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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I know, I know. This thread is 4 years old. But I have to say, even today I still say "your mom." It's more of a childish comment than anything, used to show others how infantile they are being. But even after all this time since this thread, it has not gone away."Your mom" will forever be in use (no pun intended, lol).
  2. ... No, he directly quoted the post even, that states they were *not* used. And 2k people on at once is not unbelievable. I've seen sites that were less than a month old with over 10k people signing up a DAY. The reason that there aren't a lot of members here is because the only reason to sign up is if you want hosting or to post. If you are coming here solely for information there is no reason to be posting. And I'm assuming most traffic comes from search engines, so a lot of people probably don't even know about the hosting.
  3. Really I don't see the use in it. I think normal text is fine, considering we still have formatting choices (bold, underline, sizes, alignment, etc.). So I really don't see the point in it to begin with. I'd definitely say to keep it off if it's going to cause more complications. About the missing posts, I'll let you know if I run into any more.
  4. I am leaning mostly towards the PSU, as it is still fluctuating -- it's still changing from x1 to x2 to x8 and randomly in between those. I am going to reseat the video card when I'm finished with my current project, and I'll see if that has any effect on it.Opa, from your experience, do you think that if the issue *is* that it's not getting enough power, me leaving it as-is (with the power issues) will cause harm to anything in the PC? More or less how important do you think it is to resolve the problem as soon as possible?
  5. Well they would vote the MyCents, but I would vote the posting problem (where sometimes they don't show up). As far as I know those are the only two issues.
  6. Yeah, I personally like it both ways, really depending on the topic. Sometimes when I use search I'm glad that the first post still shows up (as I may end up on like page 7) and other times it's just a hassle. I think those who are searching or come here from external links (such as on a search engine) like it how it is now, as it is much easier to keep up with what is going on.
  7. I thought it was pretty small too but maybe the forums are hosted on a server with like 256 MB of ram (since before, it didn't really have any issues -- why upgrade what wasn't broken?). If that's the case then I can understand the RAM problem. Or it may be on a shared host as well (like a lot of our hosting packages are). Either way, hopefully that knowledge helps the the admin in some way, and maybe it'll help solve some of the issues we've been having.
  8. I think it's a little ridiculous to keep limiting things the way companies do. For example, most games are for Windows only -- if they used OpenGL (which is more powerful than DirectX) it would be instantly cross-compatible between Windows/Linux. In the case of phones, they should just run flat out Java or C++ and quit making custom API's for their programs.
  9. These things you speak of like Soviet doing a contest and stuff are things I missed out on while I was away. I completely, 100% agree that something should be posted daily to let everyone know the status though. I have yet to find *any* service that has ever done that as well as me. For example, when I was working on a gaming clan website in the past (it took over a month) I ensured there was a post EVERY DAY that had a listing of what I completed, what I was working on, and what I was going to work on next. It not only kept me working hard (because I didn't want to have an update that said "nothing") but it also kept my vision on what was left to do and what I was going next. It was a huge form of time management for me and it worked out very well. Not to mention those who kept up with them were more than happy with my constant updates. I believe being fully transparent is better than anything. It shows that you are not just *claiming* you are doing something, but you are actually doing something. Sadly I haven't even found one other person/company willing to put in that effort like I do -- then again, I strive to be above and beyond everyone else.
  10. Yeah, I understand about the link-building, SEO aspect, etc. but let's get real -- the forums have rarely been getting members over the past few months (even before the MyCent problems), lol. I would really like more people to converse with here though. It gets a little lonely! Nothing is worse than leaving for 4 hours, coming back and seeing there were a whole TWO new posts made while you were gone...
  11. It's real weird. I haven't had any threads not show up yet.I did notice an issue earlier though when starting a thread -- it errored out on me saying the forums were out of memory (something about it being at 194 MB's of memory already -- it was an exact number like 194023913) and I ended up accidentally creating three threads because of it.I have a feeling that if the normal reply is having the same issues, then most of our problems are due to the error with forums being full of memory.
  12. Gotta vent about this -- me and Anwii both have the same issue right now and I think I narrowed it down.I have lost literally around 20 posts now (some of which took 15+ mins to post, as they were detailed -- and I ended up just putting in much shorter versions of them the second time). Pretty annoying.Anyways, I think the issue has to do with the QuickReply. I have noticed that if I use the full reply it *always* works, whereas with the QuickReply it sometimes does, sometimes does not. On one post QR failed so I tried it 3x, failed all 3 times. Tried normal reply, worked on the first try.Just wanted to share that with you all/get my frustration out on it, lol.
  13. Have you considered just creating your own?You could use pictures of people who (epic)fail as the background or something, lol.I wish I knew how to turn Photoshop pictures into themes for sites/CMS's -- I could work out some pretty cool stuff.
  14. I do on accident sometimes too, . The kind of outdated information I speak of though is like when looking up comparisons of CMS's, forums, looking up forum reviews, etc. Unlike history books (which are based on factual -- although sometimes biased, information) things like technology are always changing. It sucks when you look up something like Joomla vs. Drupal and all you read about is how horrible the SEO is in Joomla (considering that issue was fixed a couple years ago). That's the kind of false information I speak of. A lot of things are fine with older information, but some are not. For those who do not recognize the year date on posts, they can easily make the mistake of making wrong decisions based on the wrong information (such as, if I had read about Joomla's lack of features I wouldn't have ever chosen it as a CMS -- but almost every feature it lacked even a year ago, it has now). I guess it is really just a matter of preference.
