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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Wow, I thought all HDD's were based solely on 2.5" or 3.5" and never knew there were other differing measurements. As for SSD I haven't really been able to justify the costs yet. The last I heard (which was months ago) they suffer data loss on occasion and have a much higher failure rate than standard HDD's. I'm not sure if those issues have been fixed yet but that was a huge deal-killer for me (at least for my desktop, where my stored information is of great importance to me). I have been thinking about getting an SSD for my laptop though as I heard it can speed up older systems quite a bit, but have not made the jump yet.
  2. You would be amazed at how people respond when they find out how I act towards my dog. I can also tell what he wants based on his signs (for example, at night when he is ready to go to bed he'll sit in the middle of my floor and whimper to let me know he is ready for *me* to go to sleep too). Most people just do not comprehend it and assume our relationship is "weird" or something. The funny thing is animals like the octopus are smarter than most humans are -- they are capable of solving complex puzzles and memorize the solutions to all of them on the first tries -- most people can not even do that!
  3. Just request the mods to move the thread to the proper section.And to answer your question -- it is a hard one. You're definitely right about how much cheaper PC's are over time but you also have to consider exclusives and graphics. For example, the PC has no games up to the same quality as those on the PS3 (which uses Blue-Ray). Along with this, most of the best games (think Star Ocean, Final Fantasy series, etc.) are not out on the PC.So it really depends on how much of a gamer you are. If you really game a lot then the cost is worth it -- if not then the PC is your best choice.
  4. I think it would ultimately depend on how you are holding the item. If it is more of an up and down motion you would not really be using your wrist -- on the opposite end, lifting/setting over and over would. I'm thinking up/down may put pressure on the bone itself but it should not affect the muscles since you are not moving your wrist back and forth. So I guess it would also depend on what is really hurting -- muscles or the bones.
  5. My dog is the same way. I find it more loyal than anyone else ever has been/will be. If I take it outside (I refuse to put it on a leash) and it does not listen to me I make it go back inside and I have a short talk to it (I know, some would think that's weird) and its behavior changes instantly to a more saddened one (I think I have seen tears before as well). Most would not believe it but pets are not as stupid as people think -- they can show some of the same emotions us humans can. Another example is when a dog got hit in front of our house by a car. We had an outside dog at the time that witnessed it and for over 2 months he became depressed and pretty much just slept/ate. He went back to normal after that but it showed that he can also have feelings.
  6. I think doing barbells would be good for that without having effects on your wrist. I am not 100% sure on that but you should be able to lift them without moving your wrist (using your elbow) which should help out with arm muscles.The only other thing I could think of would be pushups but those require bending your wrist as you go down and up if you want to do them properly.
  7. I played Dragon Age for a few hours but found the controls to be a little hard to work with. The graphics and the style of game were great but the controls pretty much killed it for me. I went through the first dungeon (where you kill all the skeletons and go into a mirror or something) and then quit.
  8. I tried to play that game but I just could not really get into it. I think I spent about a week or so before I quit. There was just not enough to do and everything seemed to be solo -- I don't play MMORPG's to be alone.I was in a big clan too but even so, it was pretty much everyone out hunting on their own (except occasional quest help here and there).
  9. lol, I was busy for a while. Just came to get caught up on some stuff and get some ideas about a site I plan to make soon.

  10. I am going with PHP for my site(s) just because it seems to be more mainstream. Based on research I am finding that ASP just is not as available in terms of tutorials and help (which is probably because it is proprietary, rather than open-source).Based on my recent learning of PHP it is almost exactly like ASP though, so if you learn and use PHP and have a client that has to have ASP you should still be good to go.
  11. I would also choose Joomla over Wordpress for a user-group site. Wordpress is more of a blog than anything, whereas Joomla is more for sites that involve selling things, memberships, etc.As for creating custom groups, I think you could do it manually but I am not quite sure how all of that works. I think it also depends on what you need the groups for.
  12. It is always amazing to see a 1 year old thread brought up a year later, then brought up again a year after that (this thread started in 2008, was brought back in '09, and again in '10).I already fixed my issue and for those who want to know how I did it, I followed these steps:1) Logged into CPanel2) Went to Backup (I can't think of the exact name but it's the second link, not the normal backup)3) Choose full backup4) Choose to save to root directory and email you when it is doneAnd then when it is done I just log back into cpanel and download the backup. It contains every file on the host, as well as every SQL database. Based on the backup utility it will not allow you to import everything automatically back into cpanel but you can copy all the files back and re-import the SQL pretty easily.
  13. The post here from web designer is the one I would follow with. Really you could put the links anywhere and with any text. Just think of it as an internal link to another page (as that is exactly what you are dealing with).So for example you could have "next" and "previous" at the top of the article and the bottom and just link them to the proper pages. For this purpose I would name the HTML pages in sequential order -- such as page1, page2, etc.
  14. That ribbon I see nothing wrong with... I have modded systems before so I know how they should look and that bend is natural -- it is how it was designed.As for your issue though, it is hard to say. I doubt it is with the power ribbon though. I would relate it more to the motherboard going out or something like that (since the system goes green/red I highly doubt it is the power supply).
