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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Yes (to the examples you gave). It's technical in the sense that topics are geared more towards computery/sciency stuff rather than general things (like you won't find many/any topics about life or relationships, health, etc. there).
  2. You're the one who claimed I should call them "African American." I used the color because I've never met another American Indian that was black. Therefore it is used as a way to explain colors that are *not* affiliated with us. I never once claimed I was speaking about dark-skinned people who came over from Africa -- you jumped to conclusions. There are many areas of Africa with white people. In fact, there's a lot of places that are *solely* white. Since we're just going to use "African Americans" for dark-skinned people, then, we also need to call all white people the same (as we aren't sure if they are from Europe, Asia or Africa). Also, when people come over from the U.K. and other European/Asian countries that are also dark-skinned, we are also classifying them as African American under this "political correctness" (even though they are also not from Africa -- and there were civilizations of black people in Europe that were there long before America by hundreds of years -- but since their color is black we must classify them as African as well). Which also means that since there are whites from Africa, all white people, regardless of where they live (including Asian/European countries) should be classified as African American. Same point as above. I used it as a color, just as you could call Natives "red." It's a color. If you can visibly see it, well, I think it's pretty self-explanatory. After slaughtering our people, forcing us to reservations (and slaughtering us again), taking away our reservations (and slaughtering us again)... Enslaving us, etc. I stand by my point. America is made up of all races, and all races should be able to come. There's no way you can legitimately claim otherwise.
  3. But if you were going to get a BR player later, you could save the money and only get the DvD, then buy the BR when it went through a price drop in a couple weeks/a month. Then you spent less by waiting to buy something you couldn't use until later anyways. I've seen other movies now that are 2/3 packs as well, including one of the following: 1) DvD or BR movie 2) Electronic code to view the movie online or 1) DvD 2) BR 3) Electronic code Maybe they are just marketing to those who do impulse buying?
  4. The point has nothing to do with MyCents. As a writer, I am highly against plagiarism; posting or writing other peoples' work without quoting them is exactly that: plagiarism. Whether or not it looks better un-quoted or not is irrelevant.
  5. There are advertisements but not for members. If you log out and look at the threads/site you'll see there are both banners and in-content links.
  6. African American? You would be amazed at how many educated people get angry when you use that term, with the argument that "I'm not from Africa, my parents weren't from Africa, my grandparents weren't from Africa, so why the **** are you claiming I am?" Color is one thing -- a color. Thus I used the color as a reference. Just like if I said "The black Benz is more sleek than the red Benz." I shouldn't say "The African American colored Benz is more sleek than the red Benz." As for my argument, I'm simply stating that if Americans came here and took our land (As Native Americans -- and I use that term solely because it distinguishes between Native American Indians and the ones from India), they have no right to cry about others coming over here as well. The country is made up of people from all races; thus all races have the right to be here. For the record, the white people were the "Savages" (as they were extremely violent in nature -- killing people) and the *only* reason for using Native Americans is to distinguish between western and eastern types (westerners used teepees, killed buffaloes, lived on reservations, etc. whereas eastern ones are completely different). I personally wouldn't take offense to anything you called me/us -- regardless it's just a way of classifying someone to keep from mistaking them with someone else. Throughout my education (going higher and higher -- especially once I went through classes for my Bachelor's degree) I've learned more and more about how these terms society claims are "politically correct" (such as "African Americans") really aren't correct -- they leave people confused or offended.
  7. I didn't even know Mario had soundtracks. As far as I remember there aren't that many songs in the games (especially not the old ones).
  8. Yes, that would help out a lot with understanding (especially for us who are used to it being the total earned). I also feel it is better to show your current funds instead of the total earned (as it doesn't matter if you've earned $50k if you still have $0 left!).
  9. Since it is a part of JavaScript would you suggest learning JS before moving into Ajax, then? Or do you think going straight into learning Ajax on the framework of your choice would be fine?
  10. Can anyone please explain what Ajax is? I hear about it a lot in terms of scripting and I like the effects that can be done with it (I see it mostly with things that load without requiring the page to refresh) but is it *just* a scripting language, like CSS is?And does anyone have any tutorials on how to use it? The amount of information on it seems to be quite limited when comparing to more mainstream applications (such as HTML, although I think Ajax should be mainstream as well).
  11. Very nice tutorial here. I'm wondering if it would be possible to do the shoutbox using flat-files though instead of requiring a database (SQL). I'm thinking something as small as a shoutbox wouldn't really need too much power, and flat-file would speed things up a bit since all you're doing is showing x amount of posts and keeping the rest in a log.
  12. Okay, this is really starting to bother me -- DvD's that come in BlueRay and DvD format, in the same package, at a "discount" as compared to buying both separately.Does anyone here purchase these combo packs? And if so, can you please explain *why*?The way I see it, if I have a BlueRay player I'll watch the BR discs. If I don't then I wouldn't purchase them. When you have the option of:1) BR itself2) DvD itself3) Both BR and DvdI really can't figure out why you would want both.I'm noticing this with more and more movies as of lately and it just doesn't make any sense to me. So please, explain this to me.
  13. Well I think if someone does *all* of the work on a site it would make them a "web developer." At least that's how I view it for some reason. I really can't explain why or justify it, but for some reason when I think of a sole website maker the term that comes to mind is "web developer." Maybe it's because I'm better at the coding than graphics in everything (C++, websites, etc.) and so it's one of those things you feel but don't know why, lol.
  14. This was sparked from the MyCents discussion but I felt others may want to know this as well.We know the site has a referral system, and that your xisto account is linked to your forum account. So what would happen in this situation:1) You refer someone who creates a xisto account under your referral2) They then join the forums and link their accounts3) They earn enough for hosting4) They get a hosting package/domain using their mycentsI'm wondering which of the following would happen:a) You get nothing since it was paid via mycentsB) You get cash additions since it was still a subscription/purchasec) You get mycents for the referral since it was paid in mycentsI'm asking because you noted that later on you plan to "bridge" mycents and the referral system. So what happens with those in the meantime? Is there any distinguishing in terms of referral earnings between those who paid in cash and those who used mycents?
  15. Wow, pretty cool updates there. That shows beyond a doubt that your post quality is in fact counted (as opposed to not having proof before, where people still thought the more posts = the better).Seeing that I'm on that list and my earnings per post is above a couple of the others makes me feel a little more confident about my quality, .
  16. Can't create new threads now, lol.

