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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I love it when...People go on forums and call other people "stupid," "moron," or other derogatory names; especially when the person throwing out those names can't even differentiate between simple things like "your" and "you're."
  2. It's obvious to anyone who knows what real money looks like, as to what money is fake. The sad part is people are already ahead of you. There are people that got arrested at a business near me for using counterfeit $1 bills (yes, literally one dollar bills). It's depressing. If you make fake money you are bound to get caught at some time. With dollar bills there are special ways serial numbers are given and a lot of other things most people don't know about. Not to mention the "paper" isn't real paper; and it's laced with a special chemical for tracing purposes.
  3. Send in a ticket or PM OpaQue. If the domain is already re-registered though I think it's too late. Just for future reference, read over your account information -- you even get reminders before your domains run out (at least 5 that I remember -- starting like 2 months prior).
  4. Weird, for some reason I always thought it was NS1 and NS2. Just read the FAQ's though and you're right. Well, mine's always been fine as-is so I won't bother changing anything.
  5. lol, I think it's quite interesting. I can't really say if I think it'd be cool or not because it really just depends. I think people need to quit being fake though. God created everyone in his own way -- people need to quit trying to change that.
  6. Based on the law, anything you write on your own is automatically *yours*. The only issue with this is that if someone steals it you have only a couple choices:1) Request that they stop stealing your material2) You can fire off an email/letter to their ISP/Hoster and notify them about DMCA infringement3) If that doesn't work, you can file a lawsuitAs long as you're willing to fight for your rights you'll have no issues. The problem is a lot of people are too passive and don't want to take the time needed to protect themselves.Note : You do not need to copyright the material for it to be yours. That helps, but it's not required.Also, if the forum has a statement that your work belongs to the administrator, or the forums, you forfeit all rights when you post here. I haven't read it or anything as I don't post anything here I'm afraid of anyone else taking, but if it is something that bothers you I'd definitely read over the ToS.
  7. The nameservers are ns1.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.comI just set mine up yesterday.
  8. The IP address posted by the OP is their local one (hence the 192). To get outsiders to connect you have to supply your WAN, not your LAN IP.You can get the WAN IP by searching for "what is my ip" on Google.
  9. Man, Vanilla coke was awesome. I loved it! I heard it was pulled because it just wasn't popular enough though. In the U.S. we have both Mountain Dew and 7-Up and have for years, . At least since I was a lot younger (12+ years ago). We don't have this "Irn Bru" though, as far as I know.
  10. Check to see if you have any Domain Forwarders on (in your CPanel). If you park a domain but don't have a forwarder then it should take over the site on its own (using the new domain). That's how mine all worked. However, with forwarders it will still use the old domain.
  11. I can't drink Dr. Pepper -- it gives me migraines. It's the only thing I know if that 100% of the time causes them. And it's weird. I still don't know what's in it that my body dislikes. And @ the water comment... I have a hard time drinking plain water now. I used to be fine with it but I've gotten back into the tea/soda stage of my life again. Now when I start drinking water (as there's nothing else there) I feel nauseous and have to go to the store to get something else.
  12. I wasn't saying he would do it, or that it wouldn't hurt anything. People keep acting like he is legally obligated to offer working scripts and web hosting; it's simply not true. I'm just saying people need to understand that complaining all of the time isn't going to help anything. This isn't something where if you have an issue you can go to the BBB and report the company for failing to honor their contracts.
  13. I would be passive about the situation.In this, I mean don't push anything. Act like the person you are saying is your "ex-friend" is just another person there; someone you've never met.By doing this you are allowing a couple of things to happen:1) You are giving the other person control over what happens or doesn't happen regarding your communication with one another2) You are not making them think you are desperate (whether deliberately or not -- many times people will see that you're desperate even if you're not)You really want to just let things go how they should. If your friend happens to ask about them, just let them know there was a falling out in the past or something; but never put down your ex-friend when you speak. It will only cause problems.
