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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Thanks for that information. I'll definitely take it into consideration. Never really thought of using open source as a way to learn -- I was planning to move on into it once I felt like I had a solid understanding though. I do have a compiler already (I'm a student so I get Visual Studio 2010 Professional for free). You brought up the C++ vs Visual C++ thing and I'm a little lost on it. Wouldn't all books be more geared towards Windows programming by default? I've heard most things will work cross-platform (such as both Windows and Linux) but there are a lot of commands that won't (for example, system("pause"); won't work on Linux). It seems most games and things like that are made by Visual C++ these days rather than just normal C++, so would you still suggest learning C++ before moving up? There's just sooo much knowledge and soo much to learn still, it's a little overwhelming. It's kind of hard to really wrap your mind around the vast amount of stuff there is and figure out your direction.
  2. I would suggest sending a PM instead of submitting a ticket. Tickets are more for web hosting problems and stuff like that, whereas the forums are more for needing help with issues related to the whole mycents thing. But definitely give it at least another day. Also, you may just not be getting the emails, OP. The way to check this out is to log into your Xisto account and see how your finances look.
  3. It seems like Java might not be installed. What I would do to test (and hopefully also resolve the issue) is to go to YouTube and try to view a video. If you have Java installed correctly you can view it. If you don't, it'll let you know and help you install it. (Do this on Internet Explorer) If the videos load then we know there's another underlying issue here. Report back with your findings.
  4. Disabling the comments isn't really an option. You brought up something that's very true -- they choose random pages. But the pages they choose are always the ones with high SERP's as well. The problem with choosing to downgrade (I classify having comments available on some, and not on the most popular, a downgrade of your popular pages) is that it may push users away. People like to get their input in. Whether or not someone else will even read it is irrelevant. It's just the voice that matters. Edit : I do like the idea of turning them off after x time, though.
  5. Your mycents are still being counted, just not actively updated. My first update was a few days ago and the next one was a little over 48 hours later. I haven't had an update since then either. As Opaque said, the script is still in beta. As such we can expect issues to keep popping up until he irons out all the bugs. I'm almost positive he wanted to wait until it was complete to release it, but due to all of the complaints about it being down I think he rushed to get it out to quiet people down. I could be wrong on that, but that's how it seems at least.
  6. I tried the dual-boot thing but it didn't work out well for me. I play games too much so I was on Windows more than Linux. So then I tried WINE -- a few games worked, most didn't. So then I virtualized Windows inside Linux. Slow, laggy games. So sadly I've made the full-on switch back to Windows, although I do have my Ubuntu CD sitting right in front of my monitor, taunting me for making the wrong choice.
  7. Very good thought there. I didn't even think about this. In the emails they are getting though, it should tell the username or *something* and have a link to unsubscribe if they want.
  8. Yep, I agree with most of what you said. To add on to your last point, there are a lot of people like me who feel that even if the system *is* good, Microsoft's past of screwing people over time and time again may still cause the system to fail. To elaborate a little with a scenario: Microsoft creates 1 million systems They sell 300k Even with reviews and whatnot people are still skeptical Due to this only 50k more are sold When it comes to games, an average of 100-150k of each are sold Now, from a start like this, it doesn't even matter whether or not the system sells more copies in the future (and more systems) because it's already flopped and has doomed itself to failure. This can be seen with systems from the past like the VirtuaBoy, which was a 3d game long before our modern ones. Due to people's fear that the system would go nowhere (and the limited launch games) it failed as a project before even getting anywhere. So how "good" it is isn't really relevant -- it has to do with how confident the buyers are in spending their money on it. Edit : The DreamCast went through the same scenario as well. Also, SegaCD.
  9. I completely agree with this statement. I find CAPTCHA to be one of the worst things ever created. It harasses legitimate people more than spammers (there are scripts you can get now that will automatically fill in CAPTCHA's when they come up, so spammers still aren't really hindered).
  10. I'd like an effective method to deal with spam posts as well.So far the only working method I've come up with is to set the comments to be moderated (so you must accept them for them to show up). It's a little more troublesome but it works.Maybe if you could block links that would also help -- most spammers do it for the backlinks.
  11. It's not from Google -- it's a fact. Ask anyone who was alive when Coke was first made -- it wasn't a hidden message or anything, it was very public. It was also legal at the time. You have to understand that drugs were not always illegal; in fact, some are just recently being illegalized. So they weren't doing anything to "harm" anyone or destroy their reputation. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's kind of like when alcohol was illegalized. It didn't mean every company that sold it prior got a negative image -- it just simply meant there was a change in the legality of it (and of course it was re-legalized later on).
  12. Pepsi never had marijuana but Coke used to have small bits of Cocaine in it (that's where the name originated from). It doesn't anymore, of course (or at least... not that we know of, ).
  13. Which shortcuts do you speak of? OpenOffice can be fully customized to change hotkeys and other stuff, so if that's what you mean by shortcuts you can just edit them. And most other things can be found on the "toolbars," which you can just dock (or float) anywhere you want for easy access. Either way, I think you're fine with an older version of Office, especially if you are using it in conjunction with OpenOffice.
  14. Regarding defragmenting, I would suggest something like Diskkeeper. I think that's how it's spelled at least. It's a defragger that works in the background 24/7 (as long as your PC is on) to ensure everything is always defragmented. It can also do boot defragmenting (more efficient since it can also defrag Windows files), as well as MFT (master file table) defragmenting. It does cost money but it's better than any other program I've ever used for that job.