    1. OpaQue
    2. rpgsearcherz


      Ah, it was fixed later. I tried to post it every 5 mins or so until it finally worked. I think it's the same issue we had with the posts not showing up...

    3. anwiii
  17. I think Final Fantasy has the best soundtracks. FF7 of course, but the others as well (at least 8+).Another one with good soundtracks would be Kingdom Hearts, as it has a lot of music we've already heard before (Aladdin, Lion King, etc.).
  18. Yes, I would say to follow Rv's advice. I played this online a year or so ago and had to use GameSpy to do it. If I remember right there's an option in the game itself for GameSpy as well though (not 100% on that).You'd probably have better luck with one of the newer ones though (like AOE3). Although I think the 2nd one was the best.
  19. Lol, that was pretty entertaining -- never heard it before.Don't forget to use quote tags though, considering it was quoted.
  20. I'm a little confused about something -- is our forum "Earnings" supposed to show the total we've earned (like before) or the amount we have now? Because mine shows the actual amount in my account now, rather than the total.Or is that done because of the recalculation and it'll keep stacking as we go along?
  21. This is a subject that when I explain my view makes a lot of people mad. But let's do it:Okay, so people get mad about, say, Mexicans coming into the U.S. because "they don't belong here" or whatever.I am Native American, and I believe that most people in our country do not belong here. Whites, Asians, Blacks, etc. -- it is Native American land. How did others get here? By pushing my people out of the country (via slaughter and broken promises).So to me, the whole "this isn't Mexico" or whatever argument is completely invalid. It's not right for Americans to say "haha, this is our country and we don't want you here" without giving the Natives a choice either. It's a contradiction.So for me, I say let over whoever wants to come here -- every race has already decided our (Natives) land is theirs anyways, so either way we got screwed.
  22. Thanks Opa -- it did work. And the previous post was correct -- the email amount is off but everything is good to go, .So for anyone else who is worried -- it is working properly, just displaying the wrong number in the email. Check your xisto account for the real amount.
  23. I got a MyCent update today but it's a little off. It says I was credited $0 but earned 70 MyCents.Wondering if anyone else got their update yet (in the email) and what yours said.
  24. I also agree that this site is good community-wise, when you only factor in those who want to be part of it. It's very clear who is posting to help and be helped, and who is posting with the hope that their spam will get them hosting.There are a select few here that have shown time and time again that they *enjoy* the community, and wish to continue being part of it. I won't go into names or anything because I don't want to make anyone feel bad that I left them out -- but you know who you are.I do hope at some point we can rebuild the site back to where it once was -- flourishing with tons of new conversations, lots of different views on various topics, etc. It's always fun to see others' opinions on different things and compare your view to theirs -- you can learn a lot about not only others but yourself as well.
  25. I would suggest keeping Xisto.com for the large group of us who still think of the site by that name. But as for the link -- it's bookmarked now anyways so I'm fine with whatever.
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