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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I prefer Trillian. It's skinnable, had over 30 messengers supported, and has all of the features each of those has as well (meaning Yahoo can do video/audio chat, so can Trillian, AIM has the profile information, so does Trillian) so you never miss anything you would normally be able to use on the real messengers.But it's not free (there is a free version that is a little more limiting than the paid, although both are very good).
  2. I think a great way to annoy people is to follow them (act inconspicuous -- meaning like you're a spy). You'll get all sorts of reactions from that.Another is to go on an elevator and face *towards* the other people. It's funny to watch everyone get uncomfortable.Go up to a random couple somewhere (the mall is great, or the movies) and look at the person that's the opposite sex of you (so if you're male, look at the female, or vice versa). Stare directly into their eyes, then look at the person they're with. Look back at them again and yell "So *this* is who you're cheating on me with?! You could at least cheat *up*. It's over!" and walk away.Note : I don't condone the third one because it's been known to destroy relationships. Do it at your own risk.
  3. The scariest places for me would be... Cemeteries. I just find them disturbing (maybe it's the thought of death).Other than that I really can't think of any place that scares me. Although I do like to be around people (it's not really a place, per se, but I hate to be alone).
  4. There are currently some issues with the forums. 1) The MyCents are currently down but they are being recorded (just not converted/able to be seen yet). It will be fixed as soon as possible. 2) The posts issue is interesting. There have been some problems recently with posts that never even show up, but if yours posted (showed up) and then disappeared later it's because a moderator deleted it for breaking the rules (that or this is another error with the forums). Welcome to the forums!
  5. I never said I like the lack of freedom of speech -- I simply stated you are completely misinterpreting the meaning of it. Just like your freedom of happiness would not include beating someone to death for your joy. And yes, you are acting like a child. As long as you continue I reserve the right to have my opinion about it. It has nothing to do with how Opa is handling anything, nor his "wrongdoings:" It is solely based on how *you* are acting and nothing else. I couldn't care less what he is doing, did do, or will do to you. It has nothing to do with how you're acting. Learn that some battles are worth fighting, and others aren't. It'll help you a long way in life. *I'm done with this conversation. I won't speak about any of this again, in any thread, as you clearly just want to turn people against Opa/Buffalo due to your asinine thoughts of them*
  6. Both have problems. Meat eaters experience issues due to fat, grease, etc. whereas vegetarians experience issues because some of our proteins can *only* be obtained via meat. Therefore with no meat you're malnourished.Either way you're facing a negative.Along with this, most people don't die due to anything related to their food. Your genes and environmental factors count for more than anything.
  7. Yet again Opa tries to explain things to you guys and you jump straight into the rudeness again. You say he doesn't listen to you or your complaints, right? How have you tried contacting him? He's been more than helpful enough to me, regardless as to if my question was about the site, forums, bugs, inquiries, etc. so clearly you're doing something wrong -- and that's not his fault -- it's yours.Anwii -- You're to the point where you're acting like a child now. I don't even understand why, still. So what if they *were* being corrupt? You can easily leave. Nobody is *forcing* you to stay a part of the community. Thus you have no rights.The administrator of a community is the sole ruler. This is *not* a democracy. This is *not* a republic. This is *not* a government. So why you believe you have all these rights, I still can't figure out. The only rights you have are those the administrator (in this case, Opa/Buffalo) give you. Again, if you disagree with it, you're more than welcome to remove yourself from the community.I'm not posting this as a "get out of here, Anwii" post, either. I'm simply being realistic. If you don't like something/someone, you avoid them. You don't sit there harassing them and trying to turn everyone else against them too. That's what kids do out on the playground.Grow up.
  8. "Freedom of speech" only counts when it does not harm another person. This is why you can't slander others (and can be sued for doing so). This is why you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theatre (or other place). This is why you can't make threats to people. What it means is you are free to do it as long as you are not infringing on anothers' rights. This is a private forum and by putting down the administrator, moderator, the forums, or anything else you are infringing on their rights. Thus they have not a legal right, but a legal *OBLIGATION* to deal with the situation (if you're going to bring up our Bill of Rights then you have to understand that resolving the problems is not a right, it's a requirement of all citizens). Second of all, Opa isn't from the U.S. I thought. In which case your entire argument is irrelevant anyways.
  9. Ever since you removed that rich text editor I haven't lost a single post. A couple others have though, so it may depend on what's happening with the forums at the same time as a post is being made.
  10. Great response. Thanks a lot! That makes a lot of sense too -- I hate when places require 3rd party validations (I've seen it a lot with scripts and things, and it sucks when you have to rely on not only your own server's reliability but theirs as well). Does the direct link still work even when the other link is still down?