  14. I'm not sure about Yahoo, MSN, etc. but Google doesn't dock you for changing domains. They quit that a couple years ago when they added a feature to their site to notify them of your domain changes so they could automatically start changing their spidered links into the new domain's format. I'm sure the other search engines have some ability like that as well.
  15. I don't understand where the view that the name change caused it to lose traffic and stuff. How? When I came back here I used the Xisto address. It still works. So any links previously up in any search engine, whether pointing to Xisto or Xisto, work just fine. So this idea that things were lost in the process makes no sense. Nothing was lost because everything that was there before is still there now. Now, yes, there were issues with the scripts. But OpaQue doesn't *owe* us anything. If you read the ToS or whatever I highly doubt it states that we are guaranteed to have working scripts and free hosting. In fact, he could take it down right this second, delete all our posts, and our hosting, and there is nothing that can be done about it. We were never contractually guaranteed anything; thus he owes nothing. So any complains you all have about what is "broken" or what you can't get is irrelevant -- he could ignore it all and never give hosting again if he wanted to. All complaining does is cause people to do one of the following: 1) Work slower because they have to keep putting up with the stress of reading the threads over and over. This also causes work to slow down due to the time reading. I promise you, working slower isn't going to make things go faster. 2) Remove the scripts until people quit complaining, as a punishment for it. 3) Remove the site due to people constantly trying to bring it down with their negativity. All of the above are possible solutions for resolving the issues of people constantly complaining. I personally don't want any of them to happen, but clearly a few people on the forums *do*.
  16. I've only played those games for a short while, but I didn't find them that entertaining anyways. There's just not enough to do.I think the mainstream versions are much better (zoo tycoon, rollercoaster tycoon... Really any of the Tycoon games). With the FaceBook games I just never really saw a goal, nor a reward for reaching them.
  17. That video right there is the one that was proven to be scripted. Some site that did their review on it stated that it wasn't ready for display yet, but Microsoft had to show it off quickly, so they set it up to where it'd run through a pre-determined set of events, with the lady following a script as well. They did state that the later videos were real though. It still annoys me that they would lie to us about the first though.
  18. I'm not sure about a bus like that but there is a car that runs on electricity now (battery) that gets 240 miles per charge and takes 8 hours to charge. It also goes up to 80 MPH, allowing it to go on major highways. That's more than enough for most people already who aren't traveling. And it's bound to get more advanced as time goes along. There are places in the U.S. that already have charging stations set up -- I've seen a few.
  19. Yeah, that is kind of irritating me. No matter what OpaQue does people keep complaining. People need to start understanding that work isn't instant; that's why it's called "work."
  20. Use this link for logging in: https://support.xisto.com/ And as for the suspension, I think it has to be manually fixed. If not, it may just take a while to resolve itself once you've reactivated.
  21. This is kind of on-topic so I didn't want to make a new thread but...Are you able to overclock things when your BIOS doesn't support it? This includes the video card, RAM, and CPU. Every time people talk about various options on how to do OC'ing or change settings I look in my BIOS only to find that they don't exist on mine.I've also done my BIOS updates already, to no avail.
  22. Somehow I didn't see that earlier. After I clicked "Delete" I also noticed there is another button for "Mark all as read." Not sure if that works though since I had already clicked to delete them before I realized it was there.
  23. Has anyone else run into the issue where "Unread Notifications" stay that way, even after reading them?I've clicked through from every option -- the ones on the main page (under the Unread Notifications module), through my account, and through the drop-down menu. After getting into them, I also click on every option on each notification -- the links and everything. I've even responded to them!But so far they always still read "unread" and it's a little annoying.Is everyone else having the same problem or is there something I'm missing on getting them to be "read?"
  24. Oh cool. If you PM me that would be great. When I start my project I'll find something to give you in return for the help, BTW. If nothing else it'll be a link to your site and full credits to you in the opener, .
  25. Ah, cool. Well I'll let you know when I decide to embark on my very long journey, lol.
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