  15. I would give that signature a 8/10. Although it looks nice, it does seem a little... Plain I guess is the word (I mean there is stuff there but it's like washed out). Maybe adding more color or cartooning it or something would make it look better.
  16. You could also think about doing web design and adding hosting to the package. As someone else said target towards designers instead of companies, but I have noticed that places that offer "free hosting" with design packages also do quite well.For example, let's say you were charging $150 for a 6 page site. Adding in hosting you could do like $180 for the site and 5 free years of hosting.More or less you want to go above what the average guy does. Offer more stuff and it will take you further. If I were a company, for example, I would much rather get my design work and hosting from one person than to get design from one and still have to deal with my own hosting solutions.
  17. I know where you are coming from to a point, and I have seen people as well (with Associates' even) who are flat out ignorant (mathematically, verbally, pretty much every possible way). But I have experienced that those who have not completed high school are above and beyond the average ignorance level. Those basic courses help learn a lot about the world and about other people. For those who do not plan to go to college I can understand dropping out, but again they are only limiting themselves in terms of what they will achieve. People often mention people like Bill Gates and how he is a college dropout -- he also came from a very rich family, where money was not an issue even if he never worked (contrary to popular belief, Bill Gates was in fact *not* poor). People who try to relate him to not needing college might as well be saying "Paris Hilton never went to school and she has a rich lifestyle so you don't need school to get money." Then again, I push towards making more of yourselves than just being average. Then again, some people do not have the same wants and needs as I do, and we are all different. Just like all jobs are different -- some will require college, some not. Some require "connections," some don't. So judging someone by whether or not they would hire based on G.E.D vs Diploma is a little ignorant. It all depends on the job, the requirements, etc.
  18. I really do not understand what the dual sim phones are. I was actually wondering about this a couple days ago when I read about one being sold on Craigslist but I guess I am missing something.Based on my understanding (prior knowledge) sim cards are what store your service information (more or less your data plans, calling plans, etc.). So two sim cards would therefore mean you can have two different services, correct?But what would be the use in that? I saw someone mentioned private use as one... But does this mean if your job gave you a calling plan you could use both plans on the same phone and choose which number/plan you are using with each call you receive?I guess I just think it would be easier to have two different phones...
  19. In terms of the upgrades from HTML4 > 5 and all, are there any changes to existing code?Like for example, if you were to get a book on HTML4 would that suffice for building websites in HTML5?I know a lot of the basic stuff/syntax is the same but I'm just now getting more detailed in my endeavor and so it would be nice to know now if I am learning the "wrong" information and should get a new book or if I'm still good to go.
  20. Well the weapons thing I can completely understand. With how many people *do* have hidden weapons, if I were a police officer I would not be taking any chances -- afterall, once you are dead it is over. The circumstantial thing I somewhat understand but I guess it would really depend on what the evidence actually is. Just saying "oh, you were in California when someone was shot on the border," for example, would not count to me. But something like "the suspect was driving a late-model red pickup" would. The issue with the police and their lack of trusting is that most people do in fact lie. I have seen (working in retail) videos where someone is shown shoplifting. Even when reviewing the videos in court they will still claim it was an "accident" or that they did not steal it -- they were just trying to borrow it, or something like that.
  21. Thanks for the information Rv. I did not know this could be changed but after reading over multiple threads it started to aggravate me too. Once I have read the first post I do not need to read it again, lol.
  22. I would suggest doing the following:1) Virus scan (as others stated)2) Check background programs. Often times people have a lot of excess programs running that they do not even know about3) Consider upgrading your PC (as time goes along programs become more and more ram/cpu intensive. If you are using a very outdated PC that could definitely be the culprit)4) Consider doing a fresh reformat. Although a lot of people do not know about this, you should reformat your PC once a year (some claim 6 months but the general consensus is once a year). Doing this will clear everything from your system and allow you to start anew. Along with this it also speeds up everything because it clears defragmentation on the HDD.5) If you have not defragmented your HDD I would say to do that. On the same line is to clear unneeded files. As the HDD gets more full it starts slowing down a lot.Also, along this the issue could be with the HDD itself. If the HDD is dying it may be locking up/freezing while attempting to read data.There are just too many possibilities without knowing what you have done and have not done so far.
  23. Gotta ask... When you say you were arrested and all, was it while being innocent or did you break a law that caused them to come after you? I ask because I have heard of people before that did nothing and yet were still charged/arrested for things they knew nothing about (and were later released).
  24. Ah, thanks for the heads-up. My issue with the erasing was that sometimes it's really hard to properly erase them. I was guessing that others have some "better" method or something. I was looking into tablets (Wacoms) but I think it would be extremely hard to draw effectively without seeing where I am putting my pencil/pen/marker at.
  25. I would really put this on the same level as the Russian police. I think it was the show Maximum Exposure that brought to light how they deal with issues and they beat innocent people as well.One video I remember well is where they bust down a door and start slamming everyone onto the ground and kicking them in the face (they had blood all over their faces), men, women, and a couple of children. After that they finally found who they were looking for and dragged them off.Another one was a hostage situation where they did not do the mediating like the U.S. police do. Instead, they busted in there and started firing at pretty much everyone.Granted, I did not think the British police would be brutal as well, but at least they are not the worst.
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