  11. Would the plugin make it open *in* Firefox (like with Firefox as the wrapper)? Or would it just allow you to download the file?
  12. Okay, thank you for the response. Been trying every hour or so and still no luck.
  13. To answer your final note -- you're right (also, for a while after pregnancy, to nurse young with). I think if you have had children in the past you will always be creating it still, just much slower (don't hold me to that).
  14. Hey guys, wondering if anyone is able to log into their accounts. I'm being hit with "License verification failed" upon trying (It's a plain-text page with only those three words). Can't get into support or anything since I can't log in.Is this happening to you all as well?
  15. I pretty much agree with everything you said here. I think any issues people have with admins (or moderators) should be kept between themselves. Bringing a personal vendetta into the forums is only going to cause problems between everyone. Regarding signatures, I never saw anything wrong with it from the get-go. I even gave an alternative (using an image to put all the text), as did someone else. Choosing not to use an alternative just because you disagree on the limitation to begin with is a little childish. As I said before, everything is done for a reason -- rules and changes are no different. I am positive Buffalo did nothing to purposely make anyone mad. If he wanted to do that he'd just save the time and effort and ban people instead. Based on Anwii's posts, I feel as if Anwii thinks Buffalo made the change solely to harass him or something. Or at least that's what I pulled from his argument. Regardless, what's done is done. It's time to move on and let the past stay in the past. I hope Anwii can keep his cool and re-join us at some point. P.S. : If you get really angry just talk it out with yourself silently and let it go. It's not worth making a huge scene over something so insignificant.
  16. I've already read through that topic. I don't see that Anwii was ever banned. Buffalo just warned him to take a break before he took it further. It was a friendly warning -- not even an official one. And it definitely wasn't a ban. You guys are blowing things way out of proportion. You want to see the site/admins as being corrupt and you're trying to twist their words/actions to make them benefit your view.
  17. Why are you guys bringing up being banned? It doesn't seem like Anwii was banned -- Buffalo was simply stating that he should cool off before he takes everything too far. I find that to be a very nice thing on Buffalo's side; a warning is a lot better than just jumping straight into punishment.(Or was he banned? Because his account still shows him as a member -- he's not part of the Banned group, unless I'm missing something)
  18. Great job! I searched for Firefox/Netscape and in fact those were the two that were the same. According to Wiki, Netscape 8 was directly branched off of Firefox (which also seems to be where the split started). Thanks for clearing that up. At least now I know I'm not *completely* crazy, .
  19. Do you get the black screen thing, where it looks like Adobe opened but didn't (in IE I mean)? Or is it the error that says it cannot be opened? If it's either of those, I've been having the same exact problems with CS4 on Windows 7 x64 *and* x32. This also happens on both IE and Firefox. I haven't found a solution for that yet, other than to right click > save as, and then run it from a location on your PC rather than through the browser. If these aren't the issues you're having please elaborate a little more as to what's actually happening and I'll see what I can come up with.
  20. I understand that but I don't see why the user counter would be different for IPB than on any other forum ever created. Why would they be the first ones to say "oh, well guests should not have the same timer as members?" How would that even make sense? In that way, we have no idea how long the guest counter even lasts -- it could be recording the amount of visits per YEAR. Again, this would make no sense. Therefore, it has to be tied to the user counter.
  21. I'm really on the fence about this.Yes, Anwii is a long-time member of the forums and all, but Opa probably saw his posts the same way I did -- as being extremely hostile (which we've already gone over, so that's said and done). In that case, Opa has the right to be defensive and do what he feels best to protect the forums. After all, it is he who has to make the hard decisions here. Everything he does *will* have an effect on the forums.About loyal members, I do believe there should be extra benefits. It's like when you work for a company. After 6 months you may get medical insurance, after a year dental/vision, and after 2 years all of the above and paid vacations. That's just how the world works -- people are rewarded for loyalty.So on that note I completely feel where you're coming from in the thought that there should be something to separate inactive members from active ones. But again, that is all up to Opa and I respect his decision either way. Regardless as to what you think is "right," he knows more about his decisions and why he makes them.
  22. Are you sure about that? I did it on PHPBB and it changed the statistics of quests too. IPB may be different but I'd assume it calculates them all the same way.
  23. Edit : You can delete this post. I was warning him for not using quotes around his text but didn't notice someone resurrected the thread from 2006.
  24. Posts are getting out of order. Read the one just above your last one (it's the last one I posted but for some reason it shows above your last post on mine, even though it was even in response to yours, lol).
  25. Straight up copy and paste: It's from this thread too, lol. On that note, it was 3 mins (so it's 1/5 what it used to be).
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