped out greatly with all sorts of stuff.
  24. Is anyone else having issues with posts being out of order? Like, for example, I just replied in a thread and their post shows as last, even though I replied after theirs. It even shows them as the last poster.This has happened a few times lately and I'm wondering if it's just my account or if you others are experiencing it as well.The timing seems to be irrelevant (such as the last one, I posted at 4:24 and they posted 5-6 minutes before that and mine still showed up before theirs and put them as the last poster).This also happens whether or not I am quoting them, so that doesn't seem to be impacting it.
  25. Ah, thanks a lot for those links, . Going to read them over the next few days and see what I can come up with.
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