  15. Well Linux is free so... More value for the nothing, . I love Ubuntu with a passion. Once it turns 18 I'm marrying it. Seriously. My only issue with Linux at this point is the lack of gaming. I am a big MMORPG player and Windows developer, and sadly you can do neither using Linux. Even with WINE you deal with a lot of problems. So I actually went back to Ubuntu a couple weeks ago and did everything I could to get my Windows programs working on it. I got everything going but games (which lagged horribly) so I was forced to revert back to Windows. If Linux (Ubuntu specifically) ever gets DirectX support I'm there and won't return to Windows again.
  16. Lol, this post really made my day. I've never heard of British people making fun of and/or hating America, nor bringing up World War II.I think these are things you guys deal with over there, not here. At least from my perspective that's true (and I play tons of online games, MMORPG's, I'm a member of many forums, etc.).Some parts of America are *huge* and others aren't (in the size of our people I mean). It's usually more center-city areas that are, and probably because they are soo busy with life that they don't have time to eat anything but fast food (of course, that could be completely wrong -- just giving people the benefit of the doubt, ).
  17. There usually aren't that many upgrades between Office suites. It's more like bug fixes than anything -- the problem with real upgrades is that they aren't compatible with older versions.I'm curious, though, about what Office offers you that OpenOffice doesn't. I've found OpenOffice to be the one with more features. I have the feeling whatever you're missing is there.
  18. The Windows 98 one is funny because they said the BSOD was obliterated in Windows Vista. I've had it *many* times on both Vista *and* 7. So it's still not gone. Then they claimed with the 360 that the infamous RROD was gone (red ring of death) on the new system (Xbox slim) and people were getting them on launch day already. About the racist camera, that's kind of how the Kinect was (although it was the "Project Natal" at the time). My issue isn't that things happen as freak accidents, it's that soo many things happen that are so basic and so common that there's no possible way they could have even *tried* to really test the things. For example, the cameras. Had anyone tested with a few colors it would have been an instant notice -- it shows they didn't really think it through or anything.
  19. Ah, I get where you're coming from now. Sadly I do not know the answer to that. I'm thinking if that's how it's working, though, something is wrong. You may want to PM Opaque just for confirmation.
  20. I think the stronger taste you describe would be the acid part of it (Coke is very acidic). People bring up how it can eat meat off bones when left in a bowl and stuff, as well as eating battery acid, but our bodies are able to break down the chemicals fine -- that's why it doesn't hurt us. Although about the rum + (?), I don't drink so, .
  21. I have to start by saying "please don't spell Christian wrong." Christianity is the name of the religion because it deals directly with Christ. I apologize if this offends you but I can't stand people who claim to be part of a religion and don't even know how to spell the name of their main savior correctly. It shows you don't care enough about the religion and just make false claims. Others may claim otherwise but in religions it's one thing I can't tolerate. It irritates me beyond belief. It's like not knowing how to spell your parents' names right, or your own for that matter. Other than that, I liked the rest of your post. It has some interesting information in it!
  22. That's because a lot of people don't understand that we are all different. No two humans are the same, and therefore we are going to have different views on a lot of things; it's inevitable. Having differences from other people when it comes to conversing (and which is clearly the cause of controversies) means you know someone else well enough to tell them about things that are deep enough for you to have those differences. For example, basic things such as: Favorite color Favorite pets Name Age Birth place And other basic things like that will never cause problems. They are just too basic. But when you get into things like: Stance on politics Stance on things like gay marriage Pro or anti-abortion Pro or anti-euthanasia And other things like that, it means you have trusted the other person enough to let them know things you don't tell everyone else. You would never meet someone, for example, and just say "Hi, I'm a democrat. How are you?" However you may meet someone and say "Hi, my name is John. How are you?" So really what I'm getting at is that the threads here that cause heated discussions are excellent because they show we are going more in-depth with one another than the simple one-word questions and topics. But what people need to keep in mind when reading and/or responding to the topics is that as we are all different, we are going to have different views. On a lot of topics (dare I say most?) there is no "right" or "wrong" view. This includes politics, religion, etc.
  23. I couldn't help but post here after reading the fighting with others part. Fighting is a true sign of friendship and family. It's the one thing that shows you can disagree on things, and resolving the problems shows there is enough care for one another that you don't let the confrontation affect the friendships/family. Although, you guys make me feel like this isn't so much a family as it is an occult. Just so you know, I'm keeping all of my belongings and I am *not* drinking the kool-aid.
  24. Hey guys, just wondering which one of these two you prefer (even if you do not drink them, if you had the choice between the two and that's all that was available, which one would you want?).I'm curious because in my family I seem to be the only one who likes Coke.I find it to be a more acidic taste, rather than extremely sugary and "weak" tasting. Really I can't stand Pepsi at all. And yes, I know Coke is "bad" for us, but what isn't? Anything that tastes good is bad for you, .Sooooo, where do you guys stand? And why?
  25. We know for sure that they are invading privacy. If you use a gmail account and you go to google.com, look in your account settings (at the top right) and you will see that by default you are letting them track every search you make, every link you view, and where you go to after you click on those links.To me, that makes it pretty obvious that they are also tracing everyone's search habits via IP. I've heard of people who went to jail because the government used their Google information (from Google's database) to verify that they were in fact researching illegal things.
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