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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I have contacted HP about this and was escalated higher and higher through support until one of the people just said "if the port is PCIE x16 then everything will be PCIE x16. Ignore whatever programs you are running that say otherwise."At the same time, every diagnostic program I have run says the opposite of her claim. My card is for some reason only running at x1 speed, and it is causing tearing in my graphics while watching videos and stuff. Yesterday after a reboot it went up to x8, then next reboot to x2, and now it is stuck back at x1 again.I am wondering if anyone knows of any solution to the problem. Reading online I have mostly read only about updating the BIOS, but that had no effect for me.The card I am using is an 8800GT Alpha Dog Edition by XFX, and the PC is an HP p6228p.I have no idea where to go from here. I am wondering if maybe it is a faulty video card or something.Some also claimed to try resetting the battery in the PC but I am not seeing how that would resolve anything. Unless I am missing something?Thanks guys, and any input would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Being loyal/trustworthy and being rude are mutually exclusive to one another. Helping the site would be to be nicer about how things are requested/stated. If something has not changed yet it does not mean the admin is not trying -- he might be working hard at it and just be having complications. Thus being rude in requests/statements is only hurting progress, not helping it. You have to remember that people work a lot better when they are happy. Happiness helps clear your brain's fog and increase your ability to think well. Being mad/sad/defensive only clouds it over because of our brain's "fight or flight" mechanism, which tells it that if complications arise we should either fight to the death or run from it. Putting the admin in this state of mind, I promise you, is not going to resolve anything at all. The more relaxed and happy he is, the easier/faster his work will be.
  3. This is true. Also, if you do want to quote things just quote very small sections and ensure they are *in quotes*. This will help show that you are not the original author (as a writer I personally get very angry about people who take others' work without giving them proper credit).
  4. This is a pretty tough decision for me. Some people *do* turn their lives around but most do not. Even a lot that "do" end up returning to their old ways after a while.For me it would be a huge trust issue. It would be based on whether or not *I* feel you should be trusted again. For this I would not make an instant decision; it would require a lot of thought and time viewing your actions, responses to actions, responses during an interview, etc.I get that some people change but the overall majority of the people who are locked up for severe crimes (such as felonies) commit more crimes when they are released.I do have a lot of respect for those few that *do* end up completely changing their ways and never returning to the old ones. I know it takes a lot of work and dedication, especially with the problems you face with society. But at the same time -- you made your own decisions. Nobody forced you to go commit these crimes; you did it on your own.
  5. Video games are not always a waste of time -- it really depends on which ones you are speaking of.For examples:FPS games (first-person shooters) are excellent for speeding up thought processes. These generally require split-second responding to situations, which increases your ability to react. This is especially true with online gaming.Puzzle games -- These are pretty self-explanatory. All puzzles help with mental "working out."Sports games -- These help with people who enjoy sports. They allow you to test and learn about your favorite sports, as well as do mock-setups for your real teams.RTS games (real-time strategy) -- These help with your ability to think through situations logically. You have to beat your opponent by analyzing their actions and countering them in the best way you can.RPG's/MMORPG's (Role-playing games/massively multiplayer online role-playing games) -- These help out because they are largely based on reading. You read quests to learn about the story-line and what to do next, you get to explore, etc. In the case of MMORPG's you also learn how to work with other players in team-work.Most games really do help you with your mind; a lot of people are just too ignorant to understand it.
  6. His method is not as a critic. His method is hostile towards people. Rather than showing errors and corrective measures in a more relaxed way, he does it in the "WHY HAVEN'T YOU DONE IT YET?!" way. It causes people to get very defensive, and it has a mental toll on everyone (himself included). I'm just saying that there are better ways to vent his frustration than the way he is currently doing it. Also, by his posts, he makes it seem as if he has made recommendations many times. If this is true (as I have stated -- I have not been around for a couple/few months so I am unsure) and no changes have been made in response to them so far, speaking of them over and over is again not resolving anything, as the chances of anything changing are very small. I do get where you are all coming from. I have also been experiencing the errors and stuff. I just believe you are not helping anything by flaming all the time.
  7. Well you did post it in the "showoff" section. This means you want people to give input on it. I was not trying to be rude by my post -- just giving constructive criticism.
  8. I completely agree with this statement. SEO means nothing if you do not have the visitors coming on a normal basis. Without good content (and active content) you get nowhere at all.
  9. This signature is better than something I could create right now, but I do find it extremely plain. There just isn't enough to really catch your attention with it. It's very easy to pass up.Due to the lack of attention-grabbing, I give it a 2/10.Signatures are to pull the viewer in and make them *remember* you.
