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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I'm guessing this is what you were looking for: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?s=fa8fd7b20857d9b05c92974d821512f5&&app=core&module=global&section=login&do=form That should take you straight to your About Me editor. If it doesn't, do this: 1) Click your name in the top right of the forums (next to your avatar) 2) Click on "Edit Profile" in the top right 3) Left side - Click "Change Your About Me Page" That should work, .
  2. Wow, upon a quick search you're right. Were they ever run by the same company? For some reason I am fairly certain they were the same at one point, lol. I have no idea where I remember that from or why though. False memory maybe.
  3. What he did is lower the timer from 15 minutes to 3-5 minutes, which, of course, would drop the number of people.Instead of logging an entire 15 min window it's recording 1/3 or 1/5 of that. Think of it as like you're running a club and someone asks "How many people came in here in the past 5 minutes?" And you say 300. Well you can expect that on average, a 15 minute window would be 3x that.The same thing is happening here.He changed it because you all asked him to. I don't see why you're complaining. You're putting him into a lose-lose situation where whether he does what you want or not he's still in the wrong.
  4. The reason WoW was successful is solely because they allowed a medium where both adults and their children could play. They did well at mixing the two together. For comparison -- most other games are either solely geared towards kids or solely towards adults. Look at the most recent ones: Star Trek Online -- Clearly for adults. The learning curve is steep with it AION -- Again clearly for adults. It's purely based on PvP and is also hard to understand for younger people Age of Conan -- Rated M, obviously for adults Hello Kitty Online -- kids only There just aren't many games for both young and old players. That's the area WoW succeeded at, whereas others are failing as they don't see that very simple connection. What I don't understand is why they *don't* see that connection.
  5. I think the drug situation is blown way out of proportion. If people aren't hurting others, they should be allowed to do as they please -- in this, I mean that if you do the drugs in your own home and never leave -- you should be able to.If nothing else, there should be villages set up for druggies so they can do them with other like-minded people.Think about how much money we are wasting (tax dollars) on trying to stop what is going to happen regardless -- if people want to do drugs they will do them. We would save a lot of money by just letting it happen. Put the money towards something it's useful for.Now, I don't in any way condone drugs or anything, but if you can't get people to stop, why waste our money punishing them?
  6. I didn't even consider start-up programs.On that note, go to Start > Run > MsconfigIn there you can go to the various tabs and change what starts up (programs *and* processes) so you can disable what you don't want. I usually disable all of those.The things you want to disable for sure are anything relating to Java -- as they are RAM intensive and if you don't use them a lot then you want to wait to run them until you need them.
  7. Based on your responses the last couple days, Opa, I don't see why people were complaining about your lack of updates.I am sorry I kind of jumped on their wagon with them -- I was absent for quite a while and so when I came back and saw that they were pretty much all angry about the lack of information/updates I assumed they were right.I'd say at least over the past couple of days you've been taking in a lot of comments/suggestions and working towards changing things (except for things you feel are better the way they are -- of which, some might be).
  8. The subforums help keep information refined into specific areas. It is overwhelming but as you get used to it, it's easier to understand. I've found that it helps a lot when wondering where to make threads or find related threads at. For example, we wouldn't want things like our website showcase mixed in with our website advertising and website design. That would just be a mess of various threads that nobody would ever sift through.
  9. That is definitely a possibility. I have had multiple times where I install an OS (even Linux) and it comes out corrupted or not fully installed. Sometimes it ends up in corrupted bootloaders (so the system won't load) and other times it's flat out missing required files to run programs. Either way, you should reformat every 6-12 months to keep everything "refreshed."
  10. I thought Opera and Firefox were both from the same company (Mozilla). If so, you'd think Firefox would allow that as well, but it doesn't -- at least mine isn't.
  11. Well, that means the reply method and the rich text editor are both irrelevant in terms of the issue. I still think the memory could be what is causing the problems because if it runs out of memory, it would be neglecting to run commands while waiting for some to free up -- in this case, it would be forgetting to run the actual post commands.
  12. Man, every game these days is trying to be a WoW clone. It's soo stupid it's ridiculous. Even older games are going WoW'y. Lineage II, for example, started implementing things that WoW had in it (which, for the record, killed L2 soon after). AION (also by NCSoft) has a lot of WoW things. Warhammer Online uses the same graphics as WoW. Just about every game things because WoW was successful they will be too as long as they steal the ideas. None of them seem to understand why WoW succeeded the way it did -- and it was a very basic reason.
  13. Your quote made me notice a typo -- meant to say I don't use the chatroom, lol. BTW, the shoutbox did spark a lot of conversations in the past though.
  14. My very first MMORPG was actually RuneScape. After that I fell in love with Lineage II (in 2004) and have played every MMORPG released since then (at least the U.S. ones) -- both free-to-play and paid. So far nothing has been able to top Lineage II though.
  15. I don't really view Hitman as a "strategy" game but some games somewhat similar are like Dead to Rights (which is pretty cool with slow motion attacks and stuff) and Metal Gear Solid.
  16. Even if the activity is faked, it's irrelevant. The worst it can do is cause others to think the forum is super-popular and join (in which case there's more people here to talk to). Most forums even have setting where you can change variables like post count, member count, etc. to whatever you want. It's the same thing really.
  17. This is a pretty good idea as well. I never use the forums though, and I think it would be better to have the old shoutbox back. With that I would post a lot since every page had it and it would keep me remembering about it.
  18. It's childish because by even dropping down to someone's level (when they are being immature -- stupidity is classified as being immature as well) you are acting just like them. Immaturity is generally regarded to as being "childish" (in the sense that children lack maturity). That's where I derived the fact that it's an immature statement.
  19. The title change is a little disheartening... I'm really against censorship, solely on the basis that if you say something you probably said it for a reason. Whether or not it was proper to have said whatever it was, changing it destroys the whole point behind the message -- also, by changing the title of the thread it makes the posts look juvenile.
  20. Your average is almost twice mine -- but I've been here almost 3 years.

  21. A lot of people who use Wordpress do it because there's people getting rich off their blogs, and everyone assumes it's easy enough that everyone can make millions. I just really don't like how it seems to me -- it just doesn't seem to be feature-packed like Joomla. And I messed with Drupal for a while as well but that's a lot harder to use than Joomla. Not to mention the user base you can ask questions to is much smaller with both Wordpress and Drupal.
  22. I think it is pretty interesting but every culture is different. We really can't judge what is "normal" or "weird" based on our own because who is to say we're not the "weird" ones?Human breast milk has a lot of good nutrients and stuff for you, so there really aren't any negative effects (some claim it even helps with brain development and can lead to higher intelligence).
  23. lol, I actually skip more threads than I post in. I only post when I feel there's something worth saying -- there's even a lot of times I write up a post, decide it's worthless, and don't submit it.

  24. I'll definitely look into that program, although I deal in Joomla mostly, not Wordpress (as I don't really blog much, I focus more on informational sites and stuff). I am pretty good with HTML though and am working my way through PHP now, and I plan to hit up CSS after.
  25. Ah, I had never even used it. As for your other post, maybe my post on normal reply just happened to come at the right time (after ram usage was freed) or something. I was mostly just posting that information as a debugging method.
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