  15. This is very true -- when people are bombarded with rules at the very beginning the first thing that pops into mind is "wow, they really are strict aren't they?" A lot of people dislike that. Welcome to the site JF. I'm also into MMORPG's (not as much now as before, as every game seems to suck these days due to trying to copy WoW).
  16. Well I've just been considering that the MyCents aren't that important right now anyways since (as he said) if you run out of money they will allow you to continue your hosting anyways, at least until the MyCents are fixed and things are back to normal. To me, that seems like a very good solution to what seems to be a complex problem. I do see that it is hurting newer people (since they can't get hosting now) but let's face it -- even a few months ago when things were working we were rarely getting anyone new. It was still just a few of us keeping the forums alive. Most people that joined in those days were spammers. I remember reporting around 5-6 people a DAY due to being spam-bots and stuff.
  17. Cool, cool. Someone else posted a link from the same place (net.tutsplus) as well. I didn't even know about that site until I came here (through tons of searches online for various tutorials on CSS, JS, HTML, etc. I had never seen any advertisements for it.
  18. I never said that you are not loyal to the site -- the fact you are still around shows otherwise. I simply stated that by flaming you are not showing loyalty very well.I understand that this is a "venting" area but that still does not help the fact. Maybe it's your lack of proper grammar that changes your implied meanings, but so far just about every post seems full of anger and hostility; not to mention extreme aggression.I do not agree that this is his "job," either. His job is to run the web hosting business (which, by the way, seems to be better/faster than ever -- I am getting responses to tickets within hours -- my last web hosting package was activated less than 5 hours after purchasing). There is no TOS/EULA as far as I know that states he *must* continue with the free service, nor that he *must* keep up with the forums here. As such, he is under no obligations to do anything for any of us. He is doing so on his own time. He could ban everyone from the forums right now and zero out your MyCents and there is nothing any of us could do about it -- there is no signed contract, nor any contract implied.I, for one, am happy that he is doing anything at all. Slow progression is better than no progression to me. I do not understand, though, why the upgrade was made in the first place. I was just as happy before it as I am now, so I think it just caused a lot of issues.
  19. Ah, yeah, you hit it head on with #1. I've been learning PHP and I just find it interesting how so many things are automatically cross-compatible between the various web languages. It's nothing at all like normal programming (where, for example, a programming language could have a very minor change and throw the entire program off balance due to some new addition). So I'm guessing CSS is *solely* a stylization for HTML, rather than a language in itself? Because my understanding is it was an actual language (so that, say, you were to add a new tag to HTML, you'd have to alter CSS to understand the same thing -- but based on how you're saying it, if you added a new tag to HTML you could instantly use it in CSS as well). I hope I'm not overly-confusing you by the above. I'm getting a little heavier into web development myself so these things intrigue me.
  20. Yet another of my posts did not go through.To cut a long story short, they need to clear out old posts as well. A lot of times when I come here I get brought to posts from 2005 or so.Even on the "similar topics" list, the top 4 are from 2005 (except one, which is from 2006). The old information is not good for people who are looking for something specific that is not outdated, and I am sure it is feeding a lot of people the wrong information.
  21. I have always been against the Iphone due to Apple's restrictions as well, but I am thinking about what is more beneficial in the long-run. Restrictions or not, if most applications for the Iphone are not available elsewhere then it's kind of like the Windows vs. Linux argument -- like it or not you have to degrade yourself (in this case to purchasing Apple products) to get the functionality you need. I have heard great things about the Andriod as well. My only real issue at this point is that the Iphone has a *huge* developer backing in terms of their programs, giving them the most longetivity I think -- unless, of course, you can use their programs on other systems as well.
  22. I have had the card for over a year but did not have any issues in the past. In fact, I do not have the graphics issue on Windows, only Linux (which is when I started looking up the tearing issue). When I found out it could be the PCI bus not reading properly I ran diagnostics on Linux and found that it was at x1, so I loaded Windows and did diagnostics there -- same issue.As for the slot, it would only fit in the x16 one.I did not even think about the PSU but that could definitely be the culprit. I just noticed a little while ago that my card is now reading at x8 but my DVD Burner does not seem to be being recognized properly (I'm trying to burn a DVD and it is no longer reading the discs, but when it reads the card at x1 then it works fine it seems)...The sucky part is that since this is not a custom built PC, it is hard to find another PSU that can take the place of the one that came with it. I may end up having to just sell the PC and do another custom-built one. It would probably help with a lot of these headaches anyways since at least then I know what's going on with the system.Thanks for the help though. This is a situation I never even knew about before, and it would definitely explain why my games have been slower on this PC (with faster CPU/more ram) than on my old PC (which was custom built -- it's where I pulled the graphics card from). It's amazing how much you can know, yet still not know much, lol.
  23. A question about videos from me as well... If we were to get the "unlimited hosting plan" (the one that is almost $100 a year) could we host videos on that as well, for a tutorial site (such as the OP was speaking of)? It says not to "abuse" it on the TOS and all but I do not know if a video tutorial site would be considered as bandwidth abuse or not (I am assuming not but it is much better to be safe than sorry!).
  24. According to your profile you joined on January 23rd of 2006, so maybe you joined back in the day and just forgot about it. The other name for this site is Xisto.com so that is probably where your confusion is coming from.
  25. If an "activity simulator" fakes the number of people who are online, I am not sure if one is even being used. There are tons of times I search for things online and am brought to links from this site as my first options, so the number of people visiting here is definitely pretty high.I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to fake the number of visitors when it doesn't help with anything. Just seems a little pointless.
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