  10. Thanks for the updates OpaQue. And Anwii, I know exactly where you are coming from and everything but I feel you are being a little counter-productive with your constant flaming/complaining. Yes, there are issues -- yes, some are worse than others -- but becoming hostile about it all is helping nobody. OpaQue has better things to do than to post in threads like this (such as fixing the errors/issues), although I do like that he has shown some initiative *by* posting here. I would really like to see the site back to where it was before -- where after 2 hours there were 3-4 pages full of new posts when you click the "View New Posts" button -- instead, I do it every 6-8 hours and see a maximum of 6 or so. I think there should be something given to the most loyal members here -- it seems a few of us are all that is left and are what is keeping the site alive now.
  11. I would refer to things relating to storms or destruction as being "he's" then (the sun, the moon, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) and I would refer to those that reflect more of the nurturing things as being "she's" (such as water, snow, the sky, foods, etc.).
  12. Thanks for the information. When we are upgrading from HTML4 > 5 does CSS also work with the new additions as well, or are we still limited by how fast CSS is updated? (I do not recall having any CSS "versions" or anything)
  13. An alternative to the issue would be to put the information in a picture document (jpg or whatever you want). That would be one picture, text only (so small size), and you could spice it up some as well.For things like PC specs that do not change often it is a great alternative.
  14. I am a little confused by this. As far as I know all information sent via any electronic device is logged anyways (at least it is in the U.S. due to the Big Brother laws put into effect).I am not seeing why they would do it in the U.S. and refuse to in other countries -- especially considering we are the "freest country." If they are going to log our stuff why not go ahead and log everyones?I am personally completely against the whole logging information thing. I do not believe that what you do/say/etc. should be visible to the security agency because that means a lot of others also have access. Let's face it -- in any position of power there are also people who are abusing it.
  15. Yeah, I have no issues with the slow/broken MyCents but I have lost around 10-15 posts in the past couple days now. They seem to be going through (as my maximum posts goes down) but there is no error or anything -- they just flat out do not even post.I have also noticed that some posts that do not go through are not in bugged threads (as other people's posts end up showing up still, yet mine never does).
  16. The one I have seen advertised the most/recommended the most is CamTasia, although I have never used anything for recording my desktop (but I plan to soon due to a website I am in the process of designing).Are there any that can encode in real-time so that it does not require a 1TB drive for 30 minutes of video?lol. Most I have seen do not encode in real-time, which is a huge turn-off to me.
  17. Yes, I agree with everything stated here. Except for the mycents thing. Yes, it is why a lot of people come here, and yes it is a somewhat important aspect of the site, but I think those who come here solely for the hosting are just leeching us anyways. I have noticed as time is going along more and more people are becoming inactive posters here -- I myself have become inactive a few times but for personal reasons -- And I never came back for the MyCents. I came back for other reasons. Either way, I kind of view it was being that whatever keeps the site up is good for me. Slower responses/updates is fine as long as we do not lose our service, . Hiring someone to help out with the site could end up destroying it overall, which therefore is a negative impact on everything we have worked to create (I say "we" because our content helps the forums flourish as well). Although I do agree that there are some trustworthy people on this site that could help with certain things.
  18. I thought the prices have been going down, not up. And I have never owned a Toshiba but I do like their looks. My only issue is not finding one that fits my exact needs at the time. For example, ram amount/speed, CPU types, etc. They do have some pretty decent laptops in the $300-400 range though!
  19. Interesting situations you have gotten yourself into, lol. It may have to do with how you look (I know for a fact people in "power" -- such as managers of stores, police, etc. judge people based on their looks and start making assumptions about you). A great friend of mine used to walk into stores and instantly security and workers would pretty much stalk him to make sure he was not stealing anything. I never really believed it until he had me go into a store I normally go into, but with him. Sure enough, as soon as we walked in it was like a spotlight was shined on us. I do know some states are worse than others in terms of laws though. For example, on a road trip to Florida (I'm from Texas) we went through Louisiana and were told by a another traveler that if an out-of-stater is pulled over there that you are pretty much going to have the maximum penalties thrown at you. Texas is also strict -- in Texas if a police officer can pull over any car and search them without any cause whatsoever. The rule was enacted due to "trafficking" that was going on. Also, if you are pulled over and get charged with anything -- even as small as a speeding ticket for 61 in a 60, they can impound your car for up to 60 days. Now I have not seen any of that actually happen yet (aside from pull-overs -- as I've said I have been pulled over a lot, and maybe a lot of them are due to the ability to pull over anyone for no reason) but it is still something that can happen to anyone. I think it is stupid to be able to take someone's car for going one mile over the speed limit. On the same note as above, I was in a wreck at one point and had to go get estimates on the damage done. At one place I went there was a guy with his father. The kid had his car impounded and license suspended so his father went with him to pick up the car. They would not allow the father to get the car *due to "federal law"* because he was not the legal owner of the car -- the younger guy was. The impound cost was like $38 a day and they told him that due to the laws they would not be able to get the car until the kid got his license back in 6 months, and would have to pay the $38 a day * 6 months in order to retrieve it. So I have seen some ridiculous things in my time, some of which I completely do not understand. But at the same time I also think we are *lucky* to live in a place where the harassment is not as bad as others (where there are no rules at all and you can be shot just because the police *thought* you might have been a guilty party in something). As for your situations, have you thought about pressing charges? I am not one for suing to get rich, but through my law classes we learned a lot about changes that were made in police departments due to being taken to court -- you can get those police fired, get rules changed, etc.
  20. It is a Chihuahua and I brought up the learning/problem solving because it shows they are able to recall and memorize things (which most people claim they can't -- and if they can't, it is impossible for them to in fact be loyal). What sparked the bridge between the two (which I left out of the post) was a story about a guy who was in a house that was on fire and his dog grabbed him by the neck of his shirt and dragged him safely out of the house before it imploded. To me that shows not only is the dog smart (as he can tell both that the house is on fire *and* that his human companion is unsafe being inside and he needs to resolve the issue) but also that he is loyal. To me, if they are not smart they can not be loyal. It makes me mad when people say experimenting on animals is good because "they are just animals." I do not view them that way (although I do completely understand that medications and such must be tested before humans die -- but I think the way people view it is in the wrong way). Another interesting thing my dog can differentiate between is when I am going outside, when I am taking her outside, and when I am going to the restroom (for example, if she sees me grab my cup or toothbrush before I leave the room she will just stay since she knows I'll only be out a minute. If I don't she will leave with me. If I go to the door she knows I am going outside and sits while waiting for permission to join me). I also know her well enough that if she dashes outside and I can not get her back inside (she will sometimes run from me) I can just go inside, close the door, and count to 15 silently and open it and she'll dash back inside and jump in my arms and act like she hasn't seen me for weeks. She is deathly afraid to be alone and it's just another thing I know about her that most people would never realize about their pets.
  21. I refer to all of the above as "it." I do not really see inanimate objects as being males or females. As others have pointed out though, some people use the Greek genders for them -- such as Shiva would be the Goddess of Ice, so they might refer to ice as being a "she."
  22. The laptop brand I would suggest as being the "best" has changed recently.A few months ago I would have strongly recommended HP as the first choice, but that is no longer (they have been screwing over their customers left and right).Acer was my next favorite but they have turned me against them as well.So I would go with Sony or Toshiba. Both of these are quality companies and as far as I know both give pretty good support.As for my issue with HP, they won't accept fault for hardware failures that happen with ALL of their laptops of certain models (such as Tx1000). Instead, they claimed over the phone that "even if 30,000 people called us, that would only represent 5% of our total sales, maximum. Therefore that still does not prove that our hardware has issues." This is including the fact that they have 3 other laptop models with the SAME motherboard issues that were all recalled -- how the motherboard would fail in 3/4 models and they claim it isn't failing in the fourth is beyond me. But I would never trust them again.
  23. I have experienced three types of touch-screens:1) Touch-sensitive -- where you can touch it w/ your finger and still have an effect2) Pressure-sensitive -- where you need to apply hard pressure or use an item (such as the DS)3) Pen-enabled -- where you must use a pen that has a magnet built inThe differences alter the way they can be used. For example, for the touch sensitive (this would be the Iphone) you can easily scroll through with your finger. With the Nintendo DS you would want more precise control, to using the stylus is a good way to do this. And the pen-enabled is for people who do a lot of drawing and things like that. The pen usually has both a writing side and an eraser for turning a tablet into a true drawing device (like the Wacom tablet).I personally prefer the Pen-enabled for most things, but for the phones I would go with touch-sensitive just because it is easier to use them without having to fumble around looking for a pen.
  24. Hey guys, wondering if any of you have experience with the two phones HTC Touch and the Iphone and can give some advice as to differences.I recently checked them out at a service provider and was told that they are the same except that the HTC Touch only requires a $20 data plan that covers EVERY phone, whereas the Iphone is $30 PER PHONE.But I'm wondering how many applications are cross-compatible -- for example, could Iphone applications be used on the HTC and vice versa? My understanding is that the Iphone applications are all Java-based, but they always say they are "made for Iphone/Ipod Touch/Ipad" so I'm unsure if there are differences in their programming.Also, can anyone give input as to the quality of the two? As of right now I'm leaning more towards the HTC as it is not only cheaper per month but most providers give buy one-get-one-free on that phone, whereas again the Iphone is a huge cost increase.
  25. These experiences you have had... Are they all from the same area? Like for example, all from the same city, or from a lot of different ones? I think that could have a huge impact on the differences between police -- some areas experience a lot more corruption than others. As for my personal experiences, I have literally been pulled over at least 40 times (the most was 8 in a week) and have only been given two citations -- one of which I got dropped. Other than that they were friendly "please be more careful" warnings and let me go. So I really can not relate to the police brutality or anything like that. Although, I can say pretty much for sure that racial issues do play a big role in how police officers react to situations. I have friends who have been pulled over and searched solely due to their race, with no other reasons